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Old 01-05-2006, 03:23 PM   #196  
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I have an appointment with the Surgeon on January 10th and the Gastro guy on the 20th. Evidently, the surgery is not for sure, according to my Internist. But...I know better. He's just not telling me because he's afraid I won't go. He should know that I'm tired of suffering with this and want some help. The colonoscopy is for sure, expecially since I'm gonna be 50 in May and have been having intestinal problems.

I'm gonna go try to relax. First a Cherry Garcia smoothie and then I think a bubble bath. I've got a pretty bad headache. I'm trying not to get a migraine.

Thanks for all the love and hugs.
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Old 01-05-2006, 04:01 PM   #197  
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(((Vickie))), I know it is scary, but I know people who have had hernia problems, and are so much better now. Just remember, you were thinking that it could be something way worse!

I finally weighed in today. It had been exactly one year since the last one. I've done well, since Ocober 9th I lost 20+. I was talking to the leader, and she is encouraging me to work at Weight Watchers. The place is really close to home and it might be what I need to fill some of the empty time since retirement. Apparently it's only a weekend of training and you can work according to your needs. I'm not sure if I'd like to be a leader, but I know I wouldn't mind the desk thing. It's only $8.50 hourly for that one, but that isn't the reason that I'd be doing it. One good thing about working for ww is that it would keep me that much more aware of my goals.

Thanks for listening.
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Old 01-05-2006, 04:37 PM   #198  
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Old 01-05-2006, 05:00 PM   #199  
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Saundra, that sounds like a great way to pass some of your time! I'd love to be a leader, but I have too many small childen to think about that now. Maybe in a few years... Heaven knows I'll still be around.

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Old 01-05-2006, 05:22 PM   #200  
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vickie, i am so glad you kept on pushing for an answer. you let us know if there's something we can do for you.

angela, your job prospect sounds perfect for you. keep us posted. congratulations on losing 2.4 lbs. don't feel bad about its coming off fast--enjoy it!!!

lisa, thanks for the update on the cfc books. phooey--no corn tortillas. (pout pout)

melissa, i didn't know about the pregnant and parenting part either. i can imagine how many times your heart has been broken seeing what kind of world some children enter.

saundra, i'm retired, too. i retired from teaching down in texas december 1997. i'm having a blast and keeping busy with archery. i don't know when i had time to work. (my ovaries are dead, too. ) working at ww sounds like a dream job to me. i have a friend who was a leader for 17 years. one reason she worked for them was to keep herself in check. it worked.

coco, we're all struggling with you.

kathy, i'm doing sort of a core flex right now. i'm counting pts but eating mostly core. how about them longhorns??? oops! just read about your being tired of football screaming. i have to confess i was making some noise here in montana. and i almost cried when they sang "the eyes of texas" afterwards. made me homesick.

frouf, don't you wonder sometimes how those tattooed young folks will look 50 years from now? i can only imagine a sagging tattoo. do you think watching a heavy movie before bedtime might be keeping you awake? curtis and i try to be careful about what we watch late at night. but then--we're old. congrats on moving those scales.

kathy, congrats to you, too, for moving those scales.

vickie, i hate those weight fluctuations. i am proud of you for dealing with them better than i do.

patti, do you have something planned to help you be busy when your dd's both leave? we don't want you getting depressed.
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Old 01-05-2006, 07:04 PM   #201  
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Now Sandra, regular football screaming is fine. These people though are insane!!! But if it helped the Longhorns along to a win, then it was worth it. I just laugh at them and turn up the bedroom TV a bit more.

Vickie, I'll bet you're right that they're "tricking" you to get you into the office! But again, whatever it takes, huh? If you had a choice between getting surgery and feeling a lot better ... or feeling like you've been for the last few months, which would you take? Aha! I thought so!!!

Dinner will be LO chili for Judd and who knows for me? Maybe I'll have some too and make some polenta cakes. That sounds good!
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Old 01-05-2006, 07:14 PM   #202  
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Thanks for the encouragement. I'm going to talk to them when I get back from Mexico. Sitting behind the desk and recording weights should help keep me honest. Oh, I asked the leader and she said there were no changes at all to the Core list.

Today, I bought a GE steamer. I made bulgar pilaf and it was great. I think it is going to be a good investment.
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Old 01-05-2006, 07:20 PM   #203  
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Oh Saundra, I don't know what we would do without our steamer. We cut up all sorts of vegetable assortments and steam them and they are just perfect. Mushrooms, onions, carrots and broccoli is my favorite. Judd likes squash and onions. The only thing I don't like about mine is that brown rice takes about an hour to cook. I'd rather cook it on the stove. I think ours is a Black & Decker.

Good luck on that job prospect! I think it would be a great thing to do!

My SIL in Virginia Beach was in a bad car accident this afternoon. She's okay but they took her to the hospital because her fingers and arm won't move. She's the one who's the mother of the baby I made the quilt for right before Christmas. Her two girls were with her and so was her mom, who was visiting from Dallas. A lady didn't yield and hit them -- the car is totalled. We'll get an update in a few hours I'm sure.

Kate's job interview went well and she's all excited about it. They said they'd call her in a day or two.
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Old 01-05-2006, 08:18 PM   #204  
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What am I doing wrong. I went and posted. Then submitted. Then it said Invalid Thread Specified. This happened to me I think it was yesterday or the day before. Had typed a post. Sent and then said this and said I wasnt logged on. But I had logged on. So dont know. So here goes again.
Hasnt been a good day. Had hubby in the ER. He was having chest pains. And not feeling good. But at least all the test came back. He didnt have a heart attack. But they think the lining around his lungs is inflamed. So they put him on motrim. Had to have a prescription for it. He has to take it 3 times a day for 10 days. Said it could be something viral. So the eating wasnt good. Not going to go into all that. Because dont know if this will go through or not. But the hospital dont have the best choices.
Hubby has 2 Dr's appts tomorrow. So most of the day will be spent there. So I am going to take either a slim fast bar with me or a 2 pt bar. At least I will have that to munch on.

VICKIE I will keep you in my prayers.

KATPO I will keep you and your sister in law in my prayers.

I hope everyone has had a great day. Know that I am thinking of all of you.
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Old 01-05-2006, 08:24 PM   #205  
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kathy, please keep us posted. this is so sad.

saundra, when is it you're leaving for mexico? i'm thinking it's pretty soon now.

coco, i hope your dh gets better soon. i am soooo glad it wasn't a heart attack.

vickie, are you already feeling better after finding out what your problem is? to me not knowing is the hardest part.

curtis is eating dinner. mine will be ready any second so i'd best go. i'll catch ya'll later. have a good evening.
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Old 01-05-2006, 08:30 PM   #206  
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Hey chicks, I have missed a lot!!

Vickie, You are closer to answers and solutions at least!! You are going to make it through this just fine. We're almost to the end of this painful journey. You know that you are in our thoughts and prayers through it all.

Heather, welcome to our little group. I hope that you'll join us. There are recipes for polenta in the recipe thread, somewhere!!

Patti, good luck with life after the kids are gone...I know that must be hard to adjust!

Saundra, that job sounds like a great idea. Seems like it would be an encouraging, uplifting area to work in.

Kathy, never a dull moment for you. Prayers for your SIL, hope all is well. And : for Kate's job prospect!

Coco, I'm not sure what the problem might be. Kathy might be able to help you more, she's our 3FC expert. Bless your heart!! I hope that your husband is feeling better now. That is so scary, I can't imagine how you must have been feeling. I would have eaten everything that I could possibly get my hands on.

Well we have had a good evening. DH didn't work today so he had dinner made when I got home (turkey chili) and then we went out for hot chocolate at Barnes and Noble. It was fun, and I'm still home early enough to go to bed early. I'm so tired lately, and I KNOW that I need to exercise. I'm just having a hard time staying motivated (I don't want to use the lame "I don't have time" excuse because I know it isn't really true, but it sure feels that way).

OK, off for a snack and then some editing of the DVR programs. We have been recording stuff like crazy.
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Old 01-05-2006, 08:48 PM   #207  
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Coco, I'm not exactly sure what your problem is. I do know that the board is going thru some upgrades due to all the new members -- has anyone else gotten the "server too busy" message? It's annoying for sure, but just part of life I suppose. There have been hundreds of new members register since the first of the year.

I'll be keeping you and your husband in my prayers. That has to be such a scary feeling for you both! I hope he improves with the Motrin.

The update on Amy (SIL) is that she has broken fingers and a swollen arm. She goes to an orthopedic surgeon tomorrow. She just got home from the hospital and Judd's brother has gone to pick up some pain medicine for her. The nieces and Amy's mom are sore but okay. Thanks for all the well wishes.

I'm feeling tired but it's early, so I suppose I'll get on the Gazelle as soon as I find something to watch on TV. That's the best way to keep me on it.
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Old 01-05-2006, 08:53 PM   #208  
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Melissa, I hear you about the exercise. It's only since I retired that I have the "energy" to go to Curves. I admit though, I do feel better now that I've made the change.

Coco, I know what you mean about the board. I had a couple of problems posting tonight too. I do hope your dh comes through all this okay. Hey, when it comes to food choices out, you can't go wrong with green salad and grilled chicken.

Kathy, looking forward to hearing that your sil is fine. Are the kids okay? I'm glad to hear your enthusiasm about the steamer. I'm looking forward to trying lots of things. Have you ever steamed fish or chicken?

Sandra, we leave on the 21st. The spare bedroom has lots of clothes spread out on the bed. Starting to have to make "serious" choices about what to take. I am really excited!

Soon it will be time to make dinner for Bernie, he's working til ten. Off for a little R&R
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Old 01-05-2006, 09:15 PM   #209  
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Kathy, glad to hear that your SIL is doing okay. I've gotten the server busy message several times during the day especially. I suppose it will get quieter as the year goes on.

Saundra, sounds like your DH works a lot of late hours. Does that make it easier or more difficult for you to stay op?

I should be exercising like Kathy but I know I won't. I plan on going to bed within the hour.
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Old 01-05-2006, 09:30 PM   #210  
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That's good news Kathy, glad to hear it. You're probably exercising away some of the stress that all this caused.

Melissa, Bernie is a retail pharmacist and that means nights and weekends. We've lived with it for 41 years now. Especially with Core, I find that I'm okay to prepare something for myself. Of course, he can eat the leftovers later. I'm giving him my bulgar pilaf and I'll tell him it's brown rice. LOL
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