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Old 01-07-2006, 09:12 AM   #241  
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Good Morning Chicks! I slept all the way through the night last night and it felt very, very good. I probably got 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep. I cannot remember the last time that happened.

I have NO plans for today. I do want to shower and get dressed. I don't feel like cooking dinner so I'm thinking we'll go out for a steak or something. I still hurt too much for the treadmill. Maybe tomorrow.

Have a great day, Coco. Don't forget, that's the beauty of Core to eat when you are hungry!

You guys must all be real busy with actual lives. I need to get one of those!

I'll go start a menu thread.
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Old 01-07-2006, 09:21 AM   #242  
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I'm sitting here at work ... I didn't get up until 6:30 which is quite a bit later than I had planned. I'll only be here until 2-3 though, so it should be an easy day.

Vickie, I hope you're feeling better today.

I did some highlighting on my hair last night and it toned it down a bit. Remember last weekend I had put that color on it -- supposedly dark blonde but it turned auburn. Everyone likes it but me, which would ordinarily be nice, but my vote is actually the only one that counts. At least, when it comes to matters of appearance! Anyway, these were just little paint-on things and it gave it a little more oomph. I'm going to try not to spend any money on my hair this year, which means I'll be doing my own coloring and won't be getting any cuts. We'll see how long it lasts.

I guess I should do some work now. At least it'll make the day go by faster.
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Old 01-07-2006, 09:41 AM   #243  
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Kathy, I REALLY like your current cut and color from the last picture we saw.'re right, your opinon is the one that matters.

I made my menu and do NOT feel like eating what I wrote. I need to go think about this.
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Old 01-07-2006, 09:46 AM   #244  
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Thanks, Vickie. My profile picture's hair has grown out a bit. That was Thanksgiving and my hair grows pretty fast. Now it's a little longer and straighter and not so poofy.

I hear you about the menu today. I'm hoping to stick with what I posted but you just never know.
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Old 01-07-2006, 09:58 AM   #245  
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My scale is up this morning at least 4 pounds. I've been doing ok especially with the water. I'm trying not to overreact. I'm thinking maybe I should have an eggbeater omelet for lunch instead of tamale pie to cut some calories. I really don't have a taste for anything. As a matter of fact, I'm going to go force myself to eat breakfast right now.
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Old 01-07-2006, 10:06 AM   #246  
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Mine is up too -- 153. It had better be down by Monday morning or I'm going to have a stern talk with it. What's that thing my mom used to say? "It's a poor workman who blames his tools" or something like that. Yeah, well I still think it's the scale's fault!
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Old 01-07-2006, 10:07 AM   #247  
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Vickie, that's so great that you slept well. Try not to worry too much about the scale, that evil little thing. You're doing great. I hope that you all go out and have a nice juicy steak. That sounds really good.

Kathy, you aren't going to get your hair cut all year? Surely that's not what you meant. I'm sorry that you are at work today but at least you don't have to be there very long. Congrats to Kate for getting the job! And at least Shaun has some more options? I guess that's a wait and see situation.

Coco, hope you have a good day. Vickie's right, the beauty of core is eating when you are hungry.

I'm not sure what we are doing today. I know that a couple from church asked us to go to the movies and dinner but because it was the men doing the planning, they didn't even set a time! Sheesh. So I have no idea when we are doing that. Until then, I'm going to try to eat lightly since I have no clue where we are going to eat, either. The girl was doing WW (flex) a few months ago, so maybe that will help. She's very skinny though, I don't know how serious she is about it! (I wouldn't be if I were her!)

OK time to have breakfast. Yes, breakfast at 10:00. Maybe that's brunch?
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Old 01-07-2006, 10:10 AM   #248  
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OK I guess I need to go weigh myself now and see what mine is doing. Maybe it's a conspiracy.
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Old 01-07-2006, 10:13 AM   #249  
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Now why did my signature appear twice?

Nope, my scale was actually nice to me. Last week or so it has been 192/193!!! I haven't weighed this week really, so I guess my refocusing efforts helped at least a little bit. Now if only I hadn't had that loaf of soup at Atlanta Bread Company yesterday.... Off to eat!!
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Old 01-07-2006, 10:24 AM   #250  
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Melissa, dinner out with friends sounds nice. I know you're kind of shy but maybe you'll have fun.
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Old 01-07-2006, 10:29 AM   #251  
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This is a couple that we've been hoping to be friends with, so I'm looking forward to it. Better go tend to my eggs.
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Old 01-07-2006, 10:31 AM   #252  
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Good morning Core friendly people.

Had a nice dinner out last night. The menu changed for New Year and they added whole wheat angel hair pasta. I had Italian salad,grilled salmon and pasta with lots of veggies in tomato marinara sauce and of course a glass of wine. I don't miss the bread any more. I guess it's conditioning and maybe the fear of going back to it.

Kathy, good news about Kate. What will she be doing at Wells Fargo? What is the job Shaun was doing? I remember you saying that you don't have good public transportation. Hope it works out for him. BTW, you look great in your pic. I'm due for highlights the day before we leave. I used to be a cosmetic manager in my former life and have taken all kinds of hair colour courses. As long as the budget permits, I'll get it done at the salon. You wouldn't believe some of the disasters of the past. What do you do that gets you to work at 7:00 on a Saturday morning?

Melissa, hope you go to a good movie. We're going to one tomorrow. Bern's working today. I'm not sure which one we'll pick. Tomorrow is also dgs' birthday party, just a few kids and their parents.

Vikie, how do you feel? Are you taking anything for the pain? It will be good when all of this is behind you. You sound bound and determined to move forward. Good for you girl!

Sandra, you had a nice day yesterday. I love to get pampered. For my 60th I got a spa certificate and also got one at the same spa when I retired. I still have a credit, so before the trip I'm due for a pedicure and waxing (ouch).

Coco, sounds like it will be quiet Saturday for you. Sometimes they're the best.

Frouf, how was last night? I got together with gf for coffee yesterday cause she was still off work. Don't do enough of that anymore. The sunshine sure looks good out there, although I guess it's very cold.

Guess I should get into the shower and face the world. Got a few errands and there is an open house for friend who started in a new business tonight. I don't know what to bring him, any ideas?

Be back later...
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Old 01-07-2006, 10:48 AM   #253  
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Saundra, I'm not really taking anything. Doc said I could take ibuprofen or Aleve but I'm on Prevacid for my stomach so I try to stay away from that stuff. Also, the Aleve information recently about strokes kind of scared me away from it. I've taken ibuprofen the last two nights before bed and it seems to help. My Internist is VERY cheap with medicine. Early on he gave me some Darvocet. I took it to sleep in the beginning but it didn't really seem to help. I have a few left and I'm saving them for emergencies! I just don't even know what to do with myself anymore. Warm baths are nice and I also use the heating pad. Tylenol is a joke so I don't even bother with it anymore.

You dinner sounds marvelous! My favorite Italian place that has whole wheat angel hair also serves a great broiled salmon. I get it broiled dry and it comes out kind of crispy and good.

I could use a good cosmetic coaching. I'm SO disappointed. I've never used creams but I thought I'd try Hope in a Jar by Philosophy. Jim ordered some from Sephora for me over the internet. I have very sensitive skin. I used it and had an allergic reaction. I guess I'll just have to take my chance with wrinkles!

I, too, need to get it in gear. I hope you all have a great day.
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Old 01-07-2006, 10:55 AM   #254  
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Morning chickies,
the house is wayyyyy too quiet! Was able to get on the metal monster this morning. Im up 3 more pounds so that makes 5 for the month. Not good, but I think it was up more then that during the holidays, and its on its way back down, again. This week has been good, went over my wpas a few but overall I think I did very well.
Its time to change my living room around a bit,,,haha, its sort of a tradition after the holidays to change a room in my house. That will keep my busy this afternoon and out of the cupboards...course there isnt much in the cupboards today. I feel like Mother Hubbard,,,went to the cupboard and the cupboard was bare!! I loaded up my youngest Dd with dry goods to take back with her. Now I have to restock the shelves.
Vickie, Im glad you were able to get a decent sleep last night. Maybe the *knowing* what is wrong now is less stress?? I hope so for your sake...
Saundra, how long is your trip for?? Im jealous.
Melissa haha that sounds like my Dh.
Kathy, I cant let my hair grow, especially in the winter here,,,can you say *HAT HAIR* blech.
Coco Im glad your Dh is feeling better,,thats scary.

I better get started here...ttyl everyone , have a great weekend
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Old 01-07-2006, 11:07 AM   #255  
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Saundra, your dinner does sound really good. I think we are going to see Chronicles of Narnia tonight. We'll see though.

Vickie, I'm sorry that the cream didn't work for you. I too could use some assistance in that area. I would love for someone to really teach me about hair and make-up. But I think I'm just too lazy!

OK off to clean house!!
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