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Old 01-05-2006, 09:47 AM   #181  
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Kathy - I think that's a great idea. Breaking the recipes down into categories. I was looking for fish recipes the other day and that would have been a lot easier. for the Longhorns.

Melissa heres a from me! You go girl!

Where's everyone else? Still in bed?

So, I've been to the gym already. Elliptical's were busy in the ladies workout room, so I hopped on the treadmill. Was only going to do 20 minutes, but this bigger older lady beside kept trucking, so I did 30 minutes, and she was still going .............must have been the energizer bunny. Then there was this lady on the eliptical for about forever also older and drinking her sheetz coffee while she was walking. Oh, and I did a couple of these too..............just a couple...........

Showering now, be back later.
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Old 01-05-2006, 11:04 AM   #182  
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Kathy, that is what I wanted to suggest but didn't want to make a lot of work for anyone.

Lisa, great job at the gym!
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Old 01-05-2006, 11:37 AM   #183  
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Thanks Melissa! I'm trying. Hopefully I can make it a regular part of my day.

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Old 01-05-2006, 11:37 AM   #184  
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Lisa - you exercise maniac - good for you - I am impressed!

Kathy - glad you got the score and WERE ABLE TO GO TO BED without further football screaming!

Vickie - hope you enjoyed your tv night.

Yes I tried to watch my movie in peace - but dd ended up coming down and as the movie was not 'appropriate' for her (a bit disturbing due to subject matter - title was "human trafficking"' and it was not pretty) so I ended up going to bedroom to watch where dh insisted I use the headphones as he was working on laptop - oh well at least I got to watch it (yes they got the bad guys!)

But sleep is still eluding me - not sure what this is all about. I went to bed around 11:30 pm - tossed and turned til 12:30 am - got up went to den to throw dd off computer (AND TELEPHONE!!!), sent her to bed - then read in the den til 1:30 am!!! Finally went back to bed and fell asleep - I was hungry tho and wondering if this was keeping me up? (not growling tummy super duper hungry, just empty gnawing feeling hungry). Slept til 7:30 am and it was still pretty painful getting up (I did do my floor exercises tho )

And the roads are really bad today - lots of freezing rain and snow with temperature dropping today (Saundra stay home if you can!). Of course today is the day I have lots of driving to do! Taking dd to therapist appt which means driving all the way home to pick her up, driving downtown to appt, the picking up ds downtown at University - driving him to his job after class - then driving dd to dance class - wow I'm just exhausted thinking about it. Won't be home til 6:30 pm at the earliest (and leaving work at 2!). Hope the roads are clean and safe!

Had an interview this morning w/potential employee - keeping fingers and toes crossed that all lines up as this could be the one and how great that would be (anything to avoid the hiring process in the gov which could take 4-6 months!). Showed up at 9:20 the interview was at 9:30 - til around 10:45 - of course at 11 am I realized I HAD NOT EATEN ANY BREAKFAST! so just had a yogurt and waiting for lunchtime!

Melissa - glad to see you are "cleansing" and starting afresh - good for you.

I also agree that divvying up the recipes a bit more would be great - as long as it's not too much work for you kathy!

...and the scale was WAY DOWN today (so I can only assume I was extremely bloated when I weighed myself sunday morning?). My "official" weigh in is this sat morning - but then I am into deep pms/TOM so next week will be more challenging.


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Old 01-05-2006, 12:02 PM   #185  
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Hi guys! I went to bed at about midnight and Jim let me sleep. I just woke up at 10:15. He's on the phone with a friend who called. That's what woke me up or I'd probably still be sleeping. I still intend to get on the treadmill and I have to call the Doctor later to get the CT results. I'm nervous. Wan't the results to be normal but then don't want to end up going to yet another Specialist. Sigh.

Frouf, I know you must be VERY tired today. I could never have watched that kind of movie at any time but certainly not before bed. I have a way over-active imagination.

Lisa, you made me LOL. I think it's hysterical that an older heavier Chick got your competitive juices flowing! Congratulations to you for going to the gym again. You are absolutely going to see results.

My scale is up this morning about 7 pounds. Don't know what's up with that. I didn't even eat anything particularly salty yesterday and I drank all my water. Sometimes my head just wants to throw in the towel, but my heart is too stubborn to let it.

Gotta go make some decaf.
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Old 01-05-2006, 12:12 PM   #186  
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Hang in there, Vickie! Sounds like your scale is being a bit mean today!

Frouf, sometimes I think it would be easier on everyone if big DS got a car. There's no way I could drive my girls (even one of them!) to school and work, etc. Plus, we have no buses or trains here; Fort Worth and Dallas both do but Arlington is supposedly the largest city in the U.S. with no public transportation. It stinks big-time.

I'm sending good vibes for your test results, Vickie. I know what you mean though about wanting them to be normal, but still wanting to know what's wrong! It's a double-edged sword.

I was down a pound this morning, so hopefully by Monday I'll still be there. I've set up my "Monday morning goals" as to what I should weigh each week. We'll see.

BBL! Good day to everybody!
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Old 01-05-2006, 12:15 PM   #187  
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Way to go, Kathy!

BTW, I read Suzanne's post this morning about links. Evidently, now links to WW are ok! I'm glad to hear that for future posts.
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Old 01-05-2006, 01:28 PM   #188  
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Ya - that'll be the day ds gets a car - maybe he should try and get his LICENSE FIRST? HA HA HA (the only boy I know who the moment he turned 16 did not rush out of the house to get his learning permit). Actually I am not too upset as I know the older/more mature he is the less worrying I will have to do once he is driving!

And Ottawa has an excellent bus system with a major transitway stop/terminal only a 5-8 min walk from our home. The problem is his class is supposed to go til 5:30 and they ACCIDENTALLY scheduled him to work at 5:30 (and he can't change it) so leaving class early and as I am downtown w/dd I (reluctantly) agreed to get him and drive him to work....and it's still snowing out there!

Vickie - lucky you to have such a wonderful sleep in - I am very envious as I sure could have used something like that! The movie was good and was disturbing - funny thing was it was a canadian made movie w/canadian actors, set in the US - about all the human trafficking/slavery going on there - pretty scary stuff!

..and we all know you did not gain 7 lbs over night! Don't stress out too much. Good luck w/your exercise and hope the dr has good news for you!

Kathy- congrats on your lower weight too - so do you set yourself an actual "number" you want to be or # of lbs gone?

My week's goal was to lose 2-3 lbs this week and I have already surpassed that? Do I switch my goal? or am I just ahead for next week? ha ha ha
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Old 01-05-2006, 01:44 PM   #189  
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Switch the goal -- don't let yourself rest and have a chance to gain it back!

My goal is 139. I just want to peek over into "their world" ... after all, I lived there for many years! If I could, I would go to 135 or so in order to have some room to play with. We'll see though; I just need to get on down thru the 140s. I'd like to see most of it gone by the time I go to the doctor on the 30th, but if not, I'll hope that it will be Valentine's Day. If that happens, I can give myself a little reward.
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Old 01-05-2006, 01:52 PM   #190  
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Well, I'm off to the Gastro for a colonoscopy and to the General Surgeon. Evidently, I have a hernia right in the middle of the area where all the disccomfort is. I can't even tell you how freaked out I am about the thought of surgery. Apparently, nothing else will help.
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Old 01-05-2006, 02:11 PM   #191  
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Hi everyone. I hope I am not intruding, this is my first post here and I noticed someone mentioned polenta cakes. Is there a recipe anywhere? I love cornbread but..... you all know how that goes. So, thank you in advance!!!!
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Old 01-05-2006, 02:27 PM   #192  
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Heather, in the recipe section, there is a recipe for polenta cakes. I looked but couldn't find anything (and I think the site is being worked on because the search function is gone for now).

I think the basic recipe is 3 parts water to 1 part cornmeal. You can add cilantro, salt, chili powder, etc. or even jalapeno juice (substituting part of the water) to give it some oomph. Boil the water, add the cornmeal, stir it for just a little while until it makes a dough. Then put the dough on a griddle and cook it on both sides like a pancake.

That might be too simplified of a recipe but hopefully it'll suffice until we can get you the real one.

And welcome!
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Old 01-05-2006, 02:37 PM   #193  
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Oh Vickie! At least you have some idea of what may be going on. Try not to worry...I know it's hard. Let us know what's going on.

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Old 01-05-2006, 03:02 PM   #194  
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Vickie!! Good grief, girl, be sure you let us know what's going on the very second you can! A hernia might explain a LOT of things!
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Old 01-05-2006, 03:22 PM   #195  
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Afternoon chickies,
Vickie,,wow, well you may have your answer now. Isnt it a good thing you kept pushing for an answer!! (if this is what it is..) it is something that can be fixed.
Frouf Im having a hard time getting back on schedule too..I was up till 2:30 last night and back up at 730. yuckk. Busy busy day at work too..
Oldest dd left last night and youngest Dd goes tomorrow night...the house will be so quiet.
Better go look for something for supper here...after pizza for lunch Im not very hungry.
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