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Old 01-07-2006, 07:36 PM   #271  
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Well, we just got back from dinner and driving by the fire. When we got home, I called my friend whose DH is a Mansfield fireman. He's at the fire right now -- said it started in another yard, caught the fence on fire, and then burned down the house. It is totally destroyed. Fire trucks are still there and there are lots of people still milling around. We're running the sprinklers right now.

It's been 3 months since we got rain and 3 more until they think we'll get more! I don't think I've ever ever EVER heard of a place not getting precip for six months! The high winds, very low humidity, and wacky high temps are combining to make some terrible conditions. I can't believe we had 80s all thru Christmas and New Years and there's no relief in site for the near future.

I ate very well: broiled shrimp, catfish and cocktail sauce, broccoli, green beans, peel and eat shrimp, and crab scampi. I only had one plate, which is quite an accomplishment at a buffet, and drank water. How nice to leave a place not feeling like a tick.

Saundra, we're twinkies! I'm also 5'7" and am at 150 (give or take a few as of this morning). My ultimate goal is 139 but I'll settle for 142-145. Toning what I've got is the main thing now. I started at 175 after logging some time in a wheelchair due to a broken foot (along with lots of anti-inflammatory meds that packed on a few pounds). I've always been on the thin side but 10 years ago I broke my jaw in an accident, got a long-term viral illness, and had to take all sorts of other medicines. So those two incidents combined did quite a number on my weight. When I hit 175, I was miserable. As soon as the cast came off, I started working on getting rid of the extra weight. I'll never let that happen again.
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Old 01-07-2006, 07:48 PM   #272  
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I am so upset. I had a nice post. And it is gone. I have been having so much trouble posting on here. It said I was logged in and everything. Went and pushed submit. And then it told me I wasnt logged in. It had three different reasons why I couldnt post. So will try this and see if it goes through. Dont know if I will try and repost or not.
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Old 01-07-2006, 08:04 PM   #273  
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Well will try this again. The quick post went through. So will see if this one goes.
Has anyone else been having trouble or is it just me. Maybe it is my computer.
To eat today. After I was on here this morn. I fixed me something to eat. Cause wasnt sure when I would get to eat. So I took some of the deer summer sausage and put it in a skillet ot warm. It started sticking so bad. There was no fat coming out of it. Then I took 2 slices diet bread toasted those. And I made me a sandwich. I added a slice of ff cheese to it.
Then I had a cup of bean soup and a cup of fruit.
And a grilled chicken salad and 4 chicken strips. {Which was a no-no.}
So maybe after bit I will have a banana or apple if I get the munchies later.
Hubby is kinda tired tonight. We went and visited his sister and my Aunt. Should have only went to one or the other. And then went to KMart to get a few things.
KATPO I hope everything is ok. Am thinking of you so close to the fires. I cant imagine what you are going through. I will pray that you get some rain soon.
FROUFY Good job on the loss. That is great.
I have a question. I saw on here where someone was talking about a dip. I think they called it hummus. I was wondering where in the supermarket you would find this. I looked today at KMart. But couldnt find it. And then the people that were helping had never heard of it. Didnt someone post on here how they made some. I will have to go and check it and see if I can find it. I was thinking they said it was core. And they use it for veggie dip.
Well I am not going to write much this time. Cause dont know if it will go through or not.
So everyone have a great evening. I am thinking of all of you.
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Old 01-07-2006, 08:05 PM   #274  
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Hi Chicks! I'm just home from dinner. It was pretty tasty but not as great as I hoped. I'm trying not to get as excited as I used to about food. You to live not live to eat!

Kathy, I'm worried for you. We just had a horribly dry summer but it's been raining alot lately. If only there was a way to get you some rain. I don't know how hard it would be to be worried about your home every day. Great job at dinner, too. If I was worried about my house, I'd likely be in stress eating mode.

Saundra, you sound like you are all orgainized and ready to go!

Coco, try copying your post before you submit. Then if something goes haywire you can just paste it back into a new window. Maybe Kathy can help you. Are you on dial up? Have you changed anything lately?

Melissa, hope you're having a great time at dinner right now. Hope you don't like your new friends better than us!

Sandra, life is good and it sounds like you and Curtis are enjoying it to the max! Jim and I watched a movie this afternoon after putting away Christmas decorations. We still have the tree to dismantle. Tomorrow. I may go to Target or Walmart tomorrow to get big containers to store the tree in.

Patti, hope you went to the card party and are having fun. Maybe there was a veggie tray? I always bring stuff with me. My friends just take it in stride now. I don't even let myself be embarassed.

Frouf, hope your tummy was too full for the fondue!

I went to the store after dinner to buy a roast to cook tomorrow. Jim does most of the grocery shopping but he is insecure about buying roasts. Probably because I'm fussy. I'm making the super duper Froufy roast. I bought a Sirloin tip roast. It was on sale for $3.99 a pound and it's only a 3 pounder. That way there won't be tons and tons left over. Neither Jim nor I are big on LO beef. I don't know what I'll do with the LO's. Any ideas.

Well, I promised Jim another movie so I best be moving on. I'll talk with you all in the morning.
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Old 01-07-2006, 08:36 PM   #275  
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Coco, I saw someone else posting that they had problems. Let me see if I can find out something to help you.

The hummus should be in the section with the better cheeses. If there's a deli, it might be around there too. If you can't find it, you can make it. Here's a link to where Judy posted the way she makes it:

I'm going to watch TV now. I might be back in a little while.
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Old 01-07-2006, 10:49 PM   #276  
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Hey all! We are home and had a good time. If you haven't seen Chronicles of Narnia, go see it!! Excellent, excellent movie. I cried of course. I always cry...if we hadn't been with people that I don't know very well I probably would have bawled.
We ended up going to Qdoba, because the wait at carino's was an hour. It was very good and I was very bad. But of course I wasn't as bad as I could have been. So that's good. And now I'm hungry, so I must not have been horrible! We didn't even have movie popcorn.

Kathy, That is so scary!! Keep up updated. I can't imagine what it would be like to have no rain for 6 months.

Vickie, it sounds like you had a good day even if your dinner wasn't that great. Your roast for tomorrow sounds great. And of course I couldn't like my new friends better than you all!!

Coco, I'm with Vickie, I would copy my posts before submitting them. Or even type them out in Word and then copy and paste them into the reply box. Just a thought.

Saundra, your stats are really amazing. 20 pounds since October is amazing. I've been "trying" for over a year and have only lost 15. But I've not been very good!!
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Old 01-07-2006, 10:58 PM   #277  
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I just got an update from the association chairman since I'm our block captain. I'm collecting donations for the family from our immediate neighbors and will pass them on to the neighborhood point person.

It started with a BBQ grill. A little piece flew out, caught the grass on fire, then the fence, then four yards, and then the house that burned. The people weren't home; they have a 13 y/o dd and 7 y/o ds. The mom was gone and the dad was on his way home after being out of town. Another neighbor noticed the smoke, grabbed a water house and worked on it like that until the trucks got there. They lost absolutely everything. EVERYTHING. How sad.

Judd's still outside watering. The news said tomorrow will be worse since it'll be hotter with more wind. Ugh. He'll be gone on a motorcycle ride all day tomorrow so I'll have to hold down the fort.

Melissa, it sounds like you had a great evening!
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Old 01-07-2006, 11:51 PM   #278  
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Kath, you are a good woman and a great neigbor. I hope that no problems arise tomorrow.

Did we do something wrong? I saw the forum sticky thread about links. I thought we'd been pretty good. Maybe all the forums got them.

I'm off to bed. We saw Ray tonight. I can see why it was considered an Oscar winning performance.

Melissa, I don't even know what that movie is about but I'm going to find out!

Talk to you all in the morning.
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Old 01-08-2006, 12:11 AM   #279  
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I think all the forums got the announcement. We didn't do anything wrong. They said we'd have to use our common sense about linking -- they just don't want to become an advertisement for another (competing) site, which is totally understandable. We're probably the most tame forum there is! Full of regular people who behave ourselves, and that's the way we like it!

Nighty night!
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Old 01-08-2006, 08:19 AM   #280  
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Good Morning Chicks! I couldn't sleep past 6:30 and I managed to wake up the whole household (Jim and the dog and cat!). I know I'll be napping later because I didn't get enough sleep.

Not sure what I'm going to do today besides make the Froufy roast. Need to take the tree down. My scale is back down a bit this morning but not enough yet to show a loss on Monday. I'll keep at it. Feel lots of discomfort today. Can't wait until Tuesday to get some answers.

Hope you all have a great and quiet Sunday. Kathy, I hope those fires stay away from your home and from everyone you care about. And, I continue to pray for rain.

We ARE well behaved, aren't we! Well, most of the time anyway.
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Old 01-08-2006, 08:45 AM   #281  
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Good Sunday morning. Bernie is already out shoveling. Kathy, if only we could send some of the white stuff your way. We haven't got the extreme cold here yet, but it is a very normal winter. Get those kids to help you with the hosing down. Make it a team effort! So, you've got the younger version of my bod. When I was in my 30's, my ideal weight was 132 and each decade it seem to get a little higher. At 150 I feel good and the clothes hang right, so that's where I'm happy for now. I've made the mistake before of going down a size and then having lots of things that I can't wear.

Melissa, I've heard lots of good things about Narnia, but it's not the kind of movie that Bernie wants to see. I'll wait and go with a gf one day. We might see Brokeback Mountain. Ds liked it. You are making good choices in your eating. For me, I go all out, cause that works for me. My biggest challenge is to stay "on the wagon".

Vickie, we also liked Ray a lot. Jamie Fox did such a good job, and of course the music was so nostalgic. I grew up in Windsor (across from Detroit) and Motown was part of the culture. Your dinner tonight sounds very good. We'll be out again. I do hope your pain will be a thing of the past for you. You are strong to have put up with so much.

Patti, was the card night fun? Did you wind up bringing something? We are constantly being faced with choices.

Coco, hope your puter problems have been sorted out. I copy and paste now, and it works better.

Frouf, how was last night? Was it a challenge? My little due had cheese and crackers and fruit, so I stuck to the fruit and had probably one too many glasses of wine. Oh, I do have a weakness!

This morning is Natan's birthday party. Dil and ds are doing a brunch for him. There won't be too many people there as he is turning three. I told him yesterday that I am Daddy's Mommy, and he laughed and said "no, you're not, you're Grandma". He is the love of my life.
Then, we finally get the Mexico tickets (YEH) and then a movie and dinner. Thank goodness I retired, I'll have to rest tomorrow to make up for today.

Have a wonderful day, ladies......
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Old 01-08-2006, 09:20 AM   #282  
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Saundra, I LOVE kids even though I did not have any of my own. I love to be around them and then go home when they get cranky. And....I love not having to discipline them. I have three Great Nieces and 2 Great Nephews. I'm really close with one GN and one GN (Brother and Sister). They have a nickname for me that the oldest GN gave me because she couldn't pronounce my name. All of them have a hard time with the "V" sound. Anyway, I babysat for the GN, who is 2+, last week. We were playing with an alphabet puzzle. He's very smart and we were finding letters that started words he knows. He can find "E" for Ethan...and so on. He found the letter for my nickname and then I told him that I have another name. He thought that was so funny! Now he can also find the "V" for Vickie and can remember my real name.

His Sister loves to talk about the family relationships. We were sitting on the floor playing one day and she wanted me to do something that I really didn't want to do. She's very stubborn. She looked at me and said, "Grandma does it. You know, your Sister Gail!" As if I didn't know who Grandma was. I laughed so hard I almost cried! Gotta love them.

Have a great day. Enjoy your movie AND your dinner. I, too, am grateful that I retired.
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Old 01-08-2006, 09:31 AM   #283  
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Good Morning

First of all, Congratulations Frouf on your marvelous weight loss
You go girl!

Kathy - for Kate getting the job. Keep that house watered; I wish I could send you some . Scary.

Patti - card night must have been fun! Where are you?

Coco - sometimes i have computer problems, but it's mostly logging in. I think if you are away too long you have to reset your password and least that's what happens to me.

Vickie - for Tuesday.

Melissa - My DD just finished a book report on THe Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. I made her finish the book before she sees the movie. Probably going next weekend. Glad to hear it was good.

Saundra - Mexico sounds heavenly never been there or to Jamaica or any place like it.

So, Yesterday was HDIC Hockey Day in Canada ! Yes, DH glued to the T.V. His #1 team is the Oilers and #2 would be the Mapleleafs. Played each other last night which was exciting. DS just learning to skate so DH has been taking him almost every weekend. Going again today..............DH has hockey fever now, so at 40, he has decided to try to get in shape so he can play open hockey at the local rink on Sat. nights. I don't know, he needs to quit and lose 15 or 20 lbs. Started walking on the last week.............and has ordered new skates and equipment................he gets things in his head and I bet he doesn't go to the open hockey more than 5 times. He went 5 or 6 years ago when he wasn't smoking and was in better shape and couldn't keep up then.......................boys and their toys..........he just never grew up. I keep telling him he had his turn, now it's time for the kids to do stuff.................

Today I am going to an organizing party................never been to one. Hoping they can help me get rid of some junk and organize the space I have . Will keep you posted.

Later chicks.
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Old 01-08-2006, 10:15 AM   #284  
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Ooohhh, Lisa, I'd LOVE to go to an organizing party! Is this a new home demonstration party? I must know their name. Good luck to DH, DS, AND YOU!
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Old 01-08-2006, 11:21 AM   #285  
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It's actually at a friends' church. I'm not sure if its some sort of franchise or not. I'll find out and let you know.

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