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Old 01-13-2006, 06:06 AM   #451  
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Well, I've been up for two hours and now I'm going to try to go back upstairs to bed. I'm going to take some Mylanta and see if I can get back in the bed without waking up my husband. Talk to you all later. I hope you all remain happily in dreamland.
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Old 01-13-2006, 06:29 AM   #452  
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Vickie, I hope you get some sleep!

I got my phone call at 4:30 this morning, so got on up and came in. I had put the cell phone by my bedside so the house phone wouldn't ring and wake everybody up -- except around 2:00 I got up and went to the family room sofa. That wasn't very peaceful though because Kate was doing laundry and Bindy wanted to go out to potty. I wouldn't let her because that darn barking dog behind us was at it again and I knew they'd just stand in their respective yards and have a barking contest. I wasn't in the mood for it. So now here I sit at my desk, eating the oatmeal I made last night. I'm surprised I remembered to bring it.

Off to read posts ... BBL.
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Old 01-13-2006, 10:17 AM   #453  
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Morning chickies,
off to work here shortly,,,this is a busy weekend. Decorating tonight, the social tomorrow night and sunday is our ministers last service and a potluck afterwards. Both events will have food at it, but I dont like to eat in front of people so Im not worried about it. Self-concious thing , I know. Vickie I hope you got back to sleep. Kathy thats what time my Dh goes into work to...eeech.
have a great day everone
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Old 01-13-2006, 10:47 AM   #454  
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Yesterday morning I got here at 5:45 and this morning at 5:15. If I'm going to do this very often, I should at least go to bed before midnight! This is wearing me out! I can work 10-12 hour days but not on 4 hours of sleep a night.

Looks like everybody's getting a slow start to the day. Helllooooo???? Anyone out there?
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Old 01-13-2006, 10:47 AM   #455  
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frouf, i have the freezer full, stuff in the office, stuff in boxes to haul to the archery center. i don't know if i have room in the house for a chef's hat. i hope your headache has disappeared.

vickie, i had a colonoscopy before. i don't remember much about it. maybe you'll be forgetting yours soon afterwards. i hope so. i have anxiety attacks, too. i even pass out with them. (and you thought i was a tough archer, didn't you?) maybe you and jim could go to movies or something wednesday to help get your mind off things.

vickie, thank you for the well wishes. we're up early. i thought i'd get on here before i got started for the day. i'm thinking most of today will be easy. that's why i worked so hard yesterday. i will be teaching a session tonight so i need to go over my materials again today. other than that it's mop the kitchen and organize stuff.
thanks for the heads up on the post at bcb. i am the one who asked about switching. thank you for the heads up.

kathy, i couldn't function on the amount of rest you get. you must be very strong.

patti, sounds like you have a fun weekend ahead. enjoy yourself.
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Old 01-13-2006, 11:02 AM   #456  
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Hi All! I slept from 6 to 9 so that was good. I'm off to make my phone call to ask my questions and to see how long I'd have to postpone in order to get an earlier time in the day for the test.

Sandra, you are sweet! Maybe we will go to the show but it will have to be on Tuesday. On Wednesday, I'll have to be at home all day, cleansing! Thursday is the procedure. I don't know what freaked me out so badly in the middle of last night, but it sure did. It's nice to know that you've put yours out of your mind. Much of my anxiety attacks come from fear of the unkown and lack of control. I'm not so vain as to think I have control but I struggle anyway.

Kathy, I could not exist on the sleep you get. It will be hard for me today with the broken sleep that I got. I'm sure I'll be napping this afternoon after my Sister and BIL leave.

My stomach is still upset. Maybe it's still from dinner last night.

Talk to you way later.
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Old 01-13-2006, 11:19 AM   #457  
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Vickie - definitely try to clarify fasting rules and change appt if required - it sure sounds like overkill to me - they can't make you fast for that long - it's ridiculous!!! Glad you did get back to sleep tho and I can understand feeling anxious about the whole thing!

Kathy - you will probably crash pretty soon whether you want to or not - as I did last week when I was getting only 4 hrs per night - hope you find a nice comfy/cozy spot to sleep in when that happens! Good luck.

Sandra - good luck w/the seminar and your new 'catering' adventures - I'm sure you will have a blast!

As for the "stripe" - it's kinda low down on the passenger side (below that bumper guard thingie on the door) so you do have to bend down to see it (and the stripe is defnitely red). I'm pretty sure dh can avoid seeing it for a while (he does usually drive the van on the weekends so would get in on the driver's side!).

Not sure if I will eventually confess or not - he will be more upset about his car than mine - I am shocked that he has not yet noticed the little piece of paint missing on this left rear side of the bumper - I figure once he sees my red stripe he will put 2 + 2 together - and then well - I may have to confess? or just bat my eyelashes and act dumb?? ha ha ha

Back at work today - scrambling to get financial projection deadlines so the pressure is on - head still hurts a bit (I took 1 es tylenol) but much better than yesterday (feels like my head was used as a soccer ball).

Bad news is everyone wants to go to lunch today to this local mexican place (very good food!) - I don't really want to go (brought my lunch today, want to stick to plan and don't want to spend $$) but I am being pressured to attend and may be 'forced' to participate?? I know they have salads there so I can choose that if required, and just bring my lunch home I guess?

Just eating 'breakfast' now (grabbed the fruit salad I brought and having that w/my coffee). I did weigh myself today and I have so far maintained (w/TOM here!) so may not be any loss this week - but that's okay given the circumstances. Once TOM is gone I know the weight will register downwards!


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Old 01-13-2006, 11:23 AM   #458  
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Goodness it sounds like everyone is having a rough day. This morning I woke up with a headache and my tummy feeling a little weird, but went to work. The longer the morning went the worse I felt. I was with a client and I was just whining. I wasn't sure if I was going to make it (I was driving her to appointments). When I finally got back to the office I asked to leave and was back out the door immediately. And of course now I do not feel as nauseous as I did then. But still feel pretty rotten. My head is pounding too. So I'm home and on the couch to snuggle with the pup. DH is in a meeting at work but probably won't be there very long.
Vickie, I hope that you are feeling rested. I can't imagine how you must be feeling, dealing with everything that you have. But everything will be okay. You will get through this and maybe find the answers that you are looking for.
Sandra, good luck today! Have fun!
Kathy, you make me tired just reading about your schedule.
Patti, hope you have fun with all of your events this weekend. I used to hate to eat in front of people. Kind of wish I hadn't outgrown that.
Frouf, I can't believe that DH hasn't noticed the car yet either. Maybe he thinks he hit you, but doesn't want to tell you!?!

OK, I think I'm going to watch a movie and nap. I'll talk to you all later.
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Old 01-13-2006, 11:42 AM   #459  
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Originally Posted by septembersgoal
Maybe he thinks he hit you, but doesn't want to tell you!?!
Ding ding ding!! We have a winner!! Frouf, that's what you should do! When you get home from work tonight, stomp in the house and say "YOU HIT MY CAR AND DIDN'T TELL ME???" I'd love to see the look on his face. Oh and then leave again right away. Do NOT confess under any circumstances, but if you are forced to, you can probably say you slid on the ice. Then start crying and tell him he's lucky you weren't killed.
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Old 01-13-2006, 01:34 PM   #460  
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Too funny Kathy - ya like you scraped your bumper along the side of my car - ha ha ha ha - what a hoot! I'm really good at the crying part so that won't be a problem .

Melissa - poor you - hope you and your tummy are feeling better soon (sure I wish I was home snuggling on the couch!).

Did end up going out for lunch and feel guilty spending $14! I had the fajita chicken salad (dressing on the side) - but it sure looked oily to me - I think they grill the chicken/peppers/onions in oil or dressing as they came warm atop the salad. I therefore avoided the dressing on the side so as not to add to the damage - did drinks lots of water tho.

Not sure about dinner - I think the invite is off so I might actually have to cook? (or maybe eat my lunch leftovers and let everyone else fend for themselves!).

It's so mild and beautiful out today it's hard to believe more snow and very cold temperatures will be hear by tomorrow! UGH!

I also have not yet finished my breakfast fruit salad so I shall nibble on it thru the afternoon!


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Old 01-13-2006, 04:14 PM   #461  
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My Big Sister and BIL just left. We had a great time. She always makes me feel so safe and loved. We laughed. It felt good. I'm very tired. I'm going to go lay down on the couch and snuggle with my Honey Lamb. I'm sure I'll be asleep in no time. I'm guessing I'm not cooking dinner since no plans were made. Don't know what we'll do. My stomach is still a trifle upset.

Melissa, I saw that you came home sick. I hope you are feeling better by now. Sick stinks!

Frouf, I hated spending that much for lunch especially when it made me go off track even a little. I'm guessing you'll still have a great loss either this week or next. I'm sure that your exercise will pay off. I like the idea of telling DH that he hit your car. Of course, he won't believe you but it would be fun to try and convince him!

Kathy, I hope your day is almost over. You are TOO funny. I love your plan for Frouf. I've decided it would NOT be a good idea for all of us to live close. We would get into WAY too much trouble!

Later, chicks!
Sandra, I hope you're bowling them over your teaching AND cooking skills!
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Old 01-13-2006, 06:19 PM   #462  
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vickie, i think it's the unknown that gets me, too. you should have seen me when i was taking my diving finals. first class i ever failed. i retried again a few months in hawaii no less--failed again. but you know what? i can snorkel.

frouf, i have something funny here. well, it's just funny to us core folks. curtis hid the clementines from the folks that are coming to the seminar. he ate one last night and brought the container of them to the office. and we're pushing fruit!! just not clementines!!! it sounds like you made some good choices at the mexican food place. you know i'm proud of you.

one person is here already. he's the 3rd instructor. he and his wife will be spending the weekend with us. we'll be hot tubbing each evening after everyone else leaves (around 10 pm). (yes, we'll be wearing suits.)

melissa, i hope you're feeling better. i'm glad you went home. (am i becoming an aunt yet?)

i worked on my lesson again this afternoon. i'm ready as ever. curtis even rigged an easel using our camera tripod so my posters will stand up. life is good. the food is ready. i haven't nibbled any so far. looks like i will have a chance each day to hop on here and give ya'll an eating update. you know i need to be accountable to all of you so i'll stay op. thanks in advance for the help.

curtis and ken are in the livingroom doing their pregame warmup. i'm in the office making copies of some papers for the course. i holler out at them correcting them every now and then just to keep them in line. life is good.
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Old 01-13-2006, 06:30 PM   #463  
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Sandra, I'm glad we'll get to hear from you. If anyone can keep those guys in line, it would be you. Where's the wife? Wasn't she coming too?

Jim just went out to get pizza for us. It's super thin crust with fresh garlic and green olives. It's the level best that I can be tonight. I'm going to have a big salad first. Tomorrow I'll be back on track.

I never got my nap. My Niece called (who's like me little Sister and friend all in one package) to babble about the new Toyota van her husband is out buying. They are mad at GM right now because their Chevy van was a bit of a lemon. She's pregnant and drives to work every day on the highway and needs something reliable. She also often has my Great Niece and Nephew with her. She cannot afford to break down.

I'm going to go post a menu and calculate points for the pizza. I'm sure I'm out after today.
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Old 01-13-2006, 06:37 PM   #464  
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Vickie, I wouldn't worry too much about the pizza. Enjoy it!! You're doing the best you can right now, and the fact that you are even trying is remarkable. Glad that you had a good time with your family today. And I hope that you sleep well tonight! You know for awhile I was taking melatonin (sp?) before bed. I got it from my FIL who is very health concious, I think it is all natural or herbal or something. It makes you very sleepy and helps you sleep soundly. It might be something to look into. I'll see if I can find some info for you.

Sandra, you are going to have a great weekend. I'm so impressed with your eating as well. You are so funny. This morning when I felt like I was going to lose it at any moment, I kept thinking if this is morning sickness I don't want any part of it! It was horrible.

Frouf, sorry you had to spend $ on lunch today. I hope that you had fun though, and it does sound like you made a good choice. The chips and salsa are always hard for me to avoid.
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Old 01-13-2006, 06:40 PM   #465  
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