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Old 01-03-2006, 09:11 PM   #121  
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vickie, we don't have any pets, so it's fairly easy for us to just take off somewhere. curtis is allergic to pet dander. i always had cats till he and i got together. i have to pet other folks' pets now to get my animal fix. i didn't realize you've been in pain for 3 months already. i hope you get better soon. that's too long to be in pain.

not much going on here. there's not even anything on tv worth watching. i'm anxious for biggest loser tomorrow night. we'll have to tape it cuz we begin our wed night archery league tomorrow.
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Old 01-03-2006, 09:14 PM   #122  
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Oh, we do go to upstate N.Y. for our shopping sprees. My freezer has ff cheese in it from October. Lord knows if it's okay. I discovered (after buying 4 pkgs) that I'm not crazy about it.

It's the restaurant choices that you guys have. Having said that tonight was really good, Italian salad, lots of black olives, filet mignon with roasted potatoes and steamed veggies. We keep the Entertainment Book people in business.!
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Old 01-03-2006, 09:17 PM   #123  
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Well it ended up being a bad eating day. Started out ok. But went down hill from there. I ended up eating some deer summer sausage. And then I had 6 thin slices of pepperoni and 2 slices homemade pizza. So much for being back on track. So hopefully I will be on track tomorrow.
I am hoping to get out one day this week to see if I can find the WW magazine. I like to read the success stories. They can be very inspiring.
Well I better get off here. Have a couple other e-mails to answer. So everyone have a wonderful evening.
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Old 01-03-2006, 09:27 PM   #124  
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Guess who did 35 minutes on the Gazelle tonight? Yep, that would be ME! It was 280 calories burned.

I just finished packing our lunches, so I'm going to rest now and watch TV.
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Old 01-03-2006, 09:30 PM   #125  
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I too (barely) made it thru the day - was not very productive tho - how surprising - did not end up with a headache thank goodness!

Melissa - sorry to hear about your bad news and bad day - hope you were able to get thru it without too much heartache (and m&ms)

Saundra - I LOVE winter holidays (in the sun of course) and I am always searching the sites to see what's on sale. Yes I did break down and call the cruiseline to see where we were - and lo and behold we are now #3 on the list - moved up from #5 - should we start packing?

...and while I don't have any da vinci syrups I have found the Torani sf ones (like the ones at Starbucks) - love the vanilla one - very versatile - and also have a raspberry and chocolate for a change of pace when required.

Loved the sunshine today (we are supposed to get more snow tomorrow!) and your dinner sounds fabulous (where did u go?)

Kathy - glad to hear you also made it thru your day - and that Kate is feeling a bit better!

Sandra - I am also allergic to almost all "critters" - of course I would have a couple of bunnies hopping around if I could!

Vickie - glad that the tests came out negative - that does not mean that the CT scan is bad - of course if there is nothing wrong I guess you need to speak w/your dr yet again? Congrats on exercising (and not to be rude or anything but how do you do 1.75 miles in 35 mins at 2.2 mph??? I want a treadmill like yours!!! I did 30 mins today at 3.2 mph and only got to 1.45 miles??? - I think you probably did 45 mins/typo?).

As for the roasts - usually sirloin tip - or prime rib (if on sale!) - probably about 15-20 mins per lb for medium rare? (sometimes I take it out - slice it to see how it 'looks" then put it back on oven - covered w/foil for a few more minutes if required).

Lisa - I agree you certainly don't want to overdo it - and injure yourself - slow and steady is the way to start. Good for you for going to the gym even tho your gf backed out!

So it's 9:30 now and I'm HUNGRY - what to do? (eat you say? what a novel idea?) - maybe a glass of milk before bed - I don't want to fill up too much.

..and yes I should be getting to bed early tonight? right?

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Old 01-03-2006, 11:12 PM   #126  
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Kathy, you go! I just know that the exercise is what is going to get you to where you want to be. You must have been really working hard.

Oh poop, Frouf. How mean of you not to let me live in my dreamworld! The typo wasn't the time, it was the distance. 1.25 miles in 35 minutes. That sounds right, doesn't it? I cannot even imagine 3.2 with my short legs. You're short too but you must be a MILLION times more fit than me. Thanks for the information on the roasts. I think I'll stick with the sirloin tip. I love prime rib but I'm trying to stay as Core as possible at least with my meat.

Coco, don't sweat it. Sometimes it takes almost a week to get back on completely. Just start over again tomorrow morning.

Saundra, you dinner sounds wonderful! I love going out and being able to eat Core.

I'm off to bed. Talk to you all in the morning.
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Old 01-03-2006, 11:53 PM   #127  
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Gee Vickie - and I thought you had a "magic" treadmill (and I wanted to know where I could get one of those!)...and yes I am also vertically challenged - with pretty short legs - ha ha ha.... But I would sure like to do 1.75 miles in 35 minutes - one can dream! (eventually right?)

Notice I'm not in bed yet? (bad, bad froufie!)
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Old 01-04-2006, 09:00 AM   #128  
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Kathy, weigh to go on the weight loss. Congrats to all who are exercizing,
eating less, moving more, and working on goals. It's good to have a plan and it's good to get close to achieving it. When we hit our goal, guess what? We make a new plan.
Judy Itry
234.6/?/running to WW's right now to bite the bullet!
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Old 01-04-2006, 09:14 AM   #129  
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Good luck, Judy. Remember whatever the results, we are moving forward.
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Old 01-04-2006, 09:19 AM   #130  
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Good Morning
I hope everyone had a good night rest.
Well I think I have started today out alright with the eating. I took some mushrooms and onions. And then diced up some of the deer summer sausage and added just a little oil. And cooked that together. And then I sprinkled just a little 2% cheese on top. And then I had 2 slices diet bread with that. I think that is pretty well a core breakfast. Not the bread though. Have to count a point for that. But other wise I think it should be. Would this be considered a core breakfast??

KATPO Do you like the Gazelle. I have been thinking about getting one. But wasnt sure about it. I wonder would it be low impact on the knees. They had one on sale at KMart here last week. Was going to go put it on lay away. But wasnt sure how they worked. I know you kinda just swing your legs back and forth. Or that is what it looks like.

I hope everyone has a great day. Not sure what I will get into. Probably wash clothes. I see the hamper is pretty full. Will check in later.
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Old 01-04-2006, 09:23 AM   #131  
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Hi Coco,

That sounds good. I don't know what's in the sausage other than the deer, which should be core. The cheese has to be counted too. Have a great day.
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Old 01-04-2006, 09:47 AM   #132  
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I don't think the sausage is Core (since regular pork sausage isn't) but many consider it to be. It's leaner than pork I'm sure ... if it doesn't hinder your weight loss, I wouldn't worry about it. And of course you'd count the cheese and bread but since they are both reduced fat/calories, it shouldn't be too much.

I like the Gazelle -- I think several of us have them here. It's low impact but still manages to work up a good heartbeat. I would recommend it.

I'll check back in soon. Hope everyone's having a good morning so far!
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Old 01-04-2006, 10:24 AM   #133  
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Unhappy Can It Get Any Worse?

Well yes it can - as I sit here feeling the beginnings of a headache. I was in "pain' yesterday - and today it's even worse.

Finally fell asleep at around 1:30 am - then I hear the clock radio alarm going off - dh hits the snooze - and it goes off again and I'm thinking boy I sure don't feel rested. Well turns out @#$#@@@#$ dh fiddled w/the alarm and instead of going off around 6:45 it was set for 3:45 am!!! YIKES!

After hitting the snooze a few times I look up and see it says like 4:11 am and I am NOT HAPPY! Dh tries to fix it - does not do too good a job - and it starts going off again at 4:30 am- so you are getting the picture?

Suffice it to say I have been up since around 3:30 am and barely dragged myself out of bed at 8 am! (and no floor exercises to boot!). Did NOT want to stay home from work but seems like a good idea right now as my eyes look pink (I won't even mention the bags) and my head feels foggy with some background pain - think I shall pop some tylenol pretty soon!

I am also starving (as I was at 4 am) and can't face oatmeal yet so I am enjoying some vanilla probiotic yogurt mixed with fresh blueberries - and a decaf (think I should get a "real" coffee sometime soon).

Coco - congrats on a better start to your day - just count the points and stay as 'core' as possible.

Kathy - congrats on 'gazelling'. I also saw some on sale and was wondering if this might make a good addition to the family room? (Our treadmill is up in the bedroom). Just fearful of little ds either fooling around on it - or hurting himself - maybe a fold up one might work? I am contemplating this as a motivator to do something other than just 'sit' there while watching tv???

Also for the Valentine's challenge - are we just posting results on the sticky? when? I was going to suggest maybe a 'weekly' valentine's challenge post? Easier to post and read? (maybe copy our "goals" from sticky and report weekly?) Anyhow - just a thought!

I dare not do anything at work which requires major thinking (ha ha ha) as I feeling brain-challenged today due to the lack of sleep - I am also feeling a bit congested and sneezy - I find when I get run down like this every little bug finds me and has its way with me! (even dh complaining of a bit of sore throat and cough) - last thing we need right now is to get sick! UGH!

Is it time to go home yet?

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Old 01-04-2006, 10:42 AM   #134  
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Gee Frouf, you sound awful. Maybe a quick trip to see doc is a good idea to see if you need something for sore throat, especially if you want to travel soon.

I have dgs here as he has a "rough" tummy. We're just hanging low today. Thank goodness for Tree House!

Kathy, you sound like you've found your exercise niche. I got an answer from Curves which said what I thought, 2 points for a half hour workout. I have a hard time finding exercise that I "like" to do. I ordered a tape on ebay that is suppose to be more like dance, which I do like.

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Old 01-04-2006, 10:45 AM   #135  
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Good Morning Chicks! It will be a homebody day for me today. I must make my applesauce today and I'm not getting enough fruit. I had backed off a bit on my dairy too because Doctors said cystitis and constipation problems can be caused by food/dairy. It's so hard to serve so many masters. Some of the things on the don't eat list are big Core foods like tomatoes. Oh well, I just keep journalling my food and see if anything aggravates me. Frustrating situation. Maybe I'll have a cherry garcia smoothie later. I haven't had one of those in a while.

Frouf, I feel sorry for you. That happened to me once or twice but the alarm only went off once. Sometimes cleaning lady would mess with it and it would go off at midnight. Now I'm the cleaning lady so it doesn't happen anymore! I hope you fight off the headache and will be feeling better soon. Some caffeine certainly couldn't hurt. It might help open up those blood vessels in your head. Whenever, I get sleep deprived, I get sick. Maybe you and DH can get some quality sleep tonight. I feel sneezy and my eyes are watering but it has been foggy/rainy/grey here for about 4 days now and I'm thinking it is allergies.

Kathy, you must be busy. Did you make it to work earlier today than yesterday?

Jim just left to go to the grocery store. I made my list this morning and pulled coupons. Planned meals for the next two days. Our favorite Rosebud Farms Whole Chicken is on sale for 59 cents a pound so Jim is buying four; one for tonight and 3 for the big freezer downstairs. I get the Entertainment Coupon book and the Golden Oppotunities book every year for Christmas. So I sent him off with the sale list, manufacturers coupons, and an Entertainment coupon. He's such a good guy and a great shopper.

I promised him I'd get my applesauce done while he was gone so I better finish this cup of Decaf and get my butt going. I'm sure I'll be back later.

Hope you are all having good Core morings.
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