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Old 01-04-2006, 10:46 AM   #136  
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Saundra, only 2 points? I'm surprised. I thought it would be more. I give myself 3 points for the treadmill. Did they calculate the "burn" by your weight? Cause I know I burn more than someone your size.
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Old 01-04-2006, 10:53 AM   #137  
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Hi Vickie,

Bernie went to the grocery store for me too. He's picking up lunch stuff. He was suppose to be off today, but they called him in for 1:00 and he'll work till 10:00. With having Natan here, we couldn't have done the errands anyway. Our tickets are in and I'm anxious to have them in my little paws. Hope you are feeling better too. January is not the best of months.
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Old 01-04-2006, 11:22 AM   #138  
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Morning chickies,
Off to work here shortly,, its normally my day off but the holiday schedule changed it. Oh well, its a short shift so I dont mind. We're having a sliding party for the kids so it will be fun. My oldest Dd leaves tonight,,,she has a longggg bus ride. Feeling so much better now that Im back OP, it was hard to get back on the wagon but Im doing it!! now to get some exercise back in and Ill be even better!!
Sandra Im anxious to watch BIggest Loser tonight too,,
Saundra and Frouf where are you guys finding those syrups?? I dont have a major grocery store near me but next time I head to the city I will look.
Coco from teh look of your thread above Im thinking your not a traditional breakfast eater,,,what about saving some leftovers from your dinner the night before?? My dh tells me deer is very lean meat but they ususually add some fat to the sausage when its made?? When you cook it have you tried to cook it without adding more oil? When I cook hamburger I add water not oil to my meat and the fat renders out. Then I drain the meat. Just a thought.
Congrats on the weight loss Kathy!!
Melissa Im sorry you had a rough day yesterday,,hope you feel better today! Your job is very hard.......

I bought some navel oranges yesterday...must have been all the *orange* talk here lately..haha. I love them. You guys are pretty lucky to have all the variety of fruits available to you...if we happen to get fruit like watermelons or cherries, they ususually arnt ripe and we pay top dollar for them. Ive learned though Id rather pay $5 for a piece of watermelon then chips and dip. (now just to practice what I preach..haha)
I better get going here....
waving to everyone I missed!! Sounds like everyone is back on track now...choo choo....the Core Express is heading out!!! ALL ABOARD!
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Old 01-04-2006, 11:46 AM   #139  
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Patti, you sure sound chipper! You're worth every penny you spend for yourself on fresh fruit.
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Old 01-04-2006, 11:54 AM   #140  
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Hey Sandra, if you go to your meeting today will you try to remember to ask your Leader if there were any changes made, specifically to Core. I put a question out on the WW Core board to see if anyone over there heard anything. I can't believe they didn't tweak the program at all. I was really hoping for 98% FF Cream of Mushroom soup and Cheerios to be added.
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Old 01-04-2006, 11:54 AM   #141  
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Hey everyone! I know that I am way behind but I just wanted to stop in and say hello. Been very busy and very tired. Thanks for all of the well-wishes. It's hard to know how to place the death of a client, because they aren't someone I knew very well, and yet I was very much apart of what was going's just weird. Anyway, I'm having one of those days where I feel like I just can't do this job any more (not related to the death of my client, it's the MANY other things). I know I complain about this all of the time but it's especially hitting me today. I'm searching for other things but am not finding anything. If I weren't the insurance holder I would seriously just go work at the mall or something. I am even debating on whether or not going back to school right now will help me. It's just one of those days.
Sorry for the negativity...but thanks for the chance to rant...I'll BBL tonight. Hope everyone is doing well!
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Old 01-04-2006, 12:05 PM   #142  
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Melissa, we all need to vent/rant/complain/feel sorry for ourselves from time to time. Heck, look at me. You guys have been putting up with me for 3 months! I really wish I could help. I used to be a recruiter and I never minded when applicants would call me once in a while to find out the status of my resume. Maybe calling the Hospice and touching based might help? It certainly can't hurt. I was only bothered by the people who became stalkers! Just try not to eat over this because it won't help. It WILL make it worse. Today would be a good day for a walk to distract you and clear your head. You do have a great husband and a sweet pup! And, I just know that boss is bothering you. Try to tune her out. If all else fails, vent here anytime.

I just posted a great recipe in the entrees. I haven't tried it yet but it's casserole like and sounds so much like comfort food to me. Yum!
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Old 01-04-2006, 12:08 PM   #143  
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Bless your heart, Melissa. I know it has to be so stressful on you being at a crossroad. I have a feeling you'll get thru the desert though.

I'd like to know about some Core changes too -- Campbell's has some new soups and I got one yesterday to try. It's the Campbell's Select Red Roasted Pepper and Black Bean. I can't see any reason why it wouldn't be considered Core, but it is too new to have made the original list. You'd think they would re-publish the list from time to time to accomodate new foods coming out.
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Old 01-04-2006, 12:11 PM   #144  
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Gee Melissa, hope you feel more chipper soon. I know what you mean about the job though. Too bad we depend on them so much.

I just called Mexico, and it was phone tag all the way. Finally I spoke to a sweetheart in reservations, who told me that they can't confirm an upgrade until we get there. She said there shouldn't be a problem, but it can only be done upon arrival. I made her laugh with my begging, but to no avail. Oh well, we'll get what we get.

I finally showered and got dressed. Bernie is only working till 6:00. Just got a call from one of our restaurants (Zola's Frouf). Apparently DS called there and we have a dinner on him next time we go. Another evening to look forward to, maybe Sunday.

Patti, I get DaVinci syrups on line, cause you can't get them in Ottawa, but from what I know, they are available at Target.

Back to the family room,
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Old 01-04-2006, 12:22 PM   #145  
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Thanks you guys. Vickie, you caught me. I have been eating, although not as badly as I first first inclination was to go to McDonald's!! Can you believe that? I did eat some chicken nuggets and a very, very small slice of cheese pizza with the clients but that's it. Even stayed out of those M&Ms. So while I still succombed to the emotional eating, at least I didn't go to McDonald's for some cheeseburgers. I have to work late tonight and then go to church, so a walk is probably out for me. I wish I had time for one though, because it is beautiful here and supposed to be in the 50's. Maybe it will still be warm at 7:30??
Better do some work...thanks you guys for being "there."
Oh, and I wish they would republish the list too. There have to be some updates!
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Old 01-04-2006, 12:55 PM   #146  
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Hey Linda, if you are still reading here, would you let us know if there have been any changes to Core? Someone responded to my post on WW website and said there is a new 2006 Food Companion. Is this just the old book plus the corrections they issued a while back or are there REALLY some new things? Thanks!
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Old 01-04-2006, 12:56 PM   #147  
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I didn't mean to "catch" you Melissa. I just know that you are an emotional eater like me. If I were feeling as badly as you sounded, I figured you'd be headed for the comfort food. Hang in there. Kathy is right. You have to be coming out of the dessert soon.
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Old 01-04-2006, 01:00 PM   #148  
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Melissa - sorry to hear you are still "suffering" a bit - do what you need to to make yourself feel better (and I don't mean eating m&ms! or mcdonald's!). Follow up on the job leads/resume if possible and let them know you're still interested. Also do something nice for yourself - if you can't do a walk - how about a nice hot bubble bath with a cup of tea or glass of wine! Relax and indulge!

Saundra - how exciting to know your tickets have arrived! Hope you get the upgrade! (you might also try emailing the hotel to see if you can get someone there to confirm - maybe have a name and something in writing?). Sorry to hear about gds's tummy problems - hope he is okay!...and we also love Zola's altho have not been there in a while!

Patti - I know Starbucks carries Torani sf syrups - not sure if you can buy a bottle tho? If I remember correctly mine came from either Second Cup (some carry them, some don't!) and Pam's Coffee and Tea Co. If all else fails you can always find the da vinci online as Saundra mentioned. Good luck!

..and yes Vickie - quality sleep would be in order otherwise we will definitely both get sick! I am pretty tired now, but no major headaches - I might still indulge in a "real" coffee from the latte place downstairs as I need to go to pharmacy anyways to get stuff for dd!

I am hoping I will be so tired tonight that I will just fall into a very deep and long sleep! (there is a part 2 of a movie I saw monday night that I really want to see - from 9-11 pm? - will see how I'm feeling). Not sure about treadmilling tonight either - but will at least do my floor exercises. I have about 55 mins left to "log" in for exercise this week and I think it's still doable!

Just having "dessert" now- nothiing like eating fresh crisp red watermelon on a snowy January day!

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Old 01-04-2006, 01:42 PM   #149  
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i'm just here for a minute. i've been reading but don't have time to do much responding. i'll be back later.

vickie, i'll definitely ask about changes to program--especially core. i'm hoping corn tortillas will be added. i'm a dreamer, aren't i? i'm also going to ask if anyone at the meeting would like to be a walking buddy. do you think i'll get a good response? i hope so. we do have a mall here where we could meet and walk.

melissa, i hope you can find another job soon. you're too perky to let this one get you down. that's not healthy.

we're heading out to look at the last place left in town that has travel trailers. wish us luck.
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Old 01-04-2006, 01:51 PM   #150  
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Frouf, you sound like you are making the best out of a bad situation. Good for you!

Happy shopping and good luck too, Sandra.

You're right about Melissa being too perky and sweet to be in such a bad situation. Change is scary but I think it will help her so much.
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