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Old 01-02-2006, 08:44 PM   #91  
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Coco, don't worry too much about the weigh-in. What matter is what you do today, right? And like you said, you made better choices than in the past. That is a major NSV.

And Kathy, I like your avatar!
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Old 01-02-2006, 08:46 PM   #92  
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It seems like if I made a huge list of all the foods I like, 99% of them are Core! Tomato soup, tuna salad, crab salad, baked potatoes with cheese and sour cream, shrimp and cocktail sauce, salad, chicken breasts, corn on the cob, cheerios and milk, bananas ... I mean good grief, I could go on for days and days!

So why don't I just eat this way all the time? Is it because cookies aren't on the list? Why, yes they are! (As long as I want to spend the points for them, that is! )
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Old 01-02-2006, 08:52 PM   #93  
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melissa, we already have airline tickets for louisville. that's a fur peace to drive. lol we may drive it next year, though. did you know that in 2007 the national senior olympics are in louisville? we're coming!!

i'm doing core, too. i didn't copy you this time. i've been hitting at it for 2 days now. tomorrow--100%

saundra, i don't know how old she is but she's younger than i am and i'm going to be 59 next week. we have a hot tub on our balcony deck overlooking missoula valley and mountains to the west. yes, it is romantic. curtis and i went to cancun on our second date. that was feb 1996. people thought i was either brave or stupd for going out of the country with a man i barely knew. he lived in montana and i lived in texas.

we used to have a motorhome and would winter in texas. we sold it last may. we will prob start wintering in tx again but i'm not sure. we have a lot of family and friends down there as well as archery connections.

coco, the average holiday weight gain is 7 lbs so you did well. i'm dusting off, too. we can lose those lbs.
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Old 01-02-2006, 09:02 PM   #94  
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Hey Sandra, when are you going to Louisville? Judd's favorite uncle/aunt live there. We've been meaning to visit.

Hmmmm ...
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Old 01-02-2006, 09:09 PM   #95  
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OH, HOW FUN!!! She's coming in March--Kathy you should come! That would be so fantastic.
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Old 01-02-2006, 09:15 PM   #96  
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I will certainly give it a lot of thought. We have really been wanting to visit them, plus Judd's grandma lives there. Well actually she lives with my FIL's brother (on the other side of the favorite uncle/aunt) but anyway ... they live in Winchester. I've never been to their house but hear it's nearer to Lexington than Louisville. The fav u/a live in Louisville, MIL's farm (the old home place that she bought from her parents) is in Casey County, most of the cousins are in Lexington, the grandma's house is in Eubank, and the great-aunt we like is in Liberty.
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Old 01-02-2006, 09:20 PM   #97  
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Winchester is very close to Lexington and Louisville is just about 1 1/2 hours away, not far. That would be so great!
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Old 01-02-2006, 09:24 PM   #98  
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Definitely thinking about it! Now I just need the real dates.
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Old 01-02-2006, 09:33 PM   #99  
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I know it was around the 15th of March, because that is Aaron's bday and I was concerned that we would be doing something when she was free. But I can't remember the exact dates. I can't imagine how cool that would be. Anyone else want to come?
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Old 01-02-2006, 09:47 PM   #100  
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It just makes me smile really big to think about it. I would even forego a later trip that's sorta planned to be able to do this one.

We are definitely going to Virginia Beach sometime this spring as well because Judd's brother and his family are getting re-assigned to Colorado Springs. We've never been to their house in Va. (they've lived there for 4 years) and so we really need to go before they move.

I'm going to start working on this from all the angles and we'll see what happens.
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Old 01-02-2006, 09:54 PM   #101  
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Yippee! I was thinking of taking DH on a trip for his bday but maybe it will have to wait.
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Old 01-02-2006, 11:32 PM   #102  
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Talking Party! Party!

Party at Melissa's place - be there or be square! I wanna come! party party!

Saundra - I love mexico - esp w/ a jacuzzi! We stayed at the Moon Palace one year with a double jacuzzi right in the bedroom - facing the ocean view - boy I sure got used to that pretty quick! Did not want to leave! Have fun in Mexico - how nice to be able to enjoy your time now! (By the way not sure if you are aware of this - but if you want to check out hotel reviews - go to and type in name of hotel - lots of good info usually available!).

...and never say never - I did my BA many years ago in Montreal (McGill) and went back to school a few years ago to do my MBA part time (University of Ottawa) which took four long and gruesome years (and I was still workikng full time and had a baby in there somewhere) - but it is defnitely paying off now (I am also a public servant)

Kathy - hope Kate is feeling better soon - sounds like she's got the real thing!

Coco - sounds like you are okay now and I agree that sometimes reality does help us refocus - and kudos to all of us who are recommitting to Core - you are not alone!

..and the roast beef was WONDERFUL - packed some up for lunch tomorrow - and Vickie - definitely try the brussel sprouts again - I do like them - funniest is my little guy - refuses to eat the two smidgens of sweet potato I put on his plate - but eats the sprouts - and goes "yum yum"? How weird is that?

Oh ya - I am pleased as punch to report that when I got home from picking up dd from dance class - I quickly changed and hopped onto the treadmill (35 mins, 1.71 miles, at 0.5 elevation) - and while dd was dancing I stopped at the starbucks for a treat - the peppermint mocha caught my eye - decaf nonfat - NO WHIPPED CREAM! - but you know what? It was too icky sweet - I ended up dumping half of it (and feeling bad cuz it cost like $5) - that'll teach me - I should just stick with my favorite cappucinos and not experiment so much!

So do you notice it's 11:30 and I'm not in bed yet? and I have to get up and go to work tomorrow - and like Melissa I am dreading it!!!! UGH

...and Saundra before I forget I understand East Side Mario's now has some whole wheat pasta choices on their menu as well - finally!

Nitey nite!


P.S While not entirely core this recipe is AMAZING - try it - but you must used a very good cut of beef:
-about 2 tbps flour
-1-3 tsp oil
-1/2 tsp salt, garlic powder, dry mustard
-1/4 tsp black pepper and paprika

Mix this all together in small dish - you may need to adjust flour/oil - you are trying to make a paste - not too dry - not too wet - need to rub this on the roast - but is should adhere somewhat and not drip off.

400 degree oven - rub the paste all over roast - place in foil lined pan (fat side up) and dry roast - about 30 mins on 400 (to seal in flavors) and reduce to 350 for remaining time (depends on size of roast?) until done as you like! Slice and enjoy! (the paste makes a very flavorful kind of crust and seals in the juices).
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Old 01-03-2006, 12:42 AM   #103  
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kathy and melissa, we'll be in louisville march 17-20 this year. i would love to see ya'll in louisville. i have to be honest with you, and tell you we'll be in tournament mode that weekend and won't be free to do much. that's a national championship. it should be over early that sunday afternoon, though. we could probably meet you then. (oryou could come watch me shoot if you wanted. hint hint. curtis and i will be competing sat and sun. i am all ham (literally) and love an audience. if you got bored, you wouldn't have to stay. plus it's free admission.) the competition is at the louisville international convention center downtown louisville. we'll be staying at the hyatt regency across the street. (we already have our flight and room reservations. are we excited or what!)

last year i had some health problems pop up during the tournament and i didn't do well. i took 3rd but shot my worst scores of the season. this year i'm going there with winning in mind. (i'm writing that goal every day and i'm writing a weight change goal now, too.)

in 07 we'll be in louisville in june for the national senior olympics. i've never competed on the national level in that tournament but i have won the montana state olympics. should be fun. it's an outdoors tournament shooting out to 60 yds.

kathy, remember we're coming to texas in april this year.

frouf, thanks for the idea on the roast. i am going to cook a venison roast later this week. you got me hungry for roast today.
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Old 01-03-2006, 07:39 AM   #104  
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Good Morning
OMG you guys are busy! I was lurking a little yesterday, but every time I wanted to post, I got interrupted. Then this morning I was 2 or 3 pages behind......................

DD is off to school, must wake DS soon so he can make his bus at 8:15. I have an appt. with a friend to go to the gym at 8:30. Hopefully she won't back out on me.

I'm back on the wendie plan for this week. Seems to jump start things for me. We'll see next week when I WI at home. Gave up on the meetings; only because I thought, I know how to do WW and if I can do it on my own, I'll use the money for the gym membership. Hopefully this will work. My plan is to hit the gym as soon as DS leaves for school. No time to think about it; I'll be dressed and ready to go as soon as the bus comes.

Went ice skating again on Sunday. Took my orthotics along to put in my skates. Seemed to help a little, but I don't think it's something my feet will be able to do on a regular basis....................... It was fun, though! DH played hockey back in HS and you can really tell after all these years, how comfortable he is on the ice. Speeding up and down and doing that fancy stop where the ice sprays all over................thinks he's still a kid.

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Old 01-03-2006, 08:14 AM   #105  
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Good Morning Chicks!

I'm up early since we will be babysitting the Great Nephew while his Dad and Sister are at a birthday party. Have to leave here at 9:00 and I'm determined to walk on the treadmill today (try anyway!) and still have time left to eat breakfast and shower. I better get going since it's already almost 7:15! I'll be back after I babysit.
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