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Old 08-08-2011, 01:54 AM   #181  
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Hi everyone. I'm so close to onderland and looking for support!
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Old 08-08-2011, 09:24 AM   #182  
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Susie - Hope Saturday was an OK sad for the funeral but happiness at the wedding, quite bittersweet I guess! Too bad TOPS was closed down, but hey you'll have a double loss next week! I agree about slowing down, things being too hectic are just not good. I definitely find myself snacking more when I am more stresed, I really have to watch it.

lukesmom - Welcome!!!! How are you finding the new points system? have you done WW before?

shalyn - Welcome to you too! You'll be in onederland in no time I'm sure! I made it a while back but these ladies are so wonderful I just can't leave.

Well my weekend was good, we had a bbq last night for my sister's and dad's b-days...overindulged a bit but the scale is the same this morning at 134.8 so I'm happy. I sent in a vacation request to be off Wed-Fri this week, but I haven't heard back yet but I'm sure it will be any event I'll have my blackberry with me so I'll be working anyways most likely. Hope everybody has a great day!
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Old 08-08-2011, 10:20 AM   #183  
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Hi everyone !! Long time no talk I had a great time in was very hot but we did do alot, I got to kayak for the first time and once I got the hang of it I found that I really like it and will try to do again sometime here in Indiana...I was half and half good on my food intake...although I did have soda...I am thinking I might have broken even...yeah right , haha ....gonna ease back into eating well this week and ween myself off soda again.

I have missed way too much to respond to everyone but just wanted to drop in and say I am back and ready to get on track !!!!

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Old 08-08-2011, 10:26 PM   #184  
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I have done WW before...I'm a 'lifer"...points plus is working for me at this time...I know there is a bit of discussion surrounding
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Old 08-09-2011, 12:11 PM   #185  
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Hi Ladies,

I really miss you all when I miss a day here. Yesterday was a crazy day as the home airconditioning decided to stop working. It seemed to be a easy, faily low-cost fix; I hope and pray that holds true!

I am greatful that I can work from home when things like that happen.

I didn't work out yesterday but plan on meeting my friend for a walk and then do a upper-body workout with weights.

Cari: I am glad you had a great vacation and found a new sport/exercise you like. I hope you will be able to find something like it in IN.

Liz: I sure hope you get those vacation days off. To bad you can't leave the BB at home on those days! I have a work BB too and I have dreams of throwing it into the ocean sometimes!

Lukes Mom & Shalyn: Welcome! It's nice to have new people; I'm looking forward to hearing about your journey's to ONEderland. This board is a great support system.
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Old 08-09-2011, 12:17 PM   #186  
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Afternoon Ladies ...well I am happy to say that today is the last "hot and steamy" day for a while, we are actually getting a break, gonna be a high of only 80 tomorrow and it is going to be WONDERFUL. Going to be like that the rest of the week and weekend so I hope to get to the State Fair this weekend, eat the junk before I go full bore back on my clean eating, haha. I love when it starts getting cooler here, I love to walk in the evenings...of course I am not kidding myself, it is only early August so I am sure we are in for more of the heat at some point.

Lukes Mom and Shalyn - as everyone else has said "welcome", we are always needing newbies so come back often and get to know us.

Susie - wouldn’t ya know that our a/c went out the day before we left for vacation last was was between 86-88 in my house for two days...I don't know how I slept, haha ...ours was an easy fix, but not so cheap...well I say that but it couldve been worse...around 300.00 ...hope it all works out for you...I know how horrible it can be.

Liz - Hi ! Hope you get your vacation time off

Hi to Auntie G, Arabella, and Mel !!!!

Hope you all have a great day !!!

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Old 08-11-2011, 10:19 AM   #187  
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Morning everyone...I had the nerve to get on the scales this morning after being off plan for what 3 weeks now or so...well off and on I guess...and with being on vacation ( the dreaded vacation gain ) and was pleasantly surprised...I usually get right back up in the 230's but this time I was hanging out around 225 ...which lets face it, still isnt good....but it was nice to not see the 30's number of any kind...haha

Awful quiet in here the last couple of days...

We are having WONDERFUL weather here....nice and cool , hanging around the low 80's....feels great...

Well I hope you all have a good day.

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Old 08-11-2011, 10:50 AM   #188  
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Satine- thanks for the welcome!
I'm on vacation right now and can't report a weigh in. When I left I was holding steady at 206. I'm trying very hard to stay on plan. Doing ok so far. I even managed to get in a little exersice!

Everyone have a good day!
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Old 08-12-2011, 11:30 AM   #189  
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HI. I did not have a good week this week--been off track..not working out since Tuesday, not logging my food..just felt overwhelmed with home and work.

I have a plan to get caught up this weekend and get my mindset back on track. I don't like being "out of control" and I sure have been this week.

Not easy to come here and say that but I know that this forum is for the good and bad times, for the support and to help support, so I'm being honest.

When it comes to my weight-loss efforts I haven't always been honest..I have went into hiding when off track..but not this might be ugly, it might be messy but I have to get through it and really, when I'm off track and not posting, it doesn't do me any good.

So, I'll be here working through it...

Shalyn: Keep up the good work..even on can do it!

Carri: I am enjoying this cooler weather as well. Good for you for staying in the 220's while on vacation.

Looking forward to hearing from the rest of you.
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Old 08-12-2011, 11:32 AM   #190  
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Only lost .2 at WW this week...I know I need to be more active!!
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Old 08-12-2011, 06:17 PM   #191  
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MyChoice - Thanks! I'm trying pretty hard but my food options are limited. We're in a camper in the middle of nowhere with the nearest "grocery store" about 20 miles away! I'm working with what I've got.

Sometimes we get off track but at least you're motivated to get back on it! Just stick to your plan!

I agree this place is for the good times and the tough supportive!

lukesmom- at least you're moving in the right direction...a loss is a loss!

Like I said, I'm trying! It's pretty tough right now though. I haven't weighed myself for 3 days and won't be able to until tomorrow night. I sure hope I see a loss. If not I have to buckle down!
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Old 08-13-2011, 08:48 AM   #192  
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Hi girls! A little bummed today- no loss for the week. No gain, so I guess I'll have to take it, but it's just frustrating being so close to Onederland and not having any forward motion. It has been a messy week, headachey and stomachachey every day- I guess it's stress. What else is new? Hopefully this week will be better.

Lukesmom and Shalyn, welcome aboard and good luck!

Liz, how'd you make out with that vacation?

Carri, yay for hanging in the 20s over vacation! Watch out for that State Fair, though! LOL! Can you believe this latest turn of events on BB? Good grief, will we ever be rid of Brendon and Rachel???

Susie, I hope you're getting it back together this weekend! And you're absolutely right- I've always gone into hiding when I'm off track, too, and what good does that do? Just makes the road back even longer. Hang in and keep posting! This is a life long mess to deal with. Best thing we can do is keep on plugging away...

Arabella, how's it going? Hope all is well up north!

Going to the farmers market for tomatoes now. Hmmm, maybe that's my problem, too much salt on those tomatoes this week. But man, I've waited so long for a juicy, drippy tomato sandwich, that's all I can think about every day! Maybe it's better that it's not a year round problem...

Have a good weekend, everyone!
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Old 08-13-2011, 10:27 AM   #193  
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Good morning. I'm up cleaning house this morning, putting things in place--I am much more of a calm person when things are in place.

The problem is, is that my DH is not. I had a talk with him last night at dinner and I explained to him about how I need some help in keeping things in order and why. He seemed receptive to trying to be better at it every day and agreed that on Wedensday evenings, or as close to that as mid-week, we would take an hour or so to spruce things us so that on Saturday's it isn't a all day affair to just get the house back in order.

I want to start working out on Saturday morning.

I will admit I'm a "very" tidy person and can be a bit over the top with it but I don't mind keeping it that way, I just need my DH to help out a little more by taking care of his own things.

We do have a fun evening planned with some friends. We are going to try a new resturant that is in Cincinnati, OH that was featured on Dinner's, Drive-in's and Dives, called Terry's Turf Club. We have never been there and my DH has wanted to go for a while so tonight we are doing it. I bet there isn't going to be "diet" food there, but I will be careful.

Ok, back to getting this house in order.

Auntie: I didn't realize that you were so close to ONEderland! I have tomato's at my house..we have 3 plants--I'd love to bring you some!

Shalyn: When you can't do much about the situation you are in, just do what you can--I'm sure the scales will be just fine when you get back on them.

Luke's mom: You still lost and you say you need to be more active, so add 10 more minutes of activity a day this week and I bet you will see it at WW.
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Old 08-13-2011, 11:42 AM   #194  
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Well, gotta say that the week back after a week off confirmed it -- I'm ready to retire. All but the income part. That part's a little sticky.

What I do need to do is to make sure I get enough fun in my life. It's just way too easy to do nothing but work and whatever else I need to do to keep things going. Walking and hot yoga are good for me, but I need something more.

I guess it's the let-down season -- no choir, no writing group. And this summer has been grey and cool, so not enough beach. Yup, I think I've diagnosed the problem. Now to prescribe the medicine...

This week should be good anyway. DH is away and I've got plans with sisters, friends, DGS. I think today I'll just get the house spiffed up a bit so I can enjoy it more.

I'm still hanging out around ticker, waiting for that day when the weight dips under. Staying OP, getting to hot yoga, getting my 10k steps a day. I can see and feel changes in my body but would love to see it reflected in that number on scale.

Carri, nice save on the vacation. It's so discouraging when we get right back to square one, eh? 80's would be swell. We've rarely gotten that warm this summer. Seriously, it's the worst one since the early eighties. Bah.

Susie, it's so easy for everything to get away from us, isn't it? I know when I have an extra busy week by the end of it you can really see it around the house. And then the clutter makes me feel crappy and out of control.

It does all seem to be connected to the weight thing, too. In my life, it often feels like if everything's not coming together, it's falling apart. Going to go read a bit of "Does this clutter make my butt look big?"

Liz, I hope you got vacation and lost your Blackberry. Honest to God, you'd think sometimes that we were dealing with life or death situations, the way people expect us to be accessible 24/7. Time to mount a revolt!

Auntie g, don't get discouraged or frustrated. You're my hero! Just plunging down towards Onederland from my perspective.

Ah, there's nothing like a fresh, ripe tomato. YUM! But I concur, they need salt. I'll have pepper on mine too.

Shalyn & Lukesmom I look forward to getting to know you.

Off I go. Let's make this a good one!
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Old 08-13-2011, 09:11 PM   #195  
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I found on the WW website (well, I searched thru Google) and found their ultimate walking's a 6-week walking program...started that I'm hoping for "less of me" next weigh in.
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