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Old 01-02-2006, 11:02 AM   #46  
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And good advice it is. Thanks very much. I sent her back to bed with a cup of ice chips and instructions not to eat them all at once. She said she's really thirsty, but it's probably because she's so empty. She finally decided to call in sick to work, which is a good thing. She doesn't have to go until midnight tomorrow night, which is when she changes all the shelf tags for the new ad that comes out Wednesday. At least she won't have to deal with customers.
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Old 01-02-2006, 11:05 AM   #47  
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Kathy, try flat Coke or ginger ale. It's gotta take it's course, but I don't think work is a good idea today.
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Old 01-02-2006, 11:29 AM   #48  
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Coco, the holidays are a hard time. Here are some good luck blinks for your weigh-in tonight.

Well we are still at home. DH decided that he is going to go with me so we decided to shower and eat before we go. The point was to get there before the thousands of other people but maybe it won't be as bad as I anticipate.
I tell you what, staying at home makes eating difficult for me. I just want to eat whatever DH does, and it isn't unhealthy, just not core. So needless to say my menu is a bust for today. Oh well, back on the wagon as usual. I'm looking forward to going back to work in the aspect of eating because it keeps me on a schedule. That and my co-workers know when/what I am eating...accountability. Hey, why don't all of you come work with me, then we'll seriously be accountable! We could start one of Kathy's many business ideas.
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Old 01-02-2006, 11:39 AM   #49  
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There's no shortage of ideas!! That's the one thing I have plenty of ... I've dreamed up lots and lots of ways to get me out of the office and into a business of my own.

HOWEVER ... the gym in Mansfield is out. There are two that are trying to open and one has been working on it for two years. TWO years! I guess the 3 gyms that are already open have taken up all the people and nobody else is left.

The skating rink just closed. A bowling alley would be good for this town but we've looked at the building and for what they want, it would be too much to do the remodel plus buy the building.

The bar that was just open for 3 months last year (took two years to build that one too!) is for sale but they're asking $3M for it. It's only valued at $300K on the appraisal records, so I'm not sure what would make them want so much. Probably because they sank their life savings into it ... but could never get approved for a liquor license. Now could that have something to do with the fact that the owner was a convicted felon? Hmm ... We looked at putting a motorcycle dealership in it but there are dealer restrictions. They can't be within 10 miles from each other and there's one less than 10 miles from here, so that's out. I think a restaurant would be great to put back in there since it's already set up, but Judd says no. Sigh ... he's just not very cooperative.

His idea of putting a Subway in the new little shopping center down the street didn't work out because someone beat him to it.

Let's see ... what else? I'm sure there are plenty more but I can't think of them right now.
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Old 01-02-2006, 11:50 AM   #50  
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Oh here's another one! We also looked into a car wash but they wouldn't do the financing because the traffic wasn't there at the time. They have some formula that takes the population, passing cars, payment, payroll, etc. and they tell you what you need to be profitable. There's probably more traffic now, but the place where we looked to put it is now filling up with fast food, so zoning would be a problem too. Sigh ...

We were contacted by a guy to do some contract jobs with him -- he's a flight school instructor and needs someone to do his training materials. I think I mentioned that the other day. He has a friend who had just done this for a small ground school ... the guy was paid $250,000 for the development work, and it took him less than a year. Not bad, huh?

And then there's my house flipping idea. This one is actually a good one, because MIL is a realtor. She's keeping an eye out for houses that would be good candidates for this. Also, either they or Judd's uncle would put the money up to buy the house, we would do the work, and then we'd all split the profit. I had also found that little condo to buy with the idea that little DD and her boyfriend (who would hopefully be her husband by then) would live in it, but now that he got a job in Westlake, they'll probably end up living in that area instead of north Arlington. Big DD will be at grad school out of town, and I don't dare buy something thinking Shaun's going to live in it, take care of it, actually pay the rent, etc. I still have low expectations from him but maybe that'll change. I might still buy it (there were probably 8-10 available in that complex) because the payments would be less than $300 per month. I just need to borrow the $3,000 for the down payment from MIL. Either that, or save up the money on my own and that's not happening.
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Old 01-02-2006, 11:52 AM   #51  
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How will I ever wake up and get to work tomorrow? I am so used to staying up late and sleeping in....ahhh the life! Just got up around 11 - no food yet, but did my floor exercises.

Kathy - poor dd - and poor you for enduring the cleanup. Hope she is feeling better soon - but I agree that work is not a good idea! Sounds like a pretty nasty bug she has there.

Vickie - I also love avocado - but trust me you wouldn't want to lick this stuff off your face! Congrats on going to your meeting - hope your WI was okay.

Melissa - hope you beat the crowds and good luck at work tomorrow. At least my manager is till away all this week - but I know my email and phone messages will keep me busy most of the day trying to catch up! UGH!

Coco - Good luck at weigh in!

A gloomy grey icy day here (send me that 82 degrees please?) and I just have a few errands to run. My library books are due so that's the first stop - and will pick up some new reading material. I think I might need some groceries? Want to make sure I am well stocked for the week! Also have to defrost roast beef from freezer ASAP if I actually want to eat it tonight. We still have LO pizza, blueberry cheesecake, champagne and cookies which I need to SHOVE into someone else's mouth to make sure it does not end up in mine! Otherwise I shall chuck it if not too much left?

Had a great time at the party! Not a "busy" year so no huge crowds so got to socialize quite a bit which was nice. Little ds found some other little kids to play with and of course amused the adults as well. Big ds was complaining a bit and wanted to go home but once he got involved in the pool table games he was okay.

I did OD on food but nothing too bad - ate LOTS of almonds, some pistachios, drank lots of diet coke to fill me up, had some carrots/celery and dip, some cheese bits, smoked salmon/asparagus appetizers and FRESH FIGS! so yummy. We ended up getting home around 9:30 and dh and I decided to go to a movie (rumour has it) so ended up eating popcorn for dinner I guess? Feeling a bit puffy today so will try and drink more water to get rid of the salt!

I guess I should go have "breakfast" now? (boy am I screwed for tomorrow I will never be able to get up at 7 am and get to work, let alone be functional!!)


Last edited by Froufy; 01-02-2006 at 12:01 PM.
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Old 01-02-2006, 12:02 PM   #52  
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Hi Chicks! I can't stay to read posts right now because I have to go run errands. I'm back from my meeting and lost .2 for the two holiday weeks. What is really spectacular about that is that I lost 3.8 the week before and I thought that was just from being sick. Turns out it stayed off! So, I'm at 45.2 down. I made a commitment today at my meeting to follow Core faithfully, track carefully my 35 WPA, drink all my water, follow the healthy guidelines, and exercise at least 2 times a week. I'm hopeful that this will result in me being down 75 pounds total by December 2006. We wrote this on index cards which our Leader will seal in envelopes until next December. Next December she'll either mail them to us or we'll open them at the last meeting of the year to see how we've done. It was a cute idea and I know I'll still be there. My commitment when I started this last time was that I would NOT quit no matter what. So far, so good.

Gotta go. Hope you are all having a nice quiet day. I'll be back later.
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Old 01-02-2006, 12:28 PM   #53  
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Congratulations Vickie! Losing any over the holidays is wonderful! I know you'll be sticking to Core to the bitter end...your dedication is inspirational.

Have a wonderful day!

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Old 01-02-2006, 12:57 PM   #54  
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Vickie, that's great! It's pretty darn hard to maintain that loss plus lose some more! You go, girl!
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Old 01-02-2006, 03:26 PM   #55  
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Hey everyone,
I havent been doing much lately, but hard to get on here with 2 Dds home. This is their last week home so Im not complaining. The house will be way tooo empty after friday. Im back on track eating wise,,,have to get back on the scale though. Oldest Dd is in the bedroom where it is and I dont like to move it or it always shows a gain...haha. Its Dhs birthday today so having a sliver of choc cake and counting the points for it. Actually it turned into a trifle...I tried a new cake mix and it didnt turn out..first time that happened.
Vickie congrats on making it thru the holidays with a loss..thats fantastic!
Melissa andFrouf,,,I cant wait to go back towork tomorrow,,,the fridge just keeps calling me....
Kathy Ive been watching the fires on the news...holy crap!!
Hi Saundra, Sandra, Angela...who else did I miss...sorry
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Old 01-02-2006, 04:27 PM   #56  
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Hello!!!!! I'm home for an hour or so. We'll be leaving to go to dinner around 4:15. It's a great place and if you don't get there at 4:30 sometimes you have to wait forever for a table. I am TOO HUNGRY for that today. I don't know why, but I've been starving today. So far, so good.

I was frustrated at first because the Bath and Body store I went to first is not in the mall. I was trying to avoid the mall but ended up there anyway since the first store only had one bottle of the shower gel. As I said, I'm using the shower gel now that the bubble bath is discontinued. My favorite scent is White Tea and Ginger. It smells so clean and good to me. I also ended up in Lane Bryant buying bras. They are having their semi-annual sale of buy one get one free. I ended up getting 4 bras for $13.00 a piece and one of them is PINK!!!!!! Funny, I thought of Frouf when I was buying it and CANNNOT figure out why! So I dropped about $125.00 on shower gel and bras but oh well!

Kathy, you poor thing! What a horrible way to wake up. Poor DD though . It sounds like she has a BAD case of the flu. When I couldn't hold down water my Mom would always give me warm flat 7up. It was disgusting but it worked. Not diet though. I think it's something about the sugar that helps. I hope she's feeling better by now. As for business opportunities, I think you'd be a great business owner. What ever happened to the idea you had for those healthy cooking kitchen places? I've been intrigued by that ever since you mentioned it. Actually, most of them aren't healthy. Maybe you could make a healthy one. It could be a combination of Flex, Core, and SF recipes! House flipping is also intriguing to me but Jim and I are not handy. Niece's husband would be good at this and he is also a RE Agent. He's got his eyes peeled for them to do one of these themselves.

Melissa, hope you had a successful trip. I think waiting until after lunch to go to the mall was a BAD idea on my part. Everyone is out trying to enjoy their last day of vacation. Personally, I'll be glad when everyone goes back to work.

Frouf, I hope your roast defrosted so that you don't get into any more trouble with that pizza. If do feel sorry for all you folks who still work. I'm a night owl and by the end of the vacation I'd always be staying up too late at night and sleeping too late in the morning. It really made it hard to get back into my routine when I went back to work. What movie did you see? Jim and I are thinking about seeing the Jennifer Aniston one this week. We have all kinds of GC's that we need to use up.

Angela, I've noticed that you're posting your menus again. I know that is always a good sign for you. No pressure but we really NEED for you to be successful. My Leader said today that she thinks maintaining is harder than losing. I'm sure she's right.

Patti, hang in there. You'll be back into your routine in no time! Happy Birthday to DH.

Well, that's all I've got right now. I'm really behind on my water so I think I'll go drink a couple of glasses before we leave for dinner.
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Old 01-02-2006, 04:33 PM   #57  
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Has WW issued their annual cookbook yet? I always end up buying mine on Ebay. For some reason, I think you have to sign up for a bunch of miscellaneous books and all I want every year for sure is the annual one. I have 2000 through 2005. I need 2006.
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Old 01-02-2006, 04:50 PM   #58  
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Hi guys, it's been a busy day here. Babysitting dgs (watching Dora).

Sandra, I'm not sure if I'm close to Frouf, I'm in Barrhaven. Turning 59 next week, wow, I turned sixty last May and actually it wasn't too bad. Kids made a great party.

Vickie, down during holidays, Bravo. I understand about the shower gel. Sinces leaving work in November I've really been loving my baths, candles and all!

Kathy, hope dd is feeling a tad better, lots of rest will do the trick. Sounds like you are very busy there.

Hey Frouf, the weather is lousy. I'm lucky enough to be looking forward to two weeks in Mexico. We leave January 21st.

Gotta get back to Natan now, so I'll check in later.

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Old 01-02-2006, 04:57 PM   #59  
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Saundra, you look my age! I would have guessed around 50. Must be great water in Canada!
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Old 01-02-2006, 05:03 PM   #60  
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Thanks for the pressure Vickie! Actually, I don't mind the pressure - it keeps me honest. I'm back down to my pre-holiday weight, and we went walking for over 3 miles today. I am planning on going to my meeting tomorrow, even though there will probably be a lot of people there.

I'm making a turkey for supper tonight. It smells so good in here!

I hear dd calling, so I'd better go.

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