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Old 01-03-2012, 09:51 AM   #151  
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Back from California but I have an appt today so I don't have anytime to update. Believe me, you don't want to know. Let's just say I'm thankful my clothes still fit and that I'm starting again on Thursday! Hope everyone had wonderful holidays.
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Old 01-03-2012, 09:53 AM   #152  
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Oh, I forgot to add a link about my friend and his brother. Pretty motivating.
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Old 01-03-2012, 09:55 AM   #153  
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Itsaboutime, Welcome Back!!! Hope you had a wonderful trip to California!!!

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Old 01-03-2012, 09:57 AM   #154  
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Originally Posted by sandyh50 View Post
I did have a pretty good day yesterday, I chose to have sweet potato baked fries instead of my broccoli for supper. It hit the spot.

Jelly, I have a clinic nearby, I just have to go buy some packets, they were closed over the vacation and are open today. You are sweet to offer though.

I found my zuchiini muffin recipe in Finn's recipe , he used a lemon pudding but I switched it to butterscotch, you really could use any pudding.

Maille, I forgot you were a teacher too. You are middle/high school right?

I did buy some cabbage and broth for veggie soup. Just need to make it.

First day of school in 2012. Need to get moving. I will be doing water aerobics after school. Fun!
Sandy..That was so exciting about the Rosebowl and your grandaughter. I am a Ducks fan and it was a good game.
I teach K-5. Good luck today with the kids and swimming.
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Old 01-03-2012, 10:08 AM   #155  
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I was missing you! Hope you had a great time in Cali, if I had more money, I would live there (my daughter does).. Speaking of which she will be home on the 10th and I can't wait to see her. She can't wait to go skiing and see snow again (I could live without that)

I loved what I read of the article, but for some reason, I could only read page 1. Absolutely amazing! You look great in your prof pic. Can't wait to have you catch us up on CA. Welcome back and have a great 2012!
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Old 01-03-2012, 10:10 AM   #156  
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I just noticed how much you have lost and maintained, You Rock! Congratulations to you, what an inspiration
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Old 01-03-2012, 10:11 AM   #157  
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Originally Posted by darbs7 View Post
Hello ladies. Here I am ready to reset my mind...So I have been on this journey for over a year and a half. I have been in maintenance since Memorial Day weekend. I am currently up about 5 pounds. Here's to a perfect phase 1 day today. The first of at least 7, hopefully 14.
Hey Darbs and fellow Re-booting Maintainers! I'm also on my IP January reboot. Now at day 3. Interesting this time around. I felt so desperate about the weight gain (up 9lbs) since maintenance, but I finally re-framed my thinking thanks to you guys about just doing this once a year for a few weeks and balancing myself out. (Thought of balancing my check-book, doing financial spreadsheets and everything else in my life that requires bookkeeping) I know that sounds ridiculously simplistic, but you is!!!! That's when I stopped being emoitional about it and just said hey. Isn't it great you know what to do once a year at 9-10 up rather than 40? It's like knowing where to tighten your belt, when you need to make ends meet, so you can pay your bills.
Well...I want my zippers to meet when I put my pants on!!!!!!!!!!!! :0)
Happy New Years Everyone.
Here's funny prayer I read online...
"Dear G-d,
My prayer for 2012 is for
A fat bank account & a thin body.
Please don't mix these up like you did last year.
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Old 01-03-2012, 12:59 PM   #158  
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Originally Posted by sunnymae View Post
Hey Darbs and fellow Re-booting Maintainers! I'm also on my IP January reboot. Now at day 3. Interesting this time around. I felt so desperate about the weight gain (up 9lbs) since maintenance, but I finally re-framed my thinking thanks to you guys about just doing this once a year for a few weeks and balancing myself out. (Thought of balancing my check-book, doing financial spreadsheets and everything else in my life that requires bookkeeping) I know that sounds ridiculously simplistic, but you is!!!! That's when I stopped being emoitional about it and just said hey. Isn't it great you know what to do once a year at 9-10 up rather than 40? It's like knowing where to tighten your belt, when you need to make ends meet, so you can pay your bills.
Well...I want my zippers to meet when I put my pants on!!!!!!!!!!!! :0)
Happy New Years Everyone.
Here's funny prayer I read online...
"Dear G-d,
My prayer for 2012 is for
A fat bank account & a thin body.
Please don't mix these up like you did last year.
I had a similar awakening this morning. That if once or twice a year I have to re-boot a few pounds...not a big deal compared to the 85 that I had to lose.
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Old 01-03-2012, 01:06 PM   #159  
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Originally Posted by JellyMae87 View Post
If there are any packets that you need, let me know.. I have a "ton" of extras...
I just noticed your starting weight and current weight...congrats. How long has it taken you. I would love to share your story with my 22 year old daughter who has the same height and starting weight as you.

Originally Posted by Pxlkitty4 View Post
Hi Darbs. Great to hear from you. I'm doing phase 1 today too. I'll join you for a full seven days of it. . I'm 2 lbs over the high end of my weight range.
Originally Posted by Bellamack View Post
Hi darbs,

You were one of the people I followed before I joined in on the IP diet! It sure sounds like you are doing well, heck it seems everyone has done well maintaining and I believe the founder of the diet always "refreshes" for a week or two in January. Happy 2012!
Originally Posted by sandyh50 View Post
I am up 2 pounds over my top number too! I am having a hard time having a perfect phase one day. Maybe because I am using alternatives , I don't know, just have to get my mind set!

Originally Posted by woolberger View Post
Hi Darbs. I'm doing phase I again also to reboot. Up a little after the holidays.

Yup...I am also up 2.5 over my "cut-off". Didn't weigh or track over holidays. I need some accountabillity and you guys are it!

I went to FATSECRET but forgot how to use the group feature. I want to have a full week of phase one days too.
So is there a new reboot challenge on Fatsecret? I don't see anything yet and I'm not sure how to start one. Please invite me.


Okay ladies....I am proud to say I was 100% perfect yesterday. It is tougher with alternatives....although I have some IP packets too. I think I will take a trip to the clinic today. So good to see the support we all have for each other.

So far another perfect day, feeling less hungry today (maybe the fact that I tossed my cookies this morning as I was pulling out of the driveway didn't help...don't worry...I was sick like this last time the first three days too)

Keep up the great work everyone!
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Old 01-03-2012, 01:41 PM   #160  
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Originally Posted by ItsAboutTime View Post
Back from California but I have an appt today so I don't have anytime to update. Believe me, you don't want to know. Let's just say I'm thankful my clothes still fit and that I'm starting again on Thursday! Hope everyone had wonderful holidays.
What a GREAT picture!
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Old 01-03-2012, 04:36 PM   #161  
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Originally Posted by ItsAboutTime View Post
Back from California but I have an appt today so I don't have anytime to update. Believe me, you don't want to know. Let's just say I'm thankful my clothes still fit and that I'm starting again on Thursday! Hope everyone had wonderful holidays.
You look GREAT! And relaxed!
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Old 01-03-2012, 05:32 PM   #162  
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Ok, I'm back with a little bit of time before I start dinner to update.

I didn't get to see my doctor today because she wasn't in for some reason but I got to see the nurse practitioner. When the nurse weighed me I was 166! This was 2:30 in the afternoon so I had eaten breakfast and lunch and everything but I was still mad. I was 162.6 on my scale his morning. Don't fall over of a heart attack! We'll get back to that later. Anyway, she entered in my weight and her eyes got huge. Then she looked at me and said, "you've lost a lot of weight!" As she said it she turned the screen towards me and there was this big red box that read, "Patient has lost more than 24% body weight since last visit." The last time I was there was April 1st and I was 217! I started this diet at 208 a few months later. So, as mad as I was about the high weight, this made me feel pretty good.

Ok, so I gained 2.2lbs in BOTH weeks of phase 3. Then I went up a little each week even with running and calorie watching. When we left for vacation I was 160. Today I was 162.6. I'm sure this is a lot of water weight because I haven't been watching sodium and I don't remember the last time I drank water. I've been a horrible mess I tell ya!

I want to keep with the Thursday thing so I am starting Phase 1 in 2 days. I should just start tomorrow but I am not mentally prepared quite yet. Dumb, I know, but I want to go at it 100% like I did in the beginning last time.

I'm a little worried that with exercise and watching cals I still kept gaining, I can't lie. I want to maintain around 135 so I will try to get down to 130 this round. I know restarting is going to be extra hard since I let myself go so much. I know this is a lifestyle change but once I ate one wrong thing it just snow balled and I made excuses about the holidays and then vacation. I CAN'T do that anymore.

So, my plan is 3 months. Hopefully only 1 on phase 1. We will see how that goes. I can live with phase 2 a little longer if I have to. I am hoping to be able to do phase 3 to it's fullest this time since I got the flu and strayed a little with crackers last time. I have about 33 pounds to go. I was hoping to keep it around 20 but what do ya do? I will let you know exactly where I am on Thursday!

Oh, and I put some Cali pics on my blog is you are interested. Just follow the link in my siggy.

One more thing, are we starting a "back at it" thread?

Last edited by ItsAboutTime; 01-03-2012 at 05:35 PM.
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Old 01-03-2012, 07:37 PM   #163  
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Originally Posted by Bellamack View Post
Hi darbs,

You were one of the people I followed before I joined in on the IP diet! It sure sounds like you are doing well, heck it seems everyone has done well maintaining and I believe the founder of the diet always "refreshes" for a week or two in January. Happy 2012!

I am doing good back on Phase I this week, just one pound to lose to be at my phase-off/maintenance weight and then onward to goal! We are having winter weather after a few unseasonably warm days (which I loved & hubby helped me de-decorate) Now we get the pretty, big, fluffy snow.

Tomorrow I have to go hunt down and buy all the Sugar-free Peppermint creamer I can find. I am not a coffee per se drinker but yum to mocha. I make a decaf German Chocolate coffee in the morning, stick in freezer while I shower, then add a chocolate Muscle Milk lite or EAS and 2 T of the sugar -free peppermint mocha creamer, all over ice. IT IS FANTASTIC! So hubby comes home with a bottle of the creamer for me yesterday and says "its the last one Wal-Mart had" (very happy & proud of himself) and I looked at it and said "it is not sugar-free, but thank you for the thought. I had stocked the fridge with them before Christmas but everyone loved it in their coffee, so I gave them away, grrrrrr. I am rambling over coffee creamer, hmmmm. Off to the crafting room!
Where are you in UPstate? I am near Lake George
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Old 01-03-2012, 07:45 PM   #164  
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Welcome back Lynsey! Your profile pic is beautiful!

DArbs, I loved the prayer! It was great.

I stopped at my clinic and bought some packets. I will have a new coach again who is on phase 1 only. OH, well, I know what to do and have the accountability on weighing in.

I made it to my second day of water aerobics. Woohoo.

I guess I am doing a sort of modified phase 1. I had my other sweet potato that was in the fridge from when I went on maintenance in Dec. I think I will make the IP ice cream again tonight. It was so good.

Lynsey, I think you might need a protein drink after your workouts. You added a lot of exercise and didn't up your protein. Try that,.
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Old 01-03-2012, 10:26 PM   #165  
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Ah, survived day 2 of phase 1/2 reboot! It will be interesting to see what the scale says at my official weigh-in on Thursday. So far I don't feel hungry or sick.
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