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Old 12-20-2011, 07:17 PM   #31  
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Lindon, glad it is not your old kitty going to turn inside out! She is doing extremely well to be spry at 19.
I am not maintaining yet I still have at least 5 pounds to go. But I like to read this thread to prepare myself for the pitfalls when I get there. I am not phasing off for the holidays because I don't want to have to detox with beginning phase 1 again if I can help it. That first week was migraine after migraine for me so want to avoid that if I can. Iam using excuses to skip out of work at lunch time most days now. I work with so many departments it has been celebration after celebration for weeks now. I am surprised that more people are not terribly overweight but I guess many people must be quite physically active.
So I will keep on trucking through the season, I may have a bite or two off plan on Christmas Day. I am looking forward to joining this group for real in the New Year.
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Old 12-20-2011, 07:18 PM   #32  
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Oh my, I started out the day with a big staff breakfast prepared by our principal and another colleague. I had my IP cappuccino and some of the eggs they prepared. Lunch was a phase 2 lunch and then I got into the goodies that PARENTs and school board people brought in for staff. I had a good phase 1 supper but feel the need for another phase 1 day tomorrow and maybe again on the train on Thurs. I will eat some protein bars and EAS drinks. I think I will pack some mandarin oranges and hope that holds me for the 23 1/2 hours I will be on the train. I won't be able to weigh in until January with a new coach again. I think I still want the accountability of weighing in. I really want to do maintenance without having to buy a lot of IP packets. Is that possible?

Good job everyone staying the course. I did weigh this morning and was up 4 pounds from last week. I assume that is also the 3-5 pounds they tell us we will gain as we regain the glycogen stores.
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Old 12-20-2011, 07:41 PM   #33  
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Ugh! I came home and busted my butt again with The Shred and running. I didn't run as hard as last night but went 35 minutes. I ended up burning 492 cals according to my polar. Then I made the mistake of making oreo bark. It's just white choc chips and oreos and I HAD to try it before I could share it at work tomorrow. Cookies and cream Hersheys are my fave candy bar so I never should've made this. I will bring it to work and set it far away from me so I can't eat anymore.
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Old 12-20-2011, 09:13 PM   #34  
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Hey all! Finally getting the chance to check in. The website has been funky for me all day, not being able to get on. I am on P1 tomorrow as well. I have a couple of big eating days coming up on Thursday and Friday, so I want to possibly start out in a deficit. So sad to miss my delicious breakfast, but for the rest of the week, it is going to be a lot of eating and meals out and goodies. Working on that "balance" I am always talking about

I find comfort in the fact that we are all in a similar boat. Trying to maintain and keep things under control during a very out of control time of year. I am a little bit nervous what the next week or so is going to be like for me as I am going to be with my family. I know I will exercise the whole week, but squeezing in P1 days is definitely going to be challenging. But I will take it one day at a time and if I end up gaining a couple pounds, I know I will be right back on P1 when I get home. Is that not the absolute best part of this diet??? Having the tools and the game plan to get back on track???

Like most of you, I too never "finished" a diet. However, I never actually got close enough to my goal to even have that be an option. I would lose some weight, but then I would start plateauing and then I would slowing stop weighing in because of frustration, and then the weight gain would start. This is the first time that hitting my goal was actually achieveable.
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Old 12-20-2011, 11:29 PM   #35  
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Am thrilled with myself and the fact that I have said no to numerous- probably hundreds off cookies, breads, chocolates, fudge, chex mix etc etc etc for the past three days! I feel so good and non bloated! I am going to allow myself to go with the flow this Christmas weekend and then back on track next week. Blimey! I may just get through the holidays without gaining- that is such an awesome thought. I am also happy that all my friends and family are used to me eliminating certain foods and no one tries to coax me into anything anymore. The best Christmas present I can give myself is maintenance..........yes!
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Old 12-21-2011, 08:22 AM   #36  
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I was back up a couple pounds this morning. I'm going to just go with the flow because I know I'm working hard.
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Old 12-21-2011, 08:30 AM   #37  
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Oh, but more importantly, I was up at 4:30 Shredding this morning! I didn't have time to run so I will do that after work.
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Old 12-21-2011, 08:48 AM   #38  
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Its about time - I totally identify with the exercise and finding crazy times to do it. As a working Mom it is so hard to find time to focus on ourselves! Exercise really falls into that category for me. I lift weights in the bathroom while Cupcake is in the tub and run at 5am before everyone gets up or at night after she goes to bed. I've got a "kitchen pass" to leave tonight at 7:30 to run a Christmas 5k in my town and I'm really looking forward to it. The activity I feel is key to maintenance for me.

Determined - congratulations on saying "no" to hundreds of treats. That is so hard to do! I broke down yesterday and had some chips and dip at the office.

Maile - Hawaii the day after Christmas?! How exciting! You will be able to wear a swimsuit and look awesome! Which island?

I remain concerned about the upcoming 4 solid days of parties. There will be no opportunity for a phase 1 day until next Tuesday. I think I'm going to make an appointment with my coach next Wednesday. I can weight in and discuss maintenance. Someone here mentioned their coach seeing them monthly to keep on track. I like the idea. A little extra accountability can't hurt.
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Old 12-21-2011, 09:19 AM   #39  
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I am still see my coach monthly.I purposely set it up for post holiday for accountability.
Sandy..I plan on phasing off packets totally during maintenance. I mainly use them for Phase 1 breakfasts for a kick start..and sometimes for snacks. Those pounds are probably the glucose they mentioned.

Pauley: I also find exercising early at 5:30 works the best for me. Have fun on your run tonight. I admire you mothers for squeezing in exercise whenever you can get it with your busy schedules. I am going to Oahu..where my family lives.

Itsabouttime;;You are also very motivated exercising at 4:30am. If you are on track, those pounds have got to be water and should come off. Glad you gave the oreos away.

Jennydoodle..I think this is the biggest key to success..we have a tool to stop any pounds from being permanently added..Someone called it the "eek creep" to watch out for. Before I would panic, now I know I can lose it again and still maintain.
We can learn how to finish and do this!!!!

Determined: well said..that is the best gift for Xmas..maintenance! I have also noticed that people are not commenting when I do not eat all of the goodies..This is nice.

Sandy: You are still maintaining control despite the numerous parties. Thank goodness for Phase 1. Hope today goes well at school.

Pat; You might as well join this group now. I joined before I reached goal weight for ideas on the other phases. I know what you mean by celebration after celebration. Right now my kitchen is a sea of Xmas goodies ones given to me yesterday.

Linden: I have to fly out of my small town to get to Seattle, then to HI. I am concerned as in the winter, they shut down the airport due to fog. I will PM you the bread recipe. I love cats also..Ours are currently upset with all the guests here taking over the house.

For some reason this year I am much more aware of the incredible emphasis on food during the holidays...maybe because I am trying to stay away from it. Most of the celebrations involve food at parties or meals.
Today we are going out to breakfast and lunch. One day at a time..plan, plan, and focus!

If anyone wants exotic flavored coffees, look on coffeeam. They have no sugar or carbs. I am going to try them.

Last edited by Maile; 12-21-2011 at 09:21 AM.
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Old 12-21-2011, 03:29 PM   #40  
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Drastic action.. The guests who like my Grandma's pie have left. I took the rest of it and put it in the disposal. The temptation was too strong.
2nd action. I made my poor children choose which Xmas goodies they did not like, so I could get rid of them. Can't keep looking at trays and trays of goodies.
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Old 12-21-2011, 03:45 PM   #41  
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Originally Posted by Maile View Post
Drastic action.. The guests who like my Grandma's pie have left. I took the rest of it and put it in the disposal. The temptation was too strong.
2nd action. I made my poor children choose which Xmas goodies they did not like, so I could get rid of them. Can't keep looking at trays and trays of goodies.
Wow- I am impressed. I guess you don't lose 110 pounds by messing around! Good for you. The endless trays of sweets keep arriving for me at work daily. It is not easy! The garbage can may be an option. NO ONE needs all of that crap!
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Old 12-21-2011, 08:07 PM   #42  
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You know I started to feel like the Grinch..throwing out Xmas goodies? My sweet kid nobly tasted them and told me which ones he wanted to get rid of.. I told him he could keep them all..but fortunately he is a particular eater.

Actually it was somewhat amusing and therapeutic watching Grandma's pie being disintegrated..

Linden..I sent you a PM.. Go to Joy of and look for chocolate zuccini bread..use butter.
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Old 12-21-2011, 09:47 PM   #43  
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Ha! I am the grinch at my house! My poor little girl isn't doing one bit of Christmas baking this year. She wants to hold the sprinkles and look at them since she can't make cookies. I need to send her to Grandma's house for that I guess.
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Old 12-21-2011, 10:08 PM   #44  
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Way over did it today. Well, ok, not way but bad choices before a weigh in that is for sure. I didn't get my run in because my brother flew in from DC and asked me to take him to my gma's because she is finally out of the hospital after a little over 3 weeks. I couldn't pass that up for a run. I did at least get the shred done this morning. I am trying to make a couple of dinners for my brother to bring over to my grandparents tomorrow and finishing up cupcakes for my daughter's school party. I will not get to bed very early so that ruins my early rising. I will figure something out to get the shred in tomorrow if it kills me.

Weigh in will suck because I've had too much sodium. (That and I was up already this morning.)

Ran my tush off at work today and will most likely do the same tomorrow. Better get busy! Wish me luck.
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Old 12-22-2011, 10:16 AM   #45  
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Good morning! I am officially a maintainer, starting today. Kinda scary! I'm trying really hard to not feel like I've been "cut loose" right before Christmas. I am planning my fun day for this Friday night. We have lots of parties to go to this weekend, but I chose my parents' house as the place I will indulge. The food will be good at the other places, but there's no food quite like what you were raised on, if you know what I mean. I plan to eat very light that day until dinner. Christmas day will be my phase 1 day for sure, maybe the day after as well, depending on the scale. I will have to figure out what works for me in maintenance and it kinda stinks the first week of it is Christmas, but I think I will be ok. At least I know what to do if my plans fail. I'm not even excited about adding carbs back to dinner. I think I may do what some of you guys do and just add them back on the weekends. Thinking about pasta, rice and potatoes is not even appealing to me. I have to say that I am very satisfied in phase 3, all day.
One question I have for y'all: Do you still have a snack after dinner? My phase 4 paperwork puts a snack before dinner, but says to try to eat 3 meals and 3 small snacks everyday. I like to have a snack about an hour after dinner and have grown accustomed to that. I don't really want to change that if I don't have to. What do you guys do?
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