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Old 12-31-2011, 07:54 PM   #106  
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Originally Posted by jennydoodle View Post
I must say, that it feels absolutely WONDERFUL to not have to be making a new years resolution that involves losing weight. This is definitely a first for me!
I feel exactly the same way. I might have 10lbs or so to go, but it's definitely not hanging over me like it has in every other year that I can remember. I even posted on facebook about it. My resolution is to keep doing pilates 3 x per week.

Congratulations to us all! As much as I stress about the little things sometimes, it's really great to see pictures of me this year vs last year and see such a huge difference.
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Old 12-31-2011, 07:57 PM   #107  
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Originally Posted by 2RIDEROLLERCOAST View Post
Hey Pxlkitty - I hope your cat adjusts better then my two... I inherited a cat from my dad 11 years ago now... and my two cats still hiss at each other, it could be TAT (short for kitty cat trucker had a lisp where dad worked and came out Titty Tat) thinks she is a dog... they now can eat 2 feet away from each other without a cat fight. My dog Jewel when they start fighting would seperate them, must be the herding instincts.

Please start a new challenge, I stopped logging in as well. I am thinking that is the big key is to continue to log everything that gets past your lips. I too have gained a little and want it gone.
Great to see you 2RIDE... I hope that you have a Happy New Year!

I will work on the challenge either tomorrow or Monday.

I really hope that my cats start getting along soon. The older one wants to play with the little one, and I think its just that the little one still feels threatened and scared because she's in a new place. She has started hanging out with us now in the living room instead of hanging in the bedroom all the time, so I am hoping that it's still the adjustment.
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Old 01-01-2012, 08:33 AM   #108  
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Hello fellow maintainers!

I've been in Costa Rica for 15 days and am heading back to Canada today - I have been eating completely off plan (by design) for the holiday, and know that I'll be on phase 1 for a while when I get back (no scale here, so the damage is unknown - I was in a swimsuit the whole two weeks and realized that I have a new relationship with how I look.

Even as my tummy got softer here (LOTS of rice, tortillas, ice cream, potato chips and cookies) I realized it is all about choices. The ones I made here to eat foods that are not as healthy have consequences that will require me to make different choices when I get home.

I don't regret the choices for one minute though - this was a holiday of a lifetime and I'm thankful for IP as I know that I can get back "on track" when I'm in my routine. Happy 2012!
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Old 01-01-2012, 09:13 AM   #109  
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HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!! I am back on track today and looking forward to a healthy new year. I need to lose the weight I put on over Christmas and go from there. This might be knee replacement surgery. I have a friend who is going to do water aerobics with me , hopefully starting tomorrow.

Last edited by sandyh50; 01-01-2012 at 09:13 AM.
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Old 01-01-2012, 10:58 AM   #110  
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Happy New Year to all my IP friends. I want to tell you how much I appreciate this thread. While I haven't been posting much lately, I am always following your conversations.
This season has been tough for me and like others have said here, I quit tracking. I think it really started for me when I went to Hawaii in November. I remember posting that I had lost my drive. I managed to maintain at my goal weight until about the middle of December and then just quit trying. Thankfully, I kept up with my pilates 3-4 times per week so that probably saved me from a worse stumble. more whining. I hopped on the scale this AM and I am 2.5 pounds over my "cut-off" number, 4.5 pounds over my goal weight and about 7 pounds over where I actually felt most comfortable. So, I am up for the January re-boot. I plan on going through all the phases. I have stuff here so I am going to start today. Only have 1 event coming up next week (Dad's 90th B-Day) and I was able to navigate that easily last year on phase I so I don't see any obstacles except my own motivation. I will be on the boards daily to keep me honest and am ready to join any challenge with you guys.
Again, I am thankful for all of you and look forward to your comments, advice and stories . We can do this!!

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Old 01-01-2012, 12:00 PM   #111  
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But I am going to get back on P1 for a couple of weeks and see if I can get to 125-128 and maintain there instead of 132-135. Even if I don't get to 125, it will feel good to do P1 for a couple of weeks to get back into the mentality and get into that "back on track" feeling. I think it will help with getting back into feeling in control, and stop with the bites and nibbles and the little bits of junk that I keep eating. P1 has a very good way of regaining focus.

I must say, that it feels absolutely WONDERFUL to not have to be making a new years resolution that involves losing weight. This is definitely a first for me! My resolution this year is to go see more movies in the theater. I love to go see movies, but I never seem to go, I just wait for DVD. This year, I am going to make an effort to get out and see the movies I want to see on the big screen. I just love not having to make a resolution involving weight, health and wellness!!!!

Hope you all have a safe and happy NYE![/QUOTE]

Happy New Year Everyone! Looking forward to hitting Phase 1 again tomorrow for the same reasons you are Jenny. I'd like to maintain a little lower, but really I just want to stop with the bites and nibbles! Just a little cheating each day is justified. I think a round of Phase 1 will have me appreciating Phase 4 eating without cheats.

I too am glad to NOT have weight/health related resolutions this year. That is a first. This is also a first time I have gained zero weight over the holidays (which extend from Halloween through November birthdays to Thanksgiving and Christmas). Hallelujah! I think my resolution will be to try and be a better listener.

Cupcake woke up with a fever this morning, so we may have to miss church and dim sum today. Or maybe give her tylenol and go anyway. She's still cheerful and we have got some cabin fever in this house!
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Old 01-01-2012, 12:30 PM   #112  
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Originally Posted by 2RIDEROLLERCOAST View Post
Hey Pxlkitty - I hope your cat adjusts better then my two... I inherited a cat from my dad 11 years ago now... and my two cats still hiss at each other, it could be TAT (short for kitty cat trucker had a lisp where dad worked and came out Titty Tat) thinks she is a dog... they now can eat 2 feet away from each other without a cat fight. My dog Jewel when they start fighting would seperate them, must be the herding instincts.

Please start a new challenge, I stopped logging in as well. I am thinking that is the big key is to continue to log everything that gets past your lips. I too have gained a little and want it gone.

Determined - I am pretty sure I had a sugar overload and it caused me a 2 day miagrane... funny when not eating lots of sugar didn't have 1 migrane in the 10 months hmmm very interesting eh? I think I can't eat sugar or bread as long as I can still have my peanut butter... but that I will have to cut way back too.

Bella - I hear you but I kind of sabbatoged myself as I had to "TRY" the Christmas Crack candy I made... OH MY that was soo good but way too much for me. Gave most to my nephew when he was leaving the house and hid the rest in the basement freezer... they were calling my name last night but I am on day 3 of phase 1 and didn't want to blow it. I will see the 140s again before long...

I miss my breakfasts but I had other issues, I would get busy doing something and forget to eat until around 2pm every day... so then would try something and then was too full at supper time and then ate later like 8 or 9 and then start all over again....

I haven't had yogurt for a couple of weeks and I do miss it, but now doing phase 1 again and cant have it so... will just have to wait a while. Determined I am with you I weighed myself on Monday and am not going to weigh again until next Monday... hoping for a good week.

Everyone have a great day. back to work.
2ride..Hope your Phase 1 is going well. I got my coffeeam shipment. The coffee is wonderful..Butterscotch english toffee is amazing. I am hooked and have to resist the urge to drin k coffee all day. Hope you are enjoying your new coffee maker.
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Old 01-01-2012, 12:35 PM   #113  
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Pixl..That would great if you could do another challenge. Would you want to add a few more checkpoints? Was your free day a planned or unplanned free day? How are you feeling about maintenance this week? Positive or need motivation? If you need motivating, what can you do about it in the next week.

It does take cats a long time to adjust...even months. Hope the little one gets used to your older one soon. Another cat is the perfect thing for your older cat. I am going to attack mats on my long haired cats today.
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Old 01-01-2012, 12:49 PM   #114  
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Happy New everyone. Yes, I am happy to not have as my goal, losing weight either.
My goal is to learn more about maintenance this year. I also am changing my goal weight to 132. I am nervous about not having that nice 10 pound cushion mentally, but I am happier at 132.
I plan to join the national registry in October with one year of maintenance.
I also will never go two days without exercise..daily if possible.

I like this quote: "You con't have to be perfect to succeed, you just have to be determined. Never, never, give up."

I was shopping yesterday and got very excited about some vegetable dishes I was planning to make. This is such a change from a year ago when I started my weight loss.
The other thing I noticed when traveling is how much better I feel not being overweight. I really felt self conscious when I was overweight, especially in those airplane seats. Now I feel like I am normal.

Woolberger..It is so nice to hear from you. I have missed your comments. I am glad you are feeling ready and motivated. My mom is 91 and it was so hard to leave her.

Pauley..You and I are around the same weight. I also have entered the 129s and am considering having 129-32 as a focal point.

Sandy..hope your water aerobic class goes well.

Bcgirl..Costa Rica must have been beautiful and warm..great trip.

Here's to a great year of maintenance in 2012!
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Old 01-01-2012, 01:58 PM   #115  
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Like many of you, I am going back to P1 again for a couple of weeks -- I blew it over the holidays. Trying to find my literature to find out how to restart -- and go through the threads out here to get any helpful pointers.

The good thing is that all of you have offered helpful hints and support for each other -- we can do this!
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Old 01-01-2012, 02:57 PM   #116  
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I bought a new bathing suit! I was looking for one of those long foam noodles that kids play with (no luck) but went to the clearance clothing rack and found a $50 swimsuit for $7.00! It will be good enough for water aerobics. I was checking out youtube videos and a lot of exercises are done with the "noodle".
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Old 01-01-2012, 04:01 PM   #117  
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Originally Posted by sandyh50 View Post
I bought a new bathing suit! I was looking for one of those long foam noodles that kids play with (no luck) but went to the clearance clothing rack and found a $50 swimsuit for $7.00! It will be good enough for water aerobics. I was checking out youtube videos and a lot of exercises are done with the "noodle".
I'm SO envious of your having a place to do water aerobics. It's one of my very favorite things in life. And you may find that the pool you go to has all the exercise equipment you need. Good luck.

Pauley, I hope your bronchitis is a lot better, and happy new year to all of you.
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Old 01-01-2012, 04:18 PM   #118  
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Happy New Year everyone!!
Hope everyone had a good evening last night. I did nothing as is my usual, I'm not a fan of drinking unless I'm in the right company anymore. And truth be told, I haven't been out for NYE since I was prego with my oldest and I don't miss it one bit. I enjoy my sleep :P
I don't really have resolutions. I plan to maintain if not lose a few more but that has always been the plan, it hasn't changed because it's a new year. I am gearing up to start the dreaded P90X tomorrow. I am looking forward to it altho I do expect some pain in the first couple of weeks but I have stocked up on epsom salts and bubble bath. I have mapped out meal plans etc, according to what we have learned on IP and "cross-referenced" it with what is required for optimum results for P90x. So here's hoping I've got it right but only time will tell. I feel rather confident after doing my homework. Makes me feel like I'm in control. Having said that it hasn't been easy allowing myself to shift my focus off of my weight and onto my fitness. The two go hand in hand but with strength training I need to be aware that my weight can and probably will creep up a little but it's not a bad thing.
Take care everyone and have a healthy and happy 2012.
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Old 01-01-2012, 06:03 PM   #119  
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I have some old P90x videos! I don't think I will do them with my osteoarthritis in my knees. LInden, our local hotel/convention center has a pool that I am going to use. The grey haired ladies go early in the morning according to a colleague of mine, but that doesn't work for me as I am at school at 7:15 everyday. I plan on going after school.
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Old 01-01-2012, 06:12 PM   #120  
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Wow Dollface,

I am in awe! Good Luck with the P90X!

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