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Old 05-20-2008, 01:52 AM   #196  
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Default Finally started

Hi everyone, I'm kind of new here, been lurking for a while & have thought about starting several times. I have been reading the book & looking at the menus & recipes. I bought groceries this weekend & started this morning but haven't planned my meals very well. I'm need to prepare more in advance, but at least its a start. I thought I'd really have a harder time without the coffee, but so far its not too bad. I think the worst thing was no salt. My hours are kind of weird. I work part time from 10 - 3 and I'm not used to eating lunch. I haven't decided how to work that out yet.

Here's my meal today:
Breakfast: grits, banana, cup of herbal tea
Snack: Apple
Snack: frozen grapes
Dinner: Red beans & Rice, steamed cabbage with red bell pepper.
Snack: Orange
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Old 05-20-2008, 03:29 PM   #197  
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Cool Hello!!

I am new to the Fat Smash. I started yesterday. I already cheated with a glass of wine (I gave up the diet dr pepper so I had to have something to take the edge off). I decided to try this to take off the 10 lbs I've gained after a very nasty break up with a boyfriend (after 3 long years and many long stories). I'd like to lose those plus more so......

I started yesterday and aside from cheating with my glass of wine I weighed myself this morning and was already down 3 I know that was just water weight but it was still 3 extra pounds of weight I was carrying.

I love fruits and veggies so this is not too much of a challenge but the Diet soda....I know the reasoning behind it is the caffeine/ about Diet Rite soda which contains neither? Does anyone know?

thanks for any tips or words of encouragement...

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Old 05-20-2008, 05:04 PM   #198  
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Hello All,

I was kinda disappointed this morning when I got up and had lost no pounds...but I can't complain because I have lost 6 this week. I went to some school end of the year parties for the classes I interned in and was tempted with taco salad, barbeque sandwiches, and fresh ice cream sundaes and I turned it ALL down. I was hungry when I left because I missed my second meal and stopped at Chick-Fil-a to get a Chargrilled Chicken Sandwich and it was so strange to have bread even if it's wheat. I love the Chargrilled Sandwich and was proud to eat those 280 calories.
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Old 05-20-2008, 08:50 PM   #199  
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Talking Day 2....and that wine glass is taunting me from the kitchen

Well i'm almost done with day 2 and i fear it's gonna end with a glass of wine. Again. Oh well at least I'm consistant.

I've decided to do the 9 day detox and then start Extreme Fat Smash afterwards with my best friend. She doesn't know she is but she's going to find out this weekend . I love any kind of detox so i like that but I find the ability to have diet sodas daily and "some" wine at the end of the week more within my imagination

I tried to put one of those weight tickers on but it wouldn't let me?? Anyone know why?

I tried to cook a huge pot of brown rice.....OMG it was so gross. It was like a huge pot of .... mushy ....... i don't know. I'm without words. BUT heaven is on my side cause i found already cooked ready to eat one serving size cups of brown rice at the grocery store!!!!!! I'm over the top. That's exactly how I was dancing in the aisle too!!!!

anywho...hope everyone has a great day tomorrow!!

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Old 05-21-2008, 05:29 PM   #200  
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Hey, ladies! Welcome all the new people. I love having new people join our crew. I think it only makes us stronger.

So, I've been doing so poorly eating wise lately, but on the other hand, I'm not binging and only eating small (bad, but small) meals. Things have been so extremely hectic and will probably stay that way until mid-June...oh my! That's life. I'm not complaining...I've been in the position when I didn't have anything to do, and being busy is much better!

Ang - I had to laugh when I heard you talk about cooking the brown rice. I have such issues cooking it, but I did find portioned boil a bags from Success Rice. All you have to do is boil water then add the package for 10 minutes. I put it in for 11, since I like it a little softer, but not mushy! So easy! Plus, it's so much easier cleaning the pot because it was only boiled water, and not burned mush on the bottom of the pot. Ha.
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Old 05-21-2008, 10:09 PM   #201  
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Day 3....(and end of day 2)

So, the end of day 2 was off to a decent end until that wine taunting me turned into straight heckling and I was forced to dispose of it the only decent way I knew.....I drank it. And it was YUMMY.

Today i was a good girl but had a diet soda. There was no taunting going on there...I just wanted it. It went well with my banana for breakfast. I would say I "made" beans and rice with veggie crumbled meat, but it's not really cooking if all the ingredients were already cooked when I brought them home. Oh well.

Annierew girl thanks for the rice tip but I'm sticking to the pre-made stuff. It was a complete 180 from the mess I boiled to death. I love the rice.....I got a little crazy with the seasoning but it was still de-lish!

Hope everyone had a great day. I went and ran tonight for the first time in years. I had a breast reduction last year so I've been recovering and just plain scared they will magically drop again with one run but they're holding up (pardon the pun) ok. I registered for the Race for the Cure in Raleigh to run with friends and family. It's in June so I have that as a goal. I also plan to do another one in August with my awesome friend.

good luck and be strong tomorrow everyone!!!!


Last edited by Ang37; 05-21-2008 at 10:22 PM.
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Old 05-22-2008, 12:54 PM   #202  
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Default 4th day Update

I am on my 4th day on phase 1. It hasn't been too terrible, but there have been a few times. I gave in and had a cup of decaf coffee yesterday & this morning. Have had a terrible headache, so thought maybe that would help a little bit. Other than that its been ok. I don't really feel like I've lost any weight yet. I may break down & weigh tomorrow. I took my mother grocery shopping yesterday & it was real torture. She bought donuts, cereal, meats, etc. all the things I can't have. Then tried to get me to stay for supper of hamburgers & fries. But I resisted & went home instead. She is planning to have chicken, dumplings & dressing this Sunday. I don't know if I can resist that And I have to be there (probably have to help cook too). Oh well, I'll find out just how strong my will power is!!
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Old 06-09-2008, 12:36 PM   #203  
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Hello Everyone,

I'm on my lunch break so I thought I'd drop in a give a quick hello and an update. I'm in the 2nd week of Phase III. I'm still going strong. I've lost a total of 20 pounds so far. I have a long way to go but I'm not giving up. I still bike on the weekends. I've gone 55 minutes on the elliptical machine this morning and burned up 800 calories. We're supposed to be up to an hour by the 4th Phase so I'm just about there.


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Old 06-09-2008, 03:45 PM   #204  
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So, are there still people out there who would like to be "Fat Smash diet buddies"? I would love to have someone to keep up with, so if there's anybody out there who's interested, just let me know! Have a great day all!
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Old 06-10-2008, 09:46 AM   #205  
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Would love to join you! I am starting tomorrow and we could start a new thread and hopefully others would join us!
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Old 06-10-2008, 10:11 AM   #206  
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hey ladies...i've moved to this board from the fatsmashforum boards that were shut down last week. it was sad to see it go so abruptly so i'm definitely looking to meet new friends here.

i've been on the diet since may 5th and so far i've lost 24.5 lbs! i'm halfway thru my phase1 restart, and i'm still keeping my food journals. hopefully i will be working on my blog to get those posted soon.

~amy aka radgranolagrl

by the way: kara and mslily i'd love to be support sisters with you!

Last edited by radgranolagrl; 06-10-2008 at 10:15 AM.
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Old 06-10-2008, 03:35 PM   #207  
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Mslily I think it would be a GREAT idea to post a new thread since this one seemed to have died down in about May-that way new people like us could jump on in!! I am excited that you are starting at the same time as me. I did the diet for the first complete day yesterday and I really loved it!!! I battled with not eating at night, that's my biggest hurdle, but I didn't do it!! I'm very happy about that!

Radgranolagrl: Glad to see you come over from the fatsmashforum, I've heard about them closing down-that's sad! I heard that they had great recipes.

I'm excited about being support sisters with both of you-who wants to post the new thread, or do you want me to do it? Yay!!!
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Old 06-10-2008, 05:54 PM   #208  
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Where are all my ladies at?! I know, I know, I'm just as guilty as the next person for not posting anytime soon. It does look like the last post I posted isn't up there anymore, but oh well! I'm back now. My sister's wedding was a blast! And more importantly, I fit into the dress, even though I got my lovely friend that morning. Ugh. It's always something. So, when I look at the pictures, I'm not telling myself I'm fat, I'm telling myself that I'm bloated. I don't know what I'll be telling myself next week, but let's take it one day at a time, right?!

I'm also so guilty of letting life get in the way of trying to be my healthy self, so I'm getting back on board. Starting Monday I'm going back to Phase I. I am so proud of myself in the fact that last May, I was a size 22 for my best friend's wedding, and for my sister's wedding I was a size 14. Okay, it's not what I was hoping for with her wedding, but it's an improvement and a step in the right direction. Now, I'm going to take that momentum and try to keep with it. This week I'm giving myself one last week to get it all out of my cream, cheese, whatever.

I'm setting a minigoal and a long term goal. We have a huge family vacation in the end of August, I want to be at least 20 pounds lighter by then. That's not impossible, and I'm going to do it. I turn 30 in January and want to be 50 pounds lighter than I am now. That's going to be hard work, but I'm planning on going to Costa Rica to celebrate, so 50 pounds lighter will make it that much more special.

Take care girls, and I want to know how my girls are. I'm excited to have new people, but what about my oldies but goodies?! I miss you all! And I'm going to post a picture of my shiny purple dress for all of you that have been hearing about it for so long. Ha.

Jill- how did the trip across country go? I've been thinking about you?
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Old 06-11-2008, 03:40 PM   #209  
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HELLO EVERYONE!!! I have been gone for quite some time will have lots to catching up to do, hope some of you ladies are still on here... Been lots happen in the few months I was gone. But I'm back and I'm ready to make a change. This was the first place I thought to come to! I am starting on Monday, only because I am on vacation till Sunday and will undoubtedly continuing eating out, like I have been all week already. Honestly I can't wait to get home for some real food. But anyway, look forward to catching up and starting over!
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Old 06-11-2008, 06:42 PM   #210  
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Mandy!!! Yay! You're back. I hope you're having good weather for your vacation. I'm starting back on Phase I Monday as well, so we'll be in it together. This time I'm not doing my own little "Annie Modified" version either. This time is the real deal. I'm dreading Monday, but I know as soon as I get on board, I'm going to feel so much better. Enjoy the rest of your vacation!
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