Fat Smash & Weight Loss Buddy

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  • Thank you!! I bought the extreme fat smash book and there are recipes in the back, but they dont specify if they are phase 1 or phase 2 or 3? How do you all eat, when your dinner is rice, beans and veggies?? Just plain or do you mix them with something?
  • Hi Wendy,
    Spices will be your best friend while fat smashing. I have been putting fresh cilantro, basil, rosemary.. etc.. in everything. That way I get a huge taste difference without adding any fat or calories to the meal. My favorite so far is brown rice with black beans and my fresh mango salsa. For the salsa you just dice up grape tomatoes, mango, red onion and then add cilantro and squeeze the juice of one orange into it. Its soooo good.

    I'm sure there is a place to post recipes, but I'm too lazy to look for it right now.
    Hopefully I will have enough posts to get my ticker up soon.
  • Hi Girls! so far so good! I guess I will stay in phase I a little longer! I dont really want meat or cereal.

    Desiree-keep positive! Your hard work will pay off, soon you wont be as tempted! My cravings have really subsided and I want to eat the rice, beans and veggies!!

    My Menu for Monday
    B: 1/2c. Oatmeal with cinnamon and walnuts
    No snack, ran for 1hr, 45min!!
    L:big salad with lots of veggies and spinach dressing
    S:veggie chili
    D:veggie and rice omlet!

    Well I have such a great feeling about this time, I guess I have had a lightbulb moment in regards to my eating! FINALLY!! I need to keep changing the menu so I dont get in a rut!

    ***I hope everyone is doing great! keep posting and motivating we all need it!!! Bye
  • Thank you for the advice.. The mango salsa sounds great!!
  • well monday is my weigh in day and i was up 1.8. i had another friend in town from ohio this past weekend (my best friend) and i'm just not good when i am out of my routine. vacation next week so i'm on P1 officially - and i know there is free pizza at work tomorrow
    welcome new girls! it's nice having more accountability through everyone on here.
  • LighterLou,

    Great job on the running almost 2 hours! Now that's a workout!

    Hope you all had a great day today!
  • Lisa-don't get discouraged you're still here and you're stick'n with it. Life happens and if we beat ourselves up everytime we had a "special occasion" or "out with my friends" oops moment....it would be a long painful road. You're doing great and think of the weight that you have already lost. You've got the scale going in the right direction sister!
  • Well my first day was good! I worked out for an hour. 45min on the treadmill and 15min circuit weight training.. So far so good. I am really happy to be part of a group like this, I think it it what I need to finally reach my goal!

    Hope everyone had a great day!
  • Ugh... today was brutal! So much temptation! Plus I didn't get my second walk in today... but I had an extra long one this morning. I was going to make chick peas for dinner, but the smell made me sick to my stomach; so it's beans again (green beans... woopee)
    I hope it gets easier from here. This diet has less food than any other diet I've been on. Thing is, my problem isn't over eating... believe it or not! LOL My problem was not eating through the day to keep my metabolism going. But when I tell myself I can't have something, I want it. Doesn't matter if it's food or whatever. (I tried tricking myself and telling myself that I didn't want beans and broccoli, but I know when I'm lying ) LOL
    Hope everyone has a good night!
  • Alright everyone seems to be doing OK!

    Lisa-life happens, if you are doing FS forever (or least long-term) you will need some wiggle room. Just pick up on the next meal. Try to keep from straying to far from the plan!

    Mandygirl-Thanks for the encouragement! I love running outside, the tredmill--not so much!

    Wendy-Good job! keep going!!!

    Desiree-Dont get discouraged! The cravings will subside! Can you get rid of the junk? I have kids and a husband and that makes it hard for me to keep temptation out of my house. I also make a menu for the week, I dont always stick to it exactly, but when I am hungry it easy to glance at it instead of reaching for the temptation!!

    Have a great night!!
  • Ya I plan my meals out, but I also have a 2 year old daughter, and my husband will not stop bringing junk into the house!
    Girls... I did a bad thing I weighed myself this morning... how long were you on the plan before the scale moved???
  • Desiree- I am doing a Biggest Loser challange with some of my friends so we weigh in every 2 weeks. I put my scale away because it was making me crazy! Hang in there! I have 3 boys ages 4,5, and 7 so our house has junk in it, I just try to look away(not always as easy as it sounds) But this is my 3rd week in phase I, and I dont even want any junk anymore(so far). Good luck!!!
  • Thanks. I'm just going to put my scale away. Out of sight, out of mind. I'm not a big junk food eater, but telling myself I can't have it, makes me want it LOL
  • omg there is so many new people... now i just have to get familarized with everyone's posts. i can't keep up!!!
  • The scale is actually the only "cheat" I have had so far on fat smash. I am addicted to the scale.
    I get on first thing in the morning every day, then sometimes throughout the day, to see the effects of certain meals.
    If they had a SAA ( scale addicts anonymous) I would so be at those meetings.
    I found the recipes section.. is that all there is, or are you guys keeping them to yourselves?