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Old 06-13-2008, 06:43 PM   #211  
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Wow, Amy! It's great that you have dropped 24.5 lbs in a month. That is inspirational. If I could get my emotions out of my diet, I could have loss that much by now too.
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Old 06-14-2008, 12:25 AM   #212  
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Hey Annie... That would be great to have someone who is starting at the same time... again, lol...

Weather has been wonderful, leaving tonight Guess it's back to reality... But am actually looking forward to getting things together when I get back.
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Old 06-14-2008, 12:28 AM   #213  
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Annie... I was just starting reading some other post too.... Saw you said you would be 30 in January... I'll be 30 in December... not exactly looking forward to it, but we can embrace that together too lol Although looks like you have big plans for your birthday... Costa Rica sounds amazing!
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Old 06-14-2008, 03:19 AM   #214  
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Hello everyone,

I haven't started FS yet but I'm seriously interested and am planning on starting on either Sunday or Monday. More than likely to start on Sunday because that's when my week starts at work. (I work Sun-Thur)

I read that couple ladies are starting back on Monday with the Phase 1. Well, this is my first I may need many advice from you all (I did read through this forum for like last 2 hours...but still... )

I haven't even got the book yet, but I got the information on what food is allowed and what's not from here and from different websites, saved on my computer, and am going grocery shopping tomorrow. I am also thinking about getting the book tomorrow, too. I already warned my bf that I'm starting a new eating plan and asked for help with my DD's meals because I won't be eating the same thing as them. She's only 2 years old so I don't really want to put her through detox phase. My bf talks about losing weight but I don't want to force it onto him so I shall wait till he's ready to take action on his on.. When I first started working out, which was about 2-3 months ago, we joked around saying I'm going to lose weight and all that weight is going to go to him. Hopefully he will come to senses before he gains all my 60-70 lbs.

Anyways, see you soon~ I'm so excited because I love love love fruits, tofu, veggies, beans, brown rice, egg white... Wait, EVERYTHING on Detox, I love.
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Old 06-14-2008, 04:15 PM   #215  
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Mandy, It's a deal! We'll face our 30's together. I'm actually really ready to embrace it. I did my freak out when I turned 25, so hopefully this will be a cakewalk (but without so much cake and maybe more veggies and fruits!).

My plan is to put all the bs from my 20's in the past and enjoy what my 30's have to offer. Hopefully I'll be a lot closer to my ideal weight by then, so I don't have to take my weight issues with me into the 30's either. Ready to start on Monday? I AM!!!
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Old 06-16-2008, 09:00 AM   #216  
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I am ready to start!... That is a great way to look at the 30's... I'm going to try and take your approach on it. I sure have a lot of bs I can leave behind, lol. I am actually trying to make today a mini new start from me. So much has happened in the past couple months and I just keep hanging on to it all. Today is time to let go as hard as it may be... but I can do it, lol. So I guess I'm off to weigh and have my first fat smash breakfast... little nervous, I don't want to see how that number changed. But it won't stay the same for long

Targetingthin.... Did you start yesterday? Glad you are jumping on board with us!
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Old 06-16-2008, 04:43 PM   #217  
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I started today actually and so far...

B: 2 egg white, 1 cup veggies, 1/4 cup strawberry, 1 cup skim milk
S: 1/4 cup frozen grapes
L: 1 cup brown rice, steamed veggies

My lunch is at about 6 pm because my day starts around noon.
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Old 06-16-2008, 09:20 PM   #218  
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So, Tara and Mandy...How did it go today? I think I did relatively well, especially since I was home all day and not at work, which is when I normally just spend my time binging. Today, I just kept myself busy, so I didn't focus on the food. I did cheat a little bit by having a couple sips of diet coke. From doing it in the past I know that the no caffiene really does make me feel so much better, but I had a rough night the night before without any sleep. I go through bouts of no sleep, and from the looks of last night, I'm starting another bout now. Boo!!! Normally I would have sucked down diet sodas all day long just to stay awake, but I only took about 3-4 sips, which is a huge improvement. Hopefully tomorrow I won't need any. Here's my menu: My menu for the day:
B - santa fe egg beaters with salsa and some beans
S - orange
L - bowl of steamed veggies with light salad dressing
S - pickle
D - brown rice with lots of corn & green beans (not so exciting but filling)

Mandy, hopefully the scale wasn't too bad for you today. I know that feeling. I actually never got on a scale today myself. I know I should have, but I didn't. The numbers don't normally move too easily for me, so I just try to focus on how I feel and fit into my clothes. I would love to lose 50 pounds by my birthday, but if not, I want to know that I tried my absolute hardest and feel the best. Maybe tomorrow I'll convince myself to get on the scale to see. Ugh!!!! Ha ha.
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Old 06-16-2008, 09:49 PM   #219  
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Default Count me in!!

I just recieved my book in the mail and I'm already excited. I just had a baby 7 1/2 weeks ago and I determined to get the baby weight (and more) off. This site really inspires me. Please be my buddy so that I may post a success story one day. I plan to start first thing in the morning!
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Old 06-16-2008, 11:30 PM   #220  
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Yay Tara great start! Sounds like you did well to Annie!

The scale was bad, lol... I gained back everything I had lost plus 4 pounds. I have gone through a really horrible break up the past couple months and eating really became my friend. He still even isn't completely out of my life but on his way lol... And I am determined not to let him get me down. I did good today, I work as a teacher's assistant so I'm off for the whole summer. I thought this would be a good thing to start while I'm at home. Now I'm not so sure, seems I want to eat all day lol. But I stuck with the plan, didn't really do meals so to speak just ate when I was hungry and made sure I only ate what I was suppose to....

B~ granola bar and milk
S~ banana
L~ veggies
S~ nuts... almonds
D~ rice, beans and corn
S~ grapes

I'm so excited to be starting over... I'm looking to lose close to 70 lbs, unfortunately I was 24 lbs closer a few months ago, lol...

Good luck Sexy... I think you will love it!
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Old 06-16-2008, 11:44 PM   #221  
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Quote for you Mandy...He who controls your anger, controls you. Don't let that man make you eat. Do what it takes to let him go. I have been where you are. If you have to, get on a treadmill and pretend you are running away from him. Think about how good you are going to look when you hit your goal weight and you will see him in public and walk by and say "BAM, look what you lost!"
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Old 06-17-2008, 07:53 AM   #222  
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Thanks Latoya! I will remember that and turn the situation into motivation
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Old 06-17-2008, 12:00 PM   #223  
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Hi Annie,
It went great yesterday. I was quite hungry time to time but I still managed to stay OP and I'm very proud of myself for it.
I'm eating my breakfast right now since I just woke up not that long ago. Oatmeal with blueberries.

Mandy, I like your quote..."Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve." That's what I was doing yesterday whenever I felt like eating something else out of the phase...Telling myself what I can do and how I will look when I'm done with this and it stopped me from eating junk food. =)
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Old 06-17-2008, 12:10 PM   #224  
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BTW, I have question for anyone who may know. I'm a Korean and eat kimchi quite often. It's like pickled cabbage..Would I be allowed to eat it during any phase? Phase 1? There is information on Kimchi on the website..Could anyone tell me?
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Old 06-17-2008, 12:20 PM   #225  
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Hey, ladies! I have been having so much trouble sleeping lately (stress - looking for a new job, money, weight, etc. - the usual!), and was up all last night. I was so hungry, but I didn't want to eat anything in case I did fall asleep. DIdn't want to sleep on a full stomach. I just kept drinking my water, which then kept me up for having to go to the bathroom. Sometimes my life is like a comedy routine. Today I haven't really been too hungry. I was running late in the morning, so I grabbed yougurt and a banana. I put some granola in there, too, but is that allowed during detox? If not, then I cheated a little bit, but it is all natural and still healthy for you. It was honey, oats and little granola, so I'm not feeling so bad about it.

Mandy - I'm going through a break up, too, which stinks, but I was never really serious about him. Turns out, he was about me, so I feel like a jerk. We never really saw each other that much. I'm trying to not let this bring me down, since I know I hurt him. That sounded like I cheated on him or something, but I didn't. We just want different things in life and I think it's stupid to stick together when I know it will only get harder as time goes on. Ugh, men. Why can't it just be easy? Ha!

Good luck today, girls!
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