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Old 04-16-2008, 04:49 PM   #76  
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Hey ladies, Im new to this so I don't have my profile/pic or any of that fun stuff up yet...but I will. My home computer is out of commission so im using my work sure my boss would love that, lol. Anywho, I'd love to join a forum or what not. I have lots of questions for this fat smash thing
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Old 04-16-2008, 07:01 PM   #77  
Ready to get to my goal!
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Hello everyone. And welcome officially to all that have joined our little family.

Jill OMG! Things are hectic. My graduation got moved up to July, from December. I have a job as faculty at my university starting in August! Wahooooooo! Things are nuts! Thanks for asking about me, sweetie, how are you doing!?!?!?

To all, I am glad you are finding comfort here and that it is helping.

As for myself, been doing pretty good, had a real wrench thrown into my life. I have a knee injury. Technically I have always had probelms with it, but it was fine for the past 3 years. THen 2 days ago it swelled and it retaining fluid again. It hurts like **** and really I feel crappy, add TOM into that and I am just not feeling like doing anything today. That is why I am going to put on my jammies, curl up in bed and watch some tv with ice on my knee.
All I really want to do is go to the gym and I cant!!! THAT SUCKS! Look at me, 26 years old and I am falling apart.

On a lighter note, I had my hair colored today- red, dark red and blond highlights. LOVE IT!

Ok, I will talk to you all soon, I need to do a better job keeping up!

Emmay... come on in We will help you with whatever you need!
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Old 04-16-2008, 09:02 PM   #78  
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Default Catching up...

Jill -I have started on the FS, have not read or even considered EFS at this point (although I never close any doors ) Hope that you have a great time with your friends this week. And don't feel too weird about your "newly skinny" friend. Unfortunately me and diet roller coasters are thick as theives so I've had the pleasure of experiencing several wonderfully different kinds of people. Those that want to be your friend when you're chubby (because I've been told they don't see you as a threat) and then there are those that either diss you when you get thin or act totally different (like this chick you are describing) when they loose their own weight. But in the end we hold onto those that love us no matter what and vice versa. Hang in there girl, sometimes being alone and selective is better then being busy with lots of friends but miserable and annoyed. You'll make lots of friends over time! Keep smiling.

Wifey-Keep up all of your hard work with school, it will all pay off! And be sure to take care of your knee...Get well soon.

Desiree-I pray that things look up for you soon! As hard as it is to understand when things get tough in our lives at times I do believe that everything happens for a reason. This is a season in your life where things are changing, which they always do, and although you feel that you have lost some things temporarily it just means that there are better things in store for you. Don't loose hope both for you and your daughter...she learns everything by watching you.



Hope everyone has a great night and an even better tomorrow!

Last edited by mandygirl; 04-16-2008 at 09:05 PM.
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Old 04-16-2008, 10:37 PM   #79  
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Jill, reading that post made me smile I've been having a really hard couple days and you guys are so positive on here... it's contagious LOL
I did do weight watchers before, and I lost some weight, but I don't have a points-counter-slider-thing-a-majigger anymore. I went to the doctor today and he reffered me to a dietician. So, we'll see what kind of plan they come up with there. How long have you lived in your new town? I've lived in my town for 1.5 years and I STILL don't have any really close friends. I have people I talk to and take my daughter to visit their kids for playdates, but nobody I really talk to. It's hard when you move to a new town and everyone is so tight... they've known each other for years. I know how that feels. Keep smiling though, because you're great and you'll make friends
Mandy... I know things happen for a reason. I was questionning my whole life earlier this week, but this morning I decided to just leave it to a higher power. So far, all the bad things that have happened, turned out to be for a good reason. So, I'll just ride it out.
My husband and I are both trying to lose weight, and he's starting tomorrow. So tomorrow, is a fresh start!

I forget who on here said it first, but it was a really good quote. It's my new mantra, LOL! I repeat it in my head when I'm tempted... "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels" Whoever came up with that, THANK YOU!
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Old 04-16-2008, 11:06 PM   #80  
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Desiree-my girlfriend actually told me the "nothing tastes as good as thin feels" quote and I think about it often I love it. I am glad to hear that things are seeming to be on the up and up for you.

Just wanted to wish you and your husband good luck on your "diet" ventures. We are all cheering for you. Take care.

Last edited by mandygirl; 04-16-2008 at 11:06 PM.
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Old 04-16-2008, 11:12 PM   #81  
Extreme Fat Smasher
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Jill and Desiree- Maybe we are all in the same boat with the new town and friends. I am from Texas and when I got married my husband I moved for him to go to law school (2500 miles away). All my friends live in Houston and hang out.. I feel left out sometimes. It is hard to make friends, all my friends are single boys.. Which would be great if I had some single girlfriends...haha... It is impossible to diet around boys, they just dont understand..

Everyone- Thank you for the working out help.. I think I will try twice a day,at least a few days a week.. It will be like a bonus... My eating has been good, but I am a huge emotional eater, so it gets tough..

Have a great night!! Jill, have fun with your friends!!!
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Old 04-17-2008, 12:14 AM   #82  
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Hi GIrls!

Desiree- way to keep a positive attitude! There is only so much that is in your control and usually you cant do anything about it!

Wendy-Try fitting in mini workouts. Like 50 jumping jacks 3 times a day then 50 squats 3 times the next. Break up the work outs. OR do something while a comercial is on. You would be suprised how it can add up!

My menu:
B:cantalope and strawberries
2 hour run!!
L:My left-over stuffed pepper mix
S:canatope and strawberries
D:yes more stuffed pepper mix (it was really really good!)
S:apple and popcorn

I hope everyone has a great night...stay positive...the hard work will pay off!
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Old 04-17-2008, 06:32 AM   #83  
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I need help getting back on track or do I? I seem to be off plan. But I am still losing so i"m not sure if I should really worry about it? What do you guys think? I'm so busy these days that I just grab whatever but try to really make it healthy and it must be working cause I"m down 4 lbs this week.
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Old 04-17-2008, 09:35 AM   #84  
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Hi! I started FS on Monday 4/14. Feel great! Need to start moving though....haven't done the exercise yet. I work 2 jobs so it is hard to fit it in.
Thanks for posting is nice to have the extra support!

Goal: Lose 20 pounds by 5/31
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Old 04-17-2008, 10:04 AM   #85  
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Thanks everyone for all the words of encouragement! I'm starting the detox today Hopefully that goes well. How much is normal to lose during detox? I've done something similar before and lost like 6 punds or something, so I'm hoping for that. I exercise a good amount, have no problem with that (training to run with a friend who does right? , but I do have a hard time sticking to nutrition stuff lately. I dont do horrible. Ill do really well and then have a couple bad days and repeat. So I don't gain..buit I dont lose either I did medifast last year and lost like 25 pounds really fast and ever since then I've had a hard time getting it back. I think having this community will be a fun little motivator!
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Old 04-17-2008, 12:25 PM   #86  
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Emmay, good job getting the exercise in! For me, that's the hardest part.
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Old 04-17-2008, 02:38 PM   #87  
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So ladies I'm sitting in a Cali airport and my flight is delayed 2 hours grr... its 11:30am and it's coming at 2pm JEEZ good thing I have a laptop! =) South Carolina here I come... eventually! lol

LUCKYGIRL... Well thank you for the Trista compliment =) Wish I had that girls body even after the baby!! Sweet potato fries r super yummy. You just get a sweet potato (not yam) in the shape of a regular potato and slice em into fry shape, bake em and season to your liking. They r sooo GOOD! I like putting garlic salt on mine.


WIFEY.... Wow July! =) I'm doing good.. a lil nervous about flying! Show us the new hair ASAP girl!

MANDYGIRL.... Thanks for the support Yeah the girl was over 300 and one day she was like gawsh you look like you gained weight, I eat so much more than you how weird. ***I felt like saying, umm hello, I havn't had any help! Grr.. but oh well

DESIREE... Aww im so glad I made you smile! I Love when I read someones post that makes me all happy Good feeling! I've lived in my new town, a year next month.

WENDY.. I'm a huge emotional eater too it's so difficult!

LOU... Your menu looks great

2BEAUTIFUL... I'm glad you're still picking the healthier items even though you are busy! You're awesome


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Old 04-17-2008, 02:41 PM   #88  
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2beautiful-great job on your 4 lb weight loss this week, whatever you are doing obviously working. Keep up the good work.

Emmay-good for you, you're doing the best kind of exercise and run...just ask LightLou I'm sure she'll tell you.

Hope everyone has a great day.
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Old 04-17-2008, 04:10 PM   #89  
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Girls, I have to run outside! Not going to happen on a tredmill!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On MWF I watch a 1yr old little girl, so I put her in a jogger and we head out to the bike path and run for an hour, then turn around and run back. I have to have my MP3 player or it is a lot harder. On T, & TH after my DH gets home I take off all by myself. This is my time to destress. My plate is over filled with 3 kids ages 4,5, and 7 (all boys) I babysit a 1yr old and a 5 year old, I am also working on my BA so this semester I have 3 classes, I am also doing relay for life which is comming up, oh and my 7 year old is going through his first holy communion next week, so I am planning a party for that. Whew that felt good.

I have to make time for myself or I will be useless for everyone else!

Take time to examine your goals! Why are you doing this and how will it feel when you reach the goal!

Have a great day!
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Old 04-17-2008, 11:54 PM   #90  
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Everyone thanks for all your help with the exercises!! It is just hard to get motivated everyday!

Emmay Welcome! Are you doing Fat Smash or Extreme Fat Smash? As a personal trainer any advice you can give all of us is appreciated!!!

Hope everyone has a great Friday, TGIF!!
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