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Old 04-24-2008, 09:53 PM   #121  
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Hello ladies! Wow
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Old 04-24-2008, 09:58 PM   #122  
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Stupid thing cut me off and posted on it's own!!! LOL
Anyways, I was saying Wow, you guys are doing great! Keep up the good work.
I've still been following my diet, but I am switching to calorie counting by doctor's orders. I can't walk because my back's so bad that it's practically paralyzed me. Between the meds I'm on and not being able to move, I've gained 11lbs in a week Isn't that insane??? I was down to 172 and I swore I'd never see the 180s again. Now I'm 183! I cried when I got on the scale. If I was making poor food choices, I could deal with that, but this is out of my control! I am so frustrated!
I had to vent. Sorry.
Anyways, I'm gone for a week. I gotta travel quite a ways to see my neurosurgeon, but I'm starting calorie counting tomorrow. I'll check in with you guys when I get back!

Welcome back Jill!
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Old 04-24-2008, 11:18 PM   #123  
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Jillnicole - Love your cute new picture! I'll have to get around to updating mine soon

LighterLou- Busy Bee! Good luck with the Relay for Life. That's a really great program to be a part of

Desiree Brown- Good luck with the doctor. We'll be thinking of you! And feel free to vent to us anytime. It's not fair that you have to go through this, but we're here to hear to all about it and helpfully offer some kind of support for you.

LynnBushea, Dreamdancer & Matilda08- I'm going on Day 4 tomorrow, so we can all do this together! I started the program before and had success, but I decided to get cocky and go off the plan. Not the best idea to eat cheesesteaks and hoagies when you want to lose weight, huh?

2beautiful2Bfat - Welcome back...I know exactly how you feel. I found this link online (and I'm sure there are more) that lists the plan, since you have to return your book to the library.
I offered my cousin the book to check out, and she walked off with now I'm going off the web for now until I get a new book.

Day 3 down! Woo Hoo! I had a rough morning in the gym and felt really defeated, but like my trainer said, at least I was trying. Tonight was tough, too, because I went out to dinner with this guy I was seeing and sat right net to the spinning dessert case. He made fun of the plan and so, my salad just didn't taste so good after that. BUT I did stick to plan and watched others eat the cakes like I was some kind of freak. Ha.
Breakfast: egg white and veggies with salsa
Lunch: orange and yogurt
Dinner: Large salad
Snack: little bit of leftover vegetarian chilli I made the other night
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Old 04-25-2008, 02:45 PM   #124  
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Hello everyone!! Looks like lots of us ran away for a little bit. It's good to see the new family (lol) has been posting! I hate when I do not post on here, but things have been hectic! Which I already told you why. To top it off, next week is finals week!!!

So I told you I was thinking about doing Atkins. However, I can't leave this forum because I love talking to you guys. Atkins is amazing. For someone who can't work out excessively (like EFS and FS can be) this is good. I am still working out, but I with my knee injury it set me back a bit. As soon as my knee situation gets figured out (they think its a torn ACL) I will probably go back to smashing.. .but for now.

I am finally down 15 lbs!!! I am sooooooooooooo happy.

Through all the junk that happened since March, I am for more motivated than ever.

Hope everyone is doing well!
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Old 04-25-2008, 06:18 PM   #125  
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Hey girls!! Yeah its Friday!! I hope everyone is doing good!

I only have a min. to wirte but it seems everyone is doing fairly well! Desiree be patient, its hard not to be able to work out. But only so much of that is under your control. Try the calorie counting and get the rest you need and you will be smashing soon! Wife-congrats on the loss!!!

OK so I weigh in tomorrow for the first time in 2 weeks. I am looking forward to it! I will write in tomorrw to update!

Todays menu
B-ricecake with yogurt
L-brown rice california rolls, flax seed chips w/mango salsa
S-handfull of mixed nuts
D-Salad and bean burritto

Well bye for now talk soon!!
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Old 04-25-2008, 10:57 PM   #126  
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Day Four Down...only five more to go! I wish it was the other way around, but it's not. Oh well. It is what it is. Sorry I've been posting so much lately, but I feel like posting my meals for the day gives me more accountability. When I want something off the plan, I think about all of you gals and realize that it's just not worth it. We're all in this together. you think that atkins is better than fat smash? Some people told me that it's kind of similar but I haven't done any research on it. Of course, we're all looking for a better way at this hard challenge, so if you found it, please share!!!! Ha.

Breakfast: veggie egg white omlet with black beans and salsa
Snack: yougurt
Lunch: veggie chili
Dinner: sweet potato fries & steamed veggies
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Old 04-26-2008, 10:50 AM   #127  
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Annie - You are doing great! FS is nothing at all like Atkins...FS is so healthy with whole foods etc and Atkins, well, is well different But at the same time, everyone needs to do what works best for them and more importantly what they can live with all their life. This can't be a temporary fix" because they weight will come right back on and usually bring friends

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Old 04-26-2008, 01:54 PM   #128  
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Hello laides Thanks for my warm welcome back!

Ever since my trip I just can't get back on the wagon!
I'm an emotional eater/binger and I realized I really hate the new town I live in. I don't really have any good friends here... I miss South Carolina so much! I decided I'm moving down there in a month or 2.. which I'm really excited for but I just wish it was now. My mom is really upset I'm moving (Cali to SC is very far) but I feel like I have to... I need to start making myself happy and not thinking of just her and everyone else Anyways I just don't have the mind set to diet right now =/ I need to snap back into it but how do I change my mind around? ARGH

Well ladies I hope your lives have been going more smoothly.. I'm glad everyones trying to get a few posts in I miss you all!

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Old 04-26-2008, 04:13 PM   #129  
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Ok first and foremost. Annie... i don't think it is necessarily better. I am the kind of person that does LOTS of research before doing anything (vacations, going to the doctor, this diet, lol... everything. love me some google). At any rate, I knew that Atkins was a good choice. My uncle had done it and had great results with it. He kind of talked me into it. Atkins isn't like it used to be back when it first came out. The NEW atkin's revolution was revised ... i think in the late 90s. At any rate. Here is a typical day for me... see what you think.

Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with cheddar cheese and 2 pieces of bacon = 2.5 carbs
Snack #1: Cucumbers and sour cream (a polish "salad") 2 carbs
Lunch: A salad of some sort. My fave is buffalo chicken
Dinner: this varies. Atkins chili, boca burger, turkey and cheese (like roll the turkey in the cheese) or you can have pretty much any meat. I really like grilled chicken and then have broccoli and cheese or something like that with it. (usually 6-7 carbs)
Snack #2: green olives (just 3) or pickles (as many as i want, lol) and a few cubes of cheese (usually about 3-5 carbs for this snack, depending what it is)

Sometimes I will have another mini meal with some sort of veggie and chicken wings or something. That way I get about 20-25 carbs a day. It's not really that bad because there were days I barely ate carbs on EFS.

The things is... here is where it is similar. No bread, no white rice ... during induction. Induction is like detox.
I drink diet pop when I want, and otherwise drink LOTS of water with some sugar free mix ins. I started on Monday and have lost...7 lbs. And really it's almost 8 (that damn hovering back and forth!)
I started EFS and got down to 194. I gained back 4 lbs through this knee crap since I went from 3+ miles a day down to nothing. So at the begining of the week I was 198. Today I am 190.5. So call that 7 or 7.5 whatever.
So I think Atkins works for some people and maybe not for others. When I feel like I have lost what I want I just have to find a carb balance for me. This can go from 60-120 carbs depending on the person. YOu can never go back to binging hardcore, unless you follow it up with being good again. Really, if you want to know more, just message me, there is so much more to it. And since it first came out, it really is alot better for you than it used to be. Plus... I take a multi-vitamin and have lots of energy, sleep better and the cool thing is it is actually helping take fluid from my knee. Crazy right? There are lots of health benefits for it. I am more on a modified atkins, but it is still working great. Here is a list of the phases
I believe everything is worth a shot. Just be prepared

emmasmom is totally right. You have to be ready for what happens when you lose all your weight, and like i said, don't go back to pre-Atkins completely. You can cheat here and there but this is a lifestyle change. One that I have no problem with. Eventually you can have bread again, and things like that. The problem is people lose the weight and then go, "cool I can eat just like i did when is started, yay mcdonalds" truth is, based on your body you can eat things like that- IN MODERATION. BUt yeah, emmasmom is correct, but those are the people who aren't following it right.

lighterlou thank you so much!!! you keep on it girl! let us know how your weigh in went!

desireeawww hon! i know your pain. just work through it, you are capable. we all have set backs. but you can bounce back! we are here for you!

To lynn, matilda, and anyone else new WELCOME!!!

jilli girl, you are in a funk, plain and simple. we all go through those. i think moving will be good for you. you are totally 100% right- do what is best for you. i spent my life trying to make others happy and then one day i thought "what about me" don't do that! crappy feeling! you do what you have to do now, while you can. As for the diet, look how far you have come. If you can't do FS 100% then just watch what you eat. Maybe you crave something off the diet. It's ok. Life is not over because you aren't following your diet to a T. YOu have lost so much weight so far, just remember that and don't go overboard. I know eventually you will hop back on... but maybe you need to get this move done and get on with your life first. Besides, you look pretty amazing at this moment So don't stress honey- we are here for you!

Ok, whew. Sorry so long.
Talk to you all soon!!!
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Old 04-28-2008, 02:35 PM   #130  
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WIFEY... Thanks! Good to hear someone supportive! I spent the day with my mom, brother & sister and it was really difficult with my mom. Like we only had a good time when we wern't talking about 'South Carolina'... when we did she would say things like... I'm ruining my life, I'm so messed up for leaving her etc. I'm still trying to stay strong because I'm definitley not happy here... and really the only reason I moved here was because of HER. She asked me to move 3 hours away from all my friends to a country town for at least a year to try it out... well the year is up, I'm depressed and still have no friends here. Now I want to move with my best friend.. and do something for ME for once and she doesn't have a supportive bone in her body.

Well I'm done venting... I just wish she wouldn't waste the month before I move being angry with me.


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Old 04-28-2008, 02:56 PM   #131  
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Jilli Do you and your mom have a not so great relationship? My mom and I do. Just do what is best for you!!! It'll be worth it in the end! Both mentally and probably physically!


OK, off to take my last final for the semester! Thank god!
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Old 04-28-2008, 03:04 PM   #132  
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Way to go Wifey!! 180s !!!
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Old 04-28-2008, 04:02 PM   #133  
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We've had a great realationship for the last year.. we've always been open and able to talk about things.. the problem is she treats me more like her mom... she always needs me and wants me to hold her hand through things... thats why shes so upset im 'leaving' her.

She just called me crying & said,"I'm not going to talk to you anymore, I can't believe you just up and decided to move so far and you don't even care that it's hurting me." And then she hung up.
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Old 04-28-2008, 11:46 PM   #134  
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Chubbywife -- good luck with your finals. I definitely don't miss those! I'll have to do some more research on Atkins. I completely agree with you on researching, researching, researching! I don't like to do anything without doing that first, I just wanted to hear your firsthand experience with it. And congrats on getting down to the 180's! That's AWESOME!!!!

Jillnicole -- I have had a strained relationship with my mother over the years, and let me tell you from experience that you really need to put yourself first. Now's the time to do it. You're young, you have no other prior commitments and you need to be happy. If you stay back to make her happy, then you're going to regret it later when you do have things tying you down. If your mom is anything like mine, then she's probably scared that you're leaving and never looking back. She probably is reaching for anything she can with the hopes that you'll change your mind, but in the end, you tried this and it didn't make you happy. I've lived a lot of my life tryin to make everyone else happy, and in the end, I put myself last and didn't really have anything. I found that I can't rely on anything or anyone else for my happiness, and that's what I'm working on now. I know some people are getting upset with me, but how many times did they upset me, and I just took it because I didn't want to rock the boat. Well now, honey! The boat's a rockin'! (PS, that kind of sounds sad for me, but it was something I needed to go through in order to get me where I am now which is a good place)

LighterLou -- we're anxiously awaiting the word after your weigh in. Hopefully everything went well!

As for me, I went off the wagon this weekend. I'm just not mentally there, and I know that right now all this is mental. I'm so scared of this shiny long purple dress for my sister's wedding in June that I'm letting it get in my head and take over. Everyone talked me into ordering a size small, since the first time I tried it on, it didn't fit, and the second time, it was able to be zippered. Now, I'm hitting a plateau, and I just don't want the dress to be tight and I look like a cased sausage. I should have just went with the size the woman at the store advised me to, but I had to be smug and go smaller. And to add fuel to the fire, the other girl I'm walking with is a size 2, and my sister is a size 4. I'm not! When my best friend got married last May, I ordered a size 22, and now I should have been happy with a size 16, but I got carried away and went with the 14. So...I'm trying to get in the game...only 6 more weeks to go! Hopefully I can come around soon, but in the meantime, I'm just going to keep trying as much as I can. Anyone have any suggestions on how to overcome the hurdle when there's a big deadline looming?!
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Old 04-29-2008, 03:37 PM   #135  
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Hello everyone I hope all is well! Just coming in to say hello and to say that I am down 12lbs so far. Im happy and feeling great! I wish everyone the best of luck. TTYL!
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