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Old 06-19-2008, 09:27 PM   #241  
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Annie-I'd love to hear more about seasonings. Right now I'm pretty bare bones with it because I don't know what would make what taste better, you know? I guess I need to start experimenting too, but let me know what you find that tastes good when you do find something!
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Old 06-20-2008, 12:43 AM   #242  
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Well, i'm at work and just stopping by real quick.
My co-worker and the TL decided to go to Chinese restaurant so I got steamd veggies... It came with white rice, but I didn't even touch it. So proud of myself. I opened the fortune cookie, read the fortune, and threw away the cookie which means a lot because I LOVE them!

I also found my fav way to cook veggies.... "grill" with little bit of EVOO. The red bell pepper was so sweet and it was so good. I don't have an outdoor grill bc my aparment doesn't allow it, so I just used toaster-oven instead. It actually turned out to be "not so successful attempt" because it was burnt but whatever didn't burn was so good. I used onion, red bell pepper, and brocolli and put some EVOO on them and cooked for about 30 minutes at 350ish. Does any one know trick of "grilling" indoor? Can I just use a pan on a stove and just cook it like that? Or toaster-oven is way to go?

I think I've been eating more fruits than veggies. I know fruits are good but they still have "sugar" on its own so I think I'm going to start paying more attention to veggies for the rest of the phase. What do you ladies think?

Here's my menu:

B: smoothie with 2/3 cup skim milk, 1/3 cup oatmeal, frozen strawberry, banana
S: frozen grapes
L: 1 cup brown rice, 1 patty of soy burger patty, grilled veggies
S/D: steamed veggies
S: cantaloupe
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Old 06-20-2008, 12:57 AM   #243  
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Hi Tara! Great job on not eating the white rice or the fortune cookie. I loooove Chinese food, so I know how hard that would've been for me.

I also love grilled veggies. We bought a small outdoor grill today, but I have been using my Black & Decker indoor grill-it is very similar to the George Foreman grill. It has different plates you can put in it-a flat plate and a ridged plate, so you can even get the grill marks (kinda) on your veggies. I really love having that thing not only for the veggies, but for the meat that I get to have now that I'm in Phase 2. I'm not sure of any other way to grill inside, although the way you did it sounds very good.

As for the fruits, I probably ate more veggies than fruit also. I did try to have at least 2 pieces of fruit per day, though. I had a piece with breakfast, usually, and then I had another fruit later in the day. That's just what I did. I notice a lot of people have fruits for breakfast.

Hope that helps! Glad to hear that you're doing so good, keep up the excellent work!!

Kara :-)
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Old 06-20-2008, 01:25 AM   #244  
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Thank you so much for your input, Kara! It helps a lot.
I have Black and Decker Electric non-stick Griddle so I thought maybe I will try that one but since I've been wanting and looking into getting indoor grill, maybe I will check into electric grill and see what they got. Oven gets the house too hot and the toaster oven seemed to take way too long for anything.

Again, thanks! and good luck with the phase 2, too! =)
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Old 06-20-2008, 12:04 PM   #245  
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Lisa~ Wow you have quite a crew... kudos to you. I work with children and am enjoying my summer off Hope things are going well smashing!

Kara~ I hear you on needing to figure out better seasonings. I try to experiment a little but always a little apprehensive, cause I know I got to eat it either way lol. We'll have to all make sure and let each other know any good combos we figure out

Annie~ I'm so with you on the not being motivated to work out much. I did go out and walk a little after I left my message yesterday. And this morning, the one morning all week I felt like moving, it was raining out, lol. It did stop for a little bit tho and I managed to get out.

Hope everyone has a fantastic Friday!!! Keep up the good work!!!
We can so do this together
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Old 06-20-2008, 02:37 PM   #246  
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Happy Friday everyone!!!

Everything is still going good.. day 4 here. Now I just need to exercise.
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Old 06-20-2008, 04:25 PM   #247  
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Hello All!

I will be starting Phase 1 of the diet next week. I have been walking everyday this week and did TBL workout CD lastnight so I feel pretty good.

I think this diet is going to jumpstart my weight loss and give me the motivation I need to get in gear.

Good luck and have a great weekend!
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Old 06-20-2008, 04:38 PM   #248  
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Originally Posted by annierew View Post
I'm setting a minigoal and a long term goal. We have a huge family vacation in the end of August, I want to be at least 20 pounds lighter by then. That's not impossible, and I'm going to do it. I turn 30 in January and want to be 50 pounds lighter than I am now. That's going to be hard work, but I'm planning on going to Costa Rica to celebrate, so 50 pounds lighter will make it that much more special.
I'm visiting my family in Korea in October. It's been over 4 years since I've seen them...and since I have always been "BIG," I want them to see me thin and fit and healthy. That's one of my goal. Good luck with you goal. You will be able to reach the goal of 20 lb by the end of August. I have a strong faith you! =)

Originally Posted by LisaNJ33 View Post
yep..4 rugrats..they are 15, 8, 3 and 2. They keep me onmy toes.. especially the last two.
Mine is 2.5 years old..although I only have one. Since I'm a single mom, it's difficult to put the workout fit in, especially if she decides to not take a nap or something. But so far, it's been good, so hopefully it will only get better.
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Old 06-20-2008, 04:50 PM   #249  
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Originally Posted by annierew View Post
Hey, ladies! I'm doing well with the eating, but I just can't get motivated to work out. So bad. I know that it's definitely part of it. But, since I'm not working out, it is helping with out with not wanting to cheat. I figure I can't mess it up on both counts.
Originally Posted by ManDy29 View Post
Annie~ I'm so with you on the not being motivated to work out much. I did go out and walk a little after I left my message yesterday. And this morning, the one morning all week I felt like moving, it was raining out, lol. It did stop for a little bit tho and I managed to get out.
I used to be like that. I used to have membership to Bally's for 2 years. Wanna know how many times I went? Not even 14 times altogether in that 2 years. That's how motivated I was to work out. I HATED working out. Then when I started this weight loss, life style changing journey this time, I knew I had to work out...because I never did it before when I tried to lose weight. I started with Curves, because I figured 30 minutes 3 times a week, I can do. It's also on the way to my DD's daycare. Then I got workout DVDs I can do while my DD is taking a nap. Now, it's kinda weird but maybe it's because I start seeing more defined body...but I don't feel good if I don't work out at least for little bit. I work out at least 6 times a week, at least 30 minutes a day.

Just keep going at it and once you start seeing the result, and feeling better, you will want to do more. Oh yeah. and it let me get rid of my shoulder and back pain, too...and I can tell I am stronger.
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Old 06-20-2008, 06:26 PM   #250  
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That's awesome Tara!! I definitely know that when I do work out, it makes me feel stronger. I think that working out plays a strong role in losing the weight. I worked out probably 3 times in that initial 9 day detox. I'm not totally pleased with that, but at the same time it's better than what I HAD been doing before. So now if I can just work out more during Phase 2, that would be great. I don't mind doing weights, and I love swimming, but I can't stand the darn treadmill/elliptical. And the thing is, when I lost the weight before, I loved working out-I'd get on the elliptical for 45 minutes!! I just wish I could jump back on and have it be that easy, but it isn't. I think we're going to start out with the DVD that we have and work up to doing the gym. I have an appointment with a personal trainer next Thursday, so at least I'll be able to feel pressured to go and work out..haha! Sometimes I need that motivation, though.

I think your goal for your trip to Korea is great, and also Annie's goal for her birthday and family trip. I definitely want to lose a good bit before I go back to work in August, but I don't have a set amount of pounds that I want to lose.

Mandy-I feel the same way about the seasonings. When I try something new, I still have to eat it. The other night I used the steam in bag veggies and they were really terrible, but I still had to use them. I just always hate using new stuff without knowing anything about it.

Have a great day ladies, I'm going to work out!!
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Old 06-20-2008, 06:52 PM   #251  
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Originally Posted by kara d bride2b View Post
I don't mind doing weights, and I love swimming, but I can't stand the darn treadmill/elliptical.
Believe me, I can't do treadmill/elliptical either. It's just soooo boring for me. My DVDs are cardio and strength mixed together. I also do C25K when I can. There's a great PodCast for it and time sure flies when I run with that. Let me know if you want the name of it, because I don't have it right now with me.

My menu today:
B: Smoothie (1 cup skim milk, 1/2 cup oatmeal, frozen strawberry, banana)
S: sweet potato fries with fat-free yogurt, vinegar, salt, pepper dip
L: 1/2 soy patty, 1/2 cup rice, grilled veggies ( I actually cooked 1 patty and had 1 cup of rice on the plate but I couldn't finish it. I think I'm going to have the rest for the dinner)
S: Don't know yet..I think the rest of the smoothie since I only got to finish the half of the breakfast smoothie
D: Rest of the dinner or omelet with egg white and bunch of veggies

I worked out 30 minute today with Jillian. :P Today was my second day of Level 2 of 30-Day Shred...and it's really kicking my butt.
I'm planning on doing one of the TransFirmation dvd later tonight after my DD goes to sleep. Hopefully I will be able to stick to it.

I'm going to try to get my bf to go to Farmer's Market tomorrow. That will be fun. Hopefully they have lots of stuff I wanna get.
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Old 06-20-2008, 07:32 PM   #252  
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I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who thinks the treadmill/elliptical are boring. Even if I've got a good book or listening to a TV show, I end up looking at the timer the WHOLE TIME. Whereas with my DVDs (which are also a combo of strength and cardio), I don't look at the clock. I'd love the name of the Podcast.

The Farmer's Market sounds like a blast, and you get fresh veggies for a great price at the one here, don't know about yours. Your menu sounds great! Makes me hungry!! I just got done working out for about 25 minutes. I'm building up my time. When we go to the gym I work out longer but that's because we do cardio, weights, swimming. So we actually stay there for longer, but my heart rate isn't up the whole time. So doing 25 minutes of consistent cardio for me is really really good. I'm proud of myself for working up to that, and I'm going to make that the minimum now. I'm going to try to start doing that 5 days a week..hopefully I'll do it!

I'm going to eat dinner!!! Have a great night!
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Old 06-20-2008, 09:05 PM   #253  
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Tara-- your using the cooked oatmeal in the shake right? I want to give shakes a try next week.

I love the sweet potatoes with vinega.. a weakness of mine was french fries with vinegar.

Last edited by LisaNJ33; 06-20-2008 at 09:06 PM.
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Old 06-21-2008, 12:39 AM   #254  
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Did you ever have one of those ugh days? We'll I'm finishing one from today. Ugh. I finally had the big sit down with my guy. I know it's over, but apparently he likes me more than I realized. Now I feel like such poop for making him hurt. I feel like I was playing with his feelings, when that wasn't what I was trying to do. I'm normally an emotional eater, and the entire way home, all I could think about was what I was going to eat. Normally when I'm feeling this crappy, I'll get a few candy bars and pretend that that was okay, since it's a one time thing (even though that happened more times than I would care to admit). BUT, when I walked through the door, I decided I would still allow myself to eat, but it was a big bowl of corn with a glass of milk. Weird, I know, but I LOVE corn with pepper. I don't feel like I need to eat anything else and will be able to go to bed in an hour or so.

My other ugh moment came with one of my bosses today. (Yes, with freelancing I have quite a few bosses). I had a site visit which was right next to the farmer's market, which is HUGE and delicious. It's actually the country's largest farmer's markets and the oldest, but I digress. He decided he wanted a huge slice of red velvet cake. He sat there eating it and commenting on how great it was the entire time. I so wanted a piece, but I resisted. I didn't even try to get something on plan to make myself feel better. When he asked why I wasn't eating anything, and I explained it to him, he told me that I shouldn't fight who I am and just enjoy life the way it is. WHAT!?!?!?! C'mon! And then I told him my goals (mini and longterm), and he laughed. We've been friends/co-workers for 7 years, so we can talk about anything, but it was such a blow. I made good progress this year, but I guess he doesn't care. Hopefully I'll find a full time permanent job soon. I did have an interview this week and just set up another one for July1st. I think I really want the one from July 1st, so keep your fingers crossed.

Thanks for all the advice on getting moving. I'll tell you the sad truth. I actually have a great super trainer. I only have to pay him $15 a session, which is a steal. I normally work out with him 2-3 times a week and then on my own. The sad thing is that I just don't care about it right now. He keeps calling and I won't take his calls. How pathetic is that?! Ha. I'm going to call him tomorrow to set up just one appointment to get me moving again. Hopefully that will spark me to get going and schedule more sessions. It's just tough with my schedule all over the place right now. It's hard to plan ahead like that. Ugh again.

Okay this is a long posting, but I needed to vent. Thank you for letting me do so. Hopefully we'll all have a great weekend with zero temptations, which I highly doubt, since I have 3 different plans to meet people at restaurants. Oh my. I just have to make smart decisions like I did tonight. I ordered a veggie omlet with egg whites and asked for salsa to put on top. Yummy!
Good night!
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Old 06-21-2008, 02:14 AM   #255  
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Originally Posted by kara d bride2b View Post
I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who thinks the treadmill/elliptical are boring. I'd love the name of the Podcast.
The program is C25K (Couch to 5 K) and it's supposed to help you to run 5 k in 9 weeks if you follow the plan. You do it 3 times a week...For example, week 1: 5 minute warm-up, 60 sec of run, 90 sec of brisk walk. Do the run and walk 6 times total..and then 5 minute cool-down. Total 30 minute. Since it's difficult to time while running, the Podcast tells you when to walk and when to run...which is great. Time really flies by.
This is website for C25K.
This is the PodCast website. Robert Ullrey's podcast

Originally Posted by LisaNJ33 View Post
Tara-- your using the cooked oatmeal in the shake right? I want to give shakes a try next week.
Nope, it's actually uncooked oatmeal. I'm not sure how it will turn out if you use cooked oatmeal, though... You can't even really tell oatmeal is in there but it sure fills you up quick.

Originally Posted by annierew View Post
Weird, I know, but I LOVE corn with pepper. I don't feel like I need to eat anything else and will be able to go to bed in an hour or so.

When he asked why I wasn't eating anything, and I explained it to him, he told me that I shouldn't fight who I am and just enjoy life the way it is. WHAT!?!?!?! C'mon! And then I told him my goals (mini and longterm), and he laughed. We've been friends/co-workers for 7 years, so we can talk about anything, but it was such a blow. I made good progress this year, but I guess he doesn't care. Hopefully I'll find a full time permanent job soon. I did have an interview this week and just set up another one for July1st. I think I really want the one from July 1st, so keep your fingers crossed.

Thanks for all the advice on getting moving. I'll tell you the sad truth. I actually have a great super trainer. I only have to pay him $15 a session, which is a steal. I normally work out with him 2-3 times a week and then on my own. The sad thing is that I just don't care about it right now. He keeps calling and I won't take his calls. How pathetic is that?! Ha. I'm going to call him tomorrow to set up just one appointment to get me moving again. Hopefully that will spark me to get going and schedule more sessions. It's just tough with my schedule all over the place right now. It's hard to plan ahead like that. Ugh again.
I love love love corns. I can sit there and have a bowl of corns with no dressing, no NOTHING. So I don't think you are weird at all. lol.

Also about your friend/boss, he should be supportive of you, not say things like "You shouldn't fight who you are." If that's the case, why even bother to go to school and learn new things? Why try to better ourselves? There are hardship in anything and everything we try to do as humans, but the success is sweeter BECAUSE it was not easy. If everything was so easy, the word "achievement" would not exist. You are making a great choice and he will be surprised when he sees you after ACHIEVING the goals! Also good luck with your interview!
And Annie, can you send your personal trainer over my way? lol. I tried couple times and they tried to charge me $50 for a session! I'm sorry but that's more than a gym membership for a month... so I said HA! NVM! :P Give him a call and set it up and let us know how that goes.

Ugh!Ugh!Ugh!... Hopefully it will get better over the weekend and WAY BETTER next week!
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