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Old 04-15-2008, 02:32 PM   #61  
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I can't believe this... it's SNOWING. So much for my walk I hate living up here! LOL It's only summer for like 3 months. The rest of the time, it's winter. *sigh
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Old 04-15-2008, 08:35 PM   #62  
food is not my friend!
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thanks lou and mandygirl for the encouragement. you are both right and i'm not throwing in the towel!

i'm watching biggest loser and holy do-do these people look incredible. so inspiring and i'm a crier so i cry through the whole show! WOW jillian in a dress!

okay i'm trying to do better but i did have one slice of pizza today

i am getting so inspired by everyone else though - this is MY year to do this. trust me as i trust myself.

cheers girls!
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Old 04-15-2008, 08:55 PM   #63  
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OK I craved in and had two tacquitos today! (I knew I should have just thrown them away!)

So far to day
B: Oatmeal with cinnamon and walnuts
L:rice, beans and peas wrapped in a Brown rice tortilla w/hot sauce
S:carrots and celery w/a little ranch!
D:Stuffed pepper casserole-Morning farms meatfree meat, rice, 1 green pepper, shredded cabbage and carrots (I buy the package for cole slaw, I usually add it to salads) and tomato sauce. It is in the oven now and I really hope it turns out good!

My lightbulb moment came when I was reading Shape and the Lady in the article was saying that in her 50's she was running marathons! So I thought what will I be like when I am 50???? NOT CHUBBY! so now before my next birthday I will be fitter and healthier! It was what I needed to succeed! I hope it sticks. Well talk to you later! Keep going!
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Old 04-15-2008, 09:05 PM   #64  
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MANDYGIRL... Are you doing FS or EFS? I know EFS is suppose to be pretty low, but for FS he says you don't have a set amount.

DESIREE... Good job avoiding temptations! When I was on P1 I weighed myself 5 days in and it didn;'t show any weight loss then I weighed myself day10 and I had lost 9lbs... so don't give up!

LOU... You're doing great!

LISA.... Sorry about the gain, but I know you can do it Were glad u still post no matter what! I've been having a hard time lately too! Life likes to throw so many weird things at you at once, it's overwhelming.

WIFEY... How's everything going girly? School, diet?

And to all you other smashers, hope everything is going ok!
I've been struggling lately, I'm such an emotional eater, and I'm so emotional right now.. sooo yeah not good. I'm leaving tomorrow to spend the night in Sacramento so Thursday morning I can get up and go to the Airport. I'm going to visit friends in SC for a week, I'm so excited except the 10 hour plane ride- yuck. For the week That should help!
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Old 04-15-2008, 11:00 PM   #65  
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Ugh... I was bad today! I tend to give into cravings when I get bad news and I had a really bad visit with my doctor today. I wanted carbs! I'm resuming my diet tomorrow. Should I go back to cycle 1 once I'm done the week? Or should I move on to cycle 2? Since I'm not allowed to exercise, maybe I should do cycle 1 twice (and not cheat this time). What do you girls think? I am soooo depressed right now. My whole summer is shot.
Why can't I be one of those people who lose their appetite when they are depressed? LOL
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Old 04-15-2008, 11:03 PM   #66  
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Jill, have a good trip! I wish I was in Cali right now! It's so cold here. Enjoy yourself
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Old 04-16-2008, 12:51 AM   #67  
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DESIREE.. Hope the news wasnt too bad.. looks like we all can use a lil push this week! It has been nice weather here lately, but I hate smmer. 100-110 degree YUCK!!!!!!!!!!! Haattte it
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Old 04-16-2008, 01:23 AM   #68  
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Jill... It was pretty bad. I have a herniated disc in my lower back that needs to be operated on, and I'm not allowed to exercise. I can barely walk, the pain is so bad. I'm not allowed to pick up my daughter, I can't run, I can barely go upstairs to get to bed. It's very discouraging. I went from making great money at a job I loved, to being unable to work, or do anything for that matter. I'm sooo upset. I wanted to get pregnant again soon, and I won't be able to do that for at least another year.
I have an appointment with a neurosurgeon on June 24th, so I'll find out then when my surgery is.
I'm so glad I can come on here for support. It's hard to get support from people who aren't going through the same thing.
I totally went overboard today... totally off plan. I just need to refocus my energy towards staying on plan. If I can't lose weight while I'm unable to exercise, at least I can try and diet to prevent myself from gaining it right???
Have a good night girls!
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Old 04-16-2008, 09:26 AM   #69  
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I post on here too much... but this is just where I vent things. Sorry!
I think I'm just going to wait until I have my surgery and I'm healed and can exercise, before I start this diet again. I'm still going to eat better, I just don't need the added pressure of "OMG, did I lose a pound this week?!?!?!" right now. The meds I'm on make me sick to my stomach, and dieting on top of that will make me feel worse. Plus, the guy who wrote EFS said "You MUST do the exercise for this diet to be effective". I would be totally discouraged from trying again if I continued this diet unable to do the exercise and then didn't lose a damn thing.
So, for now, I'm out. I will be back though, and I hope to see you guys around then. Hopefully you will all have reached your goals by the time I come back
To you all and thanks for the support.
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Old 04-16-2008, 10:16 AM   #70  
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Desiree- I am so sorry about your news. Last fall I broke my foot, it is so frustrating when you are trying to lose weight to not be able to exercise (or even get around).. I did Atkins b/c you dont count calories or worry about things.. I still lost some weight (and I def cheated)..

Well, I know I wasnt suppose to get on the scale, but I did this morning and I gained a pound.. ugh... I better put the scale away.. Does anyone work out twice a day? I work out once a day but for an hour? I want better results though...
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Old 04-16-2008, 10:35 AM   #71  
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Wendy, i was wondering the same thing, it seems rather difficult to get out of bed in the morning in the first place but to get up and exercise seems impossible. Instead of doing 2-a-days yesterday i took a class at the gym that kicked my butt so i at least feel like i made up for not working out in the morning... any other ideas on how to get out of bed int eh morning would be GREATLY appreciated...
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Old 04-16-2008, 01:13 PM   #72  
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I used to run in the am, and do weights/cardio in the afternoon. I worked at 7 am so I had to be up at 5. It's hard to get moving that early. I bought an mp3 player, put some really energetic music on there, grabbed a glass of OJ on the way out the door and that got me going. When I got home, I felt awake and I felt good because I knew I was doing something good for myself. Good Luck
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Old 04-16-2008, 01:17 PM   #73  
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Hi Ladies,
I haven't been on the boards for a while ad just stopped by. Hopefully i can join in again.

Sorry to here about the surgery. I would just eat whatever feels best for your body with the medicine and the surgery. Maybe a little mind over matter _ "I am healthy and strong and my body heals quickly and completely " or something along those lines will help.

Wendy & Shell,
I do two a days but I do my morning workout at home. I have a large collection of exercise dvd's that I can do that use relativiely small amounts of space. I have my exercise clothes near the bed so I don't have to go too far to get started. My husband sleeps right through it. (I use my living room) I may switch a workout based on how I feel when I wake up and what I'm planning on doing in the evening. (I'll do aerobics in the AM if I'm doing weights at night etc). Its great because i don't really have to worry about hair or any of that - no one see's me but the dog!
Hope that helps!
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Old 04-16-2008, 01:51 PM   #74  
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DESIREE... I'm so sorry to hear that! It's so hard to put off having a baby too.. poor thing. Well get healthy so all your dreams can come true! Don't give up, you have to wait one year and then your awesome life will come back and hopefully with that lil pink line
I know what you mean support wise... I don't have any girlfriends in the new town I live in and it drives me crazy. I know one girl and she's kinda weird, she had the gastric bypass so I thought we'd be great friends but she's totally stuck up now and sleeps with everyone, awkward! Anyways keep up the good work.. don't give up!!!!! Even if you stop dieting and just eat healthy, no matter what I think you should keep posting with us!!! Maybe you can do WW points?? Would that work for you? <3 Don't leave us we need you just as much as you need us

WENDY... I havn't done EFS only FS but no I usually only did 30 mins of exercise a day, so sounds like you're doing great. YYou feel like your eating has been on track? Maybe you can try some resistance training?

DREAMDANCER... Glad to have you!

Well ladies today I'm driving a few hours to Sacramento so I can be ready for my plane trip tomorrow. I'm bringing my laptop so I should be able to check in on our layover =) But might not be writing as much for the next week while I'm gone. I'm so nervous about flying alone. Wish me luck!
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Old 04-16-2008, 04:40 PM   #75  
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Jill - yes, I was talking to you about you looking like Trista! It's amazing! Thanks for the thread, glad to join. You guys keep me going! I am re-starting phase 1 after going on a mexican food binge over the weekend :-( however, am not daunted...I'm going right back to square 1. Did not gain any weight or inches, so there fat cells, take that!!! haha. Tell me more about these sweet potatoes fries!!
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