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Old 05-15-2008, 08:50 PM   #181  
food is not my friend!
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hey girlies!
i read every night even i don't report how awful i'm doing!!
i laughed that marcy fell on her butt - i'm sorry but the way you described it...funny but i do hope u are okay!

jill - i can't believe u r really moving to SC!!! holy gamoly!!! i'm proud of u

okay i have no good eating to report but i will get back on track, i know this is true!
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Old 05-15-2008, 09:48 PM   #182  
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Thanks LighterLou! Today was much better than yesterday. I savored the 4 oz. piece of chicken that I was able to have. I am looking forward to making it through phase 1. I am determined to make it through it all!
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Old 05-16-2008, 06:57 AM   #183  
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I just want to encourage those who just started the Fat Smash Diet. I didn't think I would be able to give up meat and bread for that first 9 days but I actually did way better than expected. I was ready for a change and I was ready for new recipes. Hang tough it is well worth it! What I have found works for me is taking the time to find interesting recipes and planning ahead. I make my lunches the day before so I'm not trying to figure out at lunch time what I'm going to have. Your less likely to cheat. Stick to the diet as close as possible.

I got up this morning and burned a little over 400 calories on the eliptical machine, got my shower and weighed myself again and I lost another 2 pounds. The total is now ten! I was shocked to see that I lost 2 more pounds. My mother and my sister now want to try the diet. My sister never really had a weight problem but I guess she has a few pounds she wants to knock off. We're such opposites in that department. I take after my mother's side which is serious obesity. My sister takes after my father's side.

Anyway for those who've just started this stick with it. Hang tough. You'll feel so much better. I'm now in my second week of the second phase and still going strong. I still don't miss meat even though I allow myself the 4 oz. were now allowed to have in phase II. Some days I choose not to have any.

Be encouraged!

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Old 05-16-2008, 09:33 AM   #184  
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ofnobility - i'm with you having a skinny minnie sister. I defiintely take after my mother on that one, while one of my brothers and my sister are and have been athletes. I try, but I can never keep up. And to be perfectly honest, I don't like working out. I like how I feel afterwards, but I just don't like doing it. How bad is that?! Ha!!!

I'm bumming right now. I'm in a rut with the dieting and I just found out in one day -- actually all in an hour and a half -- that I didn't get three jobs I applied for. I've been bumming about my work situation lately and was hoping to find something new. I'm a freelancer production and event manager, but with the falling economy, events are the first thing to go. I'm hoping to find something more permanent, but it doesn't look like this is going to happen. I've been trying for over a year, and it hasn't been working out so well. At least I do have things lined up, but it's so frustrating. Plus, I was hoping to have more a set schedule with a permanent job, since the way things are now keep me running around and with limited food choices. Many times they bring in food for us, since there's no time to get it on our own, and I'm stuck without eating or eating fried food. If I had a permanent location, I would at least be able to plan so much better. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Sorry for venting, but it really got to me this week. I just don't know what to do anymore.

Okay, at least it's the weekend, and I have lots of fun plans, including a comedy show tonight and a benefit poker tournament for my cousin who died two years ago (that part isn't fun, but hanging out with my family and his friends is always fun!). Hopefully this will all put me in a better mood.

Good Luck!!!!
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Old 05-16-2008, 02:30 PM   #185  
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Hello EVERYONE I havn't been writing much.. I just cant think of very many postitive things to talk about. Hopefully after I move I'll bounce back into happiness! I'm really excited about driving cross country and moving though! Hope all is well! to everyone I havn't seen before

ANNIE- Thanks for the support You're awesome.. I'm so excited about moving!

2BEAUTIFUL2BFAT- How's the family?


LIGHTERLOU- I'm not doing great with eating =/ but I cant wait to move! I just started a journal so I cAN write down my feelings when I want to eat and I'm not hungry. Hopefully it helps.

LISA- thank you! My mom is finally talking to me again I cant wait to move!

OFNOBILITY- Yay weight loss!

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Old 05-17-2008, 03:10 PM   #186  
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Hi everyone! I just want to introduce myself. My name is Susie. I started the Fat Smash Diet this morning with my hubby. I just want to lose about 5 pounds so my clothes fit a little bit better.

Congrats on the weight loss!!!!
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Old 05-17-2008, 03:31 PM   #187  
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Jill - Good Luck on your trick across country. You're going to have some memories to last a life time. Keep a journal, or a picture journal at least, since you'll enjoy looking back on it in a few years. Yay for you!!!!

Susie -

I've been feeling a little bit better about everything going on, which is great. I was reading some of my posts and realized that I had been bumming a lot lately. I'm going ot try and get over that and move on. I'm normally a happy person, so I'm pledging to work on getting back to those ways! Ha. Thanks for letting me vent, girls!

But I do have one more thing to bum about...I was so excited to hear New Kids on the Block were getting together. I was a HUGE fan, and they're coming to Atlantic City in September when we were going to do a fun girls night out. Unfortunately when I went to buy the tickets today they cost $85!!! And here's the kicker, that was for standing room only! If we wanted a seat, and why would we?!, we got to pay $125. So, our girls night will now be around home listening to our old cassettes, I guess. I think it's really funny that the tickets cost that much money for a band that hasn't been around for 15 years! I'm getting over this one really quickly!! Ha.
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Old 05-18-2008, 09:35 PM   #188  
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hi everyone!
thanks for posting your journey - it's inspirational and helps when having a slump to get some motivation from old and new blogger friends.
I have NOT being doing good.

Annie - we can't let this get us down - we can and we will do this. I keep trying to remind myself of how great I feel after 4 days on plan. I'm starting again tomorrrow - fat smash basis with a points twist. Trying to avoid sugar and carbs but if i have them to fit them into my plan. The big thing is nighttime preparation. Without it, I fail and I know I fail so I have to start packing my lunch at night. It's the key to success for me.

Jill - you are driving to SC?! Is someone riding with you? That's an awfully long time to be in the car!!! That's at least a 3 package twizzlers drive or it would have been in my former life - now it'll be a long carrot drive

Good luck to everyone - share your menus when u can, I like reading what everyone is eating. Even if you aren't on plan, maybe it'll help. So since I'm starting tomorrow here was my "going out with a bang Sunday" menu (yes it's just terrible i know):

B - dunkin donuts coffee and coffee roll
L - sushi and big plate o nachos with cheese, salsa, and sour cream
D - more nachos (I ate an entire bag of tostitos today - don't know if i should be proud or ashamed!)

Better tomorrow and happier because of it!
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Old 05-18-2008, 10:22 PM   #189  
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I'm doing the Extreme plan and initially found it hard to follow the menu plans exactly because I may not have a taste for what was being assigned for that day. To make sure that I continue the plan, I trained myself on what is allowed and eat what I have a taste for. For instance, yesterday my meal 4 consisted of a soy/turkey/veggie burger. I didn't want that so I had grilled cod filets, dirty rice, and a salad instead. Then I couldn't eat it all. It's best that you eat something that's filling (but within the guidelines) instead of eating something that you don't like and binging later. I also found different 100 calorie low fat and sugarless ice cream bars in the store that can be used as snacks/desserts. There are so many varieties that you could have a field day with.
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Old 05-19-2008, 06:57 AM   #190  
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Good Morning Everyone!

annierew: How is the job search coming? I'm hoping the best for you! It really is tough all over. I work for the County here in Florida and they have been laying off quite a bit. I don't know what I'd do if I got laid off. First of all there are no jobs here. Port Charlotte is a retirement community and secondly eating healthy is expensive. On that note I weighed myself this morning and lost another 3 pounds. I pray I don't lose the momentum. I have a long way to go but I have to look at how far I've come. My total weight loss is now 13 pounds!

I do have an incentive. I'll try to talk about that more later.

Hang tight everybody! Today is another day to start a new.
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Old 05-19-2008, 11:32 AM   #191  
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Good Morning everyone!!

Congrats to all! This seems to be working and keeping everyone accountable! Keep posting!!!

Well I have my girls night out slumber party on Sat and I want to wear some white shorts that are still a bit tight! So that is my goal for the week. I got up at 4 this morning to go to the gym! My DH and myself will go again tonight I want to do doubles this week to fit in the shorts!!! Plus our biggest loser final weigh-in is in less than two weeks!!

B: brown rice cake w/rasberry yogurt and black mango tea
S: orange
L: Salad w/spinach dressing
S: apple
D: brown rice spagetti w/sauce!
S: frozen mangos

Talk soon! have a great day and inspire someone else!!

Last edited by LighterLou; 05-19-2008 at 11:33 AM.
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Old 05-19-2008, 04:46 PM   #192  
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Default whew...need some support!!!

Hi everyone! Today is Day 3 of Phase I for DH and me. He lost 2.5 pounds so far. I've only lost less than a pound, but that's ok. He has more to lose than me.

Days 1 and 2 were AWFUL. Jason (DH) and I had a hard time. We were so hungry and lathargic the entire two days. But guess what??? This morning we both woke up and we weren't starving!!! I have so much more energy today. I worked out this morning at Curves to get my day started out right.

Here is what I'm eating today:

B: 3 egg whites and a banana
Snach: Apple
Lunch: Homemade hummus and carrots
Snack: 1/2 cup baked oats and cinnamon
Dinner: Rice and beans
Snack: Melon

Not too bad. I won't lie...I had a diet drink on Day 1 and a diet drink today. At least I didn't have one yesterday!!!

Does anyone have any good new dinner recipes??? If I am going to get DH to stick to the 9-day detox, I will need some yummy dinners planned.

Good luck to everyone!! Please keep coming back and posting to this thread. I need some support and motivation.

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Old 05-19-2008, 04:55 PM   #193  
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Hey Susie!

I know how it feels to need recipes ...there are lots of them on this board under phase one meals that are a lifesaver, the vegetarian chili is good, but there are more there, Great job on your success so far, and feel free to PM me anytime if you get stuck
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Old 05-19-2008, 08:02 PM   #194  
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ANNIE & LISA... Yeah I'm going to take pix in every state. My girl friend and I are driving together and driving 6 hours a day and then renting a room. We also have a few stops planned... so it will be fun
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Old 05-19-2008, 10:14 PM   #195  
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Hi susie, try the stuffed peppers, they are so good, my DH loves them and he doesnt care for peppers! Good luck!
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