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Old 04-29-2008, 04:55 PM   #136  
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Eay to go Matilda!!! When did you start?? And if you dont mind me asking...what are you eating, I love to compare

I eat 1 cup oatmeal with cinnamon and 2 tsp splenda and a apple for breakfast

a veggie burger and corn with peas and brown rice for lunch

a sf yogurt for snack

another veggie burger and veggies for supper

and grapefruit or grapes for another snack
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Old 04-29-2008, 08:57 PM   #137  
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Default How to Gain 6 lbs in 5 days!

So I told you all the secret to lose 5 and a half pounds in 3 days so I'm sure you all want the secret how to gain 6 lbs in 5 days! It's pretty easy just go on a vacation. It started off good - boca burger at Burger King (who knew they had them!) and then o then it just got worse. So I have no one to blame but like some of you other gals I can't get back on the wagon. I just ate an entire box of cracked pepper and olive oil triscuits. The WHOLE box! I can barely fit into my fat pants. Tomorrow it's on - I can't do FS yet (guests in town this weekend *sigh* again) but i am going to do WW so I don't end up back over the 10 lb mark. That is so deflating don't cha think? It's like you work to get under one of those 10 lb marks and you don't ever wanna go back. So I will be back on here consistently. I try to be funny to mask the disappointment but truth is I'm miserable and I need you guys. Fat is not fun after all and just when I thought it was "in" for the summer.
Love ya all even though that might sound weird and you guys do good for me when I can't do good myself and it'll inspire me...okay? okay!
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Old 04-29-2008, 09:57 PM   #138  
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Hello Ladies!!!

Ok so I weighed in on Sat. Down about 4 lbs. not as much as I hoped! My son had his First Holy Communion and I ate a bunch of stuff! Yuck! And just kept eating all weekend! It didnt really even taste good! I just had to get some of it out of my system. So just got back on track today! I dont want all of my hard work to be wasted, but I worked so hard to lose those 4LBS It was kind of defeating!!!!

Well I am back on track for two more weeks! I have a huge batch of stuffed pepper casserole in the oven for tomorrow. I made more rice today and made it this far today, no turnning back now!!!!!!!

I hope everyone is doing good! Keep posting!! I need this to!

Todays menu
B:Oatmeal cookies with yogurt
S:Sweet potatoes
L:Salad w/ spinach dressing with brown rice chips
S:Almonds and an orange
D:13 bean soup with brown rice
Later popcorn if necessary!

Write back later!!! BYE
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Old 04-30-2008, 12:56 AM   #139  
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Hey ladies. Wow, lots of posts. Let's see....

christian thank you!!!! how are things going with you???

jilli if your mom truly loves you and all- she will want you to be happy. you are in my thoughts hon... you can get through this! :hug

anniedo lots of research you'll figure it out. but girl it works! i love love love it! and you can eat good stuff!!!

matilda tell me how your diet is going? are you doing FS or EFS? How long have you been on it??

lisa girl you can do this!! what is your motivation to do this? keep your eye on that! btw, we love you too! we are here for you!!!

lou 4 lbs is 4 lbs! GREAT JOB!!!

OK girls, well I am off.... hope things are great. I am lovin the 180's gotta tell ya
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Old 04-30-2008, 07:31 PM   #140  
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Wifey - Thanks I really appreciate it. My motivation is to be healthy and to be skinny. So people may say don't focus on the skinny but darnnit just one summer I want to be skinny! And if you don't watch it you are going to have to remove that chubby part real quick!
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Old 04-30-2008, 08:08 PM   #141  
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Lisa- you are so beautiful!!! Really... don't focus on the skinny part. I know i know... you said that people always say that. You know what I am focusing on? The healthy part. The shopping for cute clothes part. The feeling sexy part (lol). Yes, those go with the skinny part, but I don't think about that.

I really hope to take that chubby part off my name, hahahaha! Btw, you weigh 167 and are 5'7... so you are like... a size 12? Is that right?

I started at a size 15 (my largest ever) today I put on a size 11/12 jean and they are not snug. NOW That is motivation I should start throwing the chubbier clothes out. Then I'll have to keep losing weight... or be naked. Ha.

I am getting excited. I have a job for August, we are moving to a new city in January. I graduate in July. New body to go with my new life.

xoxoxoxo to you all!!!
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Old 04-30-2008, 08:44 PM   #142  
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ANNIE... Thank you =] That's how I feel too... time to live for myself, finally. Sorry you are not mentally into dieting right now... I KNOW WHAT U MEAN! I still havn't bounced back... uugghhh it's so hard, I know I need to but there's so much going on right now!

MATILDA... COngrats!!!

CHRISTIAN... Sounds like a perfect menu!

LISA... Aww sorry about the weight gain! Sounds like we all need a kick in the butt right now! It is so much harder during summer, with extra weight.... your dying of heat and want to take off your clothes but you feel horrible.. ahhhh I hate that!

LOU.... Congrats on the loss, even if you had a trip after... good job getting back on track so fast!

WIFEY... Cute new pic! =] Thanx for the encouragment through all of this! I need it.. I've been so depressed... but im hoping as soon as I move I'll start feeling better.. new job, friends, stuff like that! Yay 180's!! That lil pig is so cute I'm glad things r looking up for ya!

And to EVERYONE else... can't wait to hear from you! Miss yall

Here's a lil motivation 4 everyone!

Last edited by jillnicole03; 04-30-2008 at 08:47 PM.
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Old 04-30-2008, 09:35 PM   #143  
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Well, I've decided to quit my diet...but only until Monday. I think I'm burning myself out with so much on my plate right now, that it's keeping me awake at night, and when I do sleep, I'm having nightmares. I figured that it's just too much trying to do everything at once, so this week, I'm focusing on getting back into moving and working out more. I have three appointments with my trainer and one workout date with my friend, who's getting ready to be a bridesmaid soon, too. I'm not going to worry about food so much until Monday, when hopefully working out will be back in my routine again. I'm not sure why I let myself go so fast and furious, but I'm trying to come back. Maybe I'll watch a couple Rocky movies this weekend to get me motivated...ha. He is the hometown hero around my parts of the world. We even have a statue of him in town.

I'm hoping this little break will pay off and help me clear my head...i need it. And this will give me 5 weeks to get this shiny purple gown to fit right. And in two weeks, I'm heading to get some body armor for underneath...spanx anyone?! Maybe I'll do a corset, so my chest can look fabulous and nobody will notice if the dress is tugging anywhere else. Ha. Or let's just hope that I can make the dress fit correctly in a month.

Jill- thanks for the cheers. I know I definitely need it right now.
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Old 04-30-2008, 09:45 PM   #144  
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LighterLou- I keep forgetting to ask you, how do you find the Biggest Lose Challenge online? I think the show is really great but was wondering how it plays out online.

Congrats on the 4 pound weightloss. Your hard work is paying off!
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Old 05-01-2008, 06:34 PM   #145  
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Annierew--I just made up a Biggest Loser challange. A bunch of our friends meet every other sat to weigh in and walk. We have $80 in the pot for the girls and $40 for the guys. Its over the on May 31st. I am hoping me and my DL win, but I cant get him re-motivated!!! Well I have our Relay for life event this weekend so I am crazy busy! And still not on track! oh well next week things will quiet down, and even more when I am done with finals!!! Come on May 14th!!!! Take care everyone!! talk to you soon!!!
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Old 05-03-2008, 02:36 PM   #146  
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Girls where have you been? It worries me when everyone runs away! How are your diets? How are things in general?

I know many of you are having issues right now, and feel like this is impossible. It isn't! Together we can do this! That is why we are here for each other!

Why doesn't everyone list 5 things that motivate them? Then we have something to say to each other when we are feeling down! I'll start (lol)

1. Feeling happy with my body (esp. around my husband!)
2. Looking amazing in a dress for our 2 year anniversary (in Las Vegas)
3. Graduation day- looking great in front of everyone as I get my Master's degree
4. Knowing I am healthy
5. Watching the numbers on that scale get lower and lower

OK your turn!

Love to you all
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Old 05-04-2008, 02:48 PM   #147  
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Chubbywife, I like your thinking! I'ts important to see the big picture when the going gets tough.

I'm finishing up my weekend of quitting and am getting back on the wagon again tomorrow. My trainer and I came up with a plan that has me detoxing Mon-Thursdays, Friday is basically Phase II or III, and then the weekend is free for whatever. I'm also meeting up with him 3 times a week, plus he'll give me some "homework" on the days that we're not together. He's going to whip me into shape! Woo Hoo! I feel like when I'm doing so well during the week, I hate ruining it during the weekend, even if it's a free day. But I feel centered again on getting started tomorrow. I think I really needed those couple of days to just focus on something other than my big fat butt. Ha!

But on a really good note...(other than me getting back on the wagon!) is that I just tried on a dress for the rehearsal dinner, and it fit perfectly. I never looked at the size, since it was in my normal size range at 16, but it ended up being a 14. That's some motivation for me for this week to get back on it. I haven't been able to buy a 14 for a looooooooooooong time! If I could break through to a size 12 this summer, it would be amazing. I have been an 18-20 for a really long time, so that's just unbelievable for me.

Here are my five things that are motivating me right now:
1. A bright shiny purple gown i need to wear in front of 300 people alongside a size 2 wearing the same dress at my sister's wedding. (Do I really need anymore motivation other than that?!?! HA!)
2. Being healthy
3. Feeling comfortable in my own skin and not letting it be an excuse to hold me back.
4. Looking good and feeling good in clothes
5. I'm turing 30 in January and want to jump into my 30's being fit and healthy (and hopefully skinny!) and not bring along all my worries that I had in my 20's like being overweight and not taking control of it. I'm on that path now, and hopefully I won't be so derailed like I have been recently.

It's a new week and a new month. Let's try to make May really successful for all of us, so we can feel great about our accomplishments in time for summer.
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Old 05-04-2008, 09:07 PM   #148  
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I'm joining you all and I am starting tomorrow (May 5th). I am doing the extreme fat smash and hope to lose 20-25lbs on my journey. I have already lost 15lbs on my own but need to change things up to start losing and stop maintaining. It'll be nice to have you all to chat with!
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Old 05-04-2008, 09:38 PM   #149  
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hi Girls!

Jill - Thanks for the undying motivation and encouragement and all of the cheering girls!

Annie - You said something that resonated for me in your top 5 motivators. You said you wanted to be comfortable in your own skin and not let it hold you back. There have been many times people mention doing things but I don't want to be the fat girl so I won't go. Same with last minute plans - I want to make sure my apt is clean and I have my hair and make up done and so I'll say no, I'm busy when I'm not. I need to give that up just a little. I don't want life to pass me by. I've been fighting this battle since 1989 and I want it to be done. I know I'll always have to watch it but I should only have to manage within a 10 lb radius not a 30 lb loss.

I had a good guy friend here this weekend and he said some very nice things - like you are pretty, you are smart, you are funny, there is no reason you shouldn't have a boyfriend - and you know what I kept thinking (of course didn't share with him but i'll share with you gals)..."yeah, but I'm fat." So I need to change that thinking and shed that stigma and enjoy this life. I am ready to be on plan (I'm thinking WW) and like Wifey said it's May and let's have a great May so we are down 5 - 10 lbs by June 1st!!!

Wifey - I carry all of my weight in my midsection so while I wish I was a 12, i'm a solid muffin topping 14!

Here's my 5:
1) Be confident with my looks/weight whatever the number may be
2) Become healthier so I can avoid medical issues in the future
3) Eventually become physically fit and have arm muscles!
4) Enjoy shopping for clothes again and fit into all of the clothes in my closet
5) Gain the self control to not let parties, holidays, and friends sway me into bad choices.

Last edited by less of lisa; 05-04-2008 at 09:39 PM.
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Old 05-05-2008, 10:25 AM   #150  
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Hi Ladies -

I wrote a long message last week - used all the cute smilies and tried to respond to other's posts, but the computer ATE it. So I am trying again!

I started back on FS after coming home from a mini vacation and a conference where I ate everything - made very poor choices. Previously on FS I had lost 7 pounds and put 6 of them back on.

I restarted and am happy that I am down 1/2 pound lower than before I went to conference!

I'm on phase II now. Just being able to add a little chicken or shrimp to stuff is WONDERFUL!

I have been making the oatmeal cookies with pumpkin. YUMMY!

This weekend I attended a family birthday party. Homemade pizza and an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen. I told the host I was dieting and could not eat anything, but that I had wanted to come, so to please ignore that I was not eating. It worked out fine. I'm glad I didn't cave - that pizza smelled GOOD!

Last week I went shopping and tried on capri pants and bathing suits. I am the classic pear shape. UGH! That was a real motivater to keep on this diet.

Jill - sorry you've been down. I understand family stresses. Try to surround yourself with supportive motivating people and try to tune out those that are not.

- Down 20# - GREAT JOB! Toss or donate those bigger clothes. You deserve to buy something smaller! Consignment stores are great to buy "temporary" clothing as you are downsizing.

Annie - Good luck restarting your diet! Getting down to size 14 is good. Isn't it fun to try on smaller clothes?

Lisa - I know what you mean about making excuses not to go or do something. You get an invitation to something and wonder - what did I weigh the last time I saw that person? UGH - it's time to end that!

My goals: Lose 5 pound each month.

My 5 reasons: 1. Health - I am the only person in my family without
high blood pressure. I know getting my weight
down will help keep my blood pressure in a healthy
2. Wedding to go to in late July - I have a slim fitting
dress I'm dying to get back into.
3. Wanting to buy clothes that are smaller.
4. Wanting to feel more confident.
5. Wanting to look better and feel happier for my

Everybody have a great week!

Suggestion: I was wondering if it would be better if we restarted this
thread every week. It would be a lot less to look through
and seem simpler to me. Just a thought....
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