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Old 06-24-2008, 10:42 PM   #286  
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Annie-Do you have the ISBN from the back of your book? I am trying to find the new one so I can order it--there seem to be significant changes in it, and I want to order it, but I can't seem to find the different one online.

That sucks about the bank canceling your card!!! And yes, let's hope that the bad things stop happening. Awesome job about going to the gym!!!

Tara: I know how you feel-I really rely on that rice for my daily fix, so I'm hating not having it today. I haven't eaten it, but if i get that new book and it doesn't say I can only have it ever other day, I'm going to be eating it every day!!!!

Let me know what you find out, Annie. Thank you!!!
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Old 06-24-2008, 10:50 PM   #287  
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Originally Posted by kara d bride2b View Post
Annie-Do you have the ISBN from the back of your book? I am trying to find the new one so I can order it--there seem to be significant changes in it, and I want to order it, but I can't seem to find the different one online.

That sucks about the bank canceling your card!!! And yes, let's hope that the bad things stop happening. Awesome job about going to the gym!!!

Tara: I know how you feel-I really rely on that rice for my daily fix, so I'm hating not having it today. I haven't eaten it, but if i get that new book and it doesn't say I can only have it ever other day, I'm going to be eating it every day!!!!

Let me know what you find out, Annie. Thank you!!!
The ISBN is 0-312-36313-3
EAN 978-0-312-36316-0

Under copyright it says 2006, 2007

Hope that helps! I didn't even realize that there was a difference when I just picked up my new one, but what I'm hearing people say contradicts what's in my book. But with my luck (luck of the Irish!), I may have the only copy that says these things. Who the heck knows? Ha! I'll compare this weekend and let you know for sure what the differences are.
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Old 06-24-2008, 11:42 PM   #288  
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Thanks Annie! That's exactly the ISBN on my book-hmmmmm. Maybe I'll just go by Barnes & Noble and compare mine to the one there, and if it's changed, I'll just pick up the new one. Thanks for letting us know what the differences are, though-I just want to make sure I'm doing the right thing.

On a different note, I had a GREAT dinner tonight!! I made tuna...I had 3 oz. of tuna, 1/2 c of fat free mayo, and a boiled egg. It was SO good and it was something I would've made even if I wasn't on the diet. I even got to have broccoli and butter beans with it. It was right up my alley, and I honestly didn't miss the rice THAT much. I am glad that I can feel full without the rice.

Have a good night, all!!!
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Old 06-25-2008, 12:31 AM   #289  
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I think my book is the newer version because I remember someone saying we are not allowed to have any oils, but it does say we are allowed in the book I have. (although not by much)

Annie, I'm sorry to hear that about your bank card. I had the same kind of experience and I had to go back to the bank the next day and it took 5 days for me to get a new card. As I'm not really fond of writing a check, it was no fun for that 5 days. Hopefully it will get resolved soon.
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Old 06-25-2008, 10:23 AM   #290  
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Hey ladies! So I weighed in this morning... 5lbs down.. YAY!!! Gotta admit I secretly hoped for more, cause I know I lost more last time... But I'll take it it's 5lbs closer. I know I need to move more. I didn't get my swim in yesterday, the water was to cold in the morning... Hopefully tomorrow. Phase 2 here I come
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Old 06-25-2008, 12:23 PM   #291  
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Hi ladies......i have just ordered the book...gonna start on monday.....i am used to working in KG's so it all seems a bit pear shaped for me...once i have the profile up and running i( at work sneakly doing this ) will also make pretty with my page..... good luck to you all and prayers for me

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Old 06-25-2008, 04:42 PM   #292  
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ManDy: Congrats on the 5lbs. I weigh tomorrow so I am keeping my fingers crossed. Either way we all weigh less today than we did yesterday so yeah for all of us.

bushbaby: Welcome to the group. You are going to like this plan because you don't really feel like you are on a diet. The only problem I have is "WHY do you crave stuff so badly as soon as you go on a diet?"

Tara and Kara: I guess I have the old version because mine also says to cut back on the rice which did not make sense. Why cut back when we are adding other things?

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Old 06-25-2008, 06:30 PM   #293  
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Congrats on the 5 lb. Mandy!!! That's great! I'm with you that I gotta exercise more, though. I have really not been feeling my best and that's adding to me not wanting to do squat.

Bushbaby: Welcome!! Good luck in starting once you get the book-this is a great place to come and get recipes, advice, and to just have support from others who are doing the same thing.

Jan: I'm glad you have the same book I do because I was starting to wonder...I am going to Barnes & Noble tomorrow to try to get the new one, though. I want the updated one, and I want rice every day darnit!!!

Have a great day everyone!!
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Old 06-25-2008, 10:19 PM   #294  
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Today was supposed to be my 10th day but I'm staying till tomorrow and will measure on Friday. Hopefully the extra 2 days will help clean out my body.

My bf told me today that my body looks more defined... he was like "i don't know if you can tell that you lost weight...and i can't really tell for sure because I see you every day but I still can tell that your body is getting more defined and tight..." (been little bit over 3 months since I've started working out and I love feeling my muscle while moving around..although there still is flabby on my arm)
Now when he was telling me this, I was wearing sports bra and workout pants... which, now that I think about it, is quite surprising. I never walk around the house showing my mid-section but I think I'm getting more comfortable with myself.

My food today:
B: Oatmeal cookies (I baked them using the recipe from here)
S: sweet potato fries
L: Brown rice, salad, little bit of fat free ranch, chick peas, 2 slices of sweet potato chip (home baked)
S: chickpeas, 1 low-fat granola bar
D: brown rice, veggie burger patty, salad+grilled veggie,
S: 6 oz fat-free yogurt with blueberries
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Old 06-25-2008, 10:58 PM   #295  
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Tara- That's great that your bf notices the difference. And I'm excited for you to be walking around like a sexy momma! We need to feel better about ourselves, so I'm so happy to you hear that it's possible! Ha!

Mandy - Congrats on the 5 pounds! I hear you on expecting more, but it is 5 pounds! I really wish I weighed in in the beginning now, but it is what it is, right? I feel so much better, so I made the decision to not rely on the scale. It only gets me down, since it doesn't move easily for me, yet I can still drop sizes. Who knows?

Jan & Kara - I'm going to get to the bottom of this with the books. I think I like mine better, since you can have more, but I don't want to add more food if it's not the right thing.

Today I went out to eat for lunch and dinner. I never realized how much I ate out until I started up on this again! At least I'm not conscience of making the right decisions. For lunch I had a Spanish eggwhite omlet (no cheese) with veggies on top. Luckily we were at a diner, and that was possible. For dinner, I had a side salad with grilled chicken on top. I was planning on doing detox for two more days; however, I needed to add the chicken for some protien and to make me feel full tonight. It was one of those chic boutique restuarants where you only get a little bit of lettuce for their salads. Everyone was ordering lots of food for the table to taste, so I figured chicken was a better option for me than dipping into their food...and if I only tried that salad without the chicken, I would have eaten all their food, too. I was a hungry girl! I'm hoping to keep to detox tomorrow, but we'll see how that goes. I'm supposed to have another lunch meeting, so wish me luck!
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Old 06-25-2008, 11:11 PM   #296  
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Annie I think it was good idea of you to take Chicken to "protect" you from the other food. Look at it like take one step back to take two steps forward. Good luck tomorrow at the meeting and let us know how it goes.

Kara I know what you mean with squats. I used to have such a difficult time with it at the beginning...but I kept at it and it's a lot easier now and I can feel muscle on my legs, too. So keep up the good work and I promise you it will get easier.
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Old 06-26-2008, 02:25 AM   #297  
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Annie: GREAT choices at your meals out today!! Great job! I think getting the grilled chicken was a great choice, and honestly, how bad is grilled chicken, ya know?

Tara: Yep, squats are a bear. They really get your legs in shape, though, and make you feel strong.

I made an appointment with my trainer today-we are meeting on Friday!! Yay!! And then on Monday Ryan and I are going to a class at the gym that she teaches. I can't believe I've lost as much as I have without really exercising, but it's only a matter of time before that wears off, so it's time that I get my butt into gear...ha!

Have a great day ladies!
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Old 06-26-2008, 10:09 PM   #298  
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Kara - Thanks, man. It's always good to get positive feedback!

Squat and lunges...BOO!!!! I hear you, ladies! My trainer makes me do them all the time, which stinks, but they pay off the fastest, I find. The worse is when he makes me do squats and lunges all around the gym, and then go into jumping around the gym. HARD workout, but I feel so silly jumping and lunging all around the place. Oh well, at least I have fun with my trainer. He's a good guy.
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Old 06-26-2008, 10:25 PM   #299  
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Oh yeah. Squats and lunges around the place are silly looking, but I think everybody who has had a trainer has had to do them, and it's not the first time they've seen someone doing them, right? I actually used to do them around my apartment and Ryan thought I was nuts-haha.

You're welcome on the feedback!!
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Old 06-27-2008, 10:01 AM   #300  
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Just got back from my trainer's appointment. I take back anything nice I've said about him. He didn't have anyone scheduled for right after me, so I got an extra session. Lucky me!

It's actually great in the grand scheme of things, but man, I'm going to be S-O-R-E! It makes up for all those days that I didn't work out, I it was a free session. Who else has a trainer that just wants you to succeed so much that he's willing to fill his free time with helping you out for free? I feel like I have so much going for me with my path of becoming healthy that the only way I'm going to fail is if I let it happen, and I really don't want it to not happen. Too many people are invested in me, and I would hate to let them down...and me too!

Kara - how did your session go?
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