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Old 04-18-2008, 12:37 AM   #91  
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Alright...I need help. I've been WAY off the wagon for the past few weeks and it's bad. If I was an alcoholic, I think they would be putting me in rehab about now! I think I was doing so well for so long, and now I gave myself an inch, and I took a mile (wish I ran that mile instead!). So, now I'm feeling just awful about myself and can't seem to get back on track.

I'm going back on Detox on Monday -- after my sister's bachelorette party this weekend, and I convinced my trainer to let me work out with him 3 times a week and create a workout schedule for me from now until June, since that's when my sister is getting married and I get to wear a shiny purple dress. Ugh. The dress isn't bad, if you are a size 2, like the other bridesmaid. We don't have anything else wedding related until the actual wedding, so I'm hoping that I can hold off until then, and work really hard to see some results before then.

It's just really tough to lose weight. It's so hard because we need to eat, and it's hard to find time to fit everything into life as it is, so adding work out time is almost impossible. I'm hardly sleeping these days to just fit everything in, but it's the way it is for now...and it's so much easier to get take out or fast food and take a nap when I do get some free time. How is everyone else managing everything? Do you gals ever get to sleep, too?

Alright, I'm venting too much, but it felt a little bit better. Hopefully I can have a good time this weekend, so I can get in the right frame of mind, so I can get started on the right foot for Monday.

Thanks for all the support on this is a help. Good luck to all of you this weekend. And wish me luck not just with dieting but getting 30 drunken girls throughout Philly for the bachelorette party. Oh my!!!
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Old 04-18-2008, 10:44 AM   #92  
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Good job getting back on track Annierew! Im there with ya. Starting from scratch, never done the Fat Smash so well see how it goes. We'll keep each other on track
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Old 04-18-2008, 11:13 AM   #93  
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Trying to get this fat ticker thing going...scuse the indulgence! Can some nice person tell me how to add it?

Hi ladies, you can do it! I have tried every diet known to women and this is the only one that doesn't feel like a diet...but it is slow...any tips for speeding up my weight loss initially just to get me going? Oh and a confession...I am loving oatmeal for breakfast...but...I like putting a tablespoon of peanut butter in it for flavor. I'm sure this is like SO wrong, however, it really does help the taste! Is this screwing me up big time? And just got my book in, have not really kicked in the exercise part yet, I know that will help too. Good luck to you guys. Thanks for keeping me on track Jill! And I will try the sweet potato fries!! Yum!

Last edited by luckygirl2; 04-18-2008 at 11:24 AM.
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Old 04-18-2008, 08:59 PM   #94  
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yeah its friday!!

Hello Ladies I hope all is well! Yesterday was very challenging for me, I didnt cheat per say, I just ate more than I should have! Today was better, I guess I am a little board with the food and completely stessed out!! Well anyway here is my menu for the day!

**1 cup of coffee w/ff cream (this is my first cup in weeks!)
B:Brown rice cake w/ strawberry yogurt
L:Mediterrian salad from CPK
D:Brown rice, beans, cauliflower w/ soy sauce

no time for snacks, I am sure I will have some popcorn later! and tomorrow I am going to run the hills.

**I hope everyone has a great weekend!
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Old 04-19-2008, 10:48 PM   #95  
food is not my friend!
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hey girlies!
i have not been doing good at all until...drum roll....i lost 5 pounds in one day!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. How did I do it? Well I think I can credit food poisoning. I have never felt like this in my life. I was so looking forward to the southwest ckn salad that mcdonalds brought back and so I haven't had fast food since january but i went on thursday at lunchtime with my co-worker kevin who loves mcdonalds as much as i do. I got a small fry (wanted a ginormous one but it was plenty) and the southwest ckn salad. I ate the fries and 1/2 of the salad. I took the salad back to work with me but on the way back to work i got a headache and then when i got to my desk about a 1/2 an hour later i felt like i was going to vomit. Never did but felt yucky the whole rest of the day. I ate the remainder of the salad (i did refridge it) for dinner and just felt terrible tummy pains. So felt like that all day yesterday and went into nyc right after work and blew up the city - 3 different places! It was awful. I got home at 1 and spent all night in and out of the bathroom. Finally got 4 straight hours of sleep from 8 - noon today and weighed myself and yesterday I was 168.2 and this morning I was 163.2. I know I'll gain some of it right back but man o man. I'm still hearing the ocean in my stomach and it has grounded me for the day (of course when it was 80 here today) but that's okay. Soooo long story to share with you girls.

I hope to keep on track somewhat this week. It's my vacation week - leaving on Wed. I def missed my goal of 157 and I have nobody to blame except myself. I am trying to follow WW until I feel ready for FS again but I like you girls so i'm posting here so i don't have to meet all new girls but I like the new girls on here. Okay I'm rambling - bet you are all glad I'm not usually home on Saturday nights!

B/L - toast - which sent me straight to the ****ter (sorry for the honesty!) 2
D - avocado, tomato, cheese, bacon sandwich, 7 (just rumbling...this was a risky sammich!)
no sugar cole slaw 2,
dry cinnamon special k 2,
peach tea crystal light 0
Total - 13 points

my apologies to anyone i grossed out!
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Old 04-19-2008, 10:57 PM   #96  
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Lisa, OMG, that sucks so bad! I totally know how that feels! A few weeks ago, I was moving into my new place, so my mother in law picked up some KFC so I wouldn't have to cook. I hate it to begin with, but man o man... that was nasty. NEVER AGAIN! Nice to lose 5 pounds in one day though

LighterLou... Good job keeping up with the exercise! Did you do an "ease into running program" or did you just start running? Once my back's fixed, I'm going to get back into it. I used to run all the time and I miss it. Such a stress reliever!

I want to get ahold of a points calculator thingy from WW... I lost mine. Anyone know how I can get one without joining again?
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Old 04-20-2008, 11:40 AM   #97  
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Emmay, thanks for the support. I'm going to start the detox again tomorrow.

Less of Lisa, that's awful. I hope you feel better least in time for vacation. Take it easy until you feel better.

Desiree, when I was doing WW, if I lost my counter, I know I could go in and purchase another one for about $5, so I can't imagine that they won't sell you one without being a member. I went in when it was different people at the desk, and they never asked me if I belonged. I just told them I lost the counter. Of course, I found it as soon as I got home, but that's always the way, huh?!

Lighter Lou, that cracked me up that you said you didn't have time for snacks. Even with all my running around, I ALWAYS find time for snacks. Either I can't even imagine how busy you are...or...I'm very determined to get my snacks in. Ha.

I'm trying to tie up lots of loose ends this weekend, so I'm good to go tomorrow. I am quick to blame all the stressors in my life for my diet failures, but I know it's not it. I did get through the bachelorette party on Friday without drinking or eating too much. I bought lots of cheese and pepperoni to make a platter, but I forgot the knife and the hotel never brought up a new I lucked out on that. So, we only had hummus and pita chips, a much better selection. And I didn't want to drink too much until I was sure all 30 some girls made it where they needed to be without driving drunk or wandering away. By the time we got back to the hotel, I was exhausted!!! Whew. Glad that's over, and my sister had a great time. I believe she had enough of everything for both of us! It was an ugly morning the next day...and she had to go to work and be on tv as the weekend weather girl. Poor girl.

Thanks for all the support everyone and good luck this week!
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Old 04-20-2008, 11:07 PM   #98  
Ready to get to my goal!
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OMG food poisoning ?!?! i hope you are feeling better! you just reminded me of romy and michelle. when romy says getting mono "was the best diet" lol. anyone seen that??

tomorrow i start atkins. but i am not leaving our little circle because i am so used to you girls.

ill be in touch- right now a paper calls me!(i hate homework!)

emmay- good luck!!!!
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Old 04-21-2008, 12:13 AM   #99  
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Hi Ladies -

I was on a mini-vacation and went to a conference. All meals were served to me - and I made very poor choices. My mini-vacation was with family - we went out to eat for almost every meal. There was no way I could say: "Oh - I'll just have a banana". So I start again tomorrow after eating everything I shouldn't and running through a few dessert bars.

Funny - I get migraines when I eat too much sugar - but does that stop me - OH NO!!!!!

I start Detox - Phase I tomorrow morning. And back to Jazzercise. I had lost 7 pounds the two weeks before I left on vacation. UGH!!!!

It's been great reading this new thread and seeing everyone's encouragement.

I'll weigh in tomorrow and let you know all know it goes. You may hear the screams from my bathroom.
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Old 04-21-2008, 10:31 PM   #100  
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OK It has been very busy around here and I just got a chance to write.

I have been walk/running for a few years. I am a very sloooow runner. But since I have been smashing I can go twice as far!! I really enjoy it and it keeps my mind clear.

So last night we BBQed for my niece's b-day and of course she wanted chili dogs and freito boats. So I was left to make my own version.
**brown rice, veggie chili, soy dog, soy cheese, onions and a squirt of ketchup and mustard. I have to say it was pretty good, I had it for lunch and dinner tonight. (It easy and already made!)

B: Brown rice cake with stawberry yogurt
S: Apple
L: Salad and Chili dog concoction
D: Chili dog concoction again!

Well I have a biggest loser weigh in on sat. so I am trying to be good this week! talk tomorrow! Bye
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Old 04-22-2008, 09:28 AM   #101  
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Alright, today's the day...yesterday didn't work out too well, so today is the day to start. I started this morning with a work out with my trainer, which didn't go so well. I thought that since it's been a bad three weeks, I would be three weeks off schedule, but it turns out I'm so many steps back. It's so frustrating. I know he could tell how upset I was by this, since he didn't say anything, and normally he's always making wise remarks. That made me feel even worse. I asked him to put together a complete workout plan for me complete with cardio and strength training that will complement this plan. I should be getting something from him on Thursday morning, and I'll share with everyone. I figured, if I'm paying for it, why keep it to myself! Right?!

Well, here's to 9 days of Detox! Can you tell I'm still not so motivated to get back on track? Let's hope that kicks in really soon, since I need it. Ugh.

And I finally got a ticker, since I weighed myself again...yuck! It's definitely not where I wanted to be. I figured I'm not counting the other weight I lost, since I don't want to keep leaning back on the fact that I already lost weight. That's what got me back into this trouble. I figured that I could have that donut, since I already lost weight and knew what I needed to do to work that off. Clearly not so much. Anyone get in that trap, or am I the only one?!
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Old 04-22-2008, 12:01 PM   #102  
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Annierew--You know you are not the only one!! I am convinced that this weight loss thing is all in the head! I am at constant odds with myself and eating. This go round I have found the mental will power that I have been searching for. It has taken a long time to get here. I also have some events I want to get in shape for. In June me and my girls are going to San Diego and will be beach/poolside for 2 days and that is what I am shooting for. I have a tiny black bikini that I would like to fit into instead of hang out of. I am also doing a biggest loser challange with some of my friends, we weigh in every 2 weeks and that keeps me aware of staying on plan. And finally my husband's friend challanged him to motivate him to get into better shape. He said if my DH quit smoking and lost 60 LBS by oct. He would take us to Hawaii for 5 days! So like it or not my DH will make his goal. That has also motivated me.

**My suggestion is to figure out what your goals are and focus on that! Good luck and keep us posted on your progress.

Bye for now!
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Old 04-22-2008, 12:49 PM   #103  
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Smile need a jump start!

Hi everyone!

I hope you don't mind if I join your thread. I've been doing pretty good losing weight and even a few inches. But it's just sooooooooooooo slow. I did EFS last year and lost 5 lbs really quick for a special event. I decided to stick it out this time and do the full 21 days before going to maintenace. Today, is Cycle 1/ Day 2 for me. I'm going to need some extra and prayer to get through the next couple days! This chick is HUNGRY!
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Old 04-22-2008, 10:41 PM   #104  
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Lighter Lou- you crack me up! I'm useless on setting those goals because I went to Hawaii fat a few years ago. The worse part about it was that I went to do a half marathon for a friend and I normally trained by going to the bar and planned our trip, so we weren't the size 2's we were hoping for. If someone was going to pay for my entire trip, then I would have a lot more motivation. Good Luck!

Well, I got the first day under my belt. It wasn't always pretty, since I'm aching for caffiene. I have become very hooked on it and quitting cold turkey is HARD!!! The last time I did detox, I left in my diet sodas (not a coffee drinker). I know that cutting it all out is the best way to go, so I'm trying to be really committed this time around so it's the last time around.

Breakfast: oatmeal
Lunch: salad and banana
Dinner: brown rice with salsa and boca ground beef
Snack: yogurt

I did get to go shopping tonight, so I have a lot of good choices for the upcoming days! I really enjoy eating.
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Old 04-22-2008, 11:51 PM   #105  
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Hi Ladies -

I have survived day two of Detox. It is a little easier this time. My husband even ate some of the sweet potato fries I made. Why is it fruit tastes so good and sweet but if given the choice of fruit vs. chocolate - chocolate would win every time?

Here is a question: Can I make Ranch dip if I use fat free plain yogurt and the dry envelope mix on phase one? I hope so cause I did it...... I figure if I'm getting down a bunch of carrots and cauliflower that way - it's still better than eating a zillion other things that tempt me.

I am going to try and stay off the scale until day nine. That will be very hard for me to do, but I am going to try and not obscess on the scale this time.

I tried to upload a photo of myself, but it wouldn't go through. Not sure why, but I am not the most computer literate person in the world. HA - I GOT IT TO WORK!!!

Everybody have a good day tomorrow!

Last edited by MarcyD; 04-22-2008 at 11:54 PM.
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