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Old 09-14-2004, 03:50 PM   #196  
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Well, you'll be happy to hear that I don't touch any of that
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Old 09-15-2004, 08:48 AM   #197  
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Glad to hear it.

I'm still ill I am sick of it. I started coughing the last night I was in Blackpool 10 days ago and haven't stopped yet.
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Old 09-15-2004, 04:14 PM   #198  
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Aaaawwww Poor Veggie..that sucks what are you taking for it?

Just going to check out another job downtown don't know if I want it really but the days and hours are what I want its just further than I want to travel oh well..I can only ask can't I?
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Old 09-18-2004, 08:47 AM   #199  
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Umm I remember to take cough medicine about once a day.

Ooh new announcement what's been going on?
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Old 09-18-2004, 09:11 AM   #200  
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What she mean? Has someone been putting "Vote Labour" in their signatures?
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Old 09-18-2004, 09:52 AM   #201  
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No the announcements apply to all the forum not just here
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Old 09-18-2004, 04:44 PM   #202  
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Well, it ain't me I don't vote for any bugger
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Old 09-20-2004, 04:13 PM   #203  
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Just sat here waxing my legs..ouch look like a plucked chicken don't know how they get them all out in one go and as for the back of them think i'll just shave them

Got that job I went for last week so I can give my notice in where I am now and there will be no more 5am starts for me on a Sunday it'll be back to watching Corrie in my dressing gown It was funny because the guy rang and left a message and when I rang him back all he said was "are you still looking for work?" and I said "yes" then he said "can you start wednesday" can't start tomorrow because of the other one I'll probably end up hating it because i'm only counting flyers but there will be no pressure and working for free like i've been doing at the one i'm at now now I don't know whether to hand my notice in in the morning or wait until I start the other one and see how it goes decisions, decisions
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Old 09-21-2004, 06:37 AM   #204  
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Morning all
Cathy, wel done on the new job. Sounds nice and stress free. Well done to you luv.

I am not doing good being on plan at the moment. I had a pretty good weekday week last week, but it all went to pot at the weekend and yesterday. Had family over for a get together on Saturday and got rid of some more food from the freezer by feeding them all, however, it's stuff I generally stay away from cos of the high points and they brought dessert. WHY CAN"T I JUST SAY NO TO A CUPCAKE OR A NICE APPLE CRUMBLE? WHY OH WHY??????

I have been excercising, and I know that can help me maintain, but I feel fatter and I don't like it. I still haven't lost what I gained after going out to California in April, it goes and comes back at the mo. I know I'm not working hard enough, cos if I did, it would be gone and more after it, but I just can't seem to get my head around it. Rolling pins are definitely needed I think! HELP! HELP! HELP!
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Old 09-21-2004, 08:37 AM   #205  
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Well done Cathy I'm struggling too Chris, can't decide what plan to use. Or be bothered to actually follow one.
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Old 09-21-2004, 04:52 PM   #206  
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Now come on you two keep number 199 in your head Veggie come on Chris.. apple crumble i'd have been a sucker for that too but its done with now so "forged aboud it" you can do it!!

Went to work this morning and I took my 'resignation' with me but was'nt sure whether to give it in or wait until i'd started the other job and see how it goes first but when I was at work I was doing what I was supposed to do as per my super's list and then another supervisor rang me up and told me to go to customer service to pick up returns so I told her that my super had left me a note telling me NOT to pick up returns then she said "what are you doing now?" and I replied "stock" and then she said "What time do you finish?" and i replied '11" and then she said "Well, its only 10.30!! go and get your returns" (ignorant ) so I went for them and it was 20 to 11 by then and I still had some stock to put out..all the cardboard to take to the compactor and tidy up so I ran around like a lunatic..did that then put a few 'returned' items back on the shelves then left the rest for my super to deal with tomorrow (she won't be happy about that but I was'nt going to work for 'free' sod that..done enough of it) then I went upstairs at 11am got my stuff and threw my 'resignation' on her desk I don't care if i'm bored to death tomorrow at least I won't have to put up with that crap When I was driving home it was like a 'weight' had been lifted so i'm sure I won't regret my decision the management at that place leaves a lot to be desired not exercised as yet but I plan on doing something shortly..maybe my stability ball workout or pilates for a change
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Old 09-21-2004, 05:51 PM   #207  
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Good for you! I bet you won't regret your decision and I hope you have a have a good day tomorrow!
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Old 09-21-2004, 05:55 PM   #208  
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Gosh Cat! That was good of you not to yell down the phone "stuff yer returns witch! I resign!" I was muttering the words just reading your message!!

Sounds like a vile place to have worked! (Just started MA in Human Resource management so just full of geekiness for the subject sorry!)

No wonder you felt like a weight lifted off you - well done on new job!
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Old 09-21-2004, 07:17 PM   #209  
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Kel and Annie-Rose knowing my luck they'll demand a months notice doubt they'll get it tho'
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Old 09-22-2004, 09:33 PM   #210  
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Started new job this morning and its totally stress free we have the radio on and everyone yaps although i'm having a hard time doing that and keeping count My Super from my present job called twice today while I was out and asked me to return her call so I did and she asked if i'd work a couple of more Sundays until she trained my replacement so I said yes I don't have a problem with that and then she asked me if I was alright for tomorrow I exclaimed "Tomorrow??" and she said " work Thursday when you've had a Sunday off" i've worked 4 Thursdays total in 5mths of working there!! anyway, i'm not going I agreed to work Friday instead and she said she'd get back to me because she'd have to OK it with the manager..i'm still waiting for her to get back to me I won't hold my breath I need to go back and get my wages sorted out if nothing else..last paycheck was 10hrs short and this one is about 9hrs short and if I don't get it sorted on my next shift i'll walk out i'm sick of the way that place treats people..I was talking to a new girl in the lunchroom yesterday and she said her's was short too..I think they do it deliberately to try and see if you're stupid enough to get ripped off I practically have to argue to get paid the pittance i've earned..hopefully this new place will be better when we finished today the guy just shouts out "thats it..finished" everyone was surprised they said they don't normally only work 3.5hrs so I said "I guess I worked too hard" and then he said "come in tomorrow at 10.30am" I think i'm gonna like this job!
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