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Old 07-29-2004, 05:38 AM   #91  
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Linda came over last night and we opened the wine, I didn't choke on it, but I did drink too much of it - not good. I know what I should be doing I just don't seem to have the willpower to do it

Still have no car Am trying to motivate the boys into getting up, they both slept on the floor in Stevens room and fell asleep whilst watching a video. Now this morning, 2 of their pals have joined them on the floor and nobody shows any signs of moving. That will teach to leave the door wide open to get some air in the house, Stevens bedroom is the first door of the hall & my two heard the other boys at the door before I did & invited them in. Will get in there with the broom and chase them all out.

Am going to put on a load of washing and do some work in the garden to burn off some cals.
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Old 07-29-2004, 06:16 AM   #92  
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I drank loads of wine last night still can't decide if to go to sw tonight I'm so slacking.
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Old 07-29-2004, 08:50 AM   #93  
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Veggie - i drank loads of wine too.

Go to SW you are doing great, everybody is allowed an off day / week. Just don't let it drag on. Go to SW and find your motivation. You can do it, we're right behind you.

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Old 07-29-2004, 09:00 AM   #94  
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OK have foud some motivation, not sure from where, but me and Linda are going to do the healthly eating and drink in moderation bit next week. Probably means we'll be taking WW tin meals and tins of veg for dinner but has got to be better than the chippie every night

Am going to tescos shortly, on the bus, still no car but thats another story. So I will look out some healthly snacks and lots of juice while I am there. All meals need to be cooked in a maximum of 2 pans, so it's not easy.

I don't want to be a big fat lump anymore I will be slim and sexy again I will I will I will
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Old 07-29-2004, 08:01 PM   #95  
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Pass some of the 'drink in moderation' to me. I need it. I can barely type straight.
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Old 07-29-2004, 09:38 PM   #96  
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Hic, Hic, Hic

Ooh Chris you'll miss my BIL by a week they come over 2 weeks today on the 12th god, what will i do with 4 extra people in the house for 3 weeks : pray : need a praying smiley there but what can you do?

John Bon Jovi need a lip smacking drooling smiley now someone will have to talk to Susanne about all these missing smileys

One more day of sheer **** at work tomorrow and then i'm back to being a part-timer next week that place is a **** hole i feel like i'm working for Martha Stuart or one of them other people that have sweat shops in a foreign country the volume of stuff that i'm supposed to check off and put on the shelves is unreal 2 pallet loads of boxes and 8 massive totes full of aspirins and other wonderful concoctions i'm seriously thinking that i might have to leave because its non-stop and i'm no shirker i even don't take tea-breaks so i can do the bloody stuff and yet i see others with loads of time on their hands swanning around the place typical is'nt it? pity really cuz i really like the job but i'm not working in a sweatshop for minimum wage. Gonna take some beer down to the workshop and see what hubby is up to

Last edited by cat90; 07-29-2004 at 09:40 PM.
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Old 07-30-2004, 09:04 AM   #97  
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Poor Cathy Yay to part time.

That sw raffle wine made me v drunk last night
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Old 07-31-2004, 03:46 PM   #98  
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Day off today had a lie in this morning and feel very good for it too don't know when my next shift is hope its not 6am in the morning will have to find out I suppose its Luxton Fair this weekend so I may head down there and 'try' and get drunk like Veggie won't be able to get sozzled tho' if i've work tomorrow the weather is lovely with a light breeze to keep things nice just the weather for sitting around drinking cold ones
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Old 07-31-2004, 05:42 PM   #99  
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hi all dh is at the pub so i can get on and blether for ages and not get pulled off after five minutes as i keep saying to my kids and dh i dont want to keep jon bon jovi i just want to play with him and then they can have him back any way how are you all good i hope hows sozzled suzie ahem i mean veggie sobered up yet?? well i survived the dreaded july no more birthdays till the end of august but have to get the rest of the kids gear for going back to school on the 18th and conner doesnt need school uniform{which i already had} as he goes to secondary school this year {my poor baby} with his big brother speaking of whom you should have seen the size of the chain and ring he bought for his birthday **** be bent double by september he looks like del boy well gotta go and check the other siteds speak later

Last edited by linus; 07-31-2004 at 05:47 PM.
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Old 07-31-2004, 08:08 PM   #100  
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I may be drunk right now
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Old 08-01-2004, 07:15 AM   #101  
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good for you
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Old 08-01-2004, 08:02 AM   #102  
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Why thank you
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Old 08-02-2004, 09:57 PM   #103  
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HI girls,
How's everyone doing? I am back on track, since Saturday only, but it's a start...have been getting to curves and walking, walked tonight in a toerrential downpor, it was only slightly raining as I waslked round the corner and then it came down so hard, wewere walking thorough ankle deep water as everywhere was flooding, Dave was in hysterics as Hannah and I walked back through the door soaked to the skin. It was rather fun though, I quite like walking in the rain
Sixteen days and I'll be on a countdown now, so don't get bored when I pop in and give you a number....I'm very excited......
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Old 08-03-2004, 05:40 AM   #104  
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so you should be when ive got somewhere special to go im like a kid again and i suffer from the terrible "are we there yet" syndrome the kids hate it im worse than them craigs so laid back hes practically horizontal anf conner used to be as bad as me but seems to be growing out of it now called the vets yesterday to find out how much its going to be to get my dog dressed and its looking like £145 plus just as well i love her
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Old 08-03-2004, 07:50 AM   #105  
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Not so bad really Kirsty I was watching a program the other day and this guy paid $30000 AMERICAN to try and save his dog that had cancer don't think hubby would pay that to save me!

Good Morning Chris i'm up early cuz I could'nt sleep last night hate lying there watching the clock go around so thought i'd get up and see how everyone is doing well done getting back on track i'm not counting the days until the RELS come over its a week on thursday

I'm just having a nice cup of hot chocolate will play around with resizing some pics and then get ready for work
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