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Old 10-14-2004, 08:53 PM   #256  
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@ miss diva

We had a bit of excitement here today the local school burned to the ground ( they are still looking for the guilty looking little blighter that set it on fire ) I went that way on my way home to have a but of course all the traffic was being redirected so I wasted my time and gas that will teach me won't it? the weather was just gorgeous today but atlas it looks like the last of "summer" cuz we have showers forecast for the weekend I can't complain its certainly not cold..i'm still in T-shirts and I was sweating at work I suppose i'll freeze my A$$ off when I go home told my daughter i'd be taking my longjohns she thought I was joking but i'm not..i'm serious they're white with blue flowers on so i'll finally get some use out of them I've been a since I got home bought some Apple Turnovers and i've eaten 2 already not to mention the beer that i'm drinking oh well..whats done is done

Last edited by cat90; 10-14-2004 at 09:02 PM.
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Old 10-17-2004, 06:09 PM   #257  
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Hi lovely ladies,
I'm back! Did ya miss me? I hope so Or I will be very sad and have a paddy!
I'm in sunny AZ, weather today is bloody gorgeous, 83 degrees and sunny, slight breeze blowing which will have my washing dry in no time when I get it hung out.

We still have boxes to unpack, but we can see floor space now. Dave needs to be getting some shelves up too, so I can get some more ornaments out of boxes and arrange them. I didn't realise we had so much pure crap that we hang onto year after year

As for the weight loss, well that's not happened this past two weeks, infact I've gained and today I stepped on the scales as I'd finally found them and I am a whopping 206!!! Absolutely horrifying that was to see. That means that since April and my trip to CA, I've gained12 lbs and played with it since then. SO< tomorrow is the day to start again. I have healthy food in the fridge and freezer, so there is no excuse. I am also going to be going to curves, I haven't been in two weeks either, and my body can feel it.

SO hi to the newbies that joined, wecome back to tootoot AKA Flumper...nice to have you back.

Must go and unpack a few more bits and bobs and find out what else is missing or broken.....the joy of moving! GAH! Nearly wrote the joy of sex there for a mo.........hehehehe...

Going now.......tata...
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Old 10-18-2004, 07:48 PM   #258  
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Yes we missed you A LOT Welcome back.
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Old 10-18-2004, 11:14 PM   #259  
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now we know that you've got that book Chris (the joy of sex ) Yes we did miss you

I watched Entertainment Tonight tonight and they showed a preview of that new show with the people trying to lose weight anyway..i've got the scoop now its called "the biggest loser" and the winner loser wins quarter of a mill not a million but i'd take it its on tomorrow night so i'll be tuning in
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Old 10-19-2004, 07:08 PM   #260  
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quarter of a wha? mill? not a million? eh?! mill?
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Old 10-19-2004, 07:16 PM   #261  
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Well..tonights the night the biggest loser is on at 8pm and I'll be glued to the box to see if I can pick up any tips

Was well P.O.'ed when I came home from work I went to the mail box and my payslip and T4 had arrived from that **** hole I used to work at and when I opened it they'd ripped my off 8.5hrs!! they only owed me 10!! and they had the cheek to pay me 1.5!!!!!!!! I was so annoyed at first I thought I'll go in and see them and then I thought forget it and then I thought NO don't forget it a big company like that can afford to pay me what i've worked for so I called Industrial Relations and the girl I spoke to was she said they've paid you 5hrs and I replied NO they've paid me 1.5hrs then she said the payslip could be wrong cuz the computer said that i'd been paid 5hrs so she told me to check with the bank what had been deposited so I said that I would tomorrow then I had a brainwave and decided to check online banking and sure enough what was on the payslip had been payed into my account so I rang her back and she said she'd "look" into it they'd better sort it out or i'm heading to the manager of the store and the union..I won't let this drop they've had enough "free" work out of this kid
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Old 10-25-2004, 04:18 PM   #262  
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theres not many people posting now!!!!!!! come on .......... we must have news or gossip or moans and groans to share
ill share my moans ...... lol get the ball rolling
why when im doing so well does it have to be halloween!!!!!!! my kids have a party on thursday one on friday and one on saturday afternoon........ then the goodies out for nightime! i will never survive 3 days of party goods and trick or treat goodies
going to see my boss tomorrow.... i want to study my svq3 but my big boss wont fund it, so im trying to find out if i fund it myself will she allow an assesor in once a month to talk to me, so im going to talk with the home manager tomorrow see how the ground lies
how did you get on with your wages cat? maybe if you happen to get a little extra you could get your heater in car fixed.......... the winter is creeping up, we got frosty mornings now....... ahhhhh all christmasy
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Old 10-25-2004, 07:25 PM   #263  
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There were no halloween parties in my day, just the day its self where you bobbed for apples/threw things at cars I hate halloween and bonfire night ARGH STUPID FIREWORKS
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Old 10-25-2004, 09:50 PM   #264  
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No news about wages Toot if nothing is paid into my bank account this week then off I will go with payslip in hand to see the manager and the union rep they don't know who they are dealing they?

As for my hubby can do it so I refuse to pay a garage anyway, my moan is that he was SUPPOSED to fix it on sunday..BUT HE DID'NT when I went down to his workshop he said he was expecting me to come down in my car but I did'nt YEH RIGHT!! if he'd really wanted to do it he would have rung me up at the house and asked me where I was..right? MEN!

Yaaayy..I get the day off tomorrow you'd think I had'nt had one of for ages would'nt you we worked extra hours today so we could have tomorrow off so I can get some little jobs done around the house I really want to pack..but its to soon
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Old 10-26-2004, 02:32 AM   #265  
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veggie one of the parties is at school and one is at my work the other is a community party.......but still i know what you mean we didnt have halloween parties either(another adopted american tradition i think)........i love fireworks, but not bangers that boys throw in the streets at all hours of the night from september to new year

yeh cat you show that ex manager that now you no longer work there you DO NOT have to bite your tongue, quickest way to get your heater fixed is to mention the broken heater in front of his friends..... it usually works, if my dh wont do soemthing when his mates are round ill say something like oh never mind the tiles not finished im waiting until payday to get someone in to finish them.........the humiliation usually has the job done ASAP..........well i better go get mini madame up for school, she thinks because its dark in the mornings now that it is still night time
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Old 10-26-2004, 04:17 PM   #266  
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OOh we're having a Halloween party on Saturday! I will have to start baking and things soon!

I'm really PO'd cos a project we're doing at college was OKd by the tutor last week, then we handed a report in. Today we got it back saying he wasn't satisfied with our project and we have to pick another one and do the whole thing again. Then he has the cheek to tell us off for being really behind!

I will let rip my full anger at him next time I see him (and when I've got the full story!!)! I wish I'd known pre-kickboxing, I could've imagined him in front of me and got an even better workout!!
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Old 10-26-2004, 08:45 PM   #267  
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Default can always kick him in the goolies and say you've been doing kickboxing and it was a spasm

Toot..never mind it'll be lighter in the mornings next week so the Lil' Madame can get up as for your idea i'm never there when his friends are around cuz he usually goes to them..they don't appear around here much unless they want something fixing!

God..I had the day off today and i've done nowt but 'talk' online to daughter in England and make a hotpot I was going to go out and do "wonders" today as well and its beautiful out too silly
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Old 10-27-2004, 02:42 AM   #268  
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light in the mornings next week!!!!!!!!!!! maybe on your side of the world, glasgow kinda stays pitch black in the mornings until about march/april then it gets light from about 3/4 oclock and the mini madame thinks its time to get up then cos its daytime!!!!!!!!!!im in a no win situ
im in such a bloody bad mood this morning, knew it before i even opened my lids
ah wellll lets see how many heads i get through before say 8pm
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Old 10-27-2004, 06:23 AM   #269  
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Hellooooo! I have to confess I haven't posted on this site for an absolute age so I thought I had better come in and play catch up and see what everyone has been up to!

Cat90 wrap up warm if you are visiting the homelands for Christmas as it is already bloomin' cold here in Suffolk today!! The pc thermometer says it is 6 degrees....brrrrr. I can just imagine you by an open log fire in an English pub... mean of your tutor! Go stamp on his head a few times!

Toot...I hope your day gets immensly better as it goes on and you feel happier by the time evening comes around.

Britin I am pleased you have found your "home" again and have come back to chat...I am a fine one to talk tho'....never seem to get time time to have a long these days...

Whats this "Entertainment Tonight" show all about?? And what does the winner go away with? As Kelly says...a 1/4 of a mill....what????Mars bars??

Veggie how are you? Why don't you like Bonfire Night and all the fireworks? Is it the noise? Or having to eat all that terrible stuff like sausages and jacket potatoes and the like ? he he he he!!!! The trouble is that when the fireworks are for sale in the shops..."firework season" seems to go on and on for ever...we have already had a few going off in the village...the dog hates the least it makes her get in the house from the garden double quick!!!
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Old 10-27-2004, 07:24 AM   #270  
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I hate the noise of fireworks half the day and night yes and halloween that's all American Stupid brats knocking on the door
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