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Old 08-11-2004, 03:37 PM   #121  
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I wanna join ww but the people I got to sw with won't let me I just think it may suit me better.

Welcome back Carol we missed you loads
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Old 08-11-2004, 03:41 PM   #122  
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But Veggie - you are doing really well on SW aren't you? Over 3 stone since March?!
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Old 08-11-2004, 03:45 PM   #123  
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Yeah but I'm in a slump now
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Old 08-11-2004, 03:53 PM   #124  
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From what I have heard and read - a lot of dieters get into a slump. I got into one a couple of months ago where I was losing so slowly it was awful - then my SW consultant says you need to do new things to give not only your body, but your motivation a i decided to change to having almost all red days and it worked so well that I have continued this for 8 weeks now (6 red and 1 green) and my weight is shifting the most it has all year.

I'm guessing from your name that you are a veggie so perhaps you don't really do red days - but if you eat fish - you could have the odd red day and see what happens? Another good one - is she said to change HE - as I was eating the same everyday - so I did this - and it too had a nice effect.

I think you are doing great on SW! There's no one in my class that has lost 3 stone since march!
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Old 08-11-2004, 05:33 PM   #125  
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Stick with SW Veggie you will get your motivation back again, your just at that horrible plateau stage after losing so wonderfully for the rest of the year.

Well results at doctors were horrible. Am on tablets to reduce my blood pressure. Have to take them for a month and then we'll reassess to see if the low dosage suits me. I need to watch my salt intake, exercise more and lose weight.
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Old 08-12-2004, 06:30 AM   #126  
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Have been checking the sodium levels on everything, it's even in my blackcurrent juice. Am suppose to be working from home, but ain't get much done.

Best go send a few work emails so they think I've been busy
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Old 08-12-2004, 02:01 PM   #127  
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lucky you its rotten here non stop fog and rain and humid boy at night its so warm i think some wee angel up on his cloud has said lets have some fun with the weather and hey presto fog and rain and thunder with heat my weight is at a stand still thankfully its not going up but its not coming down either so strict eating for a week to see if i can get it going in the right direction again
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Old 08-12-2004, 02:13 PM   #128  
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I agree with the other girls Veggie you're doing GREAT on SW. Wassup? Are you sick of the microwave chips and wine? i'd give it a little longer if i was you and shake things up like Kelly said
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Old 08-13-2004, 09:57 AM   #129  
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I'm just in a slump but am back to writing stuff down today, even though it's my Dad's birthday we we having big curry and cake. I still going to write it all down and hand in food diary at slimming world.
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Old 08-14-2004, 07:24 AM   #130  
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Cheer up Veggie, you are doing amazing. Don't be disheartened it will all come to gether again, with a little effort and time. Hope you enjoyed the curry

I have eaten the house clean this morning. Took my sister to the airport so she could fly down to our cousins wedding, is easy for everyone else in my family as they only have them to pay for, I would have to pay 4 air fares and outfits and accommodation So I have stayed home and was supposed to be dog, cat & gold fish sitting, but then I learnt my brother who lives with my parents (where all the animals are) is unwell and hasn't gone to the wedding either. Can you keep an eye on him mum asks, he's 37 for goodness sake !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So managed to finally get hold of him on the phone and check he was looking after the animals and he would let the cat in at night, a special instruction, and that yes he was feeling better and would phone if he needed anything. Then back to text mum, let her know sister got off on time and brother number 1 ok.

Back home to find Ray in agony. Poor soul got a tooth pulled at the dentist on Thursday and his mouth has all swollen up and got infected. He went back yesterday and was given some antibiotics and told if it gets worse over the weekend to go the emergency doctor. Well apparently the pain is now up to his eye and he can only sleep for 20 miuntes before it wakes him up again, so we are going to the doctors. He went back to bed, while I organised the boys, fed them basically. Went to get him to ask what I should say to the doctor as he can barely talk and he has fell asleep again, probably the best thing for him. So much for 20 minutes though he's been asleep for the last hour and the boys want to go out and play but I won't let them and I want to go do a few things, but think I need to stay home incase he needs to go to the doctors when he wakes. How ungrateful am I ? You need to phone first and if he called at the moment they would probably think it was a crank call as he can't open his mouth to talk.

So all in all am a bit stressed and have over eaten on any junk I could find lying around my kitchen. Really need to go for a shower and start to tidy up this pig sty of a house. I haven't managed to get it back into any form or order since coming home last week.

Time to go check on the invalid, don't think I have to phone check on my brother again just yet !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Sorry for ranting on and on and on and on
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Old 08-14-2004, 07:40 AM   #131  
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He may be 37 but he's a man I think you should abandon everything and go look after him
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Old 08-15-2004, 09:50 PM   #132  
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Two more days and I shall hopefully be flying towards Blighty! I am having problems at the moment as I have lost my resident alien card. I went to Philly on Friday with paperwork in hand to get a new one and was told on the phone that they would give me temporary papers to allow me back into the country on my return. However, once there, I found out that this was not true and I had to go somewhere else to get this paperwork, but of course, this place had shut at one o'clcok and it was already three in the afternoon.
So now, tomorrow I am getting up at the crack of dawn to drive to the NJ office, and will tell them my story of despair and woe, and hopefully they will stamp my passport so I can get back here after being home. I don't have an appointment as they were all taken and the very nice lady at the Philly office advised me to just go and see if they'll squeeze me in. She sounded hopeful, so please everyone, keep you fingers crossed for me, and think of me sitting in an immigration place, where probably not a soul speaks the lingo.... thanks.
As for being on plan, that's not happening right now. I reckon I will have to get really super serious at the end of August when I get home. It will be a busy time for me too, can't remember if I mentioned this, but we're moving back to AZ in October, Dave has put in to retire and has been accepted for it after 22 years, so we'll go back to AZ and live a civvy life.
So Cathy, next time you plan a trip to LV, we'll have to meet up, and by the way, WIkenburg is 20 miles away from my house.....and you're right, it's a gorgoeus little cowboy town. I've only been once, in the heat of the summer, and most places were closed, but I'm told it's a big touristy place in the winter when you don't sweat to death.
I packed my suitcases today, am ready apart from the last few bits to throw in come Tuesday morning. Am very excited.... and neavy hoping to get sorted tomorrow. The woman told me if I left the country and didn't have the stamp, it would be ok getting into the UK, but not back here and I wold probably be deported, and then would have to go to the embassy in London and pay with body parts for the stamp for the alien card...I've already had to pay out enough so far for this one I had everything done for on Friday, don't really want to be paying out more. Still can't figure out though, why it takes six to eight months for these people to make a little plastic card with my face and fingerprint on it.....they make drivers licences in a few minutes!
I dyed my hair today, can't be showing any greys at home, have very bold streaks in it and am very pleased with it. I'm thinking I'm very trendy
Right, must be off, got laundry to fold.......never ending saga in this house.....have a great week all, I'll let you know how I fare tomorrow
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Old 08-16-2004, 01:18 PM   #133  
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Watch out UK.
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Old 08-16-2004, 06:19 PM   #134  
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One now! Tomorrow morning I shall be running about like a blue **** fly. Not that I didn't do enough of that today. I STILL don't have my passport stamped, the only appointment I could get today was for Weds at 1.45, even though I worte on the paper I had to fill in, that I was LEAVING on the 17th!!! Honestly, it's so frustrating dealing with these people they have no communication with each other in different offices, so now while I'm home, I have to go to London early one morning, and go to the embassy there and hopefully get a paper to let me back in here, in time for my flight back. Otherwise I'll be there a tad longer and have no idea how I'll get back. Could swim the atlantic I suppose........
Am feeling VERY stressed over all of this, and gave myself a horrible headache earlier, but am slowly starting to get over it. I AM going home! I AM going to have a wonderful time, and yes, I'm going to EAT cream slices!!!
I am thinking maybe also going to a slimming world meeting while I'm there too, as I have no idea what you're all on about, but maybe it'll be a nice change to follow instead of WW when I do get back here?
If I don't get back here tomorrow before I leave, everyone have a great week....I'm going home
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Old 08-17-2004, 07:13 AM   #135  
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No Days! AM off later on today. Am a happy bunny, tomorrow will be home with my Mummy and eating all that delish Brit food............yum!
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