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Old 04-10-2007, 09:39 PM   #526  
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Michael - You are doing awesome!

On another note - I am not! I have totally stalled out. I can't seem to move off this weight. I did FF/Express almost 2 weeks ago and lost 3 lbs. Since then I have been gaining and losing those 3 lbs over and over. I do FF again starting this Thursday and I am hoping I can get some sort of movement! I am just getting frustrated. Ever since they moved me down from Red to Purple my weight loss just seems sooo much slower.

Anyway...I am thinking about adding in some cardio now for a jolt. How much do most of you average? Kristen, Evette, Debster, all you LAWL'ers who have really pushed through, what do you do? I thought 30-45 minutes a day on the elliptical might really help. I just don't want to overdo it and stop losing.

Hope everyone is having a POP day. I am going back to watching AI. I can't believe Simon dissed Melinda's version of Sway. Come on! Any do you think Haley could wear any less on stage???
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Old 04-10-2007, 09:41 PM   #527  
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Angie - Your son is adorable and of course he is going to die about the outfits when he is 16. It is your job as a mother to have enough material on him to keep him humble
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Old 04-10-2007, 09:48 PM   #528  
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Evening all,

I had my WI today and no change despite this weekend. However, I went out to wish a co-worker of mine good luck at her new job. I had 6 wings and a margarita. Man did they taste good. Some HLW for me tonight I think.

Katie- sorry to hear about the puppy. I hope mama is doing well as well as you and your family.

Time to go. Rest time before kids go to bed. LOL.
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Old 04-10-2007, 09:53 PM   #529  
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Hi all! I have been enjoying reading up on some of the recent posts in the forum. I love how actively everyone uses this thread!

I recently decided to try Jenny Craig again and I just don't care for the food, I always feel so bloated. So, I went to LAWL center tonight and I am starting with express tomorrow.

I am pretty nervous. I have come to realize that even though my sister and I are very close she is not supportive of my weightloss and usually tells me to "eat the cookie, one won't hurt". The problem is it is very hard for me to stop at one!! She has never had a problem with her weight and after 3 kids is still at the low end of the ideal weight for her size. I am going to have to stay strong myself and not look to her for support.

I will start on the 8 week makeover and see where that takes me. I go back in on Thursday and then I will adjust my ticker because I know my SW was not the same.

Wish me luck! I am nervous yet very excited!
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Old 04-10-2007, 10:00 PM   #530  
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Angie- Lovely Bones was one of the best books I've ever read and I read a LOT of books! She's a great author. I do In-school suspension at school so I have a lot of quiet time to read. I sit at a desk for 7 hours a day so it doesnt take me long to finish a book LOL I keep the library busy!

Survived day one of TO, gonna head to bed in a minute so I wont be looking for something to put in my mouth! This too shall pass!
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Old 04-10-2007, 10:00 PM   #531  
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Good luck Beachbabe, LAWL works!
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Old 04-10-2007, 10:16 PM   #532  
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Libby - Just keep going! I'm half plateauing too...maybe I'll pick up a pilates dvd or something to change things up.

TN Kim - I also read Alice Sebold's story about her own rape, can't remember the name right now. It was a good read, but it because it was personal, it was more disturbing for me than the fiction I read.

Dan and all those interested in SALT, here is a link to an article from a Canadian news website..they are running this piece tonight.
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Old 04-10-2007, 10:32 PM   #533  
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Angie - your son's picture is adorable.......dress him up while you can. I hear it doesn't last!

I'm jealous of all you gals that find the time to read for pure pleasure. Reading was put on the back burner for me about 15 years ago. I really miss it and need to figure out how to read a novel and not fall asleep!

Liz - I'll assume that margarita was without salt!!

Welcome Beachbabe......glad you found us.
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Old 04-11-2007, 12:00 AM   #534  
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Okay, I laughed so hard at AI that I about peed my pants when Simon told Sanjaya "I could not understand any of the words (Simon, dude, it was in Spanish!), you sang like a 14 year old, and I will probably hate myself for this, but it wasn't horrible." It was so freaking funny!
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Old 04-11-2007, 12:15 AM   #535  
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Megan...pick that jaw up. I am told this brand of jeans run big. (Of course, I will still take it!) I had bought the 9/10s but my friend who has the same jeans in a 5/6 (damn her!) made me take them back because they stretch a little. And they did. Hopefully when I go back for a visit in August I will be able to fit into a 5/6.

Angie...I can't believe you mentioned Jodi Picoult! I picked up "The Tenth Circle" at the airport and it is awesome! My sister also mentioned "Plain Jane" by her but now thanks to you I have a couple more to add to the list. I also really enjoyed "The Lovely Bones". I fly a lot and always have a lot of books on the bedstand, one in my briefcase and one in the car.

Michael...WOW! You rock man! I am wondering if you were going to the same COD as my friend in MN (the one that turned me onto LAWL)...her center was closed, too, and was she pissed.

My thoughts on AI for the night. Not impressed. I usually LOVE Melinda and even though she sounded amazing, I don't think anyone really nailed it. And yes, I fear next week that Haley will come out in her underpants.

I am a little nervous about WI tomorrow. I am wondering if all my cheating ways will catch up to me by tomorrow. Was POP today, however, and am already back on the horse no matter what the scale says! Wish me luck!!!
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Old 04-11-2007, 12:40 AM   #536  
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Libby - I started doing 20 min of walking 3 times a week and it boosted my losses to about 3lbs per week. Might be worth a try.
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Old 04-11-2007, 12:46 AM   #537  
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Ooh, I'm gonna try that! If I could get back to 3lbs. per week I'd be a happy camper.
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Old 04-11-2007, 08:12 AM   #538  
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Ahh, AI last night...yeah, I wasn't blown away by any of them, but will admit that Sanjaya actually looked like he was making a serious attempt. I also grudgingly admitted that Haley looked awesome from the neck up, and was impressed that she wore a bra last night. *meow!* Hard to guess who will get the boot tonight.
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Old 04-11-2007, 08:23 AM   #539  
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Paula- Love the new avatar!
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Old 04-11-2007, 08:49 AM   #540  
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Good morning all!

Calling Nicole -- I know you said you do better being POP when you're checking in with us. How are things going today?

Vic – Yes, I read The Tenth Circle as well. I didn’t enjoy it as much as some of her others, but still, it was a great read.

Joni – I have to confess…I don’t ‘read’ the books really. I was given an ipod for Christmas a year ago, and not really knowing what to do with it, I decided to download books rather than music. I listen to it all the time when I am alone…house cleaning, buying groceries, driving (yes, I know I shouldn’t, but I only use one ear bud). It’s been one of the nicest gifts to myself ever, since I was always a big reader, but can’t keep my eyes open to read in bed anymore. (If you’re interested I recommend opening an account on, rather than itunes. You’ll pay a monthly membership fee, but you also get one “free” book for that…I always manage to pick a $30 one for my $14.95)
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