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Old 04-09-2007, 02:31 PM   #466  
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I am not sure I should say this after the many posts of being up and off plans this weekend but........I had WI this am at COD and I was down another 1.6 since saturday giving me a total of 4.4 lbs this week since last monday. I also officially hit 25 lbs off!!! I was very happy. Then I went to work as planned and was sent home at 2 as they had to do an emergency update to the software I have to use. So I am home again. The client I work for in the call center was closed today anyway as it is a stat holiday in BC but I wanted to try and get caught up on some work today. But oh well. I am off for the next 2 days as well.

I am spending the day with the fur kid tomorrow, at least that is the plan. I am hoping the ex isn't going to call and try to change that on me so that the new girlfriend can go over in the afternoon. But we'll see. She isn't allowed to be there when I am. That is an agreement we made. Once I can get my own place this fall where I can take her then I can just pick her up and go. But for the time being we have worked out an agreement.

I am making myself a lean roast beef tonight for supper with broccoli and spinach salad. That way I have leftovers to take with me tomorrow where I will be out all day.

I will stop in later!!! Hope everyone doing ETO is successful with your weigh ins this week!!!
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Old 04-09-2007, 02:35 PM   #467  
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Alannah - WTG on the loss. 4.4 pounds is a lot. You rock!!!
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Old 04-09-2007, 02:56 PM   #468  
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Originally Posted by Dan2112 View Post
Sea salt, while better for us because of added minerals and stuff, it still very high in sodium, and thus, verbotten...

Don't argue with me dammit.. Just walk away...
Bwahahaha you are getting more and more like a real cop by the day!

OK weighed in - up 2 lbs but I'm fully clothed so I'm going to say up 1 lb but I still don't think that takes the fried chicken into account. they said that might take up to 5 days so it's all sodium on this round. BLAST IT ALL DAN WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS RIGHT.
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Old 04-09-2007, 02:59 PM   #469  
Let's try this again . .
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Alannah-We're always glad to see people are losing-so don't hold back. Now-we may be jealous . . . .but that's our problem
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Old 04-09-2007, 03:05 PM   #470  
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Wow Alannah - great loss!

Simmah down now, Dan, Simmah down!
This is for you.....
Are these the kind of people you are talking about?
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Old 04-09-2007, 03:12 PM   #471  
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^^ Exactly... But in Santa Fe... Well, there's a reason why they call it "The city different"...

I have no problem with protestors, but I DO have a problem with protestors who are hypocrites...
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Old 04-09-2007, 03:36 PM   #472  
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Hi Everyone!

Hope everyone had a nice weekend!

Thanks to everyone who sent well wishes to my DH. He is feeling much better...just some nasty bruises and sore muscles to heal.

The biopsy went fine. It was a little uncomfortable, but not too bad. I was sore over the weekend, but now I just have bruises too. I should know the results by the end of the week.

FIL has improved a little too, so things are looking up. He is still in ICU, but his heart rate and blood pressure seem to have finally stabilized.

Since I pretty much threw good eating habits out the window for the last week, I wasn't surprised when I was up 2.5 lbs this morning. I won't stress over it (really...I don't have the energy), but I am getting back on track and will get those pounds back off.
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Old 04-09-2007, 04:03 PM   #473  
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OMG!!! Literally laughing in my office at all of the salt talk...

Dan - I question thee not, oh sodium sultan! Love your new avatar tag line.. very appropriate. I completely know what you mean about being disgusted at what other people are eating now that we're trying to live & eat differently. I noticed the same thing at the MN Wild game the other night-- overweight family in front of us each eating 2 dishes of nachos each, and then the mini donuts, and then a couple of hotdogs... they just didn't stop eating! I even get kind of grossed out just watching my dh eat cheese though! To me, "some cheese" is a couple of thin slices.. to him it means 1/2 a lb!

Alannah - Your loss is completely awesome!! You should be very proud of yourself!! Like JM said.. we're all jealous and it's our problem! Woo hoo!! Way to Go!!

Paula - it's good to hear that the people you love are doing better. Take good care of yourself now too. Prayers & positive thoughts for your biopsy results. Many hugs to you!

Michael - Aren't you glad to be back in Minnesota!! We saved the cold-a** weather for you! Brrrr!! I'm drinking hot lemon water just to keep warm these days! Welcome back.. glad your trip was enjoyable!

Nicole - Hold up.. hold up.. hold up? Are you listening to Fergie??? I knew you were secretly Fergalicious.

Lettie - Did you smack your husband for the donut comment?? Can I??

Liz - You poor woman.. how do you live with such a dictator??

I'm just finishing off my quart of lemon water. My parents are doing great with their FF today. They've called me like 6 times though from the grocery store asking "Can we have this.. how about these?" I love it though. Strength in numbers, right gang?? !

Back to the grind..
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Old 04-09-2007, 05:08 PM   #474  
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Alannah - WTG on the great losses last week.

Dan - You will regret using these words...they WILL come back to haunt you.
Don't argue with me dammit.. Just walk away...
Fine -I'll just learn to embrace Mrs. Dash products....You're no fun today

Paula - good to see you back and hear that the family is on the mend. Keep busy this week and hope they can get you your results back as quickly as possible.....

Wendy - Cool about your folks joining in the fun. You MUST set a good pressure, no pressure!
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Old 04-09-2007, 05:25 PM   #475  
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Originally Posted by Wendelina View Post
OMG!!! Literally laughing in my office at all of the salt talk...

Dan - I question thee not, oh sodium sultan! .
I think I like this moniker even better than the "salt police" I now picture him barefoot and shirtless wearing a turban and baggy, silk pants. MAKE IT STOP! PLEASE MAKE IT STOP!!!
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Old 04-09-2007, 05:31 PM   #476  
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and on a magic flying carpet no doubt.. :-)
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Old 04-09-2007, 05:48 PM   #477  
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hey everyone. super long day at work. stayed an extra 2hrs more than i was scheduled. needless to say, i'm tired and just wanna rest. so i'm gonna shower and have some dinner. sounds like everyone had a great weekend.
i didn't overdo it on any horrible non-LAWL foods...just maybe got an extra protein or starch in, maybe...but that's about as bad as i got this weekend. i was too busy working and napping!

hope ya'll enjoy your evening. it's gonna be an early night for me since i have to get up at 3:30am. gotta love the coffee business.
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Old 04-09-2007, 05:55 PM   #478  
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Originally Posted by smjezzy View Post
I think I like this moniker even better than the "salt police" I now picture him barefoot and shirtless wearing a turban and baggy, silk pants. MAKE IT STOP! PLEASE MAKE IT STOP!!!
Barefoot? Yes... Shirtless? Not on your life!! Silk pants? Hmmmmmm.. We'll see...
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Old 04-09-2007, 05:55 PM   #479  
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Hey everybody! WI ...only one pound since last Monday's WI. This means I didn't do as bad as I thought. I really don't have a big problem of being off plan...don't throw eggs, you guys. It's just I don't eat all of my foods...and I think I gain when I don' t do my normal physical activities.

Anyway, my center is going corporate. I'm not really sure how that affects me, but I hope it ends in someone in my center acting like they care about me, as a cliet. I am ready to move to another center. I know some of you guys have switched CODs' did you do it w/out ruffling any feathers? Thanks for any advice!

On to personals...

Joni- I saw the feature on Ch 2 news Sunday morning. Everyone looked like they were freezing but still had a good time rejoicing. Good for you!

Katie- Good luck w/your puppy! It sounds like the mother feels like she did not have a very healthy pup to begin with. They usually reject the ones they feel aren't going to make it or "spoiled" somewhat. I wish the best for the little pup.

Lettie- Good Luck at WI tomorrow!

Nancy- TO is one party I don't want an invintation to. I think I will skip it this time around.

Wendy- Hope you are feeling better about your job situation! Good luck with things and TO!

Kim- Go for those 14 lbs! I think I may join you! Thanks for the inspiration! Love your avatar- keep it up...Please????

Angie- Hope your little one gets better soon. It's so mind boggling when they have a fever but it doesn't stop them in their tracks. Good luck at WI!

Bobby- How was that WI, twin?

JM- You get a're "expecting", remember... It will work out for us all!

Shannon- Good ole fried chicken can get the best of us. Keep trying!

Wendy II- Truffles...sure sounds good. Glad your family had a great holiday and that your parents are looking to you for LAWL info. You must have inspired them, somehow. Don't turn into "the COD".

Kim 2- Great NSV! Hope your WI goes well.

Dan- Salt seems to be a touchy subject for you...just kidding.

Liz- One more lb!

Alannah- Good for you! I'm not even jealous. I know who will be after you make goal...your ex. Keep it moving!

Paula- Glad things are going better for you and your family! You need a break from life. Oh how I wish that was possible.

Cassi- Where are you?
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Old 04-09-2007, 07:07 PM   #480  
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Hey guys, I have had the weirdest, most random day. I left work after 2 hours because I was not feeling well. After I got home, I loaded my kids up and took them to Wal Mart to exchange the broken guitar DD got for Easter. I locked the dane mommy and puppy in my kids' bathroom, as it is really warm in there. As we were getting into the car to come home, my dad called me to say that our mommy great dane, Savannah had just run into his garage spurting blood out of her leg. He tied her up and walked across the street to my house. He discovered that she had jumped through a picture window, shattering it. He walked back home, and she collapsed in the yard, so he lifted her into the back of his truck and raced her to the vet. Thank god the vet is only around the corner. I met him at the vet to discover that she had cut clear through a main artery, all of her tendons, and nerves, going clear to the bone. The vet raced her into surgery. He said that had we waited 5 more minutes she would have bled to death. When I picked her up this afternoon, I took the puppy in. The vet put a tube down his throat and fed him a lot, then gave him a saline injection under the skin. After I paid the $375.00 bill, I loaded the puppy in his crate and Savannah with her splinted leg into the car. By the time I got home, the puppy was dead. I guess his system could not handle all that the vet gave him. Savannah is sleeping, still fairly sedated. I am pretty much numb. How in the **** can so many things go wrong in one day? Thank god my dad was there and acted quickly, or I would have lost them both today. My front yard and driveway look like the Texas Massacre happened here today for as much blood is all over. I feel really bad about the puppy, but I also have a nagging feeling that he was not meant to make it from the start. Oh, and Savannah has to stay in a splint for 6 weeks in order for the tendons to repair themselves. WTF, huh?
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