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Old 04-13-2007, 05:22 PM   #676  
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i'd like a wedge of lime with my rum and diet coke please
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Old 04-13-2007, 05:27 PM   #677  
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Originally Posted by KrispieD View Post
i'd like a wedge of lime with my rum and diet coke please
that's how i drink mine. or maybe i'll do vodka i can count the juice as fruits like most everyone does with wine?
idk, i'm just not feelin' going to COD tomorrow when it'll only be like 2 days since my last visit and i know i haven't lost anything more. that's the only reason i go is so they can weigh me..i don't really utilize them for much else..because i'm motivated enough on my own, just need them as accountability.
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Old 04-13-2007, 05:40 PM   #678  
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Originally Posted by mamabanana View Post
Wow long has it been for you on LAWL...76 pounds is AWESOME loss! Yes, the smaller you get, the harder TO is to get amazing results...awesome on the 2 pounds.
Liz and I have been on since late September 2006...

I know it's a lot, but the more you lose, the more you want to finish it off so you can get back to the cheeseburgers and fries..
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Old 04-13-2007, 06:47 PM   #679  
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I know it's a lot, but the more you lose, the more you want to finish it off so you can get back to the cheeseburgers and fries..[/QUOTE]

funny you say that Dan.. I did great on cravings and no cheats but in the last few weeks the cravings are getting insane.. you would think knowing it was all the healthy eating, not cheating etc that gave me the results I worked so hard for would keep the demons at bay.. but alas I find myself daydreaming about junk!
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Old 04-13-2007, 08:10 PM   #680  
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I'm glad I'm not the only one.. It's been driving me nuts.. Thank God Liz is doing this plan too, because if we had junk around the house, I would have given in long ago, I'm afraid.. 5 months ago, I would probably have had the will power to persist, but with as bad as the cravings are, I'm not sure I'd still be here..

Having you all as a sounding board has made it a lot easier.. So thanks!!!

And way to go on being just ounces away from your complete goal!!!
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Old 04-13-2007, 08:31 PM   #681  
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Thanks Dan.. we need Joni to find us one of her signature articles to explain why near the end of a sucessful weight loss journey suddenly the mind and body are ready to surrender complete control to a cheeseburger.. anyone.. anyone??
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Old 04-13-2007, 08:49 PM   #682  
Martha's losing on LAWL!
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Hi Everyone,
Long lost chickie checkin in. Looking for a little encouragement. I quit the COD because I was doing well without them and had run out of weightloss weeks. Now I'm stuck gaining and losing the same 3 lbs for over a month now. So I'm thinking about sucking it up and going back on some sort of plan to lose this last stinkin 7-8 lbs. I'm not unhappy with how I look, but it sticks in my craw that I didn't make goal.

Cassi, Deb, Joni, LeaAnn, Katie, and all the rest of you I haven't formally met yet, any magic words to get me to go back to veggieland?? BTW is there a new plan book? The last time I was at the COD they said that they were changing everything.

Anyway, prodigals always come back!!! Anybody heard from Pearl?
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Old 04-13-2007, 08:53 PM   #683  
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Martha welcome back.. MISSED YOU!!!!
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Old 04-13-2007, 08:54 PM   #684  
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ok, i suck and i'm CHOOSING to have pizza tonight. yep. i'm CHOOSING. i read in my latest redbook magazine about diets and whatnot and it says that cheat is a bad word, and you know you're doing it, but this way, it's not totally warping your mind that you're a horrible person for the choices your making.
so there. i'm admitting it to all of you right now. i'm CHOOSING to have pizza. from dominos. but it's thin crust. with green peppers. i'll probably have a slice of the hand-tossed one too. and that's what i'm CHOOSING to do.

anyone else on here read redbook mag? the article is kinda neat about the negative words we use when we're dieting or following a plan. it's alot of mental mind games and there are ways to stop the insanity!!

ok, i'm done rambling. g'night.
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Old 04-13-2007, 08:56 PM   #685  
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Martha- I went AWOL from my center for several months. I recently went back and they gave me a smoking deal on my weeks. I have not seen a new plan book. No sign of Pearl in quite some time. I would say that it is time to get back to business and get with the COD. After all, you want to get a hold of the maintenance materials so that you can do it right, you know? Great to see you!
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Old 04-13-2007, 08:57 PM   #686  
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Jillian, you rebel you! Are you gonna "choose" hot lemon water tomorrow?
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Old 04-13-2007, 08:59 PM   #687  
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i choose lemon water everyday. icy lemon water though.

seriously though. choose sounds way better than cheat!
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Old 04-13-2007, 09:14 PM   #688  
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KrispieD!!!!!! I knew I would forget somebody! Thanks for the welcome back!

Katie I know you are right...I paid for the maintenance so I should go get it. It'll be May before I can go back because this month is tight financially. But maybe that is what I need to do. I have been thinking about cheeseburgers, but have not yet succumbed.... )
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Old 04-13-2007, 09:20 PM   #689  
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Hi Everyone!

Jillian - I hear you and I agree! "Choose" sounds so much better than cheat. I went to WI and was the same. Felt pretty good. Then, for some reason, came home and went crazy! Had some of my kid's Easter chocolate, some chips and then followed it up with some peanut butter and crackers! Yikes! What happened?! I was a possessed person -- the food demons had taken over. I was kind of shocked because I've been keeping the demons at bay for 6 weeks now!

Don't know whether it was the rain, staying the same or perhaps I'm coming up to TOM. But, hopefully it's now out of my system and I can get back to being POP. Lots of HLW for me!

Have a great night everyone!
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Old 04-14-2007, 12:04 AM   #690  
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Hey Martha- Good to see you!! I would go back and tell them you want to get to your goal and what is the best thing they can do for you. About the new menu plan book, yes, there is a new one out. Lots of new things in there and some changes in portion sizes. My COD was one of the first ones to test it out. I am loving it.
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