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Old 04-08-2007, 11:51 AM   #421  
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Back from vacation…..and Happy Easter!

Good morning all. Got in late last night form the family vacation to Florida. Man it is cold here in Minnesota. I like the 75-85 degree temps I have had to deal with for the past week much better!

All in all the vacation went well. We spent a day t Disney/MGM studios, a day at Typhoon Lagoon, and a day at Universal Studios…the rest of the time we kind of relaxed a hung out by either the pool at the house we rented or at the resort pool.

I did a self WI this AM and actually showed a loss for the week. We’ll see if it stands for my weigh in this week. I did manage to stay pretty much on close to plan. I was not in strict adherence mode, but I tried to make better choices. I even had a Mickey Mouse ice cream bar one night….and yes Dan, I likely had way too much salt.

My WI this week will be at my new center. First time since my previous center closed down. We’ll have to see how it goes.

Not doing much today other than studying for my final exam that I missed while on vacation. I have to take a make up tomorrow night. Given that this is the first book cracking I am doing, I hope it goes OK. Needless to say, Easter will be pretty boring around here. I think the rest of the family may go catch a movie while I sit and study……at least I will not have the huge Easter dinner to deal with!

Well, gotta run! Chat later,,,,and there is no way I am going to catch up on 27+ pages of posts from the past 8 days. I am just going to have to move forward from here.

Happy Easter!

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Old 04-08-2007, 12:05 PM   #422  
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Just a quick drop in to say Happy Easter and I'm still least it's not up...
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Old 04-08-2007, 12:43 PM   #423  
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Happy Easter everyone! I went to WI yesterday and was down 2.8 pounds, breaking the 10 pound mark! The counselor gave me a good recipe for pumpkin pudding, which I may post later. It counts as a vegetable and dairy. I made it and it was easy and good tasting. The family is going out to Charlie Brown's Steakhouse later, so let's hope it doesn't do any damage! I hope everyone's holiday goes well!
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Old 04-08-2007, 02:06 PM   #424  
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hey everyone. not much going on here today. i had to work til about 12:15pm today...was suppose to be off by 10:45, but decided to stay a bit longer and help out. now i'm going to relax and hang with the hubby and do pedicures and soak our feet in my foot spa! i need it badly since i'm on my feet for 8hrs a day most days.

kristen-glad you finally got to have your starbucks! yay! i was thinking about you this morning as i was making tons of lattes and was hoping you got to enjoy yours!

enjoy your day everyone.
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Old 04-08-2007, 03:58 PM   #425  
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Kristen.........your girls are ADORABLE I just love little girls. Glad things went well for you this weekend. XOXO

Hi to everyone else, also............I just stopped in for a second.......and saw those darling little girls.....and well, had to say something XOXO
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Old 04-08-2007, 05:23 PM   #426  
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Happy Easter everyone! Omg! 28 pages to catch up on and its only April 8th? Just wanted to let everyone know that I'm still here, staying steady at 121 pounds. I hope everyone is doing well. I apologize for not being around much, but i've been catching up on so much work and just enjoying the little time I have left over with DH.
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Old 04-08-2007, 07:53 PM   #427  
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Hey gang...

Well, today wasn't such a banner day.. I have to admit to chomping on a few candies last night when putting together the kids' Easter Baskets.. Nothing TOO outrageous, but you how it is...

Today we went to the baseball game and I had a slice of pizza.. Ok.. not TOO bad.. I can count it as a Carb Craver.. But then I had a couple of DD's fries.. A couple of DS's nacho chips.. A handful or so of Cracker Jack... And peanuts...

So.. I'm going to ****.. I just know it...

I'm not looking forward to WI tomorrow...
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Old 04-08-2007, 08:08 PM   #428  
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Originally Posted by Dan2112 View Post
Sara - Brisket is a cut of beef. It's the size of a large roast. When cooked, it's usually sliced thin across the grain and served as is, or swimming in sauce.. Personally, even before the diet, I liked it served plain with a little sauce on the side...

Have your hubby post here... We'll keep him in line! He and I weigh just about the same.. Funny to think that while I'm nearing the end of my diet, he's just starting, but we're at the same spot.. Of course, I have almost 30 lbs to go..
Yummmy the brisket sounds delicious and I'm glad it turned out good. My DH isn't much for computer chatting as he's always hooked up to work and can't stand going on more than he has to already. I will relay any messages I get though for him and keep him updated. You guys may be at the same spot right now but look how amazing you've done, and how much you've lost, I just hope he'll stay away from the sweets. Salt is more an issue for me than him as I didn't realize how bland everything tastes without it. That is the one thing I truly do miss, even more than chocolate. I also did join my 12 year old son yesterday so hopefully this will motivate us all to stay on track.

Angie- it was great to meet you yesterday, like you said it's always nice to put a face to a name. Your son is so cute....boy they agrow up so quickly! ALthough I must tell you that I ended up leaving that centre very upset and going to the Woodbridge location where I go in at lunch to get weigh in to sign him up. Nothing much seems to have changed at that centre as they seem clueless. We were supposed to meet with the Assistant Manager and she didn't even bother to show up and than she ended up coming in and did not bother even attempting to come and see us. Well to make a long story short, I wanted to meet with AN LA member that knew there stuff because my son has a lot of helath issues, so hubby and I felt that we weren't getting what we wanted and left to go to the other LA in Woodbridge. Angie, the Woodbridge location is so amazing, and I'd say 95% of the staff are on the ball and so helpfull. I know it's a bit far to travel, but my son means the world to me, and I want the best advice for him. I could go on and on, but maybe we'll get together one day and I'll tell you my experience in detail.

Kristen- I am so happy all went well at the and the girls look beautiful.

JM thanks for the info on the peach cake and the other desert you mentioned somes yummy, must try!

Have to run out now, but hello to all and hope everybody had a great Easter weekend!
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Old 04-08-2007, 08:38 PM   #429  
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Happy Easter everyone!

Like many others this weekend all my best laid plans fell by the wayside in the face of salty meat and chocolate bunnies. I'm picking myself up and dusting myself off for a fresh start this week.

We had our very own miraculous resurrection here today, the last living fish in our little tank looked to have died a couple of days ago, but today he swam! So I guess he was just sleeping at the top last time I peeked in.

Kristen -- The girls look adorable in their dresses and pink shoes! How good was that latte?

Sara -- You know, I have no basis for comparison, so I would probably be bowled over by better After we said hi to you on Saturday, I asked the (new) girl who was doing my WI if we were going to a room. She said no, and I was like, huh? They had a leak there 2 weeks ago and since then they just keep doing quick weigh ins, no counseling. She asked why I wanted to sit in a So I said, for counseling, I could weigh myself at home...and she immediately passed me over to Nikki, one of the regular girls there. I must have been giving off an 'about to blow' vibe. I felt a bit like Adam Sandler at the beginning of 'Anger Management' when everyone is overreacting to his reactions. Anyway, I think I should probably check out some other centres to see if I feel I get better advice. I'm sure there's one near my work in Etobicoke that I could pop out to at lunch, and I may even try the one in Woodbrige on a weekend sometime.
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Old 04-08-2007, 09:12 PM   #430  
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Happy Easter

Kristen - Your girls look so beautiful in their Easter dresses and Mom is looking great too! I loved the polka dot shirt, very cute.

- The brisket sounds yummy. If you have a recipe I'd love to have it. Sounds like you and Liz had a great Easter weekend!!!

Confession...I fell of the wagon a bit this weekend too. We had a trip to Tunica, MS planned....part of my ongoing 40th b-day and once I got in the Casino and started having fun it went to **** in a hand basket quick!!! I started out okay but then free drinks and the food buffet came into play. I wasn't in complete "free for all" mode but it wasn't stellar. The good news is we came home winners! We aren't high rollers by any means so any win is a good thing. We learned how to shoot craps and I must admit I had a BLAST! We were the only girls at the table and we were winning....YEAH!

This week I am committing to getting back in the saddle. WATER, WATER and more WATER. I am going to eat lite proteins and starches and add exercise in to the mix.

I wish you all a GREAT week!
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Old 04-08-2007, 10:09 PM   #431  
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The dumbass that I am, this is actually LIZ posting. I forgot to log Dan out.

Hi all,

We did have a good weekend, fun wise. LAWL wise, not so good. I also had some cake the last two nights. A friend of ours son had a birthday party and they gave us some cake. So of course I ate it. I have also munched on the kids candy. Naughty naughty. I just had a cup of HLW to try and make me feel a little better about this weekend. I have so been craving everything. TOM has visited and leaving in a day or so, so I am sure that is what is causing the cravings. Even though I have been on TOM, the good news is I have been losing. That could be erased after this weekend. We shall see this Tuesday.

I have to get the kids get ready for bed and all the fun stuff on a school night. Talk to all later and so sorry for not writing lately. You all are so chatty I couldn't even read all of them. LOL. I will have to go back and read them later. See yall manana.


PS - I do have a hot man don't I!!!!
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Old 04-08-2007, 11:39 PM   #432  
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LOL, Liz, thanks for the disclaimer - you know how it freaks us out when Dan starts talking about his TOM!!!!!!!

Happy Easter all! Not such a POP day, but we had a great time visiting all my cousins and families. I spent so much time helping cook the brunch that I didn't really eat much, but then came our dinner out. We went to a place that DH and I have nicknamed "The Garlic Palace" - very italian, and very good. Lots of H2o and treadmill for me tomorrow!

Kristen - glad your weekend went well. The girls are as beautiful as ever!

Angie - you sound like me at the COD - my file is marked "do not make angry".

OK, time for bed... Bye friends!
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Old 04-09-2007, 07:43 AM   #433  
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Morning All...
To sum up my weekend on the food side I have two words for today..

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Old 04-09-2007, 08:09 AM   #434  
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Kristen- Congrats on the great spiritual weekend and your little girls are too cute. I may have to join you on the emergency TO!

Joni- How did the mountain top service go? WOW!

Bobby- Great on your weightloss!

Dan & Liz- Those darned kids...I also succomb to their candy trances!

Jillian- Good luck at WI!

To everyone else- Hope you had a great weekend!

My weekend was alright for the most part...I ate two small pieces of chocolate and some Picadilly dressing...about a 1/2 cup, if that. In addition, I haven't been fitting all my foods in for the last 4 days. I've either been too busy or had no appetite or a combination of both. Since I gain weight from not eating enough + eating the wrong foods, I will be POP for sure. I am not stepping on the scale at home, because that dressing was so flavorful, I know it was full of fat, salt, bread and whatever else that was no good for a LAWLer.

Well, let me get breakfast ready for the little ones. TC!
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Old 04-09-2007, 08:16 AM   #435  
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I'll be joining you in your emergency TO............for REAL!!! I was a naughty naughty naughty girl.............and I must be punished.........LOL. Sis is here until tuesday, and then the boys and I are off with her to Wisconsin, as my Dad is having a knee replacement done on Wed. DH and girls will join us there on Friday, and we will stay the weekend. I am afraid to I think I will wait until I get back from Wisconsin. Do you think that is a bad idea?

Where oh where has our Cassi dear gone, or where or where can she be?????? I hope you have a great day on your first day of school I am sure you are nervous this morning. You will love it, love it, love it. Check in when you have a second. We miss you.

Ok, time to make the donuts.......oooops, I mean time to get the kids ready and off to school. I will check back later if I can.
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