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Old 04-07-2007, 12:33 PM   #406  
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Went to WI today and was down another pound! Don't know what Monday will hold as tomorrow is the Easter Brunch challenge. Hopefully, I will triumph!

Letisha -- like the idea of a spa day - hope you enjoyed yourself!

Katie -- where can I see a picture of your puppy? I hope he is doing well. My dog (lab/retriever cross) is named Bobby too!

Happy Easter all!
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Old 04-07-2007, 12:33 PM   #407  
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I went to COD this morning and I was down another 1.2. That makes 2.8 lbs down since Monday!!! I am very happy as I am finally starting to lose again. Then I went to the fur-kid for a few hours and now I am home waiting for my ex to come and get a couple of things and so we can talk about a few more things. But today should be pretty good. Nothing major to discuss just a few last things to finalize.

Then I may take a trip over to Walmart. We have a new one that just opened and haven't been over to visit yet!!! I have $115 in gift cards for there so theoretically I could do some guilt free shopping if I wanted to. Not sure I will but if I see something I like I might splurge.

I'll check in later to see who dropped by!! have a great easter everyone!!
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Old 04-07-2007, 01:24 PM   #408  
Let's try this again . .
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Sara-the peach cake was either from the cookbook or one of our submitted recipes. cant' remember. I had a really hard time getting it to cook all the way through-and when I did it ended up hard as a rock. And really big aftertaste.

Last year-Cassi (i think) had a great dessert idea. Make 3 layers of Angel food cake-and put sugar/fat free pudding (lemon or vanilla) between the layers. Top with ff cool whip and Berries. . . .Looked really pretty . . .
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Old 04-07-2007, 01:50 PM   #409  
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JM--I finally got a chance to cath up on the Josie story--what a lucky little girl!! It's just too bad she will have no beautiful clothes to wear or fun toys to play with---lol....poor girl.... And--just my opinion--walkers in themselves are not bad--most accidents can/should be chalked up to parental supervison (or lack thereof). Both my girls LOVED the walker but we were VERY careful when and where they could be in it. Of course they are pre-"saucer" babies, but friends with the exer-saucer loved it, too. Congrats again and thanks for the updates.
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Old 04-07-2007, 02:03 PM   #410  
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went to WI today and lost .2 for a total of 1.2 this week. not great but not horrible. i think i really need to start working out at least 3x's a week...i've been slacking horribly.

not much else happening. i made those frozen cheesecake bites (ff cool whip, ff cream cheese and splenda) hope they taste as good frozen as they did when i was making them.
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Old 04-07-2007, 02:55 PM   #411  
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Hi everyone! I spped-read the 6 pages of posts I was behind on, and now I can't remember much of what I read... duh.

My Easter weekend is going to be a challenge, but I'm up for it. Tonight we are going out with friends, so dinner will be my usual P, VV, Fat, S, F... just to cover all of the bases for cripes sake. Tomorrow after church we go to my aunt's house for brunch with the entire extended family - probably 50+ people in a house as big as a shoebox! Then we do an easter egg hunt for the grand-neices/nephews and my aunt has like 200 plastic eggs to hide - in this tiny house! It is hysterical, my sisters and I end up just hiding the eggs in plain sight on the floor (and of course it is NEVER nice enough to go outside and do this) It is really fun, in a crazy stress way. Then, dinner is out again... oh ****.

Anyway I can't do a full set of personals - but wanted to say

Kristen - congratulations on your baptism. It is really lovely that you and the girls will be doing this together! Have a special evening.

JM - just read the blog update. I'm getting very excited for you - are you planning to update it while you are in Vietnam?

OK, Happy Easter everyone - (here goes... if I forget anyone it is not intentional!) Joni, JM, Cassi, Lea Ann, Nicole, Kristen, Pearl, WendyI, Wendy II, Kim2, Lara, Jillian, Sara, Alannah, Dan, Liz, Libby, Jason, Angie, Deb, Debbie, and all!
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Old 04-07-2007, 04:05 PM   #412  
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Happy Easter, everyone!!! XOXO
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Old 04-07-2007, 04:24 PM   #413  
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Hey Everyone!

Just a quick drop in (still catching up on all the posts!) but wanted to wish Kristen much happiness on your baptism. (And those cute little bunnies in you avatar are adorable!) And Woo Hoo.... you are so close to goal even I can feel it! You'll be there in NO time!

I went to the COD today and low and behold the scale finally moved in a downward position. I actually lost 2.4 pounds this week. (I don't think I've move that much in one week in a couple months!) Needless to say, I'm Jazzed!

Cassi: I'm so excited for you and I too can hardly wait to see a pic of you in your whites! You must be thrilled!

Nicole: You never cease to "crack me up!" My days would not be the same without reading one of your posts!

Happy Easter to Deb, Dan, Lizzy, Jason, Megan, Nichole, Kristen, Vic, Alannah, Lettie, Cassi, Nicole, Paula, Evette, Kim, Julie, Jillian, Letisha, Katie, Bobbysam, Jennapeach, and everyone else whom I may have missed.
You ALL inspire me daily!

Here's to a POP weekend!
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Old 04-07-2007, 04:26 PM   #414  
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Hey gang..

Liz and I were both down today.. She a few ounces and me about a lb... So not huge but still very good news for both..

Our COD is completely against the whole "100 calorie" Thomas English Muffin idea.. Our counselor today (a really good one) said she's taken the information to the LA Dieticians and they're not going for it.. They said that since we're a part of the franchise organization and LA-Online is corporate, they can't endorse since it goes against what we have in our books...

Oh well.. I'll pretend I'm an Online member when I eat my english muffins..

She also gave us some insight into the founding of LAWL.. If I can recall correctly, the guy who started LAWL also started Nutrisystem way back when.. and that Jenny Craig and her husband worked for them.. Then he sold NS and Jenny Craig left and started her own thing.. The guy then started LAWL with a partner.. Then some time ago, they decided to split up, one staying with the Corporate company and the other starting the Franchise..

Very weird stuff...
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Old 04-07-2007, 04:32 PM   #415  
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Congrats, Lizzy & Dan on the losses this week! Keep up the good work friends! Woo Hoo!
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Old 04-07-2007, 07:53 PM   #416  
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Good evening everybody! Hope everyone is having a great weekend. It turned COLD here yesterday. High temp today was 40 degrees. Last Saturday it was 82! Had to cover all those pretty spring flowers I set out last weekend. I havent weighed again since Thursday but I've been POP, decided I was going to survive this Easter weekend if it kills me. I even promised my favorite counselor I would be in on Monday to WI. I'm gonna get as close to goal before my surgery as is humanly possible! LOL

Lettie- they havent said how much weight I'll lose with the surgery. I swear it feels like theres 10 pounds of fat and skin on my "empty Walmart bag" LOL Maybe thats just wishful thinking! Sure would be nice to be that much lighter just from the surgery!

Everybody enjoy your families tomorrow. Step away from the bunnies but remember, we gotta enjoy life too! I bought WAY too much chocolate for my kids but they know to take it to their rooms and hide it LOL
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Old 04-07-2007, 09:03 PM   #417  
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Hope everyone is having a great weekend!! I, on the other hand, am having too great a weekend. I've had FOUR Willy Wonka Golden Eggs since yesterday, ate barbecue pork with all the fixin's for lunch, and I'm having another big lunch tomorrow. WI will be telling next week. I'm sure I'll be back in the 140's. But on a high note my dear cousin was at the dinner today, and she has also been doing LAWL. The last time we saw each other we were lamenting about how we needed to lose weight. Now, we've both lost around 20 lbs. and each only have about 10 more lbs. until goal!! We got a couple of cute pictures taken together today showing off our new slimmer selves. I'll try to post one in my profile later. Have a great night!! Need to get oldest DD tucked in so that the Easter Bunny can come hopping down the trail.

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Old 04-07-2007, 11:24 PM   #418  
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I meant to mention to everyone to have a HAPPY EASTER!!!!

The brisket turned out really well, and I promise we didn't overdo it!!!

We're going to see our Triple A baseball team, the Albuquerque Isotopes, for an afternoon game tomorrow following the morning's egg related activities. I thought about going to church, so we might.. We've been really bad about going to church in recent years.. Yes, years..

Anyway.. Have a great night all, and an even better tomorrow!!
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Old 04-08-2007, 10:55 AM   #419  
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Morning All
Happy Easter! Baptism went well. .Jaimie was a bit of a ham but I think the church was a bit smitten with them.. they looked beautiful and made mommy very proud!
If you go into the webshots album, down on the right side you can find their album and Aunt Joni.. all their photos from last night are in there. The avatar is them before church last night.
DH hid some sugar free jelly beans for me to find this morning and as Lent is over.. I got up, got dressed and drove thee to Starbucks.. got the largest Latte they sell, nonfat of course but I'm still drooling over it.
Have my side over for appies today and I'll be hanging out near the veggie tray trying to be good around the dip.
Hope you all have a little taste of chocolate.. the bunny only comes once a year!!
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Old 04-08-2007, 11:42 AM   #420  
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Happy Easter everybody!!

I hope everybody is having a wonderful day. It's supposed to be up in the 60's here today, so I guess it's a change that some of those up north here can brag about the warm weather. All you in the south, stay warm!!

I played Easter Bunny and delivered a couple of my beaded eggs to some wonderful neighbors this morning.

Kristen- I am glad the baptism went well, I looked at the album and the girls are just too adorable.
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