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Old 02-15-2010, 07:44 PM   #226  
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Originally Posted by Sandrab View Post
hi everyone. trying to read and reread posts to find out where my motivation has gone! and trying so hard to get it back. i started IP on sept 19 at 227lbs. by december 19th i had lost 47lbs. i was very motivated those first 3 months. i to this day have not purchased restricted items. i had tried the snacks at an info session, and agreed they tasted good. but i found it easier to not have them in the house. during my second month, i allowed myself to buy a few of the sauces to enhance puddings, drinks etc. i basically did this diet of the choc drinks, soups, pudding and crispy cereal and omelettes. in the second month i did allow myself tomatoes twice a week from the restricted list. only ate red meat once a week, if that. lots and lots of spinach, bok choy, broccoli. stayed away from green cabbage, onions, cauliflower. used chicken broth in all shapes and forms, whenever and however much i wanted. it was a staple for me, and a bit of a filler in the afternoons. after christmas i have had good weeks and bad weeks, adding in a few unexpected trips. had a real problem keeping focused. then we had mexico. i have been home for 3 weeks now, seem to get thru the week great, without any problems. then the weekends seem so much more difficult than they used to be. i think it is because i have maintained my loss, even down a few more pounds, ( 4 whole pounds since dec! lol) but without that scale moving it is so hard to do the packets!! i am happy that i can report no weight gain, and i know it is because of my perserverance during the week and the fact that even if it stray, i make wiser choices. but however, without the continuity of constant loss, it is harder and harder to stay on task. so i would not recommend many breaks if they can be helped...i had thought i wanted to move to phase 2, but have opted to stay on phase 1 for the time being. i just really need to have a full good week, get some results. my husband figures i should be motivated just because i never gained any back. i am happy about that but the 'attraction' seems to be gone from the diet. i wish i could find the motivation most of you are experiencing. i know its because i had it once, and you just cant get the same feeling back the second time round, thats what i think anyways!! so good luck all! maybe this will be the week i find some renewed motivation!
WOW! 47 LBS AND MAINTAINING IT!!! That is amazing! It looks like you only want to lose 20 more lbs. You can do it. I have a friend that tells herself when she goes to weigh in every week that she is just starting a new diet. It seems to keep her on track. Maybe you can pretend you are just starting IP and want to see if you can make it through 1 week totally on plan. After you get 1 week under your belt, you will probably get 2 than 3. You have the willpower and the motivation. How bad do you want the other 20 lbs to be gone? Just think if you lose them that maintenance may be pretty easy for you since you are already maintaining now.
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Old 02-15-2010, 07:45 PM   #227  
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Originally Posted by motiv8edmama View Post
Hello all!
I went to my consultation today...that was exciting. I believe Rachel and I go to the same clinic so hope she has some suggestions here.
I am soooo excited and motivated to do this. I discussed with the lady the troubles I have regarding the expense of the diet and asked what options I have. She said if I know someone else going through the clinic we can each save 10% and that other than the calcium/potassium vitamins, I can get the rest of the vitamins elsewhere. I shared with her that I have considered getting part of my products through IP and some through a more cost effective route. She told me the doctor would not monitor me if I were to do that, something to do with legality. This was a bummer for me as I don't know how on Earth I can pay the amount to do this all IP. As I have said earlier, I am commited through May to a gym and personal trainer and am contractually obligated, and I enjoy going, it is good for me. However, I have lost no weight. I have lost inches, not sure how much, my pants are so saggy and I can pull them on and off without undoing them, I feel better, etc. etc. I thought my husband was on board with this IP plan, even aware of the costs, knowing I was looking for a more affordable way to do this. After the consultatin, I talked to him and he said that I may be "jumping the gun", I told him I thought he wanted me to do this just like I wanted to. He does not see how we can afford this. (Our daughter is in a tutoring program that we pay for each week also, so we have a lot of other obligations, as I am sure many of you also have.) Now, I feel so alone in this and unsure and just don't know what to do. He said he thinks I am doing good going to the gym, I reminded him I have not shed one pound in almost a year. He really has nothing to say about that one, oh you know, maybe well, you know muscle weighs more than fat. Sorry for the long post and I am sure some of my spelling is off. I needed to vent and would like any suggestions any of you may have. I want to do this soooo badly that this has put me in the temporary dumps.

By the way...
You all have been doing amazing at shedding those pounds and the inches...WOW!!
Sorry I didn't scroll down and see this post until after I had responded to the other one. I'm not at all sure what our "coach" meant when she told you that the doctor wouldn't monitor you because I have been on this diet off and on for a total of 6 weeks and all I've done at my weekly weigh-ins is just that- weigh in. The fancy scale they have makes a print out of your weight fat % and some other stuff that really doesn't mean much to me and she tells me what I lost that week, gives me food if i opt to buy any at that time and sends me on my way. I've never seen a doctor there or anywhere else pertaining to IP. My best suggestion to you is to buy say 2 weeks worth of food from the clinic and then go here http: // htm and find foods you like, make sure the nutrition labels match up to IP products (nutritional values can be found on the official IP site) and order your products there. I also only eat 2 IP packets a day. I found that I was not hungry between dinner and bedtime and was wasting $30 a week on a box of food I did not need. I have still had the same kind of results as everyone else in phase one assuming i followed the plan strictly. Sorry for the long post.. & I know exactly what you mean when it comes to financing this diet that's why I looked for different alternatives. Let me know what you think about all this... hope your husband gets back on board!
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Old 02-15-2010, 07:49 PM   #228  
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Originally Posted by morgkell View Post
Hi all - just found this site - great!!! Nice to talk to others doing the IP program. Started Jan 12 and have lost 27 pounds so far. Do need to start exercising though. Finding I'm having a hard time liking the soup and eggs. Any ideas how to fix up the soup so it's more palatable?
Welcome aboard! I started the program January 13th. 27 lbs is terrific. You may want to talk to your coach about exercising. If you were exercising before it is probably fine to continue doing so. If not, you may want to start out with some easy walking and maybe some toning exercises. Your coach may adjust your proteins on the days you exercise.
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Old 02-15-2010, 07:55 PM   #229  
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Originally Posted by rachel13 View Post
Sorry I didn't scroll down and see this post until after I had responded to the other one. I'm not at all sure what our "coach" meant when she told you that the doctor wouldn't monitor you because I have been on this diet off and on for a total of 6 weeks and all I've done at my weekly weigh-ins is just that- weigh in. The fancy scale they have makes a print out of your weight fat % and some other stuff that really doesn't mean much to me and she tells me what I lost that week, gives me food if i opt to buy any at that time and sends me on my way. I've never seen a doctor there or anywhere else pertaining to IP. My best suggestion to you is to buy say 2 weeks worth of food from the clinic and then go here http: // htm and find foods you like, make sure the nutrition labels match up to IP products (nutritional values can be found on the official IP site) and order your products there. I also only eat 2 IP packets a day. I found that I was not hungry between dinner and bedtime and was wasting $30 a week on a box of food I did not need. I have still had the same kind of results as everyone else in phase one assuming i followed the plan strictly. Sorry for the long post.. & I know exactly what you mean when it comes to financing this diet that's why I looked for different alternatives. Let me know what you think about all this... hope your husband gets back on board!
I hope the others weigh in on this. I realize the financial burden this diet creates however, the 3rd protein daily is to give your body an adequate amount of protein so it does not break down your muscle for fuel. If I remember correctly, you are the young girl who was athletic all through high school? You probably have some really good muscle that you don't want to lose. Your muscle is what drives your metabolism and as you get older you will want your muscle helping your metabolism. Please be careful and ask your IP rep or coach about only consuming 2 proteins a day.
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Old 02-15-2010, 07:57 PM   #230  
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Welcome Morgkell- You are doing great on the diet. Keep up the good work.
If you do start to exercise - be careful not to over do it. One week I went to the gym 5 times. It was way too much. I was exhausted all weekend and couldn't get anything accomplished. The water and salt are especially important when you exercise. Make sure you get it all plus some. I measure my salt out each morning and if I have some left at night I mix it into a large cup of warm water and sip it. I haven't had any headaches since I began doing this.

I haven't had the eggs or soup. So I can't help you there. I have been having just the drinks, puddings and bars. I am trying to cut out the bars until I get closer to my goal.
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Old 02-15-2010, 08:06 PM   #231  
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Wow, Sandrab. I too am amazed that you have maintained the 47 lbs. loss. That's great. I like Bluemermaid's idea about pretending it is your first week each week. I think if you have a few very successful weeks you will find yourself getting excited again. Glad to have you back! I like all the good ideas senior members have to offer.
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Old 02-15-2010, 08:16 PM   #232  
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Originally Posted by BlueMermaid View Post
I hope the others weigh in on this. I realize the financial burden this diet creates however, the 3rd protein daily is to give your body an adequate amount of protein so it does not break down your muscle for fuel. If I remember correctly, you are the young girl who was athletic all through high school? You probably have some really good muscle that you don't want to lose. Your muscle is what drives your metabolism and as you get older you will want your muscle helping your metabolism. Please be careful and ask your IP rep or coach about only consuming 2 proteins a day.
I told my IP rep that I didn't feel hungry and was just eating my snack because it was there and she said that I should just drink 2 cold large glasses of water instead and that it wasn't a big deal. I hope she was right because this was after my very first week! I now feel a little worried! Could I eat my protein at dinner?
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Old 02-15-2010, 08:18 PM   #233  
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Eat more protein at dinner* sorry for the typo
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Old 02-15-2010, 08:19 PM   #234  
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i agree with rachels post. i cannot understand why the doctor would not monitor a wiegh in regardless how you choose to lose your weight? that sounds like a simplified way of saying if your not doing IP, dont come back? i know some girls who cut back to 2 packets a day to cut back on a box per week. subsituted an egg/tuna at lunch instead of a packet. i myself many times only have 2, mainly because i have gotten careless. if i were to cut back to 2 daily, i would have them at breakfast and evening snack. have a salad at lunch and regular protein for supper. there absolutely is more than one way to do this diet that works. of course they would like us to adhere strictly to thier rules. they would also like us to purchase the products for a year. i am not going to. a good coach would provide options to thier client who is struggling with the purchases, or motivation. my coach suggested the alternative phase at christmas when i was about to throw in the towel over confusion and guilt about not being able to have a glass of milk, apple etc. i was starting to question the diet and what would happen if i went off the packets. i do not want to be dependant on these for life, as that is not what i signed up for. many times i have wondered if i have learned my lesson, and with the new knowledge gained could not try the WW route. i consider it alot again lately. but i am trying to lose the last 20 first. but i want to resume exercise, and somedays find i am lacking energy for exercise. i feel i shoud be exercising, and no way am adding in yet a 4th packet as some suggest. sorry, but am getting quite bored of them. it does happen!! which is why the 2 packets per day may sometimes be better over the long run.
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Old 02-15-2010, 08:31 PM   #235  
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Originally Posted by Sandrab View Post
hi everyone. trying to read and reread posts to find out where my motivation has gone! and trying so hard to get it back. i started IP on sept 19 at 227lbs. by december 19th i had lost 47lbs. i was very motivated those first 3 months....
Sandrab, why not switch to a different diet for a while. As they say, a change is as good as as rest. You'll be able to eat a wider variety of food, you'll keep your weight off and probably lose more, and when/if you come back to the IP diet you will feel rested and ready to go gung ho again.
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Old 02-15-2010, 08:32 PM   #236  
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Originally Posted by rachel13 View Post
I told my IP rep that I didn't feel hungry and was just eating my snack because it was there and she said that I should just drink 2 cold large glasses of water instead and that it wasn't a big deal. I hope she was right because this was after my very first week! I now feel a little worried! Could I eat my protein at dinner?
I just worry that this diet already restricts our calories and giving up that 3rd protein gives you less caloric intake daily. I wonder how our metabolism will react when we go back to eating 1800 - 2000 calories a day. Maybe you could have some tuna, canned chicken or boiled eggs for the 3rd protein. Some of the coaches in our area are suggesting having the lemonade or other drink with your dinner. Hopefully some of the senior members will chime in on this.
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Old 02-15-2010, 08:47 PM   #237  
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Originally Posted by BlueMermaid View Post
I just worry that this diet already restricts our calories and giving up that 3rd protein gives you less caloric intake daily. I wonder how our metabolism will react when we go back to eating 1800 - 2000 calories a day. Maybe you could have some tuna, canned chicken or boiled eggs for the 3rd protein. Some of the coaches in our area are suggesting having the lemonade or other drink with your dinner. Hopefully some of the senior members will chime in on this.
I actually went on IP for 3 weeks prior to Thanksgiving and when I quit I didn't do it gradually, I jumped right back into "normal" mostly unhealthy foods and at first my stomach would get really upset so I would imagine that's why they have you go off the diet slowly. At least control portion size and sugar intake for the first few weeks following the end of IP. I would think that my coach would not lead me in the wrong direction when it comes to my health! Ah .. input anyone?
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Old 02-15-2010, 08:47 PM   #238  
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I started the plan a little blind - but those of you on this forum from day 1 are blessed...

I travel alot so for me the bars/drinks make most sense. I do 3 packets a day - my snack one in the late afternoon. I stay consistently on only IP - nervous on changing my plan when I reviewed the sugar issues with Lindora. One time was short product and picked up Light Muscle Milk at a Rite Aid.

The last 2 weeks I have concentrated on reducing my carbs and have given up the bars. I also oopsed in the early day on watching those restricted veges...brocolli being the big mistake...I loved those bags you can steam in the microwave that make 4c. - far too easy. Now I limit brocolli, tomatoes and green beans - to once a week if that. I also had an "addiction" to Tic Tacs...not realizing the carbs there - I knew the gum rule...also thought for awhile sugar-free jello was OK and since have learned the rule on Aspartame. So my weightloss journey has not been perfect but I am thrilled.

On the excercise - like Eastcoastmama - I was overdoing it and have since backed off quite a bit since I am concentrating on lowering my carbs as low as possible.

I also have a friend I am teaming up with on this lifestyle change...and he loses weight just by closing his eyes - which can be distracting and discouraging. I am a daily weigher...helps me stay on track...and I am a little competitive and hate to be beat!

So anyways, consistency, do NOT cheat, remember your salt, water, vitamins and not forgetting the grape seed oil are the things if done consistently - it works... also read Dr. Chan's book...very insightful along with this blog...
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Old 02-15-2010, 08:54 PM   #239  
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Originally Posted by cicibel View Post
I have been using the ketosix in the morning and it will not register anything but moderate ketosis. Is it even possible to get past that or is that just for people who eat NO carbs at all? Should that be our goal to eat no carbs? I thot you are suppose to have some for brain function or something. Also what is this about this diet being bad for our liver? I never heard this before. What is the difference between grape seed oil and olive oil? Is one better than the other? I gues I am Miss 20 questions now. Thanks
Yes, we do need to eat carbs. There are plenty of carbs in the 4 cups of vegetables we eat every day.

Regarding the kidney and liver, I agree with others who have said that this is a moderate protein diet, not a high protein diet. Still, this diet can strain these organs, and so those with a compromised liver or kidney should be take care in considering this diet. (Note: Being overweight is also a strain on our bodies.)

Regarding grape seed oil, it has a higher smoke point than olive oil. When an oil breaks down (exceeds its smoke point) it is thought to produce free radicals that can contribute to cancer. Grape seed oil can safely be used for cooking at higher temperatures than olive oil.
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Old 02-15-2010, 09:43 PM   #240  
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Welcome libbyshims, Wyo Sky and MorgKell!

MorgKell 27lbs in one month is great--Congrats !
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