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Old 04-10-2008, 06:26 PM   #16  
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Hello everyone.

Since I restarted I am on day 4 of FS. So far it's going good. I'm already down 12 pounds this week which I'm sure is water. My feet were swollen and I could barely stand on them so I'm happy to get back on plan and this time I'm hoping to stay committed and if I do eat off plan I won't let it be a 2 week thing.
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Old 04-10-2008, 06:59 PM   #17  
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Thanks for the Welcome! I am doing a Biggest Loser Challange with some of our friends, so we weigh in on sat. and I have been doing pretty good.

Today I had missed breakfast just because I went to the gym, then to the grocery store, I dont usually miss breakfast.

Lunch: Spinach salad w/tomatoes, chickpeas, shredded cabbage and carrots w/a FF spinach salad dressing. 1 veggie chicken patty w/soy cheese

Snack:4 strawberries and 1 plum and lots of water

Dinner will be: Brown rice mixed with beans and veggies and milk

In my quest to fit in 10 hours of exercise in this week, my DH, kids and dogs are going for a post dinner walk.

Later if needed I will snack on my new fav.....FROZEN GRAPES

OOOOOH! I like this, I will post daily on my menu and I think that will keep in line!!!

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Old 04-10-2008, 07:43 PM   #18  
food is not my friend!
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Hey girls!
well i haven't been doing good...i already used my "points" and i want cereal (my addiction) but i'm going to clean so i don't eat.
jill - thanks for keeping us all organized!

here was today
b: cereal w/ skim 4
l: salad 2 lean pocket 6
s: apple 1 orange 1 banana 2 brownie 3 coffee cake 2
d: salad w/ tomatoes, pine nuts, sun dried tomatoes, green peppers 4, mixed veggies 4
total 29...i should have only had 26.
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Old 04-10-2008, 08:33 PM   #19  
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MANDYGIRL... No problem! When I have oatmeal I put a lil cinnamon, splenda and some frozen fruit. I love adding frozen blueberries or mashing in some banana & with a tsp of vanilla extract

GRN IZE... BYE day 2!

SOUTHERNGAL.... Dang 12lbs that's crazyyyy Water or not, I never care lol the scale moving is just great!

LOU... I love frozen grapes too :yum:

LISA... really you're allowed 26? When I did WW I was only allowed 22, weird! But you have the 35 rollover points right?

Today my familys over (I live with my grandparents) so my grandma has so much yummy food out and it's driving me crazy. lol Ahhh...

Last edited by jillnicole03; 04-10-2008 at 08:33 PM.
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Old 04-11-2008, 01:13 AM   #20  
I can do it!
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jillnicole: You're right, to me a loss is a loss, anything that makes me feel better.

Today I ate off plan, I didn't go crazy but I really wanted some tacos. I ate the tacos and started to eat some ice cream but I stopped myself. It just wasn't worth it. My ex (who is living with me temporarily) I believe is trying to torment me, he ate ice cream for breakfast two days in a row and just ate some ice cream. It's funny how he only eats all that junk when I'm dieting. I'm not going to let it bother me though. I will do an extra day to make up for my taco craving and that will be that.
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Old 04-11-2008, 01:27 PM   #21  
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Hello! I want tacos!! mmmm they sound so good! I guess I will stick with rice and beans for lunch maybe add some salsa! **does anyone know if we can have brown rice tortillias or even corn tortillas????

Today's menu
b:1c oatmeal w/cinnamon and walnuts
s:1 apple and water
l:rice and beans
sumpkin smoothie
d:Phase 1 pizza

Well so far so good. I hope everyone else is doing great! I would love to hear some of your menus, I like to change it up and keep it interesting. Bye for now!
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Old 04-11-2008, 05:34 PM   #22  
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Hello Everyone..
I wish I had found all of you sooner.
I'm currently on phase 2. Lost 11 lbs during phase 1! I still can't believe I did that, but I did work out a whole lot more than I was allowed.
Is anyone on phase 3? I don't have the heart to move on and leave phases 1 and 2, since I haven't messed up and cheated yet.
It's be great to hear from those of you who have moved past phase 2.
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Old 04-12-2008, 02:37 AM   #23  
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SouthernGal... Doesn't life always work out that way? We never have super yummy food until I diet! Grr... My ex bf I use to live with bought a huge variety box of candy bars when I broke up with him and we still had to live together because of our lease. Oh ya.. TORMENT haha

Nomorefatty... I'm on Phase2, not sure if any of us are on phase3 yet. I probably should be in P3 but the little mess ups hold me back.

Hope all you girls had a wonderful day.. and super great weekend planned!

BF: Yogurt & 2tsp Flax Seed
S: Veggies & Bean burger
L: Grapes, Broccolli &L/F Ranch, Milk
S: Cookie (grr)
D: Frzn Low Cal Meal
S: Popcorn

Last edited by jillnicole03; 04-12-2008 at 02:38 AM.
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Old 04-12-2008, 09:12 AM   #24  
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Good Morning Girls! I am starting day 4 and still going strong. I know I am not supposed to weigh until the end of Phase 1, but I just couldn't help myself. I have PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) and I started a new medication a couple weeks ago. Well, it made me have another visit from my monthly friend (NOT), who just visited 2 weeks ago!!!! Anyway, I usually retain up to 10 lbs during this week of the month, so I had to weigh this morning to see if I am making any progress! I AM DOWN 5lbs in 4 days, even with the return of the dreaded "my time of month"! This is so encouraging to me. I really don't even feel like I am on a "diet" with all the yummy fruit I am eating. Thanks for all the encouragement jillnicole.
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Old 04-12-2008, 08:16 PM   #25  
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way to go grn ize, keep up the great work!
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Old 04-12-2008, 10:01 PM   #26  
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Hello ladies! This thread seems so supportive! I'm starting EFS tomorrow morning. I always start out so revved up and excited and then I get discouraged a few days into it. I think posting on here will help. I'm going to weigh myself in the morning, and I'll wait a full week before weighing again... I hope LOL
I need the accountability, so I might post on here multiple times per day.
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Old 04-13-2008, 02:26 AM   #27  
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GRN IZE... Wow, 5 already =) and no problem, I'm here to support you and our whole lil team

DESIREE... Glad to have you! Feel free to post as many times as you'd like! It's great hearing about everyones struggles and successess, it helps having a team.

Hope everyones having a GREAT weekend!!! Be good
My mom's bday is Monday so today we had a family BBQ, ahh horrible, I didn't stick to plan but did as good as possible. Picked veggies over pre-snacks. Grilled chicken, veggie skewers & spinach casserole, and only 1 glass of wine when we had lots of yummy fattening girl drinks to pick from. Ahhh... some days are just not as successfull as others... but I can do it! Day by day!
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Old 04-13-2008, 04:53 AM   #28  
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Hi everyone I'm still here and still smashing it!! I just have been so busy with this new baby that I don't have time to get online much. I think I was down another 2 lbs last week which is good. I'm waiting for TOM and it's late and I'm feeling nauseaous!?!?!?!?! Took a test yesterday and it was neg. so who knows what's up! Keep your fingers crossed for me!! I would love to be
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Old 04-13-2008, 12:34 PM   #29  
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2BEAUTIFUL.... HEY GIRLY!! We miss you Awww we will keep our fingers crossed for sure! Good luck!
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Old 04-13-2008, 01:31 PM   #30  
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This is my first day and I'm checking in. I weighed myself this morning and adjusted my ticker... sad to say I'm up 2 lbs from the week before. But I'm gonna smash the fat right off, so I'm not really worried. I went for a 35 minute walk this morning and I'll do the rest of my workout later. I bought a skipping rope yesterday... OMG! It was a LOT easier when I was 10! It doesn't look hard, but I couldn't believe how crappy I was! LOL
So far I've stuck to the diet perfectly (It's only been 4 hours, but that's something!!!) I'm really excited! For the first time, I feel like I'm actually going to succeed! My daughter is almost two and I still haven't lost the baby weight. Until now.....
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