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Old 01-19-2008, 03:35 PM   #181  
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Morning GG's.. its blustery here longing for spring dd and i went to play bingo last night( i luv to play) and i came home with $900 id say that was a fun night..

Zoe..i hope you sister is doing ok for u and prayers for her

Lynn..why is it when we get older everything goes south i cant find my belly button its hiding to funny.. its good we can laugh at our selves

Gayle sorry for the hurt feelings over the job review

Cat that class sounds fun..i need a class as i have an 18 galloon plastic tote of bad pictures..thats why i went digital so i can delete the bad ones and print my own

Phyllis hows the puppies.. i get such joy from my daisy

Bobbi.. sry u are stressed with your mil, i can relate as i have the same going on here altho mine lives alone at 86 but boy is she stubborn and set in her ways

Hello to all and sry to those i have missed,im still getting to know every one.. wtg to those who have still holding the same but ill take it..ttfn and hope your weekends great rosey

Last edited by akrosey49; 01-19-2008 at 03:35 PM.
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Old 01-19-2008, 04:36 PM   #182  
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Hi Karen, welcome! I'm new to this thread too, and am finding these women to be wonderfully supportive, kind and caring. I'm sure you'll find that you've found a new home here.

I don't have much time, but just wanted to share what I'm doing tonite. I'm running out the door to a church potluck... at the home of my nutritionist! Aaarrggghhh... this is the kind of thing that only happens in small towns. She is the wife of a member of our church. While I know her husband quite well, I only know the wife professionally, when I saw her in late October. She gave me all sorts of good advice about weightloss, and sent me on my way. She suggested that I see her again a month later, but I cancelled the appt cuz by then it was Thxgvg. You know what that means.... and then, of course, it was Xmas-- and you know what that means. So here it is, mid-Jan and I'm fatter than when I saw her last. Ugh! I was asked to bring an appetizer to this shindig, so now I'm finding myself heading to my nutritionist's house for dinner, bearing a hollowed out loaf of crusty bread with cheddar cheese dip inside. Wish I'd just stuck with the fruitplatter... Oh well, she actually really is a very nice woman and if it weren't for the weight issue, and her profession, I'd really be looking fwd to the eve. Actually, I've bn looking fwd to it all day, and then it suddenly struck me how ludicrous this is. Only in a small town... OK, I'm off! Just wanted to share...
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Old 01-19-2008, 05:57 PM   #183  
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Originally Posted by Karen3 View Post
Hello everyone....I have been wandering around for months looking for a new forum.When South Beach site crashed I lost my home and I think my incentive. I have lost 52lbs and am half way there, but now finding 1600 excuses why not eat something stupid! We retired 7 years ago to Florida and love it to death. Only question we ask is why did we wait. We live on a tiny river just off the Gulf. It is actually cooler here in the summer than there Eastern Shore of Maryland where we moved from. I am a bridge player and addicted to the game. I play 4 days a week and just love going off for week long tournaments. The next one is in Feb. down in Sarasota.

Hi Karen3,

Welcome to your new home! You're going to love it here.

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Old 01-19-2008, 06:00 PM   #184  
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I just made the 2nd Splenda cake from the Koch cookbook.

The first one was NY cheesecake - FAN-Tastic!

The one I made today - carrot cake w cream cheese frosting - Also VERY yummy!

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Old 01-20-2008, 01:01 AM   #185  
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Hello Everybody--- Just a quick pop in here--- it is almost 11:00 pm and I was jsut reading some posts--- and I noticed my time and temp. deal said that it is 73 degrees here!!! Well, I don't know where it is being measured tonight but it is defintiely not 73 degrees here!! More like 10!! I'll check it tomorrow and if it isn't correct then -- I'll take it off!!! That is just too funny as I sit here freezing!!!
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Old 01-20-2008, 09:19 AM   #186  
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Thank you all for your kind words about my job review. I got over my mood. We had a great night last night at work ~ wish more of them could be that way ~ but I'm thankful for any we get. I had to kind of laugh on my way home from work this morning ~ the nurse who said to the boss about me that I was slow ~ passed me on the road going home. I thought ~ she probably thinks I drive as slow as I work. LOL

Ok, off to bed. Hope you all have a good day.

Take care
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Old 01-20-2008, 10:53 AM   #187  
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Good Morning . . . almost Afternoon . . .

Absolutely delighted to tell you that it has been snowing all morning but it has been fairly gently about it -- i.e., no blizzard force winds. Consequently my power supply is happy. We are amassing a bunch of new snow, of course (about 3 to 4 inches so far) but it is definitely coming down straight.

Have a great day, gang . . . see you later . . .
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Old 01-20-2008, 04:27 PM   #188  
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Aw, Karen - 73 when it's really only 10 degrees? Now that's just downright cruel - seems like your screen is mocking your reality. I agree: you need to assert your superiority, gain control and turn the thing OFF!

Gale, I'm glad that you were feeling more upbeat yesterday, and hope you are today as well. Sometimes we all get into those funks, don't we?

My Sweetie and I had a lovely evening at the church potluck last night, at my nutritionist's house. I decided that if I were she, I wouldn't want to bring my work home with me on a Saturday night at a party. And so I acted as if I never even saw her in her professional role, and she acted likewise. The evening just slipped by with lots of nice people, good conversations and delicious food. I felt very "mature" in the way I handled this...

So today my Sweetie and I are just sitting at home, relaxing, with nothing much to do on a cold and overcast day in VT... both of sitting in our nice warm livingroom noodling around on our respective laptops - each of us with a fuzzy critter curled up next to us. Frankly, I don't think it gets much better than this. Feeling pretty content today

Hope everyone is well. Best wishes,
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Old 01-20-2008, 05:43 PM   #189  
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Hi everyone..Birgit.. thats sounds so comfy..actually my dh and i are doing the same as its snowing like crazy outside but hes watching football and im favorite way to spend a lazy sunday..hope u all are having agreat weekend rosey
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Old 01-20-2008, 06:56 PM   #190  
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Hi you all...I posted a message and it went somewhere, but be damned if I can find me. I wanted to say thank you. Can't believe that just knowing I had support got me jump started. I have eaten by the book today and just finished my 6th helping of vegies. 5 is good 6 is over kill I think. Am shivering at your temps. Grow up in snow country, but now going North even in sept is chilling.We were out in Colorado in May and the snow hadn't melted yet.....gesh! Gotta go move my pots in from front porch. Florida is weird in that azalas start blooming in Nov and finish up in May. You plant tomatoes in Oct and you can't grow much stuff in direct sun. It literally cooks. karen3

ps...karen really is my name and I guess to keep the karens straight i better just be 3.....rarely met other karens so it's wonderful to met u.
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Old 01-20-2008, 07:55 PM   #191  
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Welcome Karen3!! It's nice to know you. Today we really had a pretty nice day--- it made it all way up to 33 degrees!! We're trying hard to sell our house here so we can move to MO. All my family is there and I'm so anxious to be there too!

We did have some people that were out looking at houses this afternoon and happened to come down our driveway. I went outside and said they could come in and look if they wanted.... They did and seemed to like it pretty much. They have llamas so they are really interested in the 5 acres and the 30' X 70' steel building too! I hope we hear from them again!

Rosey, You sound like me the last few days with it being so cold! I'm glad that I got at least a little busy today though and had the house pretty decent and also a crock pot full of beef stew cooking--- made it seem pretty "homey" when those people came in.

Birgit, I was really surprised when I saw the temp was 73 ----- guess they must be having a glitch somewhere. I may try again later.

Meowee--- How are your fur babies doing? Did their eye problems get cleared up? You stay warm there too! Hey, how do you count the Gazelle in your fitday? I've tried to figure that one out. I think it is more that walking but less than aerobics.

Gayle, glad things are looking a little better for you. It is tough when you are at somewhere you don't want to be. But keep that nice smile on your face and things will continue to get better.

Lynn, I haven't made anything with the Splenda book yet.. I've looked at a lot of recipes and know that my Dad will just love it when I get moved back there!

Zoe, you and your sister are in my thoughts and prayers.. Please let us know how she and you are doing.

Phyllis--- And news on your condo? I'm sending lots of good thoughts your way. Maybe we can both get good news real soon!

To all the Golden Girl's that I have missed A big to you. Where is everybody else lately?
Take care and I'll catch y'all later.
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Old 01-20-2008, 08:10 PM   #192  
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Oh my gosh - so many new posts in just a few days. Where to begin? First of all welcome to all the new GGs...Karen 3, Kim, Ellie, Llavender.. ..sorry if I missed anyone. I am catching up while my DH keeps tabs on the Giants and the Packers playing in the God-Awful cold!! Actually it down to 3 degrees here in upstate NY and I was proud that I managed to walk 120 mintures between yesterday and today. I got an MP3 player for Xmas and I love walking to the music. I went to my youngest DD’s computer and copied all kinds of music (luckly we have similar tastes!). I bundled up in my ski gloves, headband, neck warmer, hat with those funny ear flaps, long johns and headed out. I probably looked like an arctic explorer and the wind did blush and numb my cheeks a bit. Tomorrow is weigh in after two weeks and I had better show a loss.

Birgit, Yes I love these winter days when you can hunker down in front of the woodstove or fireplace with a cat at your feet. By the way, Habitat wants to start a home in small town here and our church is planning to take the lead on the project. I’m thinking that this may be an outlet for me when I retire. I’d be anxious to here of your experiences with the group there in VT.

Karen – hope the home plans all go through for you soon. Fingers are crossed.

Bobbi, Hang in ther with the MIL. Notes sound like a good idea hope they help.

Hi Zoe, Can’t wait for some photos of the new digs. It must be nice to finally see the light at the end of the “boxes”.

Cat, Photo class sounds like a challenge. I took one when I got my Nikon digital DSLR and learned SO MUCH. Fun to find out what all it can do.

Marilynn – and just how do you make your own laundry detergent? You are so inventive.

Lynn – such heavy reading, my goodness. I got a laugh out of the bellybutton going south too. Ain’t it the truth!?

Yoyo – I do still drink a lot of diet soda. Maybe I need to cut down. Hummm Congrats on the weight loss this week.

Rosey – Hope your mom is doing ok now. Nice to have a family visit.

Gayle – I agree with everyone else here. I’d definitely want you as my nurse! Keep up the great work.

Phill – good luck with the flat belly diet plan. And hope the condo sells real soon.

Well, think I’ll go check on the score. We’re packing for FL this week. Leave Thursday.

Bye GGs,

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Old 01-21-2008, 07:16 AM   #193  
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Good Morning Golden Girls, Today is celebration day. I got on the scale this morning and I am now at goal!! I worked long and hard, gave up a lot of junk at Christmas time, but it was worth it. Now comes the hard part, Keeping it off! With the support of everyone here, I know I can do it.

I had to work the weekend, and when I work 2 days I get behind in the posts. So, everyone, I did read all the posts. I'm always interested in find out how everyone is doing. But forgive me if I don't answer every one of them.

I do want to WELCOME our new member. It's great here, I hope to see you here often..

Like the others that live in cold weather places, it's bitter cold here. Walking from the parking lot to the hospital yesterday, I got so cold. I had to check my nose when I got inside, to make sure it hadn't frozen off. Some of our patients are old and frail and have memory loss. One of those patients, somehow, slipped down the back stairs and got down to the lobby, where she was stopped by one of the guards. Thank God. Can you imagine an older, confused person being outside for any length of time in this weather?

Everyone have a great day, Freda
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Old 01-21-2008, 10:20 AM   #194  
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Good Morning . . .

FREDA So happy for you, Chickie (and so jealous, too, of course).

I think you are on the right track there, KAREN . . . I don't use Fitday but would guess at the Gazelle as somewhere above walking (or level treadmilling) but definitely below a true eliptical or a stairclimber.

Here's a great, big, for you, #3. Hope you will love it around here just as much as the rest of us do.

Well . . . we are having another beautiful day here in northern Nova Scotia but, oh boy oh boy, is it ever cold at -31C / -24F. At least that means it cannot snow at the moment. So guess, I'll just be thankful for the small things.

Hope everybody has great things planned for this lovely day. I must get myself moving and shaking and out to enjoy the sun. See you all later.
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Old 01-21-2008, 12:27 PM   #195  
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Good Morning Everyone,

I got the results of my cardio analysis today. To summarize, I was getting my heartbeat too high during aerobic (Elliptical) exercise. This was causing my metabolism to actually slow down instead of increase when I am not exercising. I now have a 10-week program to straighten things out & hopefully, to speed up my metabolism so that I can eat more calories & not gain any weight.

I saw my Little Sister yesterday. Her mother told me she had cut school on Friday. I'm really concerned about her. She jumped into "terrible teens" with both feet when she switched schools. I tried talking with her, but I could see the "glazed over eye look" that I remember from when my dd was a teenager.

Weather is sunny & cold here. Really a beautiful winter day.

Hope everyone has a Happy and Healthy day,

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