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Old 01-11-2008, 09:57 PM   #91  
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Thank you Karen for the nice welcome back. I was looking for the button that alerted me when someone commented on this thread. Is it not there anymore? Gosh, I haven't been gone that long!
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Old 01-12-2008, 08:12 AM   #92  
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Thumbs up Ladyinweighting-Lynn

I pronounce you Queen of the Golden Girls. I see you have not only kept the site going but put much time and effort into the challenges. God bless you! I'd like to know what keeps you motivated? You are truly an inspiration.

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Old 01-12-2008, 08:23 AM   #93  
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Default Welcome Home

Originally Posted by Bobbolink View Post
Hi Golden Girls,.................Long time, no See! (Due to me)
I'm sorry but went thru late summer, fall and early winter thru H*ll. I'm tring to get my act together again, thank you all for keeping the Golden Girls going. I knew we had a great bunch of gals and I see most of you are all there. A couple of new one, Hi. I'm Bobbi, started this thread with the help of others, most of you know me. I'd like to start participating again now that some of the crisis is over. We are still stressed over MIL, she has dementia (did I spell that right?), she calls us 3 times a day with the same question, where are my credit cards, someone took them. duh! Someone stole my coins in my billfold, she didn't have any credit cards or bills or coins when we moved her in. She doen't believe us! She is driving Bruce and me crazy.
ON to a better is every one doing with the new year? I don't do resolutions because I only break them after a couple of weeks.
How about you?

Love ya, Bobbi
Hi Bobbi,

I am SO HAPPY to see you back with us. You have been TRULY missed.

I sent you a pm about my "motivation" - basically, it's fear of the affects of this @#$%%^^&&* diabetes.

Welcome Home!

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Old 01-12-2008, 08:27 AM   #94  
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Good Morning Everyone,

WELCOME yoyodieterinvegas - what's your name? As you can see, we go by first names here in our happy/safe place. Glad to have you join us.

I've got a sad thing & a happy thing planned for today. I've got a funeral this morning - my friend's mother died on Wednesday - and a massage this afternoon. Another friend and I gave each other a massage as a Christmas gift.

I'll check back later today. Hope we all have a Happy and Healthy Saturday.

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Old 01-12-2008, 09:40 AM   #95  
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Good Morning . . .

Its another mild and rainy day . . . at least I don't have to shovel it and . . . drumroll please . . . I'm not working. although my 'horror'scope does make it sound like something I've been doing in the past couple of weeks could be about to explode all over the place. time will tell, I guess.

Glad to see you back Bobbo . . . hope you'll be able to stick around for a little bit, this time, Chickie.

Later, gang . . .
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Old 01-12-2008, 09:45 AM   #96  
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Lynn, enjoy your new purchase. I have only tried it one time but I do know it will give you a good workout. Take it easy at first. Also, I am very happy for you and your friend getting back together, I know that was hard on you.

Welcome Yoyodieter, it would be nice to have a first name if you don't mind. I hope you'll come back often, post everyday if you like, we like to keep this board active. Good luck.

Well look who's good to see you my dear but sorry you are still having MIL problems. I have missed you.

Karen, have you had anyone looking at your place? Is it slower in the winter there? This is our high season so we are hoping for more activity. Still sending good vibes your direction.

Marylynn, you are doing so great. I hadn't realized that you had lost so much, way to go girl! I'm too old to start running just walking is my goal and I really need to keep at that.

Zoe, I am actually looking forward to packing and going through all the STUFF but dread the unpacking part. I am sure I will take too much STUFF! You are wise taking your time unpacking, my dh will want to get in his"tunnel vision mode" and unpack in 2 days and then we can't find anything. So this time I will set the speed and he will have to deal with boxes sitting around for awhile. Your baths in that beautiful tub sound wonderful.

Lyn, are you having a hard time getting back into the exercise routine since vacation? I am...finally getting some time in but I need someone to kick me in the **** to get me moving. I didn't know who you were when you changed your picture....your looking good!

Hi to Rosey, Linda, Gayle, Debbie, Cat and I hope LindaD is OK and will return.
Hi to all I've missed, not intentional.

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Old 01-12-2008, 10:43 AM   #97  
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Default A diabetic question

Hi ~

My dad asked me ~ why when he checks his blood sugar does he get a higher reading on the right hand fingers than the left hand fingers? Do any of you have such an experience? Is is just a fluke that it happens that way for him?

Thank you for your help.

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Old 01-12-2008, 11:22 AM   #98  
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Hello all ~

Hope you all are having a good weekend.

Lynn ~ Enjoy your eliptical ~ hope it helps you like you want.

Debbie (TX) ~ How are your mom and daughter doing? Thanks for the oatmeal help. It makes a nice breakfast or snack.

Lyn ~ Glad your daughter's college expenses are covered ~ now you won't have to stress about that.

Freda ~ Glad you are able to do the weights at least ~ will you eventually be able to get back to exercising?

Cat ~ Enjoy the visit with your aunt, mom, cousin.

Marylynn ~ Wow ~ you are brave to host that New Year's Eve party ~ sounds like you have some fun ideas.

Karen ~ Glad your bone density thing came back ok ~ I has similar news ~ used to be 5'2", now the tell me 5'1/4"

Margaret ~ Glad to see you back.

Zoe ~ Your bath sounds wonderful. Enjoy that as often as you can.

Phyllis ~ Where in Ohio is it that you will be going?

Rosey ~ I'm sorry for all the hard stuff that is happening in your family. Thought and prayers for you all.

Linda (Meowee)~ Hopefully things have slowed down for you and you can relax and enjoy now.

KD50 ~ Welcome ~ glad you've joined us.

Joanne ~ Have a great time on your vacation.

Debbie (FL) Wow ~ that sounds heavenly ~ sitting on the beach.

Bobbi ~ Glad to see you back.

Yoyo ~ Welcome ~ you'll like it here.

Hello to anyone I may have forgotten.

It is nice and sunny here today. I'm off the weekend ~ yippee. Thankful for the days off ~ trying to get better from a cold ~ had to miss work the other night. Feeling a little better today than a couple days ago.

Take care all

Last edited by glynne; 01-12-2008 at 11:26 AM.
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Old 01-12-2008, 01:34 PM   #99  
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A laugh or two!!!!

-----Walking can add minutes to your life. This enables you at 85 years old to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5000 per month.

My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was 60.
Now she's 97 years old and we don't know where the **** she is.

The only reason I would take up exercising is so that I could hear
heavy breathing again.

I joined a health club last year, spent about 400 bucks. Haven't lost a pound. Apparently you have to go there.

I have to exercise early in the morning before my brain
figures out what I'm doing.

I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me.

I have flabby thighs, but fortunately my stomach covers them.

The advantage of exercising every day is that you die healthier.

If you are going to try cross-country skiing, start with a small country.

And last but not least:??? I don't exercise because it makes the ice jump right out of my glass.

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Old 01-12-2008, 02:01 PM   #100  
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Default Funny!

Hi Phyllis and all you that welcomed me back.
Phyllis, that last statement you pasted is hilarious, I had a good laugh. I think It's important that we have many laughs a day.
Anyone who has a good clean joke, please post it,

Bobbi (Not Bobbo)
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Old 01-12-2008, 03:49 PM   #101  
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Originally Posted by glynne View Post
Hi ~

My dad asked me ~ why when he checks his blood sugar does he get a higher reading on the right hand fingers than the left hand fingers? Do any of you have such an experience? Is is just a fluke that it happens that way for him?

Thank you for your help.

Hi Gayle,

I don't know the answer to your question. I never noticed a difference, but I wasn't looking for one.

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Old 01-12-2008, 04:48 PM   #102  
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Good Morning GG's. Not much going on here today. I had to work yesterday and now that is out of the way untill Wed. I am still doing well with my diet, haven't went over my calories since before Christmas.

Phyllis, Hope you had fun gambling. I hate losing too, never take over a few dollars with me. If I win i continue playing, if I lose i am DONE! Read the jokes. Would have been a lot funnier if so many of them didn't hit too close to home!! ha!!

YoYo, Welcome. Hope to see you a lot.

Debbie. Glad you got that problem fixed! With all the spring winds it's one thing you won't have to worry about.

Lyn, I'm rooting for you to win "the biggest Looser" contest at work! What do you win?

Marylynn, I like your idea for the party! Sounds like so much fun.

Lynn, I'm glad things are begining change for your and your friend. I hope the reunion goes well. It takes a long time ro re-build bridges, but some bridges are worth the effort.

Cat, Enjoy your time with your company.

Rosey, How did your recipe turn out? I'm always looking for good, low fat/calorie recipes.

Bobbi, I knew I hadn't seen you around for awhile. Glad to see your back. Sorry about your MIL. Dementia is a terrible condition. It robs us of so much. My mom has a condition that has early dementia as one of the effects. We can see her getting more and more sad when someone has always been so independant.

Gayle, I've never noticed a difference in BS numbers from one hand to the next, but like Lynn, I never looked for one. Never say anything is not possible, but I can't think of a good explination for that.

Karen, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you find some buyers for the house soon. Spring is a perfect time for a move.

Everyone, take care, Freda
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Old 01-12-2008, 06:10 PM   #103  
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Hi everyone.. a very lazy day here..Gayle.. im diabetic..if hes not cleaning his finger off with soap and water or an alchol swipe he could be picking up stuff from things he handled like foods or lotion or even toothpaste that would make for a higher #..esp if hes testing on the hand that he uses the most..other than that ive never run across that.. maybe meowee would know what the answer is..Freda the recipe was simple and onion,green pepper,red pepper(sliced thinly),round steak sliced thin,pkg of fahita seasoning mix and 1/2 can beer..cook in crock pot till beef is tender..use whatever sides u like in your tortilla..hope u all are having a good weekend (((hugs))) rosey
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Old 01-12-2008, 08:57 PM   #104  
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Sorry, but I've never noticed a difference between one hand and another and not between fingers either (I rotate through all ten fingers on a daily basis;, i.e. one finger per day based on the date of the month. Day 31 gets any finger I feel like using.). Rosey's explanation would be as close as I could come with a guess, too.
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Old 01-12-2008, 11:21 PM   #105  
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Thank you for your answers about the blood sugar readings. Mom said that dad was just curious ~ she said he has too much time on his hands for thinking of stuff.
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