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Old 01-29-2008, 11:28 AM   #286  
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It is another day . . . trouble is; it's still not too great -- either the weather or the migraine. Things are improving in both areas however and I truly hope tomorrow will be even better.

I really need to get back to posting my calories and exercise somewhere around here -- I do a lot better when I have to own up to it. Pretty much the only "good" thing I can report for either December or January is NO Cool Whip -- but a lot of other stuff that is even worse (like ice cream and candy coupled with almost no formal exercise). Soooooo, if you are game, LYNN, so am I -- let's at least have a posting thread to spur each other on, even if we do not have an actual challenge on the go. That way, the ones that make it there every day can just pat themselves on the back but the ones that miss a day or two don't need to feel that they should drop out completely simply because they can't possibly "win".

Well I'd better get moving -- I really need to make it to the closest grocery store . . . BUT . . . I just looked outside and although nothing is actually falling from the sky right now, my driveway and the two streets I can see look like a sea of ice. Maybe another day of raiding the scraps in the freezer would be a good idea.

See you later, gang.

Last edited by meowee; 01-29-2008 at 11:29 AM.
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Old 01-29-2008, 02:40 PM   #287  
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Hi you all...just finished my bike ride around the neighborhood. Knees are knocking and am sweaty so it was perfect. Figured out that Fl bikers are Fl drivers...watched a guy cut my dh off while wearing headphones never looked or heard him coming in dh's Jeep! Weren't Ipod but big old earmuff size things. Good thing he couldn't hear 'cause I could read dh's lips. Poor Dash was practically upside down in the backseat.
We have a bunch of short time snowbirds who rent condos near here who walk the street instead on the 15' grassy right of way and then yell at cars when they get too close. I've been yelled at in German, Dutch and French....funny but can understand nasty words!
In my next life am coming back tall. Want long legs can twist into prezel if I did that they would have to jaws of life to separate me.
Had to buy another bra...have lost 4 bra sizes and a whole cup and the smallest is getting loose. My pants getting droopy and have gone down 4 sizes maybe 5 but my shirts are still hugh.
The soap between the sheets must be working,the bar has traveled across the bed....haven't awaken with toe cramps in 2 days....
Florida's primary is today. Everyone I know has voted. Can't wait until 8pm and the darn phone calls stop coming. Dare a poller to call me...I will absolutely lie!
Sitting out here on the lanai wishing you all could have a dose of our sunshine. Stay warm and eat healthy. karen3
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Old 01-29-2008, 04:01 PM   #288  
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Change of plans! Some blood test results have convinced me I need to lose more weight now instead of later. I'm officially taking myself out of "maintenance" mode & going back into losing mode.

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Old 01-29-2008, 04:07 PM   #289  
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Hi Ho Ladies

Just a quick hiya. Things are really starting to pick up at work (at last!) so apologies if I do a "lump" You go Golden Girls

I have Kite Runner but haven't read it yet. MIL2 (yes, for real, I have 2 of them ) gave it to me at a time when I was just not up to any deep or emotional reading. I'll have to give it a shot now that I'm "better"

Gave in and started counting calories. Figured it's the only way I'll have an idea at what level I gain/lose/stay the same. Be good info to have when I get to goal and need a maintenance plan.

Gotta run but and a healthy, happy day to all
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Old 01-30-2008, 11:02 AM   #290  
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Good Morning Everyone,

Went to my 2nd PT appt. this morning - feels better now than it did before I got there - a GOOD sign.

I'm supposed to meet a df for lunch today. She's moving to NC tomorrow. I will miss her. (Phyllis, you may remember her from our 3-hr-diet group - Serenity - she and I used to take "noodle" class together in the pool at the gym).

I just seem to be "behind" with everything - straightening the house - paying bills - classwork... No reason - just NOT getting to the things I need to do.

My dd has a bad cold - after my lunch with df, I'll stop by to see her.

Take care everyone,

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Old 01-30-2008, 11:42 AM   #291  
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Oh Yuck . . . I had to go out early this morning and, although the driving (didn't have to go far) was not too bad, walking was a disaster. Was I ever glad I had my Yak-Trax with me. At least the headache is mostly gone and I finally have cream for my coffee, again.

Have a good day, gang . . .
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Old 01-30-2008, 12:37 PM   #292  
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Happy Wednesday!

Fast fly by so I can nail my to-do list before bedtime.

Yoyo I have 2 MIL's too, makes the holidays really interesting since all of the children are convinced that the two ladies still resent each other but they sure don't seem that way. Must go get Kite Runner this afternoon.

Meowee glad to hear that headache is better. I've tried & tried to enjoy black coffee (like I did for over 20 years) & now seem too spoiled to the creamer in the stuff. My answer is green tea after two cups of the good stuff in the mornings. May warm weather come your way soon.

Lynn, hope all those numbers line up where you need them to be. Sometimes a lab test is more telling than the scales. Reminds me that I need my lipids redone. Glad to hear the PT is working for you & remember perfection is overated. I think it's okay to fall behind from time to time. Proud to be a mortal I think.

Dogs are screaming for their walk, need to lace up the running shoes for an outdoor run after that since today it's not miserably cold outdoors & then there's this thing of running a business & cleaning a house. Guess it's time to get off the computer.

Everyone have a wonderful day & remember well behaved ladies really don't make much history! I can't be the only one acting out, need you to do your share as well.


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Old 01-30-2008, 06:43 PM   #293  
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Good evening you all....must be the mooncycle. Everything I did today that I thought was right was wrong and every mistake I made was right???? So decided not to buy a lottery ticket and just know I loss a million.
Cheated a little with dinner but it was so good and made me so happy. Do you all remember Jeff Smith,the Frugal Gormet? This is his simple recipe of an apple omlette. I used Splenda instead of sugar and the cheating was the half an apple. My momma would have spanked me for literally licking the plate.
Just think about the no-no's your momma laid on you. Never have a safety pin in your underwear because if you went to the ER people would notice how untidy you were! Shocked me no end when my first task in ER was to cut the clothes off someone...never saw a safety pin. Been waiting for 60+ years for my face to freeze in some weird shape. I was 30 before figured out they couldn't send my yucky peas to the starving kids in Europe. Wonder what I laid on my kids?...have to ask them.
Just read that there's another nasty storm heading to stock up and stay warm.....karen3
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Old 01-30-2008, 07:24 PM   #294  
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Hi Everyone -
Just laying low here in the frozen NE. The roads and walkways have been a sheet of ice for the past 24 hrs. Yesterday morning the weather guys promised us a nice warm day, so I wore my sneakers to walk to work. Couple of hours later the weather took a turn for the worst and I had a real problem - my sneakers have pretty much no tread on them. How was I going to get home? Luckily one of my coworkers gave me a lift. This morning I took the car. Seems like the weather just can't make up its mind whether it wants to snow or rain, and the result is an icy glaze on all surfaces. Can't wait till this gets better. Until then I'm certainly not getting the exercise I want/need. And neither is my poor dog.

Woke up this morning with my throat all scratchy and a nasty headache. I've been sniffling a bit, too. Guess I'm coming down with something - I've been swallowing Vit C like crazy in hopes of heading it off. Wish me luck, Kids.

Other than that, all is well. Lynn, I'm glad the PT seems to be working. No wonder that everything is falling behind. When you're feeling pain it's not easy to be motivated to do much. I'm sure once your shoulder is healed you'll catch right up.

YoYo and Dulaney - 2 MILs, huh? I'm sure there are a couple of interesting stories there, and I'd love to hear them if you are willing to share.

Be well, Everyone - have a good evening,
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Old 01-30-2008, 07:38 PM   #295  
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Hey...remember me, "little miss MIA?"

My company left today after their 2 week visit (Aunt, cousin and sister) I enjoyed them immensely, but am exhuasted from the cooking, cleaning and chauffering. It was all worth it to have my Mom and her sister together again. They are so crazy about each other and missed seeing each other.

I did pretty good with my eating except for a couple of desserts on a couple of nights. And I finally found a restaurant where there was NOTHING I could eat...all they have is fried catfish, fries, coleslaw and cornbread. So I ate a little coleslaw and thought that it was probably full of sugar. oh well, we do have to live in the real world sometimes. My fluidity bar came in last night, so I'll give it a whirl tomorrow.

Missed you all a lot and will try to catch up with posts.
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Old 01-30-2008, 08:12 PM   #296  
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Lynn, been out of the loop, but if you are thinking of doing South Beach, read the book, then come on over to the SB forum. It is what I am used to, but could not imagine any other "diet" at this point. After just 9 months, I feel wonderful and am really enjoying everything I eat and cook...the bonus is the 50lbs I've lost. I don't see myself ever going back to my "old way of eating". The reason I chose SB was to prevent diabetes and heart disease. (oh, yeah, and to look like "me" again!)
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Old 01-31-2008, 10:06 AM   #297  
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Morning you all....hope you are warm and safe! Off to run my errands and stand in line at the bank. I do everything online so this is not a usual task. I know they will make me mad. Florida isn't considered a "Southern" state but honestly things here work on Southern time and never be surprised that you have take things back for a redo. Like even an oil change takes 2 trips!

Lynn...I signed up for the menu planning program and am waiting for Tuesday's ideas. Thank you. karen3
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Old 01-31-2008, 11:05 AM   #298  
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Good Morning! Sorry I haven't been here for awhile.... No excuse except for I'm really tired of the snow, winds and cold temps!! We got another 6 inches of snow last night! I am so ready for Spring--

Still no news on the house. I think that between all the cold weather and getting so frustrated with the house I just can't seem to stay on a good track of eating and exercise! I just need a good swift kick in the pants and need to get a better attitude towards it all. I do know that but sometimes knowing it and doing it are totally different!

Sounds like everyone is doing pretty good here. I'll try to get back later to do personals. Have a great day!
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Old 01-31-2008, 11:28 AM   #299  
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Hello GG's, To all of you in the Souther states, wish i was there. To all the rest of us, hang on, spring will be here soon. Or, at least that is what i'm telling myself. This cold weather can't go on forever. can it?

Lynn, those darn lab tests tell us exactally what we don't want to hear. Need to though, to get us motivated sometimes. Hope you do well with the nenewed incentive, what ever diet you decide to follow.

YoYo and Marylynn, 2 MIL's? And you're still friendly with them? Got to say, I admire you. And them. Got to be some strong ladies there.

Cat, good to see you back. Glad you enjoyed visiting with your family.

Linda, Hope you picked up enough food to get you through this cold spell. I still drink my coffee black. I do drink the flavored creamers in the evening occasionally, for dessert.

Karen3, I didn't know you worked in the hospital too. Our mom's really laid some guilt trips on us didn't they? I'll have to ask my Son what I "scared" him with. Each generation swears we won't make the same mistakes our parents did. And we usually don't. We make our own!

Karen, sounds like you're getting cabin fevor. This winter does seem unusually cold, or maybe it's just me getting older. I still have my fingers crossed that someone will see your house and fall in love, want to move in tomorrow!

Birgit, I hope the Vit. C is working for you and you don't get sick.

I am looking forward to tomorrow! I don't know if I mentioned it or not, but for every month I don't gain weight, I'm getting a charm for my Pandora charm bracelet. And tomorrow is my first charm!! I'm excited. I know this little thing wouldn't work for everyone, but I'm hoping it keeps me on the straight and narrow.

Take care, Freda
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Old 01-31-2008, 11:42 AM   #300  
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hidey ho ladies,

Oooh Birgit, I hope you kick that bug quick. I hate feeling punk when it's cold out. Have you tried Airborne? I'ts got lots of zinc and usually helps me kick a cold in a couple of days instead of a week or more.

Lynn I sure hope the blood test didn't say anything too serious! Maybe just something you ate the day before the test had something elevated?

Femme - I've been doing fluitdity for 3 weeks and LOVE it. Already see lots of big improvements (I can actually sit down into a chair instead of plopping with a grunt now ) and have been able to move into some of the "intermediate" positions. Some of the moves are really tough (extra tummy and thighs keep getting in each others way ) but I got the package that came with the 3 different videos and I'm really looking forward to being strong enough to move to the next one. If you haven't exercised in a while don't push too hard though. Just follow the beginner example (a little toothpick named Winter) and you'll be surprised how quick you can move up.

My 2 MILs actually get along quite well these days. Not so in the past from some of the stories I've heard but MIL2 has been married to FIL for over 30 years now so I guess that old adage about time healing stuff is true. Both are always at all family functions. MIL2 is quite a bit younger than #1 (go figure ) but whenever #1 has had surgery or any hospital stay #2 is always the one who spends the most time there with her. Very pleasant. I can't imagine being that close to DHs ex. We really only communicate when there is something to do with grown kids (graduations, weddings, etc.) we just don't have enough in common to be social.

Weighed in this morning. Not much to report, only 1/2 lb down from last week but I honestly thought I would have gained because I feel like I'm eating sooo much (and was truly a glutton last weekend even if it was all healthy food) so I actually wasn't as disappointed as I expected to be. But I feel lighter (if that makes any sense) so hopefully I'll see a difference in measurements when I take those tonight.

Healthy, happy thoughts to all
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