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Old 01-22-2008, 06:03 PM   #211  
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OK - new mini challenge for me - slow down! I'm getting ever so better at eating the right foods now I have to slow down and enjoy it instead of behaving like a human vacuum cleaner. I'm thinking that's why I'm still having issues with feeling overfull after an awfully small meal - I'm practically swallowing it without chewing.

I was leaning more toward being a portion control person as opposed to a calorie counter but I think I'm going to have to start looking at at least an estimated calorie count for each meal - Having a few issues with thinking that I'm eating like a horse and fighting the urge to cut back but when I checked out what I've eaten so far today it adds up to just under 600 (of course I didn't weigh the tomato or put the grapefruit sections in a measuring cup so could be off but I don't think by much).
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Old 01-22-2008, 07:13 PM   #212  
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Hi you all...Just spoke to dd and it's warmed up to 31 there on the edge of the Pocono mountains after being 11 this am. It wasn't too polite what she said when told her it was 75+ here. Gosh it is fun to get her going.
Day3 of level one is done. Didn't cheat but still attempted. I make a hugh pot of vegies. Diced tomatoes okra corn lime beans carrots onions peppers any all left over vegies....this batch had zuchinni, mushrooms, black beans,cauliflower, gr beans, few peas,tons of garlic and chicken stock. So just scope a bowl and nuke. Dh calls it soup and pigs out happliy. Sure makes dinner cooking a snap. Do a salad and small meat portion. Heck I threw in some shrimp one day and served company Gumbo(they got the rice separate).
On South Beach you don't calorie count but think roughly I am eating about 1000 a day some days less. On level one I get leg and toe cramps that usually go away using V8 for extra potassium(but nor this time)...Jumped out of bed all nite long with toes heading North.....Any suggestions.
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Old 01-22-2008, 07:26 PM   #213  
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Default Let Cramps

Originally Posted by Karen3 View Post
On level one I get leg and toe cramps that usually go away using V8 for extra potassium(but nor this time)...Jumped out of bed all nite long with toes heading North.....Any suggestions.
Hi Karen3,

The traditional fix - take potassium and calcium supplements. I take my calcium at night & it keeps the leg cramps away.

The more bizarre fix - put a bar of soap (any face soap except Ivory) under your bottom sheet - down by your feet. I know - it sounds crazy but it actually works. When my cleaning lady changes my sheets, she sometimes removes the bar of soap - if I forget to check, I wake up with leg cramps.

Worth a try - yes?


PS - check on your medications to make sure none is causing the leg cramps.
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Old 01-22-2008, 08:02 PM   #214  
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Oh wow . . . I've definitely heard about the 'traditional' fix, but the 'bizarre' fix is a new one on me . . . I'll have to try it. Leg cramps are fairly common for diabetics unfortunately. An offshoot of the neuropathic problems we are prone to. If I've done an inordinate amount of walking during the day, I can almost count on having to get up to massage my calves a couple of times that night.
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Old 01-22-2008, 08:40 PM   #215  
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hehehhehehe Lynn...I can't decide whether to try the soap tonight or take some calium and potassium. Think I'll try the soap but have the tablets at my bedside. Tell all in the morning. karen3
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Old 01-23-2008, 07:08 AM   #216  
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Good Morning GG's, It continues to be cold and white here. I was out a few times yesterday, out of necessity. The main roads were clear but the side roads were very slick, as i found out a few times. Put The front wheel traction to a test.

Is it just me, or is everyones appetite kicking in, in this cold weather? i am being careful and staying on tract, but it's harder. Or maybe it's my body just trying to get those pounds back.

Phyllis, 4 lb. and 1 inch in one week? That is just too cool. Even though I have lost the weight, I still have this tummy. I am going to try the diet to see if the belly fat goes away. It's worth a try and you are a good indorsement. Wonder if Bobbi is doing ok with it.

As far as the leg cramps go, my Dr. recomended magnesium, and it worked for me and several of the other nurses. We are always on our legs for long hours and on hard surfaces. As far as the soap in the bed thing, what would it hurt. try it.

YoYo, I still have to calculate how much food I am getting sometimes. I measured everything for awhile, and got to the point that I could just "eyeball" it. After a time those portions got larger and larger and I had to get the measuring cups out again. In your case, sounds like you need to do the opposite, make sure you are getting enough food. And slow down and enjoy it. We are supposed to enjoy food, as well as be nourised by it.

Not a lot going on here today, but i do need to go shopping. I am still wearing most of my old clothes and last night my husband told me to "quit wearing all that baggy old stuff and get some pants that fit". Music to my ears and he doesn't have to twist my arm!!

Everyone have a good day, Freda
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Old 01-23-2008, 10:30 AM   #217  
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Sun is shining a little more sporadically today -- but it is trying and that's what counts. Temperatures are a little below the freezing mark and we did get a few inches of new snow overnight. The good news however is that our semi-sunny; semi-mild; and currently not-snowing conditions are supposed to continue from now right through the weekend. Hope they are right.

I was going to stick soap in my bed last night, but I forgot. Maybe I'll remember tonight.

Oh FREDA . . . there is no more wonderful feeling that actually having to buy smaller pants . . . enjoy.

Well, guess I'd better get myself moving and shaking -- it's almost noon and I've really not accomplished much so far today. Have a good one, gang and I'll see you all later . . .
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Old 01-23-2008, 10:32 AM   #218  
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Morning to all,

Gonna try that soap Lynn I've been getting those nasty cramps since I was a kid (although gotta admit that since "aunt flo" passed away they've happend much less often).

Gotta watch those sneaky marketing people! Yesterday DH stopped at the store to pick up a few things. Now I had been nattering on about balancing my Omega3s and 6s and yada, yada, yada. Bless his adorable little bald head he was actually listening! He was so proud of himself when he came home and presented me with a loaf of bread (big time national brand) that proclaimed itself as "containing Flax - high in Omega3". Had little hearts all over the package. Great big "Whole Grain with Flax Seed". Looked perfect - until, that is, I flipped it over and read the ingredients: Wheat flour, water, HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP! (gaaak), followed immediately by partially hydroginated something or other - both things I am diligently avoiding. I pretty much stopped reading at that point and skimmed looking for the flax seed - there it was, second to last. Didn't have the heart to tell DH I won't be eating the bread when he's trying so hard to be supportive (although I think it's mostly because he's afraid if I don't take care of my health he'll be left without me some day and will never be able to find his cell phone, glasses, wallet, or car keys again )

Tomorrow is weigh day (already!) and am a little nervous. Also went out and bought a measuring tape so will add measurements to the documentation

have a simply maaaavelous day all you lovely GGs!
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Old 01-23-2008, 12:56 PM   #219  
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Hello to all you friends--
Sorry I'm been incommunicado for a few days. I think I mentioned that my company recently moved. The good news is that we are now located in the same town in which I live - so I can walk to work! The bad news is that it has been the absolute worst move conceivable. Everything that could go wrong, did go wrong. The result is that we have been in our new space now for about 3 weeks, and we're still not really set up to work productively. But slowly and surely... on Monday furniture began arriving, so now we at least have desks to put our computers. Yesterday blessed us with some additional file cabs, so now we have a place to store stuff. This place is starting to look like a real office! In the meantime, of course, we have been completely disorganized and trying to do our jobs in a nearly unworkable environment. Very frustrating! Everything takes three times as long... But I think, finally, that we're nearly there.

It's amazing how much happens to all of you when I'm not able to get to a computer for a few days. i don't know where to start:

First of all, Bonnie - WELCOME!! Glad to have you aboard!

Freda, you reached your goal! Now that is just fantastic, and we are all excited for you (and of course, jealous). Now comes the hard part, huh? Not slipping back into those old habits is hard to do (I know, cuz I've "been there and done that" many times...) I know you can and will maintain your goal weight, though, because you have all of us.

Zoe, I am so happy that your sister came thru her ordeal successfully. that must be just a huge load off your mind.

Phyllis, 4#s and an inch - it doesn't get much better than that, huh? Congratulations, and keep up the great work.

Karen31 - don't you just love the Walk Away The Pounds DVDs? Anyone who can walk, no matter how clutzy (that would be me!) can do them - and really feel like you're getting a good workout. After having "done" the same DVD a few times, I really get tired of the chatter and the repetitive music, so I just mute them and put on my own music, doing the WATP steps. Works for me.

YoYo, you are an inspiration to me with your commitment to writing down every shred of food. I know that journaling your food is a really good weightloss tool. I know I should do that. I want to, I really really do... But maybe not so much cuz I just can't seem to bring myself there. On the other hand, I've been on my new and improved eating and exercise plan for over a week now, and I seem to be doing well without making additional changes right now. I haven't weighed myself, cuz I'm afraid of becoming obsessive about the scale (I can do that so EASILY...), but I'm feeling great and my clothes are definitely looser. So maybe I should just relax and not stress out about the things I'm NOT doing.

I've had a revelation this morning, as I was walking to work. When I left the office yesterday, I made the decision not to take my laptop home cuz it's kinda heavy. While walking this morning, I was really enjoying how light my backpack was without the laptop in it. Get this, kids - the thing weighs less than 5#s! I am carrying around 70 extra pounds on my body right now, every single day - everywhere I go! That's the equivalent of 14 laptops!!! Now there's an image, huh? If that doesn't inspire me to loose a few laptops, I don't know what will.

Be well, everyone, and keep on pluggin'...
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Old 01-23-2008, 03:25 PM   #220  
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Back from Maui -- sick as a dog . I will try to catch up with everyone on the weekend -- I have a small photoshare I will post at the same time. Very few pics of me -- felt very fluffy on this trip LOL. But I did get a great workout in the water every day.

More later -- gotta get some meds.
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Old 01-23-2008, 04:12 PM   #221  
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HI and welcome back Joanne.....I'm so sorry your sick! Can't wait to see pictures of the vacation and I hope you had a wonderful time.

Lyn, where are you going in Florida? I live in So. Florida....been nice and warm here. Hope it stays thatway for you.

Birgit, I love the L. Sansone walking DVD's. I did a mile this a.m.....trying to build back up to the 2 miles. It's good exercise for the whole body.

YoYo, the soap under the sheets is really suppose to work for most people so give it a try. It's in a Dr.'s column in the newspaper all the time. Let us know how it works. Lynn wouldn't send you in the wrong direction!

Bobbi, how is the diet are you back on it yet? I have seen you on-line there
and I'll have to invite you for a buddy. I'm enjoying the foods so far.

Way to go Freda, go buy those smaller pant!!!! Congrats.

Linda, glad the sun is shinning in your part of the world.....Stay warm.

Hi to everyone else, catch you later.

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Old 01-23-2008, 05:02 PM   #222  
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Originally Posted by floridarusty View Post
HI and welcome back Joanne.....I'm so sorry your sick! Can't wait to see pictures of the vacation and I hope you had a wonderful time.

Lyn, where are you going in Florida? I live in So. Florida....been nice and warm here. Hope it stays thatway for you.

Birgit, I love the L. Sansone walking DVD's. I did a mile this a.m.....trying to build back up to the 2 miles. It's good exercise for the whole body.

YoYo, the soap under the sheets is really suppose to work for most people so give it a try. It's in a Dr.'s column in the newspaper all the time. Let us know how it works. Lynn wouldn't send you in the wrong direction!

Bobbi, how is the diet are you back on it yet? I have seen you on-line there
and I'll have to invite you for a buddy. I'm enjoying the foods so far.

Way to go Freda, go buy those smaller pant!!!! Congrats.

Linda, glad the sun is shinning in your part of the world.....Stay warm.

Hi to everyone else, catch you later.

Hi Phyllis,

I tried to register for the Flat Belly diet program. They wouldn't let me. I got a message that said their program is not designed for those with Type 2 diabetes.

I was planning on beginning this on Friday - day I get my new Elliptical. I'm going to the Diabetes Association website & see if they have some kind of a weight program that they support.

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Old 01-23-2008, 05:18 PM   #223  
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Goodness Birgit, I never thought of myself as being inspiring to anyone
In fact I've been a little concerned that was leaning toward being just a tad O/C about it. And, I certainly didn't start out with "every shred". Took me a couple of months of forgetfulness and selective memory before I decided I needed to be brutally honest with myself.
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Old 01-23-2008, 06:45 PM   #224  
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Hi you all...well tried the soap between the sheets and didn't have any cramps, BUT my dreams were full of lovely half naked young Irish Lads........did I say it was Irish Spring soap!

Got thru day 4th without cheating and my cravings are disappearing. Tomorrow is a hard day since I don't play bridge on Thurs. Have to keep on the move or I will "just taste" something. karen3
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Old 01-23-2008, 06:52 PM   #225  
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Lynn....see you are in Bucks County....old stumping grounds for me. Went to high school outside Easton and later we used to go down to Chalfont trap shooting.....many many years ago. karen3
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