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Old 01-18-2008, 04:23 PM   #166  
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Hi everyone.. another cloudy day here but its not snowing we finally got shoveled and plowed out of over 12 " of new snow..we have had out of state relatives here for my nephews memorial.. to see everyone we all went out to eat last was fun to see my nieces and nephews(some i had not seen in 23 yrs) but sad also under the circumstances..and my meal was awful i hate paying good money for bad food on another note my mom is being released from the hosp today and she will go to my sisters home for a few weeks till shes stronger..hopefully she will be able to go to her place and live by herself with some assistance, thats what she wants..welcome to the new GG's and for all..and wtg's for those loosing and exercising(im still procrastinating on that )ttfn rosey

Last edited by akrosey49; 01-18-2008 at 04:24 PM.
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Old 01-18-2008, 05:09 PM   #167  
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Hi Everyone,

OK - I got all my students' first week's grades done so I feel like I can spend some time hanging out here with my friends.

Karen, about the FBD (Flat belly diet), I didn't read anything about eating fish in the Prevention magazine article.

Birgit, on the Board of Habitat! How great is that! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the work that your organization does. Wonderful for both the recipients and the workers!

Phyllis, how have you been feeling? Are you back to walking?

Bobbi and Marylynn, I'm goint to the website when I finish posting here.

Freda, doctor ordered X-rays - I got them taken today. They won't get report back to him until Monday. I guess I'll be off the arm machines at the gym for a while.

Yoyo, Elliptical comes next Friday. They are setting it up for me. Until my shoulder gets better, it will stay in the living room.
GOOD for you getting rid of Crystal Light! Linda (Meowee) and I both got rid of SF Cool Whip last month. I also got rid of diet soda.
Last thing left is Splenda - I use A LOT of that. Once I give that up, I'll be perfectly perfect in every way! I won't even be able to stand me.

Marylynn, the piece I had to read was titled, "Notes from the Underground." The premise seems to be - To enjoy life, one needs to embrace free choice in everything even if it means that one will act in opposition to one's best interests.
I finished with the Dostoevsky reading yesterday. This evening I'm on to Kierkegard.

Hi llavender, nice to meet you. Welcome to our World.

Hi Zoe, it's so good to "hear" from you. You've been missed. I'm sending my most sincere good wishes to a successful surgery for your sister.
Are you ready for me to send you the book about your ancestors?

Birgit, Congratulations on attacking the binge-eating. Get that under control & all else will follow.

Freda, the website is

Hi Rosey, sorry your family is going through so much. Take care of yourself.

I'm making chicken Marsala for dinner. Isn't quite as good without the bread & pasta, but it's still pretty tasty.

Take care, everyone,

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Old 01-18-2008, 07:23 PM   #168  
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Hi To All Thanks For All The Advice .I Need All The Help I Can Get .
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Old 01-18-2008, 10:28 PM   #169  
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Hello Everybody! We had a real heat wave here today!! It got clear up to 20 above!!! Right now the temp. is back down to 6 though so I'm sure we will be at 0 or below again tonight!

I got on the scales this morning and lost 2 pounds this week! I was really pretty happy since I really didn't get in the exercise that I really wanted to do. I just really need to get a good routine going again! It is just so easy to wrap up in an afghan and curl up on the couch when it gets this cold!

Bobbi, I'm so sorry to hear about the troubles with MIL. I know that has to be tough on you and DH. But try to stay strong and keep a smile on your face. Remember you have to take care of Bobbi too!

Marylynn, you are just doing so wonderful and now you have your hubby working right with you! That is awesome! If Tim ran a 10K there wouldn't be anything left of him!! It's too bad that I can't give him a few extra pounds and then we could both be in good shape!!

Bobbi and Lynn, I think I may have to go and check out this Flat Belly Diet a little more. It is really starting to interest me a lot. Keep us posted how you like it.

Zoe, It is good to hear from you again too! We're anxious to see pictures! I'll bet you have it fixed up so nice. Yeah, minus 20 is pretty darned cold!! I was wishing that I had worked harder to get Ginger and Sissy to learn how to use a litter box. I'll bet they were too!!

Rosey-- sounds like you are getting lots of snow there too. We haven't got so much snow but my goodness it has sure been cold! I don't look forward to getting our gas bill this month!

Freda-- If I'm not mistaken you have to order the book off the site. I don't think they have it for sale anywhere else right now -- I may be wrong though.

Welcome to Birgit, Ellie and Kim--- You are really going to love it here! Everyone is so great and very helpful--- and not just on weight loss ideas either!! Be sure to post often so we can get to know you.

Linda (meowee) I hope everything is going good for you. Are you getting lots of snow too?

Well, I hope some of the other GG's come back here soon. Anybody heard from Theresa lately? I hope things are going alright for her.

If I missed you this time-- sorry it wasn't on purpose. I hope everyone has a great weekend and I'll try to catch you later.
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Old 01-19-2008, 06:46 AM   #170  
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Know I've been MIA...very busy with company in town since Tuesday. Hopefully I can catch up with posts soon.This morning we are headed out till Monday afternoon for a family reunion of sorts in Mississippi. Taking my Mom and Aunt, Cousin and Sister up there to visit family...sounds like every minute will be jam packed with driving here and there for visits.

I went to my first photography class on Thursday night and it was like algebra to me. My eyes started glazing over while taking notes on "f -stops", asa, etc. Hopefully I'll catch on. It did force me to actually start reading the manual that came with my camera (I didn't read it all when I got it 3 years ago) and I found out it can do all kinds of neat stuff that I didn't realize it could do, like taking pictures quickly one right after the click click.
The guy who is teaching it is a cinematographer who also teaches Marines how to shoot pics in battle (he's also in Marine reserves and got called up to do photos in Iraq and took some amazing shots) very interesting guy who has a lot to teach. He has also done cinematography on tons of movies etc...Hope he didn't realized I was hopelessly "lost" in the class.

Hugs to all if I don't get back over the next few days. I've been a pretty good girl considering all the food porn that is going on around here right now. I've been at a plateau since Christmas, but hopped on the scale yesterday to find 3# gone...I've been too busy to stop and grab a handfull of nuts every now and then, and I'll bet that is what broke the plateau.

Last edited by femmecreole; 01-19-2008 at 06:47 AM.
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Old 01-19-2008, 08:05 AM   #171  
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Originally Posted by femmecreole View Post
I went to my first photography class on Thursday night and it was like algebra to me. My eyes started glazing over while taking notes on "f -stops", asa, etc. Hopefully I'll catch on. It did force me to actually start reading the manual that came with my camera (I didn't read it all when I got it 3 years ago) and I found out it can do all kinds of neat stuff that I didn't realize it could do, like taking pictures quickly one right after the click click.
The guy who is teaching it is a cinematographer who also teaches Marines how to shoot pics in battle (he's also in Marine reserves and got called up to do photos in Iraq and took some amazing shots) very interesting guy who has a lot to teach. He has also done cinematography on tons of movies etc...Hope he didn't realized I was hopelessly "lost" in the class.
Hi Cat,

How exciting. I can't imagine that your photos could get any better - you have such a great eye - but always good to learn new things - especially from a professional. Enjoy!

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Old 01-19-2008, 10:03 AM   #172  
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Hello all ~

Hope you all are having a nice weekend. Just checking in quick ~ work this weekend.

It is sunny here today ~ thank goodness. I feel so much in better spirits when it is sunny.

Yesterday was dreary and I was bummed. Had my anual review at work, and mostly it was good except for one comment that has just kept eating at me. (That I am slow ~ ie ~ don't get done in time ~ take too long to do things.) I just want to cry ~ I work really hard ( they did notice that). It has been a rugged year ~ work wise. I don't know what it is about this job ~ it just feels so much more stressful than my previous jobs. I have tried to find other jobs, with no luck. So I have sort of resigned myself that I am stuck there and to try to make the best of it, because the constantly wanting to get out and not being able to was making me miserable. Part of me wanted to just scarf down some cookies and chocolate yesterday. Thankfully there were none of those things in the house and it passed.

I hate to wish my life away, but I can't wait until I can retire. Or, wish that I could find some other job ~ I wouldn't have to love it ~ if it was one I just didn't mind going to.

Sorry this got long and was probably a downer. I appreciate being able to share. That helps some.

I'll have to do the personals another time. Have a few things to do then to bed for a nap before work.

Take care all
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Old 01-19-2008, 10:08 AM   #173  
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Hi Gang . . .

Here I am for my once every two days check-in . . . not that I want it that way mind you. It seems we are getting a nasty storm every other day followed by an absolutely gorgeous day before the next nasty storm. This is the beautiful and sunny and calm day so . . . my electricity is stable and I get to post (and keep the house warm too -- do you think shivering a lot can be counted as exercise?). Hey, I could manage the fact that it is still Winter and storms are bound to occur if said nasty storms would just quit playing 'silly buggers' with the power supply. Tomorrow we are supposed to get snow again but with relatively calm winds so maybe -- just maybe -- I'll get a lucky break and be around here twice in a row.

Anyway . . . better get things done while I've got a chance . . . bit HI for everybody and a big WELCOME to the newbies. See you again soon.
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Old 01-19-2008, 10:49 AM   #174  
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Gayle - we'll hear anything you want to say! Don't worry about being a downer. I know yesterday was the pits - we live in the same area, and it was cold, cloudy, rainy - just awful all day and all night. And your shift, time of year, etc., probably has something to do with how you feel. Do they want it fast, or do they want it right?? And we all do it - focus on the one thing that was negative instead of all the good things they had to say, right? You've got to let it go - and BTW congrats on not eating the bad stuff. Just turn the negative into a positive and look for areas where you can improve your response time. How great will it be at your next review to see that they have nothing negative to say!! And you know what, where my husband works, they are told to find at least one area that needs improvement for each employee - that there's no such thing as the perfect employee. So it's not just you - they probably had to find some area that needs improvement for everyone.

What a beautiful day here. It's cold - well, for us - it's only 40F, but the sky is the brightest blue!! Such an improvement over yesterday's dreary doldrums. I talked with my Lt. about the neighbor guy moving back in, and he gave me reassurance and support. He also gave me some positive directions to go in dealing with the situation. DH will be implementing some of his suggestions over the next couple of weeks, just to give me a better sense of security. The last couple of days have been fairly quiet, but it's the weekend now, and time to get drunk! Not that Beavis confines his drinking only to the weekend, but if he gets picked up again, I'm assured there will be no bail.

DH is at a gunshow this morning, but this afternoon we're going to Hobby Lobby and then out to dinner. I'm thinking Applebee's cause they have the WW menu there, and there's no guess work on my part.

Have a great weekend, and to those of you in the frozen north!! You have my sympathies Please return the favor this summer when we hit 100F or face a hurricane.....
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Old 01-19-2008, 11:18 AM   #175  
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Originally Posted by glynne View Post
Hello all ~

Yesterday was dreary and I was bummed. Had my anual review at work, and mostly it was good except for one comment that has just kept eating at me. (That I am slow ~ ie ~ don't get done in time ~ take too long to do things.) I just want to cry ~ I work really hard ( they did notice that). It has been a rugged year ~ work wise. I don't know what it is about this job ~ it just feels so much more stressful than my previous jobs.
Take care all
Hi Gayle,

Your post reminds me of a place I used to work. SPEED was VERY important to everyone there.


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Old 01-19-2008, 11:24 AM   #176  
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Default Where's my Belly Button?

About measuring the "belly." OK, on tv today, there was a show about measuring the "belly fat." She said to measure at the waist - where the belly button is & then at the hips. If your waist measurement is 85% or more of your hips measurement, you have dangerous belly fat.

I've also read that waist measurement for women shouldn't be above 32 inches.

Here's my issue - If I put tape measure at my belly button, and then measure circumference from there, it's not around my waist - it's lower. Is my belly button in the wrong place?

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Old 01-19-2008, 12:14 PM   #177  
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Gayle, Hey Girl, CONGRATULATIONS! on getting an annual review that was nearly all good. Please focus on the positive, and let the negative go. Is being slower than "they" would like something that you can change? Do you want to change it? If so, go ahead and try to work on making that change. More likely, however, my guess is that you are the type of wonderful person who does things slowly, methodically, and RIGHT. I see that you are a nurse. Frankly, you are exactly the kind of person I would want at MY bedside! So please, give yourself a huge break, OK? And congratulations on not going for the food afterwards. That is fantastic!

Lynn, I'm not actually sure that you meant to be funny, but I burst out laughing when I read your post about your misplaced bellybutton. I'm quite sure that mine has gone somewhere south on a holiday, as well. Years and years of far more than the recommended space between it and my backbone, and well - just years and years of gravity ... my bellybutton is no longer where one would expect it to be. But you know what? I don't need a tapemeasure to tell me that I carry around a dangerous amount of belly fat. That's why I'm here, after all. But I truly, truly wish you good luck with your bellybutton project and hope that you find that your measurements are not quite as dire as I know mine would be.

Meowee - I don't know if shivering burns calories, but I do know that being cold does. We actually burn extra calories keeping our bodies warm. You also burn extra calories running around the house resetting all those clocks after a powerfailure See? There's all sorts of benefits to living in the frozen north.

Cat, good luck with that photography class. Your teacher sounds like a very interesting and talented guy. I tried taking a class too, several years ago and like you got totally confused by all the technical jargon. I gave up on the class and decided to just have fun with the camera, doing the stuff I knew how to do. By sheer luck some photos come out great, and others are a disappointment. But that's life, right?
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Old 01-19-2008, 12:39 PM   #178  
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Zoe, I will send some prayers and good vibes for you sister. I know it's a scary operation but things are so advanced in the heart field now that I am sure it will go fine and she will be up and back to normal in no time. Congrats on getting settled in, I can't wait to start packing! Let us know how your sis does.

Lynn, I just finished a slow 1 mile DVD, my foot seems to be fine now but I still tend to baby it. I hope the x-ray shows nothing major. How is the class your taking going? You sure stay busy!

Hi Gayle, I'm so sorry you don't like where you work...that makes for long hours. Hey, come here and vent we don't mind. How is that new grandbaby?

Birgit, sounds like your making great worst time of day is 4 p.m, I could eat everything in my house. It's hard to break old eating habits, 21 days to break a habit....

Bobbi, that must really be so hard with you MIL. Bless your hearts it has to be such an unthankful job. Are you still on the farm? Did you buy a condo? Sorry just full of questions....

For those of you asking about the Flat Belly Diet, you have to order the hard cover book from Prevention Magazine or from the online site. I didn't order the book but joined on-line. The Sassy water is only to drink for the first 4 days of the diet and 1200 calories/day, it is pretty restricted. The next 28 days you get more calories (up to 1600) and many added food choices. First 4 days are to remove bloat, calm the GI tract. Take a look at the on-line site.

I made it thru the first day OK and lost one lb. I know it's only going to be water but I'm hoping for 4-5 lbs. Then I know I can stay on the plan for 28 days and they give you all the daily menus....ha so I don't have to think too hard!

Karen, fish is in the foods to eat but I only have it once in a week on my plan, well plus some tuna fish for lunch. My dh doesn't like fish much either.
Hope you and Linda stay WARM!

Welcome new ladies, nice to see you here.

I'll try to catch up more later in the day. Hi to everyone....Cat the class sounds great, I never read the book that came with my camera either, I know it does a lot more that what I am doing.

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Old 01-19-2008, 02:02 PM   #179  
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Default The search for the belly button

Originally Posted by Sandypickle View Post
Lynn, I'm not actually sure that you meant to be funny, but I burst out laughing when I read your post about your misplaced bellybutton. I'm quite sure that mine has gone somewhere south on a holiday, as well. Years and years of far more than the recommended space between it and my backbone, and well - just years and years of gravity ... my bellybutton is no longer where one would expect it to be. But you know what? I don't need a tapemeasure to tell me that I carry around a dangerous amount of belly fat. That's why I'm here, after all. But I truly, truly wish you good luck with your bellybutton project and hope that you find that your measurements are not quite as dire as I know mine would be.

It's funny to me - glad it made you laugh. I'm with you - no matter where I measure, my belly still comes out too big.

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Old 01-19-2008, 03:33 PM   #180  
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Default Karen3

Hello everyone....I have been wandering around for months looking for a new forum.When South Beach site crashed I lost my home and I think my incentive. I have lost 52lbs and am half way there, but now finding 1600 excuses why not eat something stupid! We retired 7 years ago to Florida and love it to death. Only question we ask is why did we wait. We live on a tiny river just off the Gulf. It is actually cooler here in the summer than there Eastern Shore of Maryland where we moved from. I am a bridge player and addicted to the game. I play 4 days a week and just love going off for week long tournaments. The next one is in Feb. down in Sarasota.
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