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Old 01-17-2008, 01:02 PM   #151  
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Hello to Everyone -
It's lunchtime, and I thought I'd take a moment to write to you all. I'm not sure that I'll have the time this evening - I am on the Board of the local Habitat for Humanities affiliate and we have a meeting tonite.

YoYo - 26 degrees is waaayyy cold when you're not used to it. My brother lives in Florida and he recently visited me in VT while we were having an unseasonably warm late Fall. Everyone around me was reveling in the lovely weather, running around in shorts and flipflops, while my poor brother could not get warm enough.

And Karen - minus 20??? We get those kind of days here in VT too, and it can be absolutely bonechilling. A good excuse to sit by the fire (or the radiator) with a hot cup of tea and a good book, huh?

Here it's in the mid-teens these days. Not too unpleasant. My company recently moved to the same rural little town that I live in, so now I can actually walk to and from work every day. That feels absolutely fabulous! Before I had a 24 mile RT commute - still not too bad, but walking is better. It's only about a mile each way, and the first couple of days I thought I was gonna die. But yesterday on my way home I noticed that I wasn't having a hard time walking, and this morning I was practically skipping. It's pathetic, how out of shape I am - but I can already feel myself getting healthier. One small step at a time. And in these days of global warming and exorbitant gas prices, not having to take my car out of the garage is just an extra bonus!

Be well, everyone, and have a great day.
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Old 01-17-2008, 05:26 PM   #152  
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Karen, I am just starting the diet but you can pretty much choose what you want to eat on your own plan. Just the first 4 days are restricted but only fish one night on my 4 day plan.

Lynn, ask Bobbi about the book, I don't have it. I just joined the on-line group which has tons of info....I just have to read it all. You seem like your doing very well on your own plan, I'll have to see what they have put together for my days after the first 4 days, which is the start up plan, I'll let you know.

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Old 01-18-2008, 06:00 AM   #153  
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Default Flat Belly Diet

Phyllis and Lynn, I do have the book but haven't had the chance to look thru it yet. I did learn lots from the online site, the first 4 days of the plan are pretty rigid. After that you can eat what you like, 4 meals a day at 400 calories, always get some beneficial oil in, Flax, olive oil, etc. It can be in the form of olives, peanut butter, etc. I'll try to get around to reading the book today and let you know. We're having MIl problems, I made 9 or 10 copies of the note hubby wrote out for her, we took them in yesterday and posted them all over her apartment. (For those who don't know, she has dementia and asked us the same questions 3 times a day) She keeps asking if we have her credit cards, money, blah, blah, blah. So tired of it, not following this great new Flat Belly diet, need help. Just shoot me!
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Old 01-18-2008, 08:49 AM   #154  
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Good Morning G G's, It's cold outside! But compaired you to Karen, it's downright balmy! -20 below? I wouldn't get out of the hosue! And in weather like that chili, stews and baking is called for.

Lyn, Don't you love strength training? Right now that's all I can manage to do, but it always makes me feel strong. And it's one thing us women usually lack, upper body strength.

Meowee, Miss you, hope you get to post more soon.

Debbie. existentialism? Now what the heck is that?

YoYo, YEAH!!!! you lost 2.2lb. Way to go!!! And now that you have gotten a scale you can keep recording thos losses.

Phyllis, I'm crossing my fingers (and eyes) that the couple that looked at your condo is ready to make an offer so you can move closer to those grandkids! I am really interested in joining the flat belly diet too. I have to get some information. Yu joined on line?

Lynn. I hope the Dr. helped some with that sore shoulder. And I'm glad to hear that the scales have started to move in the right direction again. AND you get to eat more calories while you're doing it.

Birget, You are walking to and from work with the weather in the midteens? You are remarkable. I love walking outside, but once it's that cold it's the treadmill for me. But that is an excellent way to get your exercise in a useful manner. Nerver really understood those people who would drive for 10 min. in a parking lot, looking for a spot up front, when they were going inside to walk. I always park at the very back of the lot. Every step counts, ya know.

Everyone, stay warm, have a good day, Freda
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Old 01-18-2008, 10:00 AM   #155  
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Default Farewell beloved Crystal Light

Didn't even look at the thermometer this morning - sometimes it's better not to know.

Hee-hee Freda - I agree, never could understand the peeps who circle the parking lot like vultures trying to get the spot closest to the door of the gym.

I used to walk to work too Birgit. Loved it and got in great shape but then changed jobs. Now I'm 10 miles away. I'd probably get here eventually but would have to turn around and go back home for a shower. I think my coworkers like it better that I drive

Doesn't your eliptical get delivered today Lynn? Be careful that you don't re-injure your shoulder setting it up. With the piece of equipment I bought the hardest part of the workout is getting it out and putting it away

Well, I'm on to the next step of my reformation - I am supposed to be eliminating processed sugar AND artificial sweeteners. I've been very steadfast and not given in so this morning I pitched that last little tub of Crystal Light I've had stashed in the back of the cupboard I truly love the stuff (possibly addicted?) but there is nothing in there but synthetic this and artificial that - even diluted by water, as much as I was drinking it can't have been good. Sad (heavy sigh) but feeling very empowered.

Here's to good health for GGs
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Old 01-18-2008, 10:33 AM   #156  
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Happy Friday!

Freda thanks, you made me smile with your description of people having to park as close as possible to the mall so they can mall walk. Loved that.

This is a fun time of the year. Lots of marketing for fitness stuff & new diets coming out on the market. May we all keep level heads & stick to those plans that are lifeworthy. I'm enjoying that belly plan myself & am now reading Bob Greene's book about living my best life. So far so good, love getting to add the extra goodies (almonds, olive oil, avocados, pesto) to my meals. Bob is sensible & does not suscribe to doing anything quickly, which seems to work for me (as evidenced by my creeping wt loss.... I'm hoping for a five pound loss before summer, woohoo!)

Bobbi I'm thinking of you. What you're going through with your MIL could well be some of us in the future. Have you thought about giving her a little pocket change & a few dollars, maybe even an expired cc so when she checks her purse she can feel a little secure that there's something there? That might not work for her. I don't know. I do have a mentally ill (Schizophrenic) big sister who cannot manage five dollars (years ago my dad about had a stroke when she wrote a check to Billy Graham for 4K & it cleared... so much for bank access). We try to keep a handful of change & a twenty that's been broken into ones/fives & a ten in her purse to keep her calmer. I'm thinking that with dementia, sometimes people need to have reassurance that they're not on the verge of being a bag lady. Good luck to you & try to take some time for yourself. You deserve it.

Welcom Birgit! How cool is that when you can walk to work! I'm a big believer that life is messy enough, make it simple. Looking forward to more of your posts.

Kim/Yoyo congratulations on the 2.2. I missed the part about having to get rid of artificial sweetners but am sure there's good logic behind it. What's the thinking? I pitched my Crystal Lite too after I saw it had aspartame in it (saw some reports that aspartame actually boosts an appetite....!) Now I'm down to 2 cups coffee, green tea & water. Sigh. Soon it will just be filtered water I guess. You're virtuous lady.... keep it up!

Lynn, are we discussing the Dostoevsky (however it's spelled, I cut/paste your spelling) as in Crime & Punishment? My dh loves that guy's work & I was never more depressed trying to plod through it. Kudos to anyone who can read it & walk away feeling good about being alive! Hope your shoulder gets properly diagnosed & you get to feeling better. Could it be your rotator cuff? It's not hard to injure that one & it takes forever to heal. Good luck to you.

Welcome Ellie! You & Birgit have found what I believe to be the nicest group of online friends around. These people are genuine & no one will judge you here. Post more, would love to get to know you better!

Debbie your neighbors sound like a nighmare! Here's hoping that they decide to move..... far far away! I'm so sorry you have to put up with that silliness. AND..... really sorry to hear of the lightpole in the sewer line problem. Repeat after me.... it's all good.... it's all good..... this is fun..... Thinking of you & wishing I could help.

Fun day for me. I make my own laundry detergent (2 bucks for 4 gallons is my kind of cheap) so it's soap day, the dogs have lost their mind & seem to think going for a long walk in 22 degrees will be fun & plan to catch up on reading before hitting the gym w/ my newfound athletic dh tonight.

Everyone take care, consider yourself hugged & have a wonderful weekend!

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Old 01-18-2008, 11:11 AM   #157  
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Hello everyone. I introduced myself above - but it seems this is where all the action is .

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Old 01-18-2008, 11:40 AM   #158  
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Default Artificial sweeteners a no-no

Hi MaryLynn,

The idea is to get to a diet with the fewest processed and chemically enhanced sugars as possible; and artificial sweeteners are either entirely synthetic or are still sugars just chemically processed to reduce the calories. If your body chemistry is on track so that fewer calories and exercise keeps you headed toward (or at) a healthy weight then a little Splenda now and then is not an issue. But, some of us have so unbalanced ourselves through horrid eating habits, crash diets, diet pills (remember the days when every OTC diet pill was 90% ephedra? Some of us subsisted entirely on coffee and ephedra with a beer thrown in now and then for good measure), etc. that the only way to try and rebalance and restore some semblence of a metabolism is to give our poor, stressed out little livers a break and try to feed them stuff that's easy for them to process until they get their strength back.

Honestly, when I look back at the abuse I've heaped on my dear little internal organs over the years - all in the name of being thin - I am amazed, and supremely, grateful that I am still here at all much less showing remarkably little permanent damage. I'd probably be one amazing old broad if I'd figured this out sooner but better late than never huh? Here's to amazing old broads
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Old 01-18-2008, 11:42 AM   #159  
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Hi Llavender!

Looking forward to getting to know you!
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Old 01-18-2008, 12:09 PM   #160  
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"Honestly, when I look back at the abuse I've heaped on my dear little internal organs over the years - all in the name of being thin - I am amazed, and supremely, grateful that I am still here at all much less showing remarkably little permanent damage. I'd probably be one amazing old broad if I'd figured this out sooner but better late than never huh? Here's to amazing old broads "

I think that about myself every day. Not just in the name of being thin, but in following advice from other people whose goal was to make money for the most part - not help others get healthy, even though that was their claim. I'm very slowly undoing that damage. I don't know how much damage is permanent, and probably never will - but at least I can see some things getting better now.

Last edited by llavender; 01-18-2008 at 01:13 PM.
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Old 01-18-2008, 12:46 PM   #161  
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Default Amen to things getting better

Coming to this site is a great step in the right direction Llavender. Any advice you get here is going to come from someone's personal experience. And no one is going to tell you "This is the right way" or try to sell you something that promises you can eat all you want and lose 25lbs a week while you sleep, and have a sexy, ripped body.

I've noticed that almost every time someone offers advice they preface it with "what worked for me" instead of "what you should do". If you feel good about what seems to be a minor accomplishment you'll get the applause you need to stay motivated and if you feel bad about a slip you'll get support, commiseration, and then a very gentle scolding to get you back on track.

So keep coming back and, when your ready, share your experiences and ask questions.
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Old 01-18-2008, 02:07 PM   #162  
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Hmmmm. Dragging my tired ole self back in to say “hey” to all the Golden ones, and our new Golden Girls who snuck in when I wasn’t looking…welcome, Birgit, Kim and Ellie!
We are just about settled in. Sorta. Pretty much. Few things left to do, but they aren’t critical to our survival or anything. We’ll get to them sooner or later. I’ll take a few pics, too, when DH finds the digital camera. (Just kidding - he guards that thing with his life - we’ll get a few pics soon so you’ll be able to see for yourselves that we’ve gotten past the “living in squalor” stage, anyway). Haven’t been counting calories or points or looking into the “flat belly” diet, although I’m definitely going to do that soon. So far I’m holding steady, but we all know where “steady” can lead when you stop being careful. I don’t want all my efforts to date to be wasted. It sure is hard to diet properly when so much else is going on, though.
MaryLynn, thanks so much for the support you and Rik have already given us….I guess it probably is likely that we’ve lost the numbers. DH has gotten behind in his studies with all the moving tasks and such, but will get back at it soon, and then very likely will want another chat. I’ll PM you - and thanks again! And tell Rik we said congrats on running that 10K!!!!! Awesome! (Looks like you’ve been a good influence, eh?)
Freda, I was thinking of you when they held the Michigan primaries. Looks like your state stood behind its native son. All I can say is that he was our governor, and I wouldn’t vote for him for garbage collector. And, since this isn’t the place to express our political or religious leanings, I’ll leave it at that. Forgive me my spouting off, puleeze? And congrats on clothes getting too big! Gotta love THAT!
Omigosh, Bobbi. That MIL of yours is something else! Well, I hope the multiple notes help some. You sure have been through the wringer with her!
Phyl! I’ve got my fingers crossed on your Florida condo selling. Hey - maybe you can sell it furnished and then just pack your bags and head for Ohio! (Wouldn’t THAT be awesome???!!!!) (I think you said you were bringing just a few pieces with you, though, right?)
Karen did you say MINUS 20 degrees? Omigosh! We’ve had some temperatures in the single digits and thought we’d re-entered the ice age! I don’t think I’ve ever experienced - 20 degrees, unless we’re talking wind chill factor. We have a few like that every winter, but minus 20 actual degrees is pretty rare here in MA. I’m thinking I wouldn’t be a very happy camper if I had to deal with that too often. Well, next winter you’ll be in MO - that’s a little less extreme, isn’t it?
Hope your shoulder’s feeling better, Lynn - but congrats on dropping some weight. That’s a good feeling, I know.
Ooooh, Debbie/TX!!!!! I sure hope you don’t have any trouble with that neighbor! Hopefully, he’ll get locked up and your worries will be over! I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you!
Meowee-Linda - yup. We had a nice January thaw too followed by more danged snow. We were supposed to get more last night, but it seems to have mostly rained, and it looks to be melting some out there. I didn’t go out. Feels like I’ve got some kind of stomach virus thing going on…and headachey…so I called out of work. Probably more tired than anything else. It’s been a crazy month or so for us.
Sounds like you’re on track for the new year, Lyn…I wish I could get myself organized and do some real exercising (besides unpacking boxes, hanging drapes and arranging stuff, I mean). Hopefully I’ll be back to a decent routine soon.
Hugs to you Rosey, and you, too, Gayle. Hope all is well at your ends of the world.
My sis is having open heart surgery on Monday - she had a heart catheterization done this past Monday, and needs a valve replaced. I don’t know how I forgot to mention THAT, but we’ve been dealing with all of that this past week, too. I’ve been awfully worried.
Well, that’s all for now.
Hugs all around, and have a good weekend, Golden Girlies!

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Old 01-18-2008, 02:17 PM   #163  
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YoYo, those were very wise, sweet, and true words. Thank you.

Llavender, I am glad you found this site and we are all looking forward to getting to know you better, supporting you on your path to getting healthy, and most of all - being supported by you.

And YoYo again, I so know what you mean about all the abuse we have heaped on our bodies. Sometimes I think it's a miracle that I'm still alive - so many in our shoes are not. I worry about my bloodpressure, and my cholesterol levels, and could diabetes be lurking around the corner? How could it not... But miraculously, here I am and in relatively good health. Our bodies are amazing regenerative things.

Bobbi, I am so sorry to hear about the stress you are experiencing around your MIL. Dementia is so, so hard... both for the person who is afflicted and for the people who love and care for her. I am sure she is terrified pretty much most of the time, and I'll bet you and your husband are too. This is a bumpy ride and all of you will just have to hang in there and "go with it." I hope that you are getting as much support as possible: someone to come in occasionally to provide respite, maybe feed her, take her for walks and to doctor's appts, etc. I assume that you are connected with the local elder care social service agencies in your community? If not, please reach out to them to see what sort of services they can provide for your MIL, and for you as well. I wish you much luck!

I am doing well, so far. Didn't walk to work today, cuz I had a meeting and needed my car. But four days out of five this week ain't half bad, I think. M food intake is working pretty well, too. My entire food-related focus is on NOT BINGEING! I am not focussing yet, on what I eat and avoiding certain things. I try, at each meal, to get in touch with what my body tells me she wants to eat - and then I eat it. Even if it's a porkchop fried in olive oil. The good news is that when I had that for dinner recently, I only ate one - and not the entire 6-pack. I ate a second one for lunch the next day, and froze the rest. Now for me, that's real progress.

Hugs to all - and hope you all have a great start to the weekend.
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Old 01-18-2008, 02:41 PM   #164  
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Default Yay Birgit

Good job on getting a handle on the portion control!!! And, if you only had one, a pork chop in olive oil is not as bad as you think it is - The olive oil is supposed to have the "good" fat that we need so, see, you've even already got a head start on switching over to healthy food
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Old 01-18-2008, 02:52 PM   #165  
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Hi again everyone, I went shopping this morning for food to take to work for the next 2 days. I also looked for the book, the flat belly diet. Couldn't find it anywhere. I put in a request at the library and they didn't have it either. I know I'll find it sooner or later, but in the mean time, Phyllis or Bobbi, what is in the Miracle Water? Looks like lemon and they mention ginger, but what else? If you don't mind sharing. I want to start with that right away. Bobbi, where did you get the book?

Bobbi, I know how frustrating and sad it is to see your MIL get like she is. I can only imagine how she must feel. One of my patients that had dementia said to me "I know I am losing my mind and I'm scared". he was crying and I tried to confort him, but what can you say?

Marylinn, My dad was schizophrenic. He was ok and did quite well with the meds untill he was much older and then it seemed that he just "lost it all". He became very paranoid and had to be placed in a group home. It's sad. It's like he died, only worse. Watching him retreat into his own little world was devistating.

Lavender, Did I say WELCOME? IF not, you are! This is a great bunch of people.

YoYO and Lavender, Isn't it amazing how much abuse our bodies can withstand and still come out intact? God sure knew what he was doing when he made us, didn't he? But of course our bodies do run better on the right fuel. I always say it's like a car. You can put bad gas in there and it will sputter along, stall occasionally, or even shut down. Put some good gas in there and it will run well, be dependable. Just like us.

Zoo, Good to hear from you again. Hope things are back to normal soon. I can't wait to see pictures of what you've done, I know they will be smart and colorful, and sophisticated. Just like you. Prayers for you and your sister during her surgery. Hope you're not coming down with the flu. It's probably just your body rebelling against all the stress. It needs some time down.

Everyone have a great weekend, Freda
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