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Old 01-28-2008, 09:06 AM   #271  
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Hi GG's. I enjoy comming here and "visiting" with all of you. My mom had 8 kids and the house was always full. But she always said if 1 was missing it left an empty space. The same here. So, hope to see the rest of you soon.

It remains cold and white here. More snow yesterday, and more aches that come with the cold weather too. Isn't it funny, when you finally have the time and money to do more things, you're too tired to do them? Zoe, I know what you mean about going out. We used to stay out all night, go out for breakfast, and go to work. Now I think it was just a dream. Did I really do that?

Lynn, Hope your shoulder is feeling better. Did you go for therapy yet? What did they say? How was the movie? I'm like you and Zoe, I am seldom happy with the movies after I have read the book.

Zoe, Looking forward to those pictures. My house needs a little shaking up, color wise. It's looking a little boring right now. And the family room is especially shaggy. It has to be redone this spring and i'm looking for ideas.

Marilynn, Nice to have your hubby running with you, and a good incentive too. Can't let him just start out and beat you! A little friendly competition is a good thing. I hear you about trying to save more the closer you get to retirement. It's made me more frugal too. But the soap seems like something I could use anyway. My grandkids have allergies and GD has asthma. Having the cleaning solution with no additives might really benefit them.

Birgit, Glad you made it back safe and sound. Yes, seeing a really bad accident makes us count our blessings. I'm a country girl at heart too. I live in a suburb, postage stamp sized yard, but really would love a garden. I compensate with plating lot of tomatoes, about all I have room for. Got to get out and play in the dirt some how. Ah...maybe when we retire.

Linda, I love homemade soup and make it often. What kind did you make? Always looking for some good recipes. Hope the bad weather you're expecting doesn't come. But, usually it's the good weather they predict that we don't get.

Everyone have a good day, Freda
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Old 01-28-2008, 09:21 AM   #272  
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Good morning, Folks -

I braved the big bad scale this morning and found I had lost 7#s since I initially signed on to 3FC on 1/12/08. Pretty cool, eh? But you wanna know how nuts I am? I looked at the numbers on the scale and was at first deeply disappointed... what - I've been doing so well for over two weeks, and I'm STILL fat??? It's been 2 wks - I should look like Julia Roberts by now, shouldn't I??

But then I got a grip. Seven pounds down is pretty darn good. Certainly a whole lot better than 7#s up, which I could so easily do. So - WAHOO!!! I'm on the right track!

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Old 01-28-2008, 09:48 AM   #273  
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Brigit, 7 lbs. is awesome..... Congrats!!!!! Great job.

Zoe, so glad to hear all is well with your sister and your getting settled in your new place! I'm sure a lot of stress has been released and when you get to go visit your Sis it will be a special trip.

Lynn, sorry the shoulder is hurting so bad....yep guess you should keep the PT appt. How is your "little sister" doing, is she still causing some problems at home, she is at such a hard age. Oh, I loved Cider House Rules also and I too find that books and movies can really be so different. Let us know how you like the new movie.

Out of time here so I will try and check back in later. Flat Belly Diet is going fine but I did have a slip or two over the week-end but back on track as of yesterday.

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Old 01-28-2008, 10:15 AM   #274  
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Quick check in from FL. We got here in 2 days of driving with no mishaps other than a mean state trooper in NC who stopped my DH when he changed lanes and cut him off {or so he said). We said we were just tired and he let us go instructing us to stop driving for the day. We did...and then had breakfast with an old friend in Columbia SC. It's clear and cool here...but we are right on the beach. Just walked abut 2 miles and took lots of birds-in-the -water photos. Unfortunately my back is in spasm because of the driving I fear. I thought walking might help. Maybe a dip in the cold ocean water!

I just read through the lst 3 days posts...Rosey my prayers are with you. Lynn, hope your shoulder is better....Birget congrats on your loss! Love to all my other GG friends!


Last edited by lynard21; 01-28-2008 at 10:17 AM.
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Old 01-28-2008, 10:27 AM   #275  
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Morning all you wonderful GGs!

Gosh Rosey, I'm so sorry to hear your mom is worse. I know you're focused on her but don't forget to take care of yourself too.

Positive thoughts headed out for your friend Linda. Sure hope everything works out OK.

Yay Birgit ! Good job with the 7#s and making the road trip without falling into old habits. I love the wallet in the trunk idea! Glad you got home safe too. I know what you mean about the scale - I do that too. Doesn't seem to matter if I've lost (or at least haven't gained), I seem to want to be all poo-pooey because I'm not 120 lbs yet. That's kind of why I try not to weigh more than once a week. Notice I said try Sometimes the suspense just kills me and I have to sneak a peek.

Did you get your new eliptical Lynn? I know you were going to give your shoulder a rest until you see how the PT goes but just wondering if it actually showed up on time

Big doings around here this weekend was the fire at the Monte Carlo. Could have been horrific but our firefighters did a spectacular job getting it under control and put out without letting it get inside the building. From what I understand there were only 18 people who were treated for smoke inhalation - none life threatening. After injuries, I was feeling bad for the employees who won't be able to return to work for a while but turns out MGM Corp. (who owns that property) is going to pay everyone for up to 30 days. They already have some people back in there cleaning up smoke & water damage and I really won't be surprised if they don't find a way to close off the top floors and have the casino back open in time for the Super Bowl. We're having some pretty high winds right now so I think the biggest concern is debris blowing down and bopping someone.

I was a little bit bad this weekend so staying away from the scale wasn't a problem this morning. I was actually planning on letting myself have a day off from the diet but, surprisingly, I didn't really have a desire for any of the old unhealthy stuff. Stuck really well to the better foods - just ate more of them so not as bad as I could have been but still feel a little plump this morning.

Gotta run. Work to do. Hugs and healthy, happy thoughts to all.
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Old 01-28-2008, 10:54 AM   #276  
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Oh wowee . . . they definitely got the weather forecast right (too bad it only seems to happen when the prediction is for the bad stuff) -- it is uuuuggggllllyyyy out there. Also giving me a migraine (happens a lot when the weather is bad). Just wanted to say a quick HI before I head back to pull the covers over my head for a bit and hope the headache is gone when I get up again.

Hope the rest of you are having an okay kind of day . . .
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Old 01-28-2008, 12:35 PM   #277  
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Good morning everyone,

Hi Zoe, I'm with you - I typically love Irving's books, but didn't like that Circus one. You will LOVE Kite Runner - would LOVE to discuss with you & anyone else who wants to read it - the movie was EXCELLENT. I felt ABSOLUTELY drained when I walked out of there.

Hi Karen3 - there are LOTS of low-carb recipes on the internet. I also belong to a GREAT service that sends me a week of low-carb dinner recipes every Tuesday. Let me know if you want info on this.

Hi Linda (Meowee) - sorry to hear about your bad weather & about your headache. Take care.

Hi Julia - opps make that Birgit - glad you're back home safe and sound. CONGRATULATIONS on 7 pound loss! PS - only on Biggest Loser do folks lose double-digit numbers after the initial water loss.

Hi Freda - PT is this afternoon - dentist was this morning. I'll let you know what happens with the shoulder.

Hi Phyllis - Little Sister is being a "terrible teen" - I am at a loss - much as I was when my dd was 15. I'm going to try to talk with her mother this week. Maybe we can join forces.

Hi Lyn - have a GREAT time in FL. I hope your back feels better so you can enjoy the sun.

Hi YoYo - yes - the elliptical came. I am using it every night - so far, adding 15-20 extra minutes of exercise. It uses different muscles from the one at the gym, so it will take me a little while to build up my time.

Today is the end of the 3rd week of the 4-week course I'm teaching. Tomorrow is my 2nd day of the class I'm taking. I'll be glad when I've just got 1 class to deal with. Retirement spoils you when it comes to multi-tasking.

Have a good day, everyone,

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Old 01-28-2008, 10:00 PM   #278  
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Good evening you all....Gosh reading about your weather makes my joints ache. Lived in that wicked weather and don't wanna do that stuff again. Please stay warm and healthy. I send honey and oranges North in hopes of keeping my kids healthy.
Lynn..what or where is that recipe/meal planning service? Would love to try it. I get so tired of planning meals.
5 more days of level#1 and now am dreaming of one slice of ww toast...and I don't even like whole wheat bread!
No bridge tomorrow so should pedal my bike for a long ride. Sleep well............karen3
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Old 01-29-2008, 07:17 AM   #279  
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Hi GG's, We got the rain that was predicted. You're right Linda, they allways get it right when the prediction is bad. I hope you slept your headache off. I used to be prone to headaches (migranes) but they seemed to be hormonal and I seldom get one now. HORRIBLE things!

Birgit, 7lb. is awsome!! Sometimes it's hard to look at the big picture, and we always want to lose the weight, right now! We are an "instant" generation. But with that much you should be seeing some results, like the waist band of your pants being looser.

Phyllis, A few slips are going to happen on any diet. And you can analize those slips and figure out why you slipped to help you in the future. I'm still considering the flat belly diet. Anxious to see how you do with it.

Lyn, glad to hear that you made the trip safe. I hope your back is feeling better by now. Maybe try the hot tub? Have fun.

YoYo, Yeah for you! Being able to stay away from the Old , Fattening food is a real accomplishment. you can eat too much of the good stuff too, but it seems easier to get back on tract when you eat the good stuff.

Lyn, 1 more week of overlapping classes and you will be ok. It's just a week! Hang in there, almost over! A book club sounds like so much fun. I was in an on-line book club and it worked out well. We would read a book and then post our review. I love book clubs because you get so many different views on books and it helps you see them in a new light. And I tend to read the same kind of book and the time and it takes me out of my comfort zone.

Karen3, Enjoy your bike ride. It sounds strange to say that with the weather we have right now. I look forward to getting back outside again.

Everyone have a good day, Freda
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Old 01-29-2008, 07:53 AM   #280  
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Originally Posted by Karen3 View Post
Good evening you all....Gosh reading about your weather makes my joints ache. Lived in that wicked weather and don't wanna do that stuff again. Please stay warm and healthy. I send honey and oranges North in hopes of keeping my kids healthy.
Lynn..what or where is that recipe/meal planning service? Would love to try it. I get so tired of planning meals.
5 more days of level#1 and now am dreaming of one slice of ww toast...and I don't even like whole wheat bread!
No bridge tomorrow so should pedal my bike for a long ride. Sleep well............karen3
Hi Karen - it's

You pay a fee - I think it's WELL-Worth the money - and they email you dinner menus every Tuesday. The recipes are pretty easy and quick & taste great.

You get to pick if you want low-carb; low-fat; diabetic; heart-healthy...
You also get to pick if you want the recipes for 2 or 4 people.

The front page of each week's recipes is a shopping list.

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Old 01-29-2008, 07:56 AM   #281  
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Originally Posted by the slim me View Post
Lynn, 1 more week of overlapping classes and you will be ok. It's just a week! Hang in there, almost over! A book club sounds like so much fun. I was in an on-line book club and it worked out well. We would read a book and then post our review. I love book clubs because you get so many different views on books and it helps you see them in a new light. And I tend to read the same kind of book and the time and it takes me out of my comfort zone.
Hi Freda,

OK - I'll post a new "Book Club" thread. The first book will be Kite Runner.

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Old 01-29-2008, 07:58 AM   #282  
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Question -

How many Golden Girls will participate in a February "Challenge" thread? If you're not sure what the Challege threads are, go up to the sticky area and read the "January Challenge" thread.

I'm debating whether or not to have one in February. I'm the only Golden Girl posting in the January thread.

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Old 01-29-2008, 09:47 AM   #283  
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Yoyo, we stayed on the top floor of the Monte Carlo the year it opened....that fire really scares me now don't think I'll stay on a top floor again. What a beautiful hotel, we really loved it there. Glad no one got badly injured.

Lynn, teenagers are so difficult as we all know. At least she has you as an extra support when she wants to come to you for help or advise. Good Luck!
I will probably do the challenge thread in Feb. but don't put one up unless you get enough people. Hey at least you know you won for January! lol
Hope the shoulder gets better.

Freda, the Flat Belly Diet is a very heart healthy diet (which I need) but after the first 4 days the weight loss slows down to 1 to 2 lbs/wk like all the other diets...I'll keep you posted, I can see a little difference in the size of my stomach. It at least has me trying different combinations of foods and new things. I found I love Pesto.

Lyn, sorry it so cool here in FL. for your visit, hopefully it will warm up....I think here it will be 78 on Thurs. I love stay on the beach, nothing better in the world! Where are you???

Well, we still have the one couple from 2 wks ago still interested in our place but they are on a cruise this week and my good friends brother is going to look at our condo this week while he is down from PA....interested in an please keep your fingers crossed that one of these will BUY!

So I need to get busy cleaning and getting the place freshened up. Karen I hope those people are still interested in yours...hows it going?

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Old 01-29-2008, 10:26 AM   #284  
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Good morning, Everyone - hope yo all are doing well.

Lynn, the Book Club sounds like a great idea. I loved the Kite Runner, although I read it quite a while ago and don't really want to reread it. But please let me know what your next book will be, and I will certainly be interested.

Freda, funny you should say that about the waistband. You are absolutely right - 7#s means the difference between very tight pants, and pants that fit comfortably. I noticed that on my drive back from Boston. I was wearing jeans that fit somewhat snugger than my other, looser jeans. I had my shirt tucked in, and was wearing a fleece vest on top - while driving for what seemed like forever. Even with my shirt tucked in, and sitting in a car for several hours - those snug jeans were perfectly comfortable the entire time. Actually, they're not all that snug anymore. Go figure, huh?

I ordered a pedometer from the 3FC "store," and it came over the weekend while I was away. The powers that be advise us to walk at least 10k steps each day for good heart health. I used it yesterday and even with walking to and from work, and walking the dog, I got up only to 6k steps. Hmmm. But it motivated me to get up 1/2 hr earlier today and take the dog for a longer morning walk. And I'm contemplating taking the longer, more scenic route to walk to work in the future. One step at a time, right Girls?

Have a great day, Everyone...
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Old 01-29-2008, 10:28 AM   #285  
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Happy Tuesday GG's everywhere!

Afraid not to check in, three or more pages of posts will zip by & I'll be lost again. How is everyone? It's more of the same around here for me. Still pretending to be an athlete, today is a crosstraining day. Got 'how to build a privacy fence' stuff all over my desk & want to map out a plan. Placing bids on cheap liquidator stuff to enhance our honky tonk Christmas party & still pampering the dogs & forgetting to cook for the family. Works for me!

Birgit congratulations on the control on the trip & on that fabulous loss! That's really motivational to see movement on the scale for hard effort. Way to go!

Meowee hope that headache gets better & here's wishing warmer bright days in your neighborhood. Snow is pretty but after a while it can be a pain to slush through the stuff.

Lynn I'm not going to be in the challenge for February, can barely keep up with posting here. A daily post in addition to Fitday makes me crazy. Sorry to hear about the little sister, any common ground other than gifts to her? Sometimes I think teens are like the shuttle in re-entry. It's a dangerous time without communication where you pray they get to the other side safely. I'm betting that underneath whatever exterior she's showing she's like all the other girls in terms of worrying about her self esteem, do the boys like her & will she be popular.... seems to dominate every girl. Good luck.

Phyllis any reason to enjoy pesto works for me! We've been making our own using walnuts (DH used to use cashews which was decadently good) and very much enjoy putting it on anything we can rationalize for pesto. I'm at another standstill on my weight but clothes are getting baggy again. I'll take that as a good thing. Here's hoping that your cruise couple loves the warm weather so much that they get serious about buying your place the minute they step off the boat.

Lynn, Freda.... I'm off to get Kite Runner! I want in on an online book club!

Zoe, good to see you again. You've already had your share of stress . Now it's time for a little Zen, Nirvana or whatever you'd like to call it for the rest of the year. All is well?

Stuff to do, stuff to do. Everyone take care & make yourselves a priority!

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