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Old 05-27-2003, 09:27 PM   #436  
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Ahhhhhhhh, I love seeing bambies, that is a nice part of living out in the boonies here, although the first year we were out here, I hit one in my van. I was taking Dave to the ER at the time with chest pains and stressed myself out so much after I'd hit this HUGE deer, that i started hyperventalating! We laugh about it all now, although it wasn't funny at the time. That HUGE deer did some good damage to the fron of the can too!
The sun finally came out again today. Of course it rained whisle I walked the dogs again and more is forcast for tomorrow. A shame really as Hannah has a school field trip to six flags which she's really looking forward to, but she has a kagool, so should stay relitively dry....
have a great week everyone....three more days until my ride in the limo
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Old 05-28-2003, 01:24 AM   #437  
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Oooh lucky Chris it was really warm today in fact it was hot and i was shopping and hot and bothered and i hate feeling like that..and tonight it is of those nights that you kick the covers off and then want them back at 4am tomorrow i'll be sunbathing..sod anything else
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Old 05-28-2003, 08:17 AM   #438  
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Lucky you with sunshine Cathy - we have the rain along with Chris, it is that warm and muggy way.

Am being so determined this week, I am going to have a good loss to report on Monday. So far, I know it's only Wednesay lunchtime, my food choices have been spectacular and my exercise improved much on the last few weeks and my frame of mind stupendous - as opposed to plain stupid.

It's very quiet around here at the moment. I was dead beat last night and went to bed at around 10 after flopping out on the couch and watching BB for half an hour.

Poor steve was back at the dentist today, another tooth out and a small filling. Can't believe how much damage has happened in 6 months. Steve doesn't love me very much at the moment, tried to persude him it would get rid of the toothache, but think the pain is still too fresh fro him. Maybe once the tooth fairies have been he'll be happier ?

Nothing exciting to report. Will make something insteresting up if nothing wonderful happens in my life before bedtime.
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Old 05-28-2003, 08:18 AM   #439  
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Cat, I meant ask who is that adorable wee one?
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Old 05-28-2003, 02:35 PM   #440  
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Carol..loved the bit about making something up if nothing exciting happens The pic is of my grand-daughter it is her passport photo for crying out loud i think i was 17 before i got my first passport she's 5mths! she has just gotten back from Alicante, Spain and then/now she is going to the Monaco Grand Prix and then they'll be zooming off to Barbados..lucky little girl!
The sunbathing is crossed off the "to do" list its blowing a gale today..what happened it was absolutely still yesterday and last night..i should have got my kit off while i had the chance
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Old 05-28-2003, 04:47 PM   #441  
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Cathy, that Grandaughter of your's is a cute as a button. When will she be coming to see you?
We had dry weather here today apart of course when I had to drive home after work and a nice loud storm rolled through, I got absolutely drenched getting out of the car into the house and it's only about fifty yards away from the back door! Come on summer, I am SO ready for you!
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Old 05-28-2003, 08:18 PM   #442  
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They have'nt any plans to come and see me i think it will be me going to see them i can't wait to grab hold of her and give her a big cuddle
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Old 05-29-2003, 03:39 PM   #443  
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Bet you can't Cathy she is adorable.

Is a lovely day outside today, but work is all screwed up again, yet another reorganisation, a disappointing review and pay rise. The norm I suppose. There is one option left I am interested in at my work and if it doesn't come off before I go on holiday then I'm off - to someone who will pay me better and appreciate me

Besides that everything normal with me, am waiting for Bad Girls to start, only about 20 minutes to go. Should really be outside enjoying the sunshine.
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Old 05-30-2003, 02:04 AM   #444  
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Morning have too much on my mind and can't sleep.

Today I start sorting things out at work, will take a long time, but I need a plan to sort out what I am going to do and where better to do it, than while they are paying me.

best go get a shower, sort clothes and get everyone else up

see yer
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Old 05-30-2003, 11:31 AM   #445  
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Is very slow around here today - no one talking ???
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Old 05-30-2003, 02:17 PM   #446  
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Hi Carol..i'm here..Chris is probably getting ready for her limo ride lucky girl! I wish they would get the new Bad Girls series on over here..we're still watching the same series over and over again i love that show! The weather is wonderful and last night after we'd got home from seeing the bank manager about getting a better rate on our mortgage (which was successful, i might add) we sunbathed in the buff on the deck and drank beer to celebrate aaaahhh roll on the lazy days of summer
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Old 05-31-2003, 10:41 PM   #447  
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Hey girls,
Had a fab time in the limo, the ride down to AC was a bit hairy, but our driver was in a rush to get home apparently, was also from NY city and toook the back roads and honked at everyone who dared to be in front of him and made him put his foot on the break. Had a good time at the awards and enjoyed wandering round the casino's. Didn't get rich though
The ride home was better, had pillows and blankets to be all snuggly, although our driver got lost, but it just made for a longer time to have fun. Could get used to the high life and being driven around in luxury....
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Old 06-01-2003, 04:22 AM   #448  
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Lucky you Chris, am glad you enjoyed your trip.

We went out on the bikes yesterday and I am sun burnt was good fun and the sun wasn't even shining in sunny Fife was all hazy, just shows how much damage a little sun can do,will be big tee shirts and back too front skip caps to protect my neck this morning.

Got my hair cut again yesterday is even shorter than last time. Am getting very daring
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Old 06-01-2003, 12:27 PM   #449  
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Sorry you did'nt get rich Chris..funny how that works but if we all did then those casino's would'nt be able to afford the electric bill
Well, we are off to a miserable start this morning its overcast and trying to rain i hope it clears up later and i'm not bursting with energy this morning as i had a rotten nights sleep been up since 4am...hopefully i'll find the strength to do some exercise later.
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Old 06-02-2003, 06:39 PM   #450  
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Sunny here today, was supposed to be the same tomorrow but I just heard the weather and the horrible little man on there, said it was a lie!
Have had a busy and expensive afternoon. Took Pen and Lew to the vets for the yearly shots. Lew also has sore testicles (stop laughing please) as he was groomed last week and apparently the groomer got a bit too close to his nuptial bits, so being the dog that he is, he's been trying to repair the damage by licking himself, however, this has made them more sore so I now have liquid sour apple flavour stuff to sprinkle on him that dries as a coating so if he does lick it won't stay really can stop laughing now Pen has been put in a kennel for the next week as she has to rest as she has a torn knee ligament...she doesn't seem to mind being in there for now, but there's no walks or ball chasing and she has to lose ten pounds in three months she might add a few ditty's to this site while she's on plan.
Right, time for dinner and then curves...had a bad experience with five cookies earlier.....bad, bad, BAD!!!!
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