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Old 06-22-2003, 11:02 AM   #496  
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Was an angel last night with the water drinking. Drank more water than wine, but think the partying of this week has taken it's toll on my body I ain't used to it any more. Today has been re-hydration day, have drank a serious amount of water. My new WW day kicks in at 6 this evening, so it will be serious points from then on.

I am determined to put this weekend behind me and not fall into this trap agaion - watch this space for me saying all this again in a couple of months.

But I really want to keep losing weight. I am the only one who can make it happen for me, so I guess I'll have to put in the effort if I want it to happen.

Have been cooking all afternoon, have made carrot and coriander soup, thai chicken curry and have some chicken kebabs marinating already for dinner tonight. Was going to make a chilli and a shepherds pie as well, but will save that for another time.

Am seriously considering not getting weighed tomorrow night, will need to see how I feel tomorrow evening. I know it is going to be bad on the scales this week. But I caused it and I have to deal with it. Might go, keep changing my mind. If I don't go tomorrow night though I will be going on Wednesday. It is not a skip a weigh in all together this week, just a delaying tactic to hopefully shred a tiny little amount of this over eating.

Didn't mention I ate dips last night. Dipped in celery, onion, carrots and snack a jacks - but I still ate too much.

Need to go strain my soup. And chop some veg for the kebabs. We are having watermelon for a sweet tonight. Need to find a sharp knife to cut that.

See you later, we are all amazing
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Old 06-22-2003, 05:00 PM   #497  
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Carol..glad to hear that the water drinking was a success you must have flushed some of the fat away You were also an with the dip too much better than eating a kit kat I'm planning on a good week if i don't look like i'm having one kick me in the A Summer is here and i want to have some serious weightloss during the month of July
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Old 06-22-2003, 05:02 PM   #498  
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BTW..what has happened to Shell? i miss her posts
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Old 06-24-2003, 05:37 PM   #499  
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Hey girls, it's all very quiet round here. Have you all gone on holiday or something? Tomorrow is my last day of work while the kids are in school and then I have one more day without and then it's a whole ten days off before going back The weather here is absolutely great, 91 right now and as I spent most of the day outside today, I have a little bit of colour. Came home and changed into some shorts I bought last year....had to smile as they are swimming on me now.....what a great feeling. Hope you're all having a great week...roll on Friday
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Old 06-25-2003, 12:35 PM   #500  
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Oh YES Chris..that swimming feeling is a lot better than the cutting up the crotch feeling..OUCH!
It will be in the mid 70's here so just nice and i'm going to top up my tan after i've exercised
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Old 06-25-2003, 03:40 PM   #501  
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We too have lovely weather too nice to sit in and surf.

Have just painted my nails bright orange and am trying not to smudge it all as I type - harder than it seems to type with the pads of your fingers

will give up and come back later when they are dry
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Old 06-26-2003, 05:16 PM   #502  
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It's 100 degrees here today and I am LOVING it! It is absolutely wonderful out. WOnder if the fact that I now have ten days off from work has anything to do with me enjoying the weather? My last day was today and our superintendent came into our morning meeting and announced that we could leave at twelve thirty instead of two forty-five, which was a nice bonus. All the girls from our room, then went onto a restaurant called Applebees. I was a very good bunny and ordered a low fat meal that was blackened chicken salad. The thing was huge and it was only eight points I am very full now and think there won't be much more going in my tum this evening, but I am proud of myself for choosing careflly today cos I could have just had a pig out time there too.
Now it's time to think about getting this house in order and to plan on some relaxing as well. I have four weeks until a friend and her three boys arrive for a stay with us, they are coming from England and I've not seen them all since the millenium, and then the day after they go home, my Mum and her man arrive so it'll be a busy busy summer.
Right, I must run out and buy some bread for my children to eat as there's a lack of food in this house right now. Everyone, have a super duper evening.
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Old 06-26-2003, 07:14 PM   #503  
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Originally posted by BritinNJ
It's but I am proud of myself for choosing careflly today cos I could have just had a pig out time there too.
Oh GOOD ON YA GIRLIE, as they say in various parts of the universe!!!

You certainly deserve a few brownie points and a dozen smilies for keeping your reserve.....

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Old 06-26-2003, 07:45 PM   #504  
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Thanks Teel, it's so nice to have this site where everyone keeps your spirit up and gives wonderful encorougement. I hope I do the same for all of you girlies too.
I have just walked the dogs, it's boiling out, very sticky and we maxed out in temps of 107 degrees. Really doesn't bother me as such, got quite used to it living in Arizona for five years. When we get back from our walks in the summer here though, I have to fill a baby paddling pool up for Lew to get in and lay down in so he doesn't have a seizure. When we lived in AZ, he would always go and lay on the top step of the pool after we walked and seeing as we don't have that luxury here, the baby pool does quite nicely. He loooks very cute swimming around in there, it's only big enough for him to lay down and turn around though, so it's quite comical. I put Pen in too and splash her down, she doesn't mind, but I reckon she remembers the pool in AZ more than Lew as she used to jump in off the side and swim around all the time and the baby pool doesn't cut it for her....
Am off to watch some telly now, a proggramme called the Amazing Race, last season, the contestants were in Cambridge for part of the race and I was shouting at the telly to make them use the punts properly....made me right homesick watching it too.
But I'll be ok this time, cos although they're in Europe right now, I don't think they'll hit jolly ol' Blighty this week, and if they do, I'll still be ok, cos in a few weeks I'll have the foks from home with me here anyway Now that's something to smile about.
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Old 06-27-2003, 08:34 AM   #505  
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Hello all. Our nice weather has gon e- for today at least.

I am being such an angel with my food. Gave my halo a polish this morning, just need to hope it doesn't slip and choke me

will come back to chat more very very soon
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Old 06-27-2003, 05:33 PM   #506  
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Hello are you all??

I am really looking forward to the weekend....myself and a friend are off to Hatch End, Middlesex, to stay with a mutual friend who trained and worked in the same hospital as us two. I have not seen Prim for an absolute age although we do talk on the phone and meet up occassionally. She is not what you'd call "computer literate" yet and likes to stay away from the mobile phone... but when we do get started on the chatting, it is as if we have never been apart, and carry on as if one of us just nipped out to the loo or something... She is such a good friend, unfortunately has gone through a rotten 12 months or so with her husband going to live with someone else and leaving her with two youngsters, 7 and 5.

I think the weather forecast is on the nice side so hope fully it will be a great weekend....and a great weekend is what I wish for all of you, too!!!

Bye bye, take care and.......
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Old 06-28-2003, 07:13 AM   #507  
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Have a great weekend Teel. I have no plans bar tidying up. Am hoping to go and something great tomorrow, don't know what yet.

Is only lunchtime, but Sean has fell out with me and Ray already and is in his room, tidying it yet again He's having teenage trantums whilst only 8, a friend told me if I had it bad while he was young surely I would have it easy when they are all going through the teenage problems - I am not so sure

Going to great things eating wise today.
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Old 06-29-2003, 12:33 PM   #508  
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I had a lazy day in the sun again was a scorcher there is a bit of cloud cover this morning so i'm planning on getting some exercise in before it gets too hot
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Old 06-30-2003, 10:29 AM   #509  
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Hello from Suffolk in the rain!!!What a shame after the lovely hot and sunny few weeks we have had, particularly over the weekend....well, where I was, anyway!!!It was great to see my freind and children and the 100ft garden!!!We didn't seem to have much time to chat and gossip about the good old days of bedpans and enemas and rotten night duty rostas....sorry, I didn't explain, we all did our nurse training together in Suffolk and went on to work and study various specialities, P. did midwifery, L. worked as a McMillan (sp?) nurse and I joined the psychiatric population....never once thinking I would myself be a statistic several years down the track!! I really enjoyed my weekend until I arrived home, to discover my friend whom I had arranged to look after Holly on Saturday, had got in a complete muddle and so not done anything so the poor puppy (well ok, 6 year old *****) had been crossing her legs and thinking the cook had gone on strike for the past 24 hours or so. For the full version of my wrathful feelings, please read the 3FC buddy up section WE ARE FOCUSSED NO. 5.

Talk to you all soon, take care and BE GOOD!!!!
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Old 06-30-2003, 11:06 AM   #510  
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Oh Teel, poor Holly, give her a hug from me. It's so hard to think of a poor lovable animal suffering. I know I am so thankful to my friend and fat fighting buddy is always available to let Pen and Lew out for me SHe's a blessing in my life.
In fact she'll be helping me out today, it's lovely and sunny here today, temps heading intop the ninties so we're off to the beach. I am in my new tankini and feeling rather splendid if I do say so myself. I know I still have a long way to go until a bikini might happen, but I'll enjoy the tankini for the time being.
Have a great day everyone, and be good eating.
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