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Old 01-31-2003, 10:24 AM   #1  
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Wink Fashionably Loud Chicks

I thought about the name for so long. I noticed that we're all pretty brassy here. Pretty outgiong, pretty... Pretty. I see that we're not afraid to ***** about food, sex, men, ourselves, our jobs. So this thread is... Fashionably Loud Chicks. Join us!!!
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Old 01-31-2003, 10:58 AM   #2  
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Talking Found ya!

I had about 3 or 4 m&m's last night. I just let them melt and enjoyed them. My MIL so lovingly brought over 3 pounds of M&M's and 3 boxes of cheese and crackers for the kids and as she is handing them to them tell's me that she started Slim Fast. Do ya think I am paranoid? I think she is trying to sabotage me. She hardly ever buys stuff for the kids and whenever she finds out I am dieting it seems like they get tons of candy.

Cappie is such a sweetie with us. I hope he gets comfortable and stops barking at people and things.I swear, Candi has a crush on him. She follows him everywhere and just looks at him and licks his face. Too Cute. Rebel let him have it last night though. Had enough of Cappie chasing him and biting his hair so he attcked him. I let them do it to a point because they need to figure out who is going to be alpha. My guess is Rebel is reighning King.
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Old 01-31-2003, 12:28 PM   #3  
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Default I'll join...

I like the name you picked....."Uppity Wenches" might have worked, too.

I've lost 18 lbs. this month...and have 54 to go.
Every once in awhile I slip a little, but I don't dwell on it.

I've reached my goal before a few times; it's maintenance that's a *****....I get sloppy and stop exercising and drinking enough water.

Finally really tired of all the up and down crap with my weight.

222 Highest weight
150 Goal


over 40

We have numerous fish in 3 different aquariums...and one cat whose behavior has earned her the dubious honor of having a new breed of cat named after her....
North American ***** Kitty.

Hopefully there aren't any more out there like her. She's the one member.
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Old 01-31-2003, 03:18 PM   #4  
so close, yet so far...
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Good morning ladies and welcome Gargoyle2003. Way to go on the 18 lb loss, that is terrific! What kind of diet or should I say 'way of eating' are you following now? Whatever it is you're doing great and you have a great attitude too. Post with us often.

Oh Angie that MIL of yours sounds like a character. Just hide those goodies out of sight or get them out of the house altogether. Ya know, some women just can't stand it when someone close to them is succeeding at something they really want, or maybe she thinks you're fine the way you are...who knows? If it were me I'd just smile, take the stuff and give it away. Then ***** out the hubby.

Chris good luck on that scrapbook party. I'm sure you'll do fine! Just have fun and go with the flow.

I got my nails and a pedicure done today~first thing this morning. Then I got some sushi before coming in. And what is the first thing I do when getting to work? Why, visit 3FC of course. Rick is in the back of the warehouse fabricating some countertops so it's not like he's watching me or anything...good thing too, if he only knew how much time I spent here .
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Old 02-01-2003, 11:39 AM   #5  
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Default What I'm doing

This is something I came up with on my own, but is loosely based on what Bob Greene (wrote Make the Connection with Oprah, and now has his own books) suggests for diet and exercise.

1250 - 1300 calories a day. I know counting calories is a pain, but it works.

Keep a food journal - helps you see which foods and food combinations work better than others.

I drink a gallon of water a day. Harder to do when it's cool/cold outside, but I manage.

Avoid aspartame (nutrasweet) like the plague. I discovered over 2 years ago that it was responsible for 3-4 day migraines I was having.
Also, some diet experts believe that it causes you to crave carbohydrates !
I use Splenda.
Diet Rite Cola and Diet RC Cola are sweetened with Splenda.
But I'm usually so busy drinking water, I don't drink them very often.

Do not eat or drink anything with calories within 2 hours of going to sleep.

I have one of those HealthRiders that I bought in 1995. I use that Every morning for aerobic exercise. Bob Greene states that if you don't like exercising first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, you can have a pre-exercise snack that's between 80 and 150 calories, and includes fruit...and you don't have to count them !
So actually my daily calories are higher than the above numbers...I just don't have to count the pre-exercise snack.
Aerobic exercise done in the morning will elevate your metabolism for the rest of the day !
This is extremely important !

Try to spread your calories out so you're eating 5 or 6 times a day.......not always possible....but if I hit a slump, that works better than eating the same calories divided only 3 or 4 times in a day.

Don't have all your food be items that are labeled "diet food" or "lowfat"......many times the "real thing" is more satisfying in a small portion than a huge amount that's "fat free", which personally just leaves me hungry for more food.
I think the industries making all the "diet foods" are in some kind of conspiracy.....since they know that as long as we eat only their diet foods...we'll get fatter and fatter, and will keep eating them till we wise up.
Just my personal opinion.
I eat Lean Cuisine...but I also eat regular Stouffer's that are under 500 calories once in awhile.....I thought the high sodium in those would do me in....but I'm drinking so much water, it didn't matter.

Stay away from foods (or drinks) you simply cannot Stand to limit yourself in.
You know you're just asking for trouble.

Whatever regular food you can handle measuring out or counting without feeling like it's torture.....no matter what it is....you'll be better off eating that than the low calorie version (if there is one).
And your body will maybe not notice that something's "going on".
If you eat too little (less than 1200), your body thinks you're starving and lowers your metabolism to compensate.
Not Good.

Sorry this was so long, but that's what I'm doing. I hope I didn't forget anything, and I hope there's not a space limit for replies.

edit: I did forget to mention that I usually save 200 calories at the end of the day for a treat.
For me it's 2, frozen, bite size (95 calories each) Snickers.

edit2: Obviously eat fried foods Very rarely....and most of the time try to stay with foods that are below 30% fat.
If I eat a big salad, I only count the 2 TBL of olive oil, and I don't count the calories in the vinegar or the non starch veggies.
Olive oil is Good for you !...but you still have to count it.

Last edited by gargoyle2003; 02-01-2003 at 11:52 AM.
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Old 02-01-2003, 11:55 AM   #6  
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Wow, what a regimen. I bet if I were to work out my "plan" i'd be losing more, and doing better. I rarely drink the water I'm suppsoed to. Usually drink more in the summer go figure. I di dknow that aerobic exercise in the morning jump starts your metabolism. But my exervcise is primarily evening aerobic classes, and walks, mostly before dinner. Weekends, I eat bad, if I'm out and about. If I'm home, I'll eat less, because I'm too lazy to make something fatty. It takes more work to make it fatty... so I"ll eat a sandwich, or soup, to be lazy. Same satisfaction, full belly.

So, I guess we all have our types of plans, but I've never counted calories and stuff. I'm really impressed that you have such a detailed food and exercise regimen.
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Old 02-01-2003, 12:29 PM   #7  
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Default Kind of stumbled across it

When I first started doing my weight loss plan, it was "Well, lets see how well this really works".....and I was surprised by how effective it was.

OMG - I just heard about the Space Shuttle Columbia disentegrating over north east Texas as it was flying towards Florida to land.

Can't believe something this horrible has happened.
Can't imagine how bad the families and friends of the 7 people on board must feel.
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Old 02-01-2003, 02:38 PM   #8  
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Hi everyone. I had trouble posting this morning. Couldn't get on. I lost 4 pounds this week bringing me down to 162 pounds. Yeah!!!

Cappie is alot harder than I thought he was going to be. He growls and barks at anyone who comes near my house and inside. I don't know what to do about that. I don't want to take him back but I also can't handle him doing that to people especially since he does it alot to my neighbors whose backyard borders mine.
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Old 02-01-2003, 05:22 PM   #9  
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Kempy, Where are you? Are you feeling okay? I noticed you weren't on yesterday. I hope you are okay.
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Old 02-01-2003, 10:59 PM   #10  
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HI guys. I think today's events have left us quiet around here. Hope yu're all okay. Glad for your losses Angie.. you go girl! Gla dto hear from you too Gargoyle... i'll check in later tomorrow.
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Old 02-02-2003, 09:34 AM   #11  
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I watched Signs last night. It wasn't really even scary. It seemed more of a touching family movie than scary.

I bought some BlueBunny icecream last night. It is sweetened with Splenda. It wasn't bad. It had a kinda off flavor(fruity) but I ate it anyway. I am going to try the chocolate brownie kind next time I get to Walmart.Hopefully that won't have the fruity taste to it.
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Old 02-02-2003, 11:43 AM   #12  
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Default AngieME

Is that Cappie in your picture here?
He looks so cute....but I don't know what to suggest about the barking and growling.

I have a bad habit of sometimes only eating around 300 calories until dinner time...cause I never know what we're going to be doing. That saves about 800 calories for dinner (200 more saved for a treat)....but it's not good to eat so much at one time, and later in the day.
I spread the calories out better about 4 days a week.

Has anyone here ever heard of "Fitness by Phone" coaches?
It's an awful lot of money to spend for 12 weeks, but a personal trainer coming to your house would be prohibitively More expensive.

Maintenance has always killed me cause I get so procrastinating about doing anything when I go up only 5 lbs.....
I should write down all the cons about being overweight.....and how it feels to be facing many months of losing weight.....and take it out and read it when I'm at goal and have only put on a few lbs.
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Old 02-02-2003, 01:18 PM   #13  
so close, yet so far...
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Good morning ladies. I'm glad to report a 2 lb loss this week, down to 187 and 28 lbs lost so far. I think I'm finally staying out of the 190's this time. I was bouncing around there for almost 2 mos. It was getting pretty frustrating.

Gargoyle, I've never heard of Fitness by Phone. If some personal trainer would be calling me to help w/my diet and exercise, I'm sure there'd be days when I'd act like I wasn't home and not answer the phone . I like the idea of making the list of cons about being overweight. We should incorporate that into this thread...i just woke up though, so I'm not exactly having any inspirational thoughts...

Angie, congratulations on the loss. Awesome! You must've been sending me some vibes to have Blue Bunny. I had some neopolitan after dinner. I was good too, I used a little custard cup to measure it out. I think it was about 3/4 cup instead of the 1/2 cup serving. It was good but I found it a little sweeter than normal. Didn't you think the alien guy in Signs looked like the Green Goblin in Spiderman? I just plain like Mel Gibson though.

Chris and Kempy how are you this fine day? I'll check back later to see what's going on. Have a great day my chickies!
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Old 02-02-2003, 04:46 PM   #14  
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Gargoyle, no the dog in my picture is Rebel my JRT. I have Candi a Keeshond and I adopted Cappie another Keeshond from the animal shelter he has a few problems that we didn't notice in the shelter namely the barking. I want to have someone come over and see if he calms down for me or not so I can decide if I need to take him back or not. He is an awesome dog but he has the barking problem and I don't really want to risk someone coming in and him deciding to "protect" us. On the plus side today I was out shoveling the ton of snow off the deck and my neighbors had someone out snowblowing their yard and I said Cappie quiet and he did. I was shocked. so hopefully...

Congrats Noelle!!! Have you tried any of the other flavors of BlueBunny? I saw it on the food channel and then when I saw it at Walmart I figured I had better try it. I probablu shouldn't have because now I intend to go back tomorrow to buy the chocolate with brownie.
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Old 02-03-2003, 02:44 PM   #15  
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Hey Guys! I am VERY busy and I still am. I will be back later to chat. I just wanted to let you know that I was still here.
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