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Old 11-14-2006, 10:33 PM   #376  
Staying on track!!
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Hello ladies! Just wanted to check in... Thanks for the warm welcome back! It is good to be back!

During my hiatus, I gained back 5 pounds - which I am actually not upset about. I'm looking at it as "I've still lost 13, and I'm back on track, so will keep moving in the right direction". Cuz, really, 13 lbs is GREAT when you look at the big picture. I'm not having to SQUEEZE into my jeans anymore, etc. I am NOT, however, ready to move my ticker up 5 lbs. What do you guys think? Give it a week or so, and see how low it will go, then adjust it? I'm only on day 2 of eating decent & exercising again, and didn't weigh today, so maybe the scale will move back down fast.... I hope!

I have been trying to stock up on healthy foods - my favorite new thing is frozen black sweet cherries! SOOO yummy! 1/3rd of the entire package is only 110 calories! I fill up a coffee cup with them, and eat them with a spoon (still frozen). You should try it! I've also bought some of the crystal light raspberry lemonade "on the go" packets you just add to a bottled water, and carry those in my purse. Those are good! I've also been drinking diet hot cocoa at night, now that the weather is cooling off. The warmness seems to fill up my belly, too.

I had a really good workout tonight... I turned up my mp3 player music, and really got to moving on the elliptical during some of those songs. After 30 mins, it said I had burned 400 calories! I've never done that! 350 has always been my top, so I was really excited tonight!

TINA - Bless your heart! It's so hard to take care of sick loved ones! I hope you stay well & that everyone feels better real soon! Don't overdo it on exercise if you are starting to feel bad. (Of course, I'm one to talk. LOL - I thought I was getting a sore throat & have been exercising anyway. I'm hoping the exercise will knock it out of my system!)

ERIN - I need to do what you are doing on the eating no sugar deal. Thats the area that I've WAY been overdoing it, and then when you try to stop, you get the cravings. I think that these frozen cherries are really helping though - they are so sweet! And that's a NATURAL sugar, so I don't feel bad about that!

STACY - Yum salmon! I really love it, and need to put it on my menu more often! I'll have to go figure out what your stiches were all about....

CHERYL - Thanks for the "10 commandments". I'm really working on the one about moving your body! Or in my head I am anyway! LOL My DH has been working out like EVERY MORNING for months now, and is looking really good. And I keep thinking that if I worked out that much, imagine how good I'd be looking, too! I looked back at my workout chart since I started (again) about 5 months ago, and I'm pretty consistently doing only 8 workouts/month. 8 out of 30. Imagine if it was 15-20 out of 30! I gotta get there!!!

OK ladies - have a good evening! *hugs*
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Old 11-15-2006, 09:43 AM   #377  
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Good morning ladies, sorry I haven’t posted for a couple of days, I really did not meant to skip, but I got really busy and forgot to. The scales are reading 218 so I have made it back to ticker and am totally happy with that.

Robsia – it is great to see you every now and again and I am so happy that you are so close to your goal. I am sure you will be there soon. I would love to read your book and hope it’s published soon. When it is published do we get an autographed copy? LOL

Erin – I a cheering for you on not weighing. I couldn’t do it. I am drawn to the scales every morning and evening like a magnet.

Tammy – Are you gonna replace the living room carpet with new carpet or leave it at hardwood? I want new carpet really bad but have to get other projects finished first. We are going to redo our kitchen floor, we had put in the snap in hardwood look alike but I hate it and now want tile. LOL hubby wants me to make up my mind.

Michelle – I am so happy to hear you are getting back on track. I know you have gone through a lot and have had good reasons to slack but I really think you will feel better once you get those scales a moving again. I also think your mom would want you to take good care of yourself and what better way to do it than eating right and loosing weight.

Cheryl – I understand the not keeping your journal up to date. I find that I do really well for a couple of weeks then start slacking off and when I slack there is not loss. We just need to remind ourselves that if we want to loose we have to journal. I love your ten commandments, I am going to copy them and put them on my refrigerator and my desk at work.

Tina – I hope you are feeling better and not coming down with what the rest of your family has. Being sick might show a drop on the scales from lack of eating but that is no way to loose and of course I do not want you to be sick.

Stacy – You are doing so well with your exercise. You have had a great reason to not exercise at all and what did you do???? You kept at it just rearranged it to what you could do. Keep at it girl you are doing awesome.

Shawn – I am so happy to see you back. Give the ticker a week if you don’t see any downward movement that is enough to satisfy you then move it up but if the scales start moving down again then just leave it, you will catch it.

Well Ladies it is time for me to get to work, I will check back later
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Old 11-15-2006, 11:31 PM   #378  
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Evening Ladies...I'm down 2.5 pounds!! I was totally shocked when I stepped on the scales. If you gals knew all the stuff I ate Friday thru Sunday, you would understand why. Looks like the self talk to myself and getting serious about what I put in my mouth, plus journaling is really the key to good health.

Shawn...5 pounds isn't bad at all and you are in the right frame of mind. 13 pounds is GREAT, and that is what we all have to look at, is how far we have come. I'd leave your ticker where it is at. You will be back there in no time.

Stacy...Glad you got the stitched removed. Did you have salmon for dinner? Sounds so yummy. Your doing great on getting your exercising in. WTG!

Erin...Saw on the news this morning where you had a pretty bumpy night. Hope no tornados touched down in your area.

Tina...Hope your family is doing better today. Make sure you get plenty of rest and drink lots of fluids so your not getting sick. Hugs to your daughter Hope that her fever broke. That is so scary when they have a temp that high.

Robbin... on making it back to your ticker weight. I'm heading in that direction myself.

Thought tonight I would post "The Office Manifesto" for those of you who work ouside of the home and have to deal with people who bring donuts and such to work.

We, the employees of_________________, declare that the state of office eating is heretofore declared out of control. We hereby state the following policy.

HENCEFORTH, healthy options are to be made available at in-house meetings and parties.

HENCEFORTH, the refrigerator that the company so graciously and generously stocks with soda (both diet and regular) shall also house natural fruit juices and bottled water(s).

HENCEFORTH, the vending machine shall make available small packages of fat-free pretzels and baked potatoe chips.

HENCEFORTH, the "take a twenty minute break" policy will be enforced. All employees who have missed lunch and not seen the light of day are hereby required to take a twenty-minute break. It's not healthy to work without a break or to stay inside all day long.

HENCEFORTH, there will be a designated meditation/rest space(s) for employees to take refuge in during their twenty-minute breaks (in case of inclement weather).

HENCEFORTH, no pushers are allowed. If someone says "No, thank you," the pusher shall refrain from saying "Oh, just one piece."

HENCEFORTH, the employer acknowledges that all employees are valued and said employer is thrilled to know that productivity and morale will soar if said employee is healthfully fed, gets air, and rests. ("Oh, my-such an easy solution. Thank you, Our Lady of Weight Loss," says Big Boss.)

signed and dated

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Old 11-16-2006, 10:15 AM   #379  
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Morning Ladies how is everyone today? I am doing really good. The scales are still holding out at 218 but today my hands are really swollen, I cant get my rings off and I think I am retaining water. So hopefully with some extra chuggin today I will see a drop soon.

Cheryl - The office rules are really cute but would never fly here.

Well better get to work.
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Old 11-16-2006, 04:35 PM   #380  
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Talking Happy Thursday!

Howdy chickies! How are things!? I'm happy to report something positive. I've been keenly on plan since yesterday. By keenly, I mean no wavering on food, exercise or's been kept pretty precise. The rest of the week there was an effort, but with the sickness it was half-a$$ed. I remember when I started this whole adventure last January that there was no room for small out-of-balances, and that's the way I need to be again to beat this thing. And I'm happy to report the scale went down 1.5lbs today! Yeah! Just 3.5 more and I'll be back to ticker. I think a big issue for me was seeing my weight creep up rather down and it seemed so far away from ticker that it got me down in a lot of ways. So much so that I lost my determination and motivation. I wanted it really badly, but I felt I screwed up so bad I had excuses of "might as well" and "just as well" know those nasty two. It was time to dig deep again pull that effort back up and I think it's beginning to work. I'm feeling more like determined myself again. Yay!

Erin, how ya doing?! Girl, you've got some balls to be able to stay off the scale! I hope all is going to your hearts desire. Glad you're starting to feel the inner (thinner) you again!

Stacy, just burn it up with cardio. Glad your surgeries are healing and that your stitches are out. I know that must of been annoying. Things are starting to get back to normal around here. Alyssa went back to school yesterday, (what a relief!) LOL! Thanks for sending your prayers, much appreciated!

Cheryl, congrats on the 2.5lbs!! Awesome job, way to go! Love the ten commandents. I think we should pin it on everyone else around us so that they'll understand sometimes why we can't endulge with them.

Shyla, I know that five pounds does a lot to our heads, trying to make us believe that it's more substantial than it really is. Lord knows I've wallowed lately because of it. The best thing to remember is that it really isn't that bad and they are easily taken care of with a few good days of committment. I agree with everyone else, keep your ticker in it's spot for a bit. It'll give you some motivation to work harder to get to it faster. I'm trying my best to get back to it, I don't want to live this lie any longer.

Robbin, I'm almost looking forward to the weekend for you. Seems they have become your "second" best friend...hehehe! Your body is on some sort of weird schedule of weight loss. Hanging on till the last possible moment..then Bam! You're down! Keep on chugging!

Have a great evening ladies!
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Old 11-16-2006, 05:59 PM   #381  
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Howdy ladies sorry to bail midstream last time, but things were getting violent! They are contentedly watching Wizard of Oz right now, so thought i would steal away and get caught up. I have not weighed yet and only checked my blood sugar once this morning. Eating has been pretty good. Good choices as well as portions. My work load has really taken off and i have let that be my excuse for no exercise but i am definitley more active than i have been. Several late nights and always early mornings!

Now that i have not weighed in several days i am so scared to get on the scale tomorrow morning. I am trying to figure out my warm light clothes cause it is supposed to be cold and i don't want to have to strip in the doctor's office! I will weigh here first though to prevent major breakdown in a public place if it isn't down any. Also i started TOM this afternoon so who knows what that is going to do to my body! We'll see, should make for an interesting day! I will try to update before i leave for the doctor but i don't know if there will be time!

Stacy- glad to hear the healing is going well! Girl you have got to lighten up on yourself!!! You are doing great and 1 pound down is always better than one ounce up!!!

Cheryl - love the quotes from the book!!! Fortunately for me the bad weather stayed to the south of me so just a rainy messy day. Which in some sick way i really like! CONGRATS on the weight loss!!!! I hope the scale is as kind to me tomorrow!

Shawn - 5 pounds will be off in no time! Keep up the good work! The sugar cravings can be awful but splenda can really help. Stevia is another good sweetener but you have to get it in a health food store. The splenda products help with portion control too. Too much of them you only do once!!

Robbin - i stil can't believe i haven't weighed! I really expected convulsions or something like that! But i just have to get teeth brushed get a shower and fix hair without getting on it and the rest of the day is easy! I had someone ask me so now how often are you going to weigh from here on and i said probably go back to daily after friday but with a much better attitude. Who knows probably depends a lot on what the scale shows in the morning. I could probably survive every other day with minimal stress!

Tina - glad to see you are getting the fever back!! How is the family, are you all on the road to healthy again or has the lung bug still got ya'll?? good to see the scale is really starting to move for you again!!!

Well girls too quiet on the western front so need to check on the kidlins!! Hope ya'll have a wonderful night and will try to check in in the am!!
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Old 11-16-2006, 07:09 PM   #382  
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Hello ladies, having a really good week, hoping it will make up for the bad weekend. I am geared up for not having my splurge day tomorrow after weigh in. Hoping to not splurge until .

Had a great NSV last night. The kids cooked popcorn, the buttery microwave kind with enough salt and butter to choke a goat. Well i have a eating after dinner, none, nada, zip. Not even sugar free jello. So here come the kids with their popcorn and a big bowl for me and DH. I told them thank you, since it was so nice of them to actually bring the parents some. But i didnt eat a bite...i sat there watching tv and let dh eat the WHOLE bowl... ha ha ha Nobody noticed that i didnt have a single kernal...boy did i want some too. But i stuck to my guns and it felt so good once that bowl was empty to know, i didnt cave.

Erin- You still havent weighed!?!?! You go girl. Good for you. I would be sweat'n it too...i bet the news will be good though...bummer about TOM. make sure you base any changes on YOUR scale though. My docs scale usually has me up 5 more pounds than my home scale. I have heard a lot about Stevia. Does it measure cup for cup of sugar, like splenda? Do you like it better than splenda...i like splinda better than the others but it still has a sort of wang sometimes. I might take a drive out to the health food store and pick up some.

Tina- WTG on the 1.5 down. Very cool. I know what you mean about in the begining you dont EVER get out of balance. That is when i was losing 3 pounds a week and dropping inches like crazy. I have come to a stall on inches...time to get it going. Glad your darling is back to normal and back in school...i know that is nice break...i am always ready for them to head back, ha ha.

Robbin- Wait, shhhh, what is that i hear? Oh that is robbins scale getting ready to drop again. I am chugging water right along with you sister. My 13 year old, david, thinks i am nuts. I get excited when i have to go pee, then get even more excited if it is a big pee. Oh my gosh, poor buddy is sure mom has officially lost it.

Cheryl- WOW 2.5, heck yeah. Wrap it up, I'll take it, that is great, especially after a bad weekend...i can totally relate to those. Your loss gives me hope for my weigh in in the morning, i too was VERY naughty over the weekend. I did have salmon for dinner. Even my six year old LOVED it. I poured canned diced tomatos and shallots over it and wrapped it in aluminum foil and baked/steamed it for 30 minutes ...delicious with no fat really and a veggie to boot. We also had roasted carrots and those are a good change on the same ol' sides. I did have beets too but me and dh were the only ones that ate them, ha ha. Loved the office manifesto.

Shyla- 5 pounds isnt squat, leave that ticker where it is for a week or two and see where you are. If you have been slurging, i bet the weight will be off in now time. Frozen cherries huh? How did you come up with that? My daughter would LOVE that i bet. She likes frozen blueberries A we will have to give the cherries a try. Dont you just love those days when you can burn that ellipitical up? They are few and far between for me, but some days i can just go go go on that thing. The stitches were just where i had some moles/cysts removed, unfortunately they were on my bicep, shoulder, and back, i figured i would have all three removed at the same time but unfornately that cut out my weight training of upper i tried to double up on cardio...but i get to start back my exercises full throttle on saturday. Cant wait. I know what you mean about only getting 8 workouts a month. I really try for 4-5 a week...i would be happy with that...but here lately, i have only had 3 a week. Gotta get back to it...that is when i was losing the big pounds every week.

Ok, gosh this got long quick. Hope my weigh in goes well tomorrow but right now the scales are up pretty high...dang weekend.
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Old 11-16-2006, 08:49 PM   #383  
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No time for personals, I had a nice long post just about done and I lost it. Happy to report I'm down another 2 pounds. At this rate I hope to be back to ticker weight by turkey day. Just hope I can stay in control and not stuff myself.

Congrats to all of you that have stayed the same or had a loss. WTG!!!

Erin...You go Girl!!! Hope you have a very nice surprise when you weigh.

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Old 11-16-2006, 10:04 PM   #384  
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Erin, you've been so good all week and I wish you all the success on your weigh in tomorrow. Just know that seeing that TOM has reared her ugly head it could throw you off, perhaps quite a bit. Don't get discouraged if you don't get the results you want, blame it on "her" and keep on truckin'! Seems the family is on the mend, and hoping that lung bug is kept under wraps with all the antibiotics that's been floating around here lately. Thanks for asking!

Stacy, woo hoo!! You kept your game face on all the while that popcorn tempted you till the last kernal. Now that's what I'm talking about! Awesome resilience girl, it's great to see some of that beginning will power starting to peak out again. I had to literally "laugh out loud" at your comment to Robbin about getting excited because you have to go pee, especially if it's a long one, you took the words right out of my mouth!!!!

Cheryl, too bad about losing your post. I tell ya nothing is more aggrevating than that. Congrats on another 2 pounds!! That's awesome! You sure are rockin' this week. I'm totally feeding off of your success, keep it up!
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Old 11-17-2006, 08:02 AM   #385  
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Well, just a quick post. I worked out 3 days in a row, and then yesterday I didn't and went to the grocery. I got everything healthy, EXCEPT for a pint of ice cream. Why did I do that?? Of course, I ate the entire thing last night, and then needed something salty, so ate some chips. Arghhhh! After I ate it, I was like "meh - that wasn't even all that great". Arggghhh!! It's just that numb, mindless eating we/I do!

Today is a new day, though, and I have healthy foods to eat, so girls - LET'S DO THIS THING!! *hug*
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Old 11-17-2006, 09:24 AM   #386  
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Mornin girls, just a quick post for right now. I have some things I gotta get done before the boss is back on Monday and I want to get it all done this morning so I can chill this afternoon.

The scales are still holding at 218 but TOM is just around the corner and if I can maintain 218 throughout I will we ESTATIC.

Better get to work but will be back.
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Old 11-20-2006, 02:08 PM   #387  
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Default Happy Monday!

Whoa!! I just found us way over on the 2nd page! We must of had a very busy weekend. I know I kept busy. It's that time of year again for sure! Things are still heading in the right direction as far as my mentallity, but unfortunately I'm retaining. I just don't get enough water down on the weekends. Not even half of what I usually drink, and then of course there is definitely extra sodium on the weekends when you go out to eat. But I guess that's what Mondays are for! LOL!

Shyla, it's tough trying get back into it full swing. Too bad about the little blurp (chips and icecream), but think on the bright're starting to get your groove back. I hope you are still keeping up that exercise! Don't give on yourself, you are too important, more important than those temptations!!

Robbin, how are you doing today? How did the scales treat you over the weekend? Hope you were able to get all that work done before the boss came back today!

Hope everyone is having a great new start to this week!

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Old 11-20-2006, 08:33 PM   #388  
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Good morning ladies!
Just a quick hello. I have not been on in a while because i am traveling through india for work. Will be back in the US next week. My first week here went fine as i was staying in a good hotel which had a gym and restaurants, therefore i had control over my food and workouts. The past 4 days though we have been visiting projects in villages, so no hotel gym, and the same darn rice, potatoes, bread and gravy for lunch and diner every single day! I am trying to relax about it and realize this is only going to be a week in my life and no real damage can be done in that time, but by God it is challenging. Hopefully it gets better starting tomorrow when I am back in the Capital city of New Delhi and in a good hotel. I have traveled with my scale byt i don't sare step on it, lol. Though I might today, just out of curiosity. We'll see.
Glad to see everyone is doing well. I will try to catch up on your posts first chance I get but Robbin I am glad you made it to the 210s! I don't know if I am there yet or not! Take care everyone and keep going strong!
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Old 11-21-2006, 09:21 AM   #389  
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Ok a quick fly by for me also. I worked so hard for that 217 and then ruined it last night with a PMS binge and having real smoked sausage and doritos. Yuck that sounds like a nasty combination now but last night it was good. Now I am up to 219 and hating myself for it.

Better get to work. Check back soon.
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Old 11-21-2006, 12:27 PM   #390  
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Hey everyone-
I'm hanging in there...doing my running on the treadmill and t-tapp on off days. In a pretty good routine right now. Hopefully I won't get bored of it too soon as it seems to be working really well for me.

Robbin- don't stress about the doritos and *know* it's not a 2 lb fat gain so just move on and today is another day, right? lol Some days we just need what tastes good I think! The trick is only letting it be *one* snack, not a whole week or month of being off track and gaining all out weight back.

Kreen- how cool you are in India!! Especially visiting in the villages. What a life experience! And really, not a bad trade for having to eat potatoes and bread for a week kwim? You'll be fine

Great to see you back Shawn!

Tina- way to get right back at it!

Hope everyone is having a great week!!
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