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Old 12-11-2006, 01:29 PM   #481  
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Afternoon Girls...Just a quick check in for now. Looks like a few of us having been sick with the nasty bug going around. Hope you all are feeling much better. I'm over what ever I had, but my throat still hurts and I'm fighting the Holiday blues that I get every year.

I haven't weighed myself in over a week, and don't know if I will do that till after the holidays. Maybe I will have a nice surprise if I wait.

A Great Big Welcome to all the new ladies that have joined us while I was away. Look forward to getting to know you better.

Lois...So nice to have you back!! I really missed you. Hope you are enjoying your new home.

I have a meeting with the FD this afternoon, so I'll try to get back later on tonight to do personals.

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Old 12-11-2006, 04:45 PM   #482  
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Oh wow . . . I'm behind again . . . the days just going whipping along and suddenly I seem to have missed a few. I know I've been really busy, but don't hask me for anything specific that I've been doing. Nothing too bad and nothing too good as far as the eating and moving routines are concerned; but as I've said before, at this time of year I'll be ecstatic just to hold my own.

I'm right in there with the rest of you . . . it gets sooooo easy to become complacent. My weight is the lowest it has been for many, many years (like maybe 15 or better) and I keep wanting to say . . . hey, I know how to do this now so it doesn't matter if I go a bit overboard once in a while . . . problem, as always, is making sure it is only "a bit" and "once in a while".

All any of us can do is our best and because we are human, our best will vary slightly from time to time and right now we are facing one of those extremely 'variable' times of the year. Hang in there gang . . . together we can do it.

Let's face the busy week in good spirits and keep on moving and shaking and heading on down that glorious road to fitness and better health. Here's a double dose of to keep us moving in the right direction.

See you all again soon.
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Old 12-12-2006, 06:10 AM   #483  
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Morning glories!! Just did 30 on the eliptical, only 4.5 miles and 445 calories today, trying to fight off a cold again and it is really making it hard to be speedy gonzales on there right now! but i am proud of myself i did it at all!! We are in the midst of another warm spell after highs in the 40's last week we had a high of about 70 yesterday! Crazy! no wonder we are all getting sick!

ROBBIN - glad to see you ending your post with some positive thoughts!! we can do this, it is a matter of doing the right thing when the opportunity to do the wrong thing presents itself. I want to say its as simple as making the right choices, but there aint nothing simple about it!!! Keep doing positive things and positive things will happen!

TINA - thanks for the welcome back! I think some of my plateau is self sabotage, how do we break that!!! My calories are all over the place because i can go from dedicated to pigging out 3 times in a week! I am really hoping the exercise after such a long hiatus will do the trick

CHERYL - always busy aren't you lady! I wish i was not a scale obsessor, i know it really drags me down at times, but you are probably right sometimes staying off is better. Hope your meeting went well and look forward to hearing from you again soon!

LINDA - howdy lady! Thanks for the extra dose of willpower dust and positive thoughts, i am really needing it right now!! I know what you mean about "bit" and "while" those two words can get you in a lot of trouble! Hope things settle down a little for you soon!

CHELSEA - haven't read back far enough to make sense of your post, but sounds like new relationship intensity and yes it can be very scary. My hubby was intense and i was the scared one and we have been married 12 years now! Hope it all works out for you!

WELLLLLL, paperwork to be done so gotta run! Hope ya'll have a fantastic day and I will talk to ya again soon!!!
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Old 12-12-2006, 09:25 AM   #484  
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Good Morning Ladies. The dedication in yesterdays post is still there, I think, somewhere deep inside. I really want to do this but I am craving bad. After talking with my mom this morning I think I might understand why. She said that after last week, my not eating hardly anything at all due to being sick, my body is now trying to renourish itslef. Maybe that is so, but I am still trying my hardest to fight all of these cravings.

Well gotta go clock into work. Check back later.
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Old 12-12-2006, 10:35 AM   #485  
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Hi ladies! This past week has been a busy one with our childcare centre hosting a winter celebration for all the children and their families (over 350 people total). It went off without a hitch on Saturday and there was even food left over. This week we get relicenced by the city and then it is just a coast to Dec. 22 following which I get 10 days..count 'em 10 days off. WOOHOO! I'm staying on program for the most part and running 3 days a week but I can't seem to get moving on the weight training. I know it's so important for weight loss but I HATE it.

Other than that, just trying to stay away from the malls and big stores while the whole western world goes crazy. Hope everyone finds a little bit of will power in their stockings this year.

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Old 12-12-2006, 11:22 AM   #486  
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Linda...The days do seem to go by faster, and it seems there is never enough time to get everything done that we want too. This is the hardest month out of the year for me. I miss my family so much, and all the goodies that are whispering my name. I'm throwing the box of chocolate I won saturday night in the trash today and packing the rest of the cookies up for my kids. got to get them out of the house. Thanks for the double dose of I know I sure needed it to get back on track.

Erin...Great job on the eliptical. Hope you continue to stay well and fight the cold off.

Robbin...Hang in there and try to RESIST. I caved after being sick and ate anything and everything not nailed down. Today, I'm hauling the goodies to the trash (outside) or sending to my kids. I have lovely good for me broccoli, baby carrots and mushrooms to eat...Yuck!...I mean, Yummy!!!

Jusji5571 and Imwynen... I look forward to getting to know both of you. You will love it here! Great bunch of ladies for support and motivation.

Tina...AHAaaaaa!!! You look so cute in your Santa hat. Love the picture!!!

Stacy... on moving your ticker. Any loss during this time of the year is a cause for Celebration!!!

Tammy...Your in the teens, that's AWESOME!!!!

Chelsea...MMmmmmm new love. Congrats and enjoy yourself. Great job staying on program as well.

Michelle...Hope your appointment with the Doctor went well. What school is your daughter going too?

Well ladies, so far I have had a container of low fat yogurt for breakfast and I'm going to record some new music for my walkman. Want some up beat music while I work out to Walk Away the Pounds. I'm hoping that will get my motivation back where it was before the Holidays arrived.

Meeting with the FD went well, but the next five months are going to be stressful for her and me. In the process of choosing an adoptive family for her, so she gets herself pretty worked up over little things that she should let us adults worry about.

In the process of renewing our foster parent license, so yesterday I had to go in for a TB test. Tomorrow I have CPR and next week I have Ist Aid, should be done and ready to go for another year.

Well, I need to get a Christmas stocking finished so I can get it in the mail by Friday. Have a good day.

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Old 12-12-2006, 12:39 PM   #487  
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Wow - I'm impressed that you can throw chocolate away. I'm good at not buying it but once it's i the houwe - my willpower goes down the toilet!

I bought some chocolate tree decorations and ate the lot without putting one on the tree or even telling my daughter I'd bought them. I was so ashamed. But I DID put them on my daily food diary so at least I didn't lie to myself. And I seem to have got away with it - I haven't gained. But I had no tea that day so calorie-wise I was OK.

what is wrong with me - surely normal people don't do stuff like that!
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Old 12-12-2006, 02:04 PM   #488  
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Default Happy Tuesday!

Good day girls! How's the battle going today? I'm so far so good, minutes away from lunch and feeling like a salad with some lean ham thrown on top. I went to water aerobics this morning and there are muscles in pain that I had no idea I had...LOL! It's all good though, something ought to be toning right!? We went out for dinner last night and I stuck to my sharing idea but I guess there's no excaping the sodium, the scales were at 213.5, at least I can still keep the ticker the same! Been chugging the water and plan on having a cup of oolong tea to help flush that away. We'll see how tomorrow goes....

boy do you ever sound busy. I am amazed at your will to be able to throw chocolates away. YIKES! I think I'd be dumpster diving in 15mins. hahaha! I admire your committment to this though, that is what it takes...small sacrifices now to better yourself in the end. Good job! Thanks for the compliment btw...

Linda, I'm with ya girl...the days are starting to mold together here lately and it's getting harder and harder to keep a scheduled plan of weight loss. We just have to take each spare moment to reconfigure ourselves and keep trying. Thanks for the extra will power dust, I think some got in my eye and made it only possible for me to see the pool this morning! LOL!

Erin, way to go on that elliptical! Those are great numbers! LOL! I guess you could say you've totally taken care of the zig zagging of calories! Self-sabotage is a tough one to overcome and there's nothing anyone can do or say to help that one but yourself. You have the will and desire within you, you just gotta dig down deep and bring it out again. Pull out that tiger in you that hates to be sabotaged and rip it to shreds!

Robbin, what your mom said makes total sense. I mean look at the little bit of food you had, of course your body is crying out for comfort food. How about making a good healthy pot of chili. I use ground turkey meat instead of beef, it's pretty good! Load it up with lots of the good stuff...I love thick chili...stick to your ribs kind! :P

IMWYNEN, it's great to hear you're keeping up your running even though you've been so busy. The winter celebration sounds like it was a lot of work, glad everything went off without a hitch. I'd recommend getting light weights first and then you hardly know they're there.

Robsia, wow! Look how close you are to goal! Way to go! You must be on cloud nine permently! Just think back to last Christmas to where you are today, amazing! Great job!

Well, my belly is telling me it's time to eat...and soon! Have a great day girls!

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Old 12-12-2006, 05:17 PM   #489  
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Hi Everybody . . . Decided that it was very prophetic that both Super Store and Sobey's (both our major local grocery chains) decided to put cream cheese on sale this week since I'm stuggling to avoid baking shortbread . . . so I got a bunch and will now make some extra-light cheescakes for the freezer to serve to guests over Christmas. I absolutely love this recipe and have been making it for a special treat for many, many years.

Now this is definitely NOT the rich, dry, New York style cheesecake that can run as high as 1000 calories a slice; but, for around 200 calories a serving it is light, refreshing, and almost sinfully delicious. It is also really easy and as variable as the many flavours of FF/SF jello can make it.


. . . 1/3 cup wafer cookie crumbs (graham, chocolate, vanilla)
Spray bottom of 8" springform pan; sprinkle bottom with crumbs and set aside
. . . 1 (4 serv. size) FF/SF jello (any flavour)
. . . 2/3 cup boiling water
In small bowl or measuring cup, dissolve jello in boiling water and let cool slightly.
. . . 16 oz light (reduced fat) cream cheese
With food processor or blender, combine jello and cream cheese until smooth.
. . . 1 litre container of Light Cool Whip, thawed
In large bowl, fold topping into cheese/jello mixture and combine thoroughly (but gently). Pour into springform pan and chill at least 4 hours before serving.
. . . 1 cup fruit or other garnish of choice
Just before serving, remove sides of pan and garnish as desired (preferably fresh fruit, but frozen or canned will work as long as it is well drained).

A few of my favourite combinations over the years . . . graham crumbs, lemon jello, blueberries . . . chocolate crumbs, cherry jello, cherries and shaved chocolate . . . vanilla crumbs, strawberry jello, strawberries.

CHELSEA . . . . . . Wow, sounds like Santa brought you a nice little treat a bit early this year.

TAMMY . . . . . . Glad you are staying stong, girl. You've come so far.

ERIN . . . . . . Very impressive about the elliptical workout, especially when you are feeling below par. I know I use any excuse not to exercise. Have to work on that next year.

ROBBIN . . . . . . Stuff yourself with lots of healthy fruits and veggies; leave no room for cravings.

WYNEN . . . . . . Glad your get-together was so successful and that you are doing well staying OP. Keep it up, chickie.

CHERYL . . . . . . so know how you feel. I really miss my family at this time of year, too. Really fantastic will-power to throw away that chocolate. Wow.

ROBSIA . . . . . . don't know what you are talking about . . . sounds like perfectly normal behaviour to me.

TINA . . . . . . good for you, lady . . . be proud of yourself (and the picture is great, too).

BTW, I treated myself to a copy of YOU - On a Diet today. Have only glanced at a few pages so far, but looks pretty good. Figured a new book would give me a little extra kick in the old resolve. Will report later.

Have a good evening of moving and shaking and heading on down the road, gang. Type to you soon.
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Old 12-13-2006, 11:23 AM   #490  
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Good morning girls! I'm happy today, I got to change my ticker back to 212! Yippee! I haven't got a lot of time, I have to fit in my workout before I have to scoot out to the bank. Tonight is Alyssa's Chirstmas concert...hehehe! Her first one! I'm so excited! (Can ya tell?) LOL!

Linda, that cheesecake sounds so delicious. Thanks for sharing! I've been doing a little research online about Dr. OZ after seeing him on Oprah, he sure puts things in total perspective doesn't he. Let us know what you think of the book!

Well girls, a little quiet in here but I can understand how busy one gets this time of year. Hope your all out there having a great day!

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Old 12-13-2006, 12:12 PM   #491  
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Well . . . good morning . . . wherever you are all hiding . . . believe me I know how hectic things get at this time of year.

NO WWI movement for me this week . . . I really am getting sort of used to this tortoise-race-pace of mine. Hopefully I'll get to see the FFM next Wednesday.

But WOW for you TINA . . . . . . I don't begrudge you her services at all, girl. Keep up the good stuff and have a great 'first concert' tonight. Who is more excited . . . Allysa or you?

See you all later, gaters. Keep things moving and shaking
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Old 12-13-2006, 04:17 PM   #492  
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Hey girls sorry this is so late in the day but I have been fighting the food and fat blues. I just haven't felt like checking in. I feel like a total failure, the scales are up to 219 today. That is 4 pounds above ticker. I just haven't found my willpower and motivation yet. I really need to get back on track. I have to stop making excuses to not exercise and have to keep myself away from the stupid snack table here at work.

Check back later.
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Old 12-13-2006, 05:42 PM   #493  
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Awwwwww . . . . ROBBIN . . . . So sorry you are feeling down in the dumps. Cheer up, my friend, this too will pass and you will get back on track. Don't beat yourself up. This is a really tough time of year. Just keep remembering all the good stuff you've already done and reminding yourself that you can do it again.
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Old 12-13-2006, 11:26 PM   #494  
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Hello everyone!! I was invited to come check out this thread, so here I am! Thanks for helping me find it, LadyLai.
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Old 12-14-2006, 03:25 AM   #495  
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Hi girls

My daughter has an achievement to share with you, but she's only 5 so I will post on her behalf.

I was always slightly concerned about her weight. She has always been rounded and, according to the BMI charts "at risk of becoming overweight".

This year, we have both been eating more healthily and in addition, she began going to swimming lessons in May and gymnastics in September. Since September I have definitely noticed a change in her body - she has slimmed down and muscled up.

As of this morning she has lost 3 pounds and her BMI has gone down from 94th percentile to 78th percentile - putting her firmly in the "normal" category. 3 pounds isn't much to you and me but it's a lot when you're only 5 so I'm, so pleased.

Thing is, it's hard to do something like this with a child without making them conscious of their weight, and without wanting to instil the idea that "skinny is beautiful" which can lead to later eating problems. It's even harder when mummy is also losing weight, which further reinforces the idea. But hopefully the message I have got across is that "healthy is beautiful" rather than "skinny is beautiful".

Anyway, wanted to share that!
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