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Old 11-25-2006, 01:40 PM   #406  
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Hi TINA -- Glad to hear that the FFM is getting her act together at your house.

Boy, where does everybody go on the weekends? Hope to see some more of the gang around soon.

Have a good one and keep on moving and shaking.
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Old 11-25-2006, 08:35 PM   #407  
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Hi girls,

I’m really struggling this week with food! I am pledging here to get back on track, and to get my calories under control. For the last two months, my calories have been averaging between 1800 and 1900 per day, which is just too high to lose at a steady rate right now. Lately, I’m also fighting the feeling that I’m tired of always having to deal with counting calories, and measuring food and being mindful of what I’m eating. At times, I miss being able to just eat and enjoy it like the “old days”. I’m tossing around the idea of trying to just maintain for a few weeks, to give myself a break from trying to lose. Right now, I’ve decided to keep going but to keep that as an alternative.

Linda, I don’t think I was posting when you posted before, so it’s nice to meet you. Uuuhh, I had an endometrial biopsy a few months ago, and it was painful. I’m glad to hear that everything was good.

Michelle, I’m so sorry that this has been a hard time for you. I know your family has been a comfort to you. I wish I didn’t like sweets. Once I have one bite, it’s so hard to quit.

Stacy, I feel your pain on weight loss dragging. It’s happening to me too. I hope your weekend with the inlaws went well.

Tina, Has your long weekend made it more difficult to stay on track? I understand how much you dislike the gyn appointments. My daughter is 12, and I just went back for the follow-up appointment after her birth this year. But it is important to do nonetheless.

Robbin, I enjoyed reading your post about how you depend on the support group to keep you going and your relationship with food. I feel the same way about being able to be honest about my weight and my food on 3FC. I wouldn’t be able to talk to people in the real world about it, but I know you girls understand. Boy, your post about food and your parents really hit home too. My parents are the same, and being at their house most of the day Thursday and today really didn’t help me stay on plan. My dad kept pushing German chocolate cake on me, and I really didn’t need that darn temptation since that’s one of my all time favorite foods.

Welcome Jamie. I wish I had made an effort to lose weight when my kids were younger. Being so heavy while they were babies and toddlers, I feel like I missed out on things with them. Good for you for doing it now. What type of program are you following?

Emily, You're really doing great with both your exercise and your food. Good for you.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend!
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Old 11-26-2006, 05:42 AM   #408  
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If you do decide to try and maintain for a few weeks - I must stress that you still need to keep track of your calories!

When I went on holiday this year (twice) I made the conscious decision not to be on the diet - to eat exactly what I wanted and not track my calories. The first time I put on 4 lbs in a week - the second 6 lbs.

OK, so it did go once I got back on the diet, but it's a very dangerous thing to stop tracking your calories, especially for several weeks. I only ever do it with the knowledge that I will have put on a few pounds and I knowe I can deal with that. For example, this Christmas I will not be on my diet and I expect to put on about 7 pounds. But I'll be back on again at New Year.

But if you're already struggling with it and your willpower is not like iron, then it's a dangerous thing to do - it's too easy to just think "Oh forget the whole blasted thing" which would be a shame as you've done so well!

So, absolutely try to maintain if you think that's best but still track your cals!
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Old 11-26-2006, 06:06 PM   #409  
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Hi Ladies...Just a quick Hello and a very Happy belated Thanksgiving to you all. Sorry I have been MIA, but not my fault. We switched from dial-up internet to high speed last week, and it has been nothing but problems. I think my Hubby and the phone company have finally got all the bugs worked out. Price we pay for living in the country. I must say, I LOVE HIGH SPEED INTERNET!!!!

I did really well on Thanksgiving. Didn't stuff the bird or myself! LOL I have a lot of reading to get caught up on and posting to do as well. I will be back in the morning to do that.

Linda...So nice to see you back. I missed you!

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Old 11-27-2006, 08:56 AM   #410  
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Why oh why, at this time of year, do we seem to only see the sun on the really cold days? If it's a bit milder, you can just about bet that it's raining. Oh well.

TAMMY . . . Wow, you have done so very, very well. How long has it taken you to lose better than 125 pounds? I know it has taken me almost eleven months to lose a little over 40 and, yes, it does get depressing sometimes. Some people can handle the "give it a rest once in a while" method of weight loss. They seem to take a month or two 'off' -- i.e., consciously practicing maintenance -- and then get back to it with renewed conviction. Maybe you are one of them and the break might be very good for you. Good luck with whatever you decide.

ROBSIA . . . You are looking absolutely marvellous, girl. You are an inspiration.

CHERYL . . . Great to see you again. Congratulations on a controlled Thanksgiving . . . gives you a great feeling to know you can do well in the face of all those temptations, doesn't it.

Well, ladies, I'd better get a move on . . . want to get out and finish my Christmas shopping while the sun is shining. See you again really soon. Keep things moving and shaking.
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Old 11-27-2006, 09:31 AM   #411  
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Ok chickies I am sorry I have been MIA. It was a very busy holiday weekend and this morning I am way behind so I just wanted to pop in and say hi.

The scales are up 6 pounds due to TOM showing up and my terrible pigging out for the holiday. I am determine to get right back on track and get the weight back off. I got a gazzel(sp) exercise machine over the weekend so will be putting it to good use.

Well better get to work. Check back later.
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Old 11-27-2006, 10:46 AM   #412  
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Ugh, I have a terrible head cold/sinus pain! Came on pretty fast late Saturday afternoon and yesterday was awful. I *think* I feel a little better this morning, but definitely not like exercising. Frustrating when I want to keep on my schedule, but suppose this is life. TOM also started yesterday, what fun! Oh well, I can't really taste anything so I won't be too tempted to indulge in junk, lol. Think I'll be taking it easy reading in bed. Kids are out of school for a pd day so at least I don't have to go out in the -25 (C) temps!!
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Old 11-27-2006, 11:14 AM   #413  
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Default Happy Monday!

Good morning all! Nice to see some faces back in here! How was everyones weekend? I am quite satisfied with mine as far as the scale. Usually after the weekends it seems disastrous, so far away from ticker and it takes me a good few days to get back to where I was. But not this weekend, I weighed in at 215 this morning and a lot of that is retention due to of course not getting enough water and eating sodium. Dang soya sauce!! LOL! I would love to see ticker weight this week!! We had long weekend here too and of course that included my sister AGAIN! Sometimes it's overwhelming, especially when your used to one semi-quiet kid to having four-not-quiet-kids!! Oh well, it's over now.

Linda, I've been pretty much stuck at the same range of weight since July! Isn't that sick! Seems when my holiday came in July that it just through me for a big loop and I've been fighting to find my inner self-motivator ever since! I'm tired of seeing 210-217, time for a big change!

Tammy, you can do this girl! I know how tough it is when you're trying your best and seems the scale doesn't reward you the same as it used to. It's hard to keep things up when that happens. But the best thing you can do is to keep at it. There's no way to get more results than to keep pluggin' away at it. You've done so well, I mean immensely incrediable! I think your body is starting to get stubborn about the last bit. Hang on girl!

Cheryl, good to know you had a great Thanksgiving and so controlled too! WOw! If there's anyone to look up to during the Christmas holidays it's you! Way to go!

Robbin, chug the water and enjoy your gazzelle and your scales will be in tip top shape again quite soon!

Emily, oooo sorry to hear you're not feeling well. Don't ya hate it when life throws a wrench in the routine. Hang in there! My daughter is home this morning from school too, we've got -27 (c) and the furnace quit in her school! Wish someone would have phoned I could have slept in a little! LOL!

Well, I shall be off to the elliptical and see if I can make things happen this week!

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Old 11-27-2006, 01:22 PM   #414  
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Hi Ladies...Just a quick pop-in for now. I'm up 4 lbs and can't believe how swollen my hands and feet are. Going to chug water today and see if that helps with the water retention. Hope it doesn't mean TOM is going to pay me another visit in the very near future.

Kreen...Nice to see you back. I'm like Tina, I love Indian food, especially anything with curry.

Jamie...Welcome to the gang! I look forward to getting to know you.

Emily...Hope you are feeling better real soon. Hope you get to stay home and snuggle in a nice warm bed.

Tina...Congrats on moving your ticker!! It seems you and I have really been stuggling since we went on vacation. I can't wait for the holidays to be over with. I have a potluck to go to Friday night and a Christmas party next Saturday night. Going to have to do some major pre-planning, especially around the desserts.

Robbin...Congrats on getting a gazelle. That is what my reward to myself will be once I get to 250 lbs. Have you tried it out yet?

Tammy...I agree with what you said. I hate having to count points/measure my food. I was really good writting down what I ate and keeping track of my points till thanksgiving/weekend. I didn't over eat, but the little things can add up fast. So far the urge to back cookies hasn't hit me, so that's a good thing!

Robsia...You look GREAT!!! Hope the holidays are good to you this year.

Well I'm off to put some music on and do a little moving before I sit and do a couple hours of sewing. Got Christmas biting at my heels and a few projects to finish up before I can get back to my quilts I'm working on.

Tina and Emily...Our very nice fall weather left the day after Thanksgiving and winter arrived. We had a lite dusting of snow lastnight, freezing rain will be in this afternoon and we are to have 3 to 5 inches of snow by tomorrow morning. Not complaining since it was a very, very nice fall for us.

Have a lovely day.

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Old 11-27-2006, 02:44 PM   #415  
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I must say, I am REALLY impressed with some of the ladies on here. You have managed to lose weight when the odds are against you. You are an example for us all to follow. I've been struggling with my weightloss..taking 2 steps forward only to take 3 steps (i.e. pounds) back. I'll just continue the struggle cuz the only alternative is to stay this way forever, which is not an option. Especially as most of my weight is in my stomach and people STILL think I'm pregnant 5 months after giving birth! I am so tired of that, and that motivates me the most. Plus the fact that I only have about 4 outfits because I REFUSE to buy clothing in this size. I would have gone all winter with my coat unzipped (my coat that fit me last year before the weight gain), but LUCKILY I got it zipped over the weekend. Yeah, now I can hide my huge stomach under my zipped up down jacket. Today it was warm but I wore it, all zipped up! Best wishes to all you "losers" out there!
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Old 11-27-2006, 07:07 PM   #416  
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Hope everyone had a good T-day, those of you in the US. We had a good time at the inlaws. I did better than i would have a year ago, but worse than i would have liked, so i guess i will live. I am sure the scale is up, so i am going to wait til friday to weigh.

Kind of depressed to realize i only lost 3 pounds this month...the WHOLE month....3 pounds. I guess i should be happy i didnt gain, but still. I really wanted to be at 240 by T-day, instead i am going to be lucky if i start december off at 247. I had plans to get back on track and hit the gym. DS was sick the WHOLE time we were in NC and that means hours and hours in a car with DS coughing up a now guess who has a sore throat and is feeling a little less than energized? And can you believe, on top of this, i am due for TOM anyday...ARE YOU KIDDING ME?

Oh well, i am hoping the chest cold that is sure to follow at least waits til later in the week to take hold of my i can at least get a few good workouts in.

Ok, i am going to make the best of the time between now and Christmas. I will have a small goal though. I want to lose 5 pounds by Christmas.
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Old 11-28-2006, 11:03 AM   #417  
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Good Morning . . . the sun is shining in Nova Scotia so, naturally it is very cold.

Well, I finished my Christmas shopping yesterday -- now the wrapping can begin. Finished up at Tim Hortons to get a bunch of gift certificates and celebrated by eating 10 Tim Bits at 70 calories each -- oh why, oh why do we do the things we do? Bad, bad . . . but they tasted mighty good going down. Today is going to be a better day.

ROBBIN . . . . . . Good attitude, girl. Enjoy that gazelle.

EMILY . . . . . . So sorry you are ill, but good for you looking at the bright side; losing your sense of taste can be a good thing.

TINA . . . . . . I love soya sauce, too and it always does me in for a couple of days. Anyway, have faith in yourself, chickie. I know you can get back in the 'groove'.

CHERYL . . . . . . The urge to bake is coming on strong for me. I make the best shortbread ever (if I do say so myself). Trouble is . . . if I bake it, I will eat it. I could try Splenda for some of the sugar but it's the butter that makes shortbread (well, 'short') and so, there is really no successful way to turn it into a low-cal food. Hopefully I can resist the urge to bake, bake, bake.

MAMI . . . . . . Welcome aboard and thanks for all your kind words. We can all do it together . . . so we'll be looking forward to seeing less of you more often now that you've found us.

STACY . . . . . . Three pounds down is a "good" thing and don't you forget it. Nothing ever happens on the timetable we would like, but as long as we are persistent and do our best . . . it will happen.

Okay, one and all . . . off I go to get some things accomplished around the house. Keep on moving and shaking and heading in that great downward direction, gang.
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Old 11-28-2006, 11:51 AM   #418  
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Default Happy Tuesday!

Good morning! A very cold morning at that for me. At 6.30 I checked the temps to see if I should get out of bed or not, it was a good thing I did because it was -32(C)!! I turned off the alarm and slept in. I'm sorry school board, but I'm not bundling up my five year old for 2 1/2hrs. of kindergarten. Scales are still holding out at 215. I did do 1/2hr. on the elliptical (410 cals. burned) but hubbys turn to cook lastnight, steak! LOL! Go figure, hey! I tried to load up on salad before even touching anything but I still walked away with a "full" feeling. OH well...just get back at today right!

Cheryl, plan...plan...plan is all I can say. You sound you'll be starting to get into the busy Christmas season quite soon here. How did all that water chugging do ya? Anything flush away?

Mami, thanks for coming in and feeding us some great compliments! Sure helps ones motivators! I hope you come in more often to get to know us and vice versa!

Stacy, consider the month you had girl! You were "handicapped" for the most of it. I would be so glad to have had a lost rather a gain. You did good girl, keep it up!

Linda, I made hubbys favorite pecan tarts yesterday and I know exactly what you mean how hard it is to keep your fingers out of them. I had to taste one to see, you know, how they turned out. LOL! The last time I had them was last Christmas when I was mentally saying good bye to all that kind of food. It brought up a few memories and emotions as to why I started this whole thing in the first place.

Well ladies I'm off to try and make something of this day.
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Old 11-29-2006, 08:42 AM   #419  
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Morning all . . . another cold one, shaping up for today . . . but no snow yet so things could be worse.

Not one of my better WWI mornings . . . I'm up .4 of a lb , but, once again, things could be worse . . . all in all, knowing the way my body works, that is not too bad for a week that had 2 litres of NSA ice-cream (no added sugar, but lots of fat) and those tim bits I mentioned yesterday. Hopefully, it will be gone again soon, along with some friends and I'll get to move my ticker next week.

TINA . . . you will get there because your resolve sounds good . . . hope you enjoyed that steak.

Wow, it's pretty quiet in here . . . wonder where everybody is hiding . . . must be out mixing with the Christmas shopping crowds. Anyway . . . have a great day wherever you are and I'll look forward to seeing everybody again soon. Keep on moving and shaking and doing the right stuff.
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Old 11-29-2006, 09:22 AM   #420  
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Hey chickies, sorry I didn't check in yesterday. Was real busy staying home with a sick kid and ended up having to go pick up another one from school early.

The scales are down to 219 from the holiday experience and I am pretty happy that I am only up 2 pounds. I started working out on my Gazelle last night and really enjoyed it. Hopefully I will continue to like it.

I am so far behind on personals that I am not going to try to catch up right now. It is almost time for me to clock into work. My hubby is working late tonight so maybe I will find some personal time to get on the computer and do a few personals then. I am really happy to see all of the familiar faces back again and a couple of new ones that have popped in.
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