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Old 12-14-2006, 10:46 AM   #496  
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Robsia- Thank you so much for helping your daughter at a young age!!! That may sound weird, but I soo wish my mom would have done what you are doing. My mom was, well, kind of a dumb first mom (lol). She either didnt know how to cook or didn't want to, so, we went out a lot. And what do you think little kids order...french fries. So, I went out for french fries and ice cream A LOT when I was a child. Naturally, I was overweight.

Then, when I got slightly older and had more siblings, mom finally started to cook. Then I got lectured about my weight. How I have to watch what I eat and exercise and that my weight is a problem. I don't think that was good, but even worse- my dad grounded me from junk food once and took away my halloween candy one year (and ate almost all of it, lol!) in an attempt to make me lose weight. What do you think it did?? Made junk food and sweets the forbidden fruit. I developed a minor eating disorder where I would eat healthy around people, then later when no one was looking I would sneak food. Any food I could get my hands on I would sneak. Sneak it up to my room and eat it, eat it with my head in the fridge, whatever and wherever I could. My parents, of course, weren't as stupid as I thought they were and knew that I was eating sweets. So then, I got yelled at and scolded for eating so much junk food. Then the cycle started all over again, I got punished, I would sneak food, I got punished, I would sneak food, etc etc etc. This went on for several years, basically until I was a senior in high school.

I'm better now, but sometimes I still find myself sneaking food after my mom or dad gives me that "you shouldn't be eating that" look. I'm so thankful to have met someone who loves me regardless of weight (my fiance) and doesn't want me to lose weight so I'm thin. He wants me to be healthy for our family, but would never ever force me or try to get me to lose weight.

Sorry that got kind of Anyways, I just wanted to stress the importance of letting your daughter know young that she is beautful no matter her size and that TOGETHER you want stay healthy to take care of your bodies. to you and keep up the good work raising your daughter!
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Old 12-14-2006, 10:46 AM   #497  
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First off I want to Welcome Emily. This group is the most wonderful group I have found. Every lady here has a great big scoop of support to share. I love every one of them. I hope you come to depend on us and share your support just as much.

Second, Linda thank you so much for showing how much you care. It means alot to me to have you cheering me on and your words felt like a big hug.

Third, Robsia, give your daughter a big hug from me. It is a big deal for her to be at a healthy weight and you are a great mom for helping her do what is good for her.

And finally, I am feeling much better today. The scales are down 2 pounds to 217 so I am only 2 above ticker. I think that extra 2 pounds is mostly water weight because my hands are very swollen.

I also wanted to let you ladies in on something I found out about myself yesterday. I think that I have found a way to get all of my water drank every day without even thinking about it. Yesterday I drank out of a convience store cup, you know the kind, styrofoam with a lid and straw. Since I could not see into the cup I was not focused on how much was there and I have always drank more when I drink from a straw no matter what it is that I am drinking. My cup is 32 ounces and I had 5 of them yesterday with out even thinking about it. That is 160 ounces of water, wow. So far today I have already had 1 1/2 cups.

Well I had better get to work. Check back later.
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Old 12-14-2006, 11:56 AM   #498  
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Red face Hello!

Hi, I'm a 23 year old woman who has never been healthy. I suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, and have recovered from bulemia. At a recent doctor's visit, I weighed in at 223 pounds, my highest ever, and that scared me. I don't want to be this big!

So, two weeks ago, I made a decision. I am going to get thin and fit. I am doing it for myself. I am doing it so I won't get winded at the mall, so I will be able to go on long walks with my fiance, so I'll look nice in my weddikng dress. I started going for daily walks two months ago, but that just wasn't enough for me. I needed to change diet, too, and include some intensive workouts. So, I cut out the white rice and fried foods and batters and sweets. And I started Power90 a week ago, and I'm finally able to do all the moves (some modified)!!!

I feel great! I have energy that I didn't have before. I used to sleep everfy day in the middle of the day, but now I'm not. I feel excited about losing this weight. I WILL be a size 8 or smaller by my wedding in another year and a half. Now, I'm just looking for the support I'll need to keep exercising and eating right.

Right now, I'm eating 1200 or less calories a day and working out six days a week on P90, as well as taking longish walks and eating healthy foods. I have lost only one pound, but my legs DEFINITELY look thinner, and I can see indentations in my cheeks where there were none before! I'm so excited! I'm not entirely sure on diet (if I'm eating too much or too little), but I don't feel full all the time now, and my body seems to have acclimated to the diet so I don't have hunger pangs all the time either.

I really need the support to keep up with my workouts. I am beginning to enjoy them, but I'm the kind of person who tends to drop off after a while. But I don't want to be unhealthy for the rest of my life. I want this to become a way of life for me.
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Old 12-14-2006, 12:07 PM   #499  
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Thank you thank you thank you!!!

You must think I'm mad but for about a week I have been trying to remember the name of "post-traumatic stress disorder" and I saw your post and finally I can relax.

Anyway, welcome welcome! I was only 10 pounds less than you when I began and I'm at 145 now! So it can be done. It's taken me just under a year to get this far

Although 1200 or less calories is too few. It is recommended not to go below 1200 as your body kicks into 'famine' mode and grabs onto the fat so it won't starve. When I started I was losing several pounds a week on 1300-1400 cals a day. The exercise is great too - sounds like you are off to a good start.
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Old 12-14-2006, 12:57 PM   #500  
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Robsia: Thanks for the advice; I'll up the calories a bit. It's so hard because I don't generally eat very much, never really have, just lead a very boring lifestyle with no exercise.. or at least, did.

I can't wait to start dropping some of this weight!
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Old 12-14-2006, 01:42 PM   #501  
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to our little group Tiffie. The ladies here are great and have a lot of support to offer.

I do agree with Robsia that you are eating too few calories. In the beginning I tried to stick to around 1100 calories and did not loose very much at all. Your body will hold on to everything it can if you do not give it enough to use. Up your calories a tiny bit and I bet you will start seeing great results.

Keep up your good work and once again welcome.
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Old 12-14-2006, 02:13 PM   #502  
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Hi there, chickies . . . Nova Scotia is basking in 15C (60F) weather today . . . strange, strange, strange. I can't help but think we will be paying for this, big time, later on this winter.

ROBSIA . . . Wow, not only slim and beautiful, but a very wise Mother, too. So pleased to hear about the great accomplishment for your sweet daughter. You deserve to feel proud as punch.

EMILY . . . Glad to have you joining us. Know you will love it in here and I know we will love having you with us. You are already well on your way to Wonder-Woman-Motherhood status, too.

ROBBIN . . . Gee whiz, you had me tearing up for a minute. So glad you are feeling better today. Keep on slugging back that water, kiddo.

TIFFIE . . . Glad to have you joining us, too. Definitely sounds like you are off to a great start, but I have to agree that I think you should up your calories to about 1400. I know you are getting used to the 1200 right now, but you really are not doing yourself any favours and it will be difficult to maintain such a low calorie level after the first flush of excitement wears off.

Well, gang, time for me to get on about my business . . . everybody have a great day of moving and shaking and heading in that great downward direction and I'll see you all again, soon.
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Old 12-14-2006, 03:25 PM   #503  
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Robsia...A great big to you. You are a wonderful mother and your daughter is so lucky to have you. Now is the perfect time to teach her healthy eating. I grew up in the "clean your plate, starving children" era. Reached the age of 8 and started having a weight problem and my Dad telling me to push away from the table, have some will power and ect. I was just like Emily, I snuck food. So congrats to your Daughter for loosing 3 pounds and to you!!

The only way I could of stayed out of the chocolate, was to throw it in the dumpster. Believe me, I was in it!! I had it in the frig and almost broke my tooth eating a piece of it. When you find out why we do these things to ourselves, let me know.

Tina...Congrats on moving your ticker. How was Alyssa's Christmas concert? I've thought of dumpster diving, only problem is, I'd never get out of our's since I'm so short. Can you picture it; Hubby comes home and finds me sitting in the dumpster with chocolate on my face! LOL

Linda...Thanks for the receipe, going to try it for the Holidays. Do you use a small container of cool whip? Do you know how many calories per serving?

Robbin...WTG on moving the scale down to 217. Hope the blues leave you soon. I know how you feel, it's hard to get back on track, but you have worked so hard to loose 50 pounds. We are here for you!!

Emily... Look forward to getting to know you. We have a great bunch of caring women that are so supportive of each other.

Tiffie... I agree with the other ladies, 1200 is too low. You will find that you will loose better eating 1400 calories. Try to snack on high densitiy foods like red grapes, apple, brocolli, carrots when you have a craving for something sweet or crunchy. Also, writting down what you eat is very helpful.

So far I had a great day yesterday and today food wise. Went to WW, but I didn't weigh-in. I'm not going to do that till after the New year. Finally feel today that I'm back in control. Yesterday I had to take a refresher course in CPR, which was a workout. It has changed from what I was taught last year and I broke a sweat just doing the practise. Got fingerprinted and my TB test checked, so I'm good for another year of being a foster parent.

Have a great afternoon.


Last edited by Cheryl120; 12-14-2006 at 03:30 PM.
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Old 12-14-2006, 04:20 PM   #504  
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Default Happy Thursday!

Good day ladies hope you're all found well and still striving! Alyssa's concert was so cute, I was so amazed at how well she really dove into the actions and played her part. I was too proud to say the least! LOL! Things are still headed in a strong direction for me, I slacked a lot on my water yesterday because being a little too rushed. I should have a water bottle attached to my hip when those days come around so I don't forget to drink! Scales are remaining the same today. Today was also the last day of water aerobic classes till after the new year, I think the instructor was working us extra hard to burn the extra calories she thinks we'll consume over the holidays!!

Linda, it would have been a close tie if you were to measure our excitement lastnight. Thanks for the cheers. Keep doing what you do best and you'll see the FFM soon enough!

Robbin, you are by no means a failure! I know when those scales are challenging your emotions towards weight loss effort it can make you feel like a big fat failure and so disappointed. Look how far you've come! You've done that through determination and beating down those bad self-talk words you feed yourself when your down. Stand tall with your chin up, and be proud of how much more healthier you are today than in the spring. Okay, now that I said all that before reading the second post...LOL! I'm so glad you're feeling better!

Hi Emily! Glad you found us and welcome! Your childhood story rings true to my ears. My mom always says now that she wishes she knew then what she knows now. When we were growing up, as long as we were eating and not hungry whatever we ate was okay. I remember eating whole bags of cookies with bottomless glass of milk...and big bags of chips...all snuck of course because I was ashamed of the chubbiness I was gaining and that everyone seemed to love to point out.

Robsia, being a mother of a five year old too I know how challenging it can be trying to raise a well-rounded self esteem in them. How do you stay within the boundaries of telling them it's not nice to point fingers at bigger ppl, but yet say it's not good to get fat. I have a funny story....when we were trick or treating this past halloween, Alyssa went up to one door with me close by, when the door opened there was a man who greeted her and was about 400lbs., Alyssa was polite and gracious with a look of astonishment on her face all the while. When the door closed and we were well back down on the sidewalk she said, mom...I think that man could use some exercise! I was taken a back by her of how she concludes these things in her mind but yet sincere enough to say something like outta ear shot. It's great what you have accomplished with your daughter, I love that you're teaching her "healthy is beautiful", because there are extremes on the other end of the spectrum isn't there.

Tiffie, welome to the gang! You know when I first started trying to lose weight I really thought I go as far as my usual twenty and lose momentum, interest and totally go straight back to my old habits. But I guess as long as you put your mind to it, you can achieve your goals. Just a matter of believing in yourself and keeping your spirits up through some disappointments on the scale.

Cheryl, thanks for the chuckle! Yes, I agree that would surely be a sight! I'm glad to hear you feel more in control, that's a big accomplishment especially during this time of year!

Well, I gotta get going and start in at some housework. Have a great day! By the way...did anyone catch the Biggest Loser finale?! HOLY COW! Is all I can say! How inspiring..

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Old 12-14-2006, 04:44 PM   #505  
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Hi again . . .

CHERYL . . . Yep, I was raised in that "starving children in ..." era, too. It's actually amazing we didn't all explode (literally) before we hit our teens. The cheesecake is about 215 to 225 a serving depending on the topping. Cool Whip seems to be one of the things that is measured entirely differently in Canada vs. US. It's about three cups (thawed) so whatever it takes to get that much. Enjoy.

TINA . . . Glad everything went off well at the concert. Also glad you are still 'in the good place'. I agree with your Mother . . . "if I had known then, etcetera" . . . I would have given my kids a better start . . . and when I compare what I knew to what my Mother (the "starving children era") knew, I was a hundred times more enlightened . . . makes you wonder what will be going on when Alyssa is raising her family, doesn't it?

Keep on doing good stuff . . . see you tomorrow.
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Old 12-14-2006, 05:29 PM   #506  
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Tina: I'm glad I reread your message; At first, I thought you were insinuating that I was going to end up quitting without reaching any of my goals!

Thanks everyone for your encouragement. At the moment, I just woke up from a nap... Bad habits die old. lol. I'm thinking of going with a bologna and cheese sandwhich for lunch, no mayo, maybe some mustard.

I really feel like just vegging today, eating potato chips and lounging around all day. I will not do it, though! I think I'll do my workout at 4:00 and then take a walk with my fiance a little later.
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Old 12-15-2006, 09:12 AM   #507  
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Good morning ladies. well i already reached my new years goal.. so i changed it
I lost 5 lbs this week 15 in total~!
How is everyone else doing
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Old 12-15-2006, 01:46 PM   #508  
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Just rushing in for a quick little HELLO today, gang.

I'm definitely not having a great day. Out early to the lab for blood work and that always puts my blood glucose levels in a tizzy and then my eating seems to get all upside down for the rest of the day too. It's also mild again today (and that's fine) but its so damp every piece of the old body seems to be aching. Not too worry . . . I'll probably be back to my normal, fairly chipper, self by tomoprrow.

In the meantime, I hope you all have a great moving and shaking day doing all the good stuff. See you tomorrow.
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Old 12-15-2006, 02:57 PM   #509  
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Hey ladies and welcome to our newbies!! Sorry I don't have time for personals, but wanted to check in. I really let the week get away from me as far as posting, sorry about that!
I've decided to forgo my weight-loss goal this month and be content with maintaining through the holidays. So I guess the onederland goal will be for January. I am going to make my goal to have 4 cardio and 2 t-tapp workouts per week and not go crazy on any treats.
I posted some progress pics on the mini-goal photo album. TOTALLY embarressed, but I know how those pics help me and was happy to see some progress so decided to share. yikes.
Anyway- have a great weekend everyone!
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Old 12-15-2006, 07:50 PM   #510  
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I'm kind of confused today. I took some measurements (just can't help myself), and this is what they are:

Chest: 46
Waist: 45.5
Hips: 49
LThigh: 26
RThigh: 26.5
LArm: 16
RArm: 16

Chest: 46 (0)
Waist: 44.5 (-1)
Hips: 48 (-1)
LThigh: 25.5 (-0.5)
RThigh: 25.75 (-0.75)
LArm: 16.5 (+0.5)
RArm: 16.25 (+0.25)

Now I'm wondering, did I do my first measurements right? Is it even possible to lose an inch in the tummy and another in the hips in under two weeks?

Aside from that, I'm feeling good. I did my workout bright and early instead of waiting for 4 or 5 PM. I ate and apple and a pear and a piece of cheese, then went on a walk with my fiance. For lunch, I had a bologna and cheese sandwich with a little lite ranch on the bread. And I feel really good!
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