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Old 12-04-2006, 11:03 AM   #451  
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Good morning ladies...just popping my head in to say hello and let you know I'm not feeling that great today. Someone is trying to pull my stomach in every direction and sending me back and forth to the bathroom if you know what I mean!

Take care and have a great weight shifting day!
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Old 12-04-2006, 11:08 AM   #452  
Im not fat im fluffy
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hello :d

today was a good day for me. i did some grocery shopping. went past the ice cream
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Old 12-04-2006, 04:23 PM   #453  
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Hi Ladies!

I've been hovering around here for about a week and thought that I would join in. I live in Canada's capital city Ottawa with my husband, son and fairly recently my mom. I've struggled with my weight for most of my life with a few periods of success. When my son was around 3 years old I joined WW and went from 210 lbs to my goal weight of 145... kept it off for about a year until my dad died and went back up to 185. A year or two later, went back to WW and got back down to 155, held steady for another year until my mom had a suicide attempt and came to live with us as a result. That was two years ago and I am right back up to 199...well, I was until last week when I started to really watch what I eat.

I am a runner (even at this size) and run between 18-25 kilometers per week. I also do yoga once a week and would work out even more often if my schedule permitted it. I am an all or nothin' kind of girl so I either like to keep moving or hang out at home with my little family.

I look forward to using this forum as a support system and as a way to keep myself honest.

My big problem.... CHOCOLATE! Honestly, if I was told I only had a short time to live I would subsist on nothing but chocolate. But alas, it is not my friend and I must resist it's smooth and creamy trap.

That is all I can think of as an introduction. I am happy to be here! Ciao.

Last edited by IMWYNEN; 12-04-2006 at 04:38 PM. Reason: added tracker
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Old 12-05-2006, 10:13 AM   #454  
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Good Morning to all . . . and a great big welcoming for you IMWYNEN. Welcome aboard . . . really glad to have you with us.

Well we did get our snow, only a couple of inches, but it is the really wet, heavy stuff. Actually looks rather gorgeous out there. Of course, I'm only saying that because it is the first of the season. After a couple more snowfalls, I won't be so enthralled with the beauty of it any more. Glad to hear Alberta finally starting to warm up a little. I can definitely understand that you are not too excited about snow right now.

Just popping in to mention a new low-cal taste treat I discovered . . . Mango-Lime Salsa . . . absolutely terrific on either fish or chicken. The kind I got is 'President's Choice' which is a Loblaws (Canadian chain) brand, but I imagine there are similar kinds out there in either the International Brand-Names or the US house-brands. Whatever . . . try it, you'll like it.

Well time to get about my business again . . . see you really soon. Just keep things moving and shaking, gang. If we keep on doing the good stuff as much as we can, we will reap the rewards.
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Old 12-05-2006, 11:05 AM   #455  
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Default my journey

hello to all you wonderful ladies!!!

okay here it goes, i am 22 years old and have been with the love of my life since for a year today (today is our one-year anniv) i have pretty much been heavy all my life but in 1999-2000 i was a freshmen in high school and got on the dance team. i lost a little weight and was about 200 then, when second year try-outs came i pulled my hamstring doing the splits and did not make the second year. i got into track and the weight just flew off. i got down to about 170. i stayed around that weight until i graduated high school in 2002, went straight to college and lost some more. in the spring of 2003 i came back home (was not ready for college just yet) and i weighed in at 162.5. i remember exactly what the scale said becuase it was the smallest that i have ever been. i got on the depo shot in march 2003 and man did the weight come back!!! i got on depo because i have really bad cysts on my ovaries that cause crippling cramps and i'd been on the pill since i was 15. when i met my DB i was 195, no i am 223. btw, my DB is and ex-football player and he gets to eat any and everything in sight and not gain a pound, plus he say's "i love you just the way you are, your beautiful" and he hates when i don't eat. oh how jealous of him i am. we used to eat a lot of junk like hamburger helper and pizza. i have been fad dieting for about 3 years now and through the losing 5-10 pounds on them i have gained all that back and more. the final straw was when i put on my big jeans and they were really too small. i started crying!!! i am now living a whole foods lifestyle without bread, pasta and red meat, starchy veggies and fruits (i.e. potaotes and bananas). i eat more veggies and fruit than anything else. my biggest challenge is drinking all my water a day. i've never been a big soda person but i love juice and i know that has a lot os sugar in it, so that's a challenge also. i workout 3x a week at Ladies Workout Express (for those who don't know what that is, it's kinda like curves) i've been at it since november 15 with two break days (thanksgiving and the day after) and so far have lost 5lbs. i want to eventually get down to 135-140, which in my eyes is my ideal weight, but for now i HAVE to get down to 160 by june beacuse i am going on a cruise and i will not go looking like this. all of my family is going and i will not miss out!!!

Last edited by mrsgeb2; 12-06-2006 at 07:10 AM.
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Old 12-05-2006, 12:48 PM   #456  
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hey ladies just wanted to pop in and say hi. I am at home sick today and will not be posting the recipe I promised just yet. The thought of food makes me have to run to the bathroom.

Hope everyone has a good day.

Oh by the way the scales were down to 215 this morning but that might be from lack of eating. LOL oh well its a new number and a good one.
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Old 12-05-2006, 03:07 PM   #457  
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Tina- did you get Robbin sick?! LOL Hope you are both feeling better fast!!

Welcome IMWYNEN and jusj5571! I hope you'll love it hear and stick with us through your weight-loss journey!

Linda- that salsa sounds divine! It's Superstore here that carries the PC brand. Where do you find it in the store? I'm definitely going to try to find it next time I'm there. Enjoy your snow Ours is melting this week.

Chelsea- You're doing great! Way to pass the icecream, lol.

I'm hanging in there. Last week I only had one workout due to my cold, but I was up yesterday morning at 6 and did both my short t-tapp and my 30 minute run. My back has been hurting the last couple days which is making me mad! Not sure if I should exercise today or not. Still have a sinus headache and congestion too. 'Tis the season, I guess.
Scales were 204.4 this morning though. Happy!!

have a great day!
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Old 12-05-2006, 11:28 PM   #458  
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Hi Ladies...Today my baby turned 18 so we all went with her and she got her first tattoo, and then we went out for dinner at Red Robin. On Thursday, I have an appointment with the doctor that did my hysterectomy last year. Starting at the beginning of this year, I would have pain every now and then where my right ovary is, the only thing she left in. This summer it has gotten very painful a few times, but has gone away until yesterday. I was in so much pain yesterday that a couple of times I even doubled over and just moaned. She has also ordered an ultra sound, and I'm dreading that for sure! I've been putting this off, because if I have to have my other ovary removed, I will then have to be on hormone pills, and that's something that I don't want. We shall see what shows up on the test and what she has to say, but I'm a little nervous about it. I have really put this off for awhile now, but my daughter got very upset with me yesterday, because she said what if I might have ovary cancer, or something else, and she started crying, so I immediately got on the phone for an appointment.
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Old 12-06-2006, 06:00 AM   #459  
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Good Morning . . . wow is it ever white and cold this morning . . . and somehow today's snow just isn't as pretty as yesterday's snow . . . guess I'm getting tired of it already.

JUSJ . . . Glad to have you join us on this long and winding road. I'll be looking forward to seeing less of you, more often.

MICHELLE . . . my dear . . . you definitely did the right thing by making that appointment.

EMILY . . . found mine in a special display, but it probably hides in with the other salsas and sauces.

Lots and lots of for everyone else. Hope everything is going well for you all.

The FFM was good to me at my WWI this morning and I got to move my ticker another 1.4 further east. Boy oh boy, I can almost taste those 230's

My morning coffee (and hungry cats) are calling me. Keep on doing that good moving and shaking stuff, gang. I'll see you again soon.
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Old 12-06-2006, 08:46 AM   #460  
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Hey ladies, I found u

I know it has been a long time but you would not believe all the ups and downs I went through with moving... it was one thing after another but I am happy to say I'm finally getting settled in my new home.

I have to say that I have thought about you all often but with the stresses of moving I had not been in the most talkative of moods.

I am glad to report that through it all I have only gained back about 5lbs. Yay for me

I hope everyone is doing good and I look forward to catching up with what's been going on with everyone... btw, I like the new thread name

Talk with u alll soon.
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Old 12-06-2006, 09:46 AM   #461  
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Good morning all,

Well i am still sticking to it. I feel like i have lost some of my vigor, but i am not caving on cravings and not going over my cals, just kind of at the top of my limit for cals. Dont know what the deal is with that. I am finding any excuse i can to not go to the gym. What is up with that. At night, i am planning to go, exciting about getting back to the gym. Morning comes and well, i am cold, stuffy headed, bloated, and just irritable. I took a Dayquil and hopefully that will relieve some of the sinus pressure in my head. But really, even if i didnt have the sinus pressure, would i go to the gym? Probably not. I really just miss my elliptical. I have got to get it working again. That was when i enjoyed exercise the most. I could watch my netflix movies on my laptop while i breezed through my 30 minutes on the elliptical. Now, with the gym, it is like an ordeal to exercise. I dont know, maybe i just want to whine this morning.

Ladylane- Hello. Sounds like you have been busy with a move. That kind of stuff can really throw you off track. So if you are anything like me, then 5 pounds is not that bad at all, i can gain 15 over night it seems with stress like that. You will have that off in no time.

Meowee- That is great about the 1.4 pounds loss. WTG.

Michelle- Get that ovary checked out girl.

Jelynn- Oh my gosh. I am right there with you with the cold/sinus thing. Geeze, does it ever go away. Seems like i have been sick FOREVER and i never get sick....guess i was long over due.

Robbin- Hope you get well soon.

Jusj- Sounds like a good goal about the cruise. I have a spring goal in mind. I am a bridesmaid in a wedding and i REFUSE to be "the fat bridesmaid" i keep that in the back of my head everytime i want to splurge or go off plan in the middle of the far it really keeps me from going overboard.

IMWYNEN- Glad you joined us. Chocolate, yes, that is a big one for me too. I try to keep sugar free chocolate mint cookies on hand, they can curb a sweet tooth but yet i dont over eat them.

Tina- Hope you are feeling better. Seems a lot of us on the board are sick with something.

Ok, time to get crack'n with cleaning the house. Hope you all have a great day towards where you want to be.
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Old 12-06-2006, 02:09 PM   #462  
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Hey ladies, how is everyone today? I am feeling better but not quite up to snuff yet if you know what I mean. I am able to eat today. The scales are being way way to nice to me and I don't know what I am going to do yet. Monday they read 216 yesterday they were 215 today they were 212 and I did not believe them so I changed the battery and still got the same reading. I know it is from lack of eating and spending more time in the bathroom than I would like. I don't feel like I am dehydrated as I have been drinking plenty of water even though I have been sick. I think I am going to change the Ticker to 215 and give it a couple of days to see what happens next. What do all of you think? I think going all the way to 212 from 217 would be way to much and considering I have been sick I think I might put a couple of pounds back on now that I am eating again.

Welcome jusj5571 & IMWYNEN . These ladies are the greatest and I think you will find a great amount of support here.

Lois - Welcome back We have missed you so much. Sorry to hear you had so many problems with moving and hope things are getting better for you.

Linda - I hear you on the snow not so pretty on day # 2. We are on day #5 or 6 and I am now sick of it and ready for it to all melt away.

Michelle - You are right to call the doctor. Take care of yourslef and listen to your daughter.

Jelynn- congrats on the 204.

Tina - hope you are feeling better.

Stacy - We all need to find a way to get our motivation back. If you find it please let me know how.

Ok here is the recipe for the Tortilla soup.

2 Chicken Breast Cut into bite size pieces
1/4 of an onion Chopped
1/4 green pepper Chopped
Saute all of this in a pot using pan spray. When chicken is done add:
2 Cans of Chicken Broth
1 Can Rotel Tomatoes
1 Can Chili Beans Drained
Garlic Powder, Chili Powder, Salt and Pepper to taste.

Simmer for 15 - 20 minutes then thicken with Corn Starch to desired thickness.

The whole recipe has:
Calories 1070
Fat Grams 17.42
Carbs 100.89
Fiber 23.63
Protien 133.51

I can usually get about 6 servings out of it. I serve it with baked tortilla chips and low fat shredded cheddar cheese. MMMM good

Well better get back to work.
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Old 12-07-2006, 10:28 AM   #463  
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Question Is is just me?

Hi everybody. Is it just me or is this time of year just sucking the life right out of you? It's 10:00 am and I already feel like going home and having a nap. Oh well, what can you do?

On the other hand, being this busy has helped me to keep right on target with my eating and I am still finding time for my work-outs. Last night we went on a 7.2km run ( I run with a group from the Running Room) and it was nice cause there was a bit of snow on the ground and there were lots of Christmas lights to look at. I love running in the winter and would choose it over running in the hot and humid july days anyday.

[B]Meowee -[B]You are not far from where I grew up (northern NB) and I would love the opportunity to spend another winter in Atlantic Canada. The pull from the ocean gets stronger every year that I am away.

RVMMM - - Your soup looks delicious. I may try it this coming week-end. It is so important to try new things. I get in a real rut and end up eating the same 5 meals for months on end.

[B]Get n healthy and Jelynn - Thanks for the warm welcome.

Question: How often do you weigh yourselves? I want to do it once a week but keep jumping on every other day to see if there has been a change... I think this is counter productive. Since I am not on any "program" this time, I'm kind of unsure what works best. Any suggestions?

That's all for now ladies,


Last edited by IMWYNEN; 12-07-2006 at 10:35 AM.
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Old 12-07-2006, 11:43 AM   #464  
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Default Happy Thursday!

Hey girlies...well what a week it has been. I've been attacked by something and it's a bugger to fight! I've seen the scales drop as low as 211 (yay! almost ticker!) and then as soon as you start feeling like you can consume again BAM! 214.5 this morning. I'm still not 100%, I'd say stomach feels like I've done 1001 sit-ups in a row. But I'm eager to get back into routine and wondering if I should give it a go today????

Chelsea, how are you doing?

IMWYNEN, welcome! So glad to have you join us. I so envy you being able to run. I watched biggest loser last night and they did a triathalon and I actually thought that that was something that maybe I could do one I nuts!? Did I just say that out loud?! LOL! I like to think that weighing everyday keeps me accountable, but sometimes doing that can bite ya in the rear if you let the #'s you don't like play with your mind.

Linda, yeah..yeah...yeah...that first snow fall fluff really wears off quite quickly. I just phoned city hall to give them a piece of me..(hey, want 45lbs.? LOL! kidding). We live on a main lane and all the little side roads of course turn off of ours and each time they turn they've pushed the snow towards our drive. So it's a guessing game everytime you leave to see whether or not you'll get out and I have a 4x4!!

JusJ5571, welcome aswell! You sound like you have an amazing supporter in that boyfriend of yours! You can do this! Looking forward to riding the waves with ya!

Robbin, girl...I'm feelin' ya! Hope you're feeling better soon, and when that happens you can send it back my way! Soup sounds really yummy, I'll be copy and pasting that baby!

Emily, wasn't me? I promise! Robbin did it all by herself! Love your scale numbers..wanna trade? LOL!

Michelle, yikes! I'm glad you're going to the doc! Hope everything is okay and something that can be handled without surgery. My mom had to have her ovaries remove with her hysterectomy and let me just say...without them life is tough! Those hormone pills are something else. Keep us posted!

Wow Lois! Great to see you! I've often thought about you wondering how you're keeping. Great job, I mean awesome job only gaining 5lbs. throughout all that stress. Glad you're back and in the game!

Stacy, I got a feeling it's this time of year that's muddled our efforts. I feel like we're bombarded when winter comes. Because you get sick, your kids get sick, then you have to shop and decorate for Christmas...yada yada yada! I'm so glad you're still sticking to your guns though, it's such an inspiration!

Well, I'm seriously thinking of doing some sort of exercise. My stomach has been steady for at least this long...lets see how much more longer it'll last..LOL!

Have a great day!
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Old 12-07-2006, 04:41 PM   #465  
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Hi gang . . . Nova Scotia is losing its snow again . . . 8C (46F) and raining today. Now it is really mucky and wet out there . . . of course, it will probably freeze up overnight. Wow, I'm glad I don't have to go anywhere first thing in the morning.

Looks like I'm having one of my "20% days". Took my good friend to Swiss Chalet for her birthday lunch and did fine (no skin and no potatoes) but I also finished off the 5 Lindor Truffles that came with the meal. Oh well, they were delicious and at 80 calories each they were 'only' 400 extra calories. Not as bad as my 700 calories of Tim Bits from a week and a half ago. Actually, because the truffles get the majority of their calories from fat, they were a lot better than the Tim Bits, which get the majority of their calories from flour and sugar. At least, from the point of view of my diabetes. Hey, at this time of year, I can rationalize anything.

LOIS . . . Good to see you. Moving is definitely one of life's major stressors . . . glad to hear things have finally settled down for you.

STACY . . . Good work sticking to your eating plan, girl. Hope you get the elliptical fixed soon.

ROBBIN . . . Those daily fluctuations are the reason I only seriously count my official WWI weight. Although almost every week, I seem to have at least one day when I get on the scale just to take a peek. Hope it stays down there for you.

IMWYNEN . . . Funny how life moves us around . . . I'm a native Torontonian. I know what you mean about the pull of the sea, though . . . some how Lake Ontario doesn't have the same lure. As mentioned to Robbin, I officially weigh myself on Wednesday although I do get on the scale a couple of other times during the week. I wish I had the willpower to only get on the silly things about once a month, but I know I don't.

TINA . . . So glad to hear you are feeling better. Try not to overdo it, though. Wow, girl, I'm very glad not to have your snow. I know my DS and DDIL have been buried under it in Bonnyville, too. As he joked . . . in Alberta you don't talk about if it's cold and snowy, but rather about how cold and how deep.

Well . . . think I'll go play my new video before dinner and maybe I can scare off some of those truffles . . . you'll probably think I'm crazy but I just bought myself a "Crazy Frog" video. Since I always want to dance when one of those shorts comes on TV, thought it might prove to be good exercise. At least at this time of year, the kid in the store figured the old lady was buying it as a Christmas gift for a kid. He doesn't need to know the truth.

Have a good moving and shaking evening everybody. Keep doing the good stuff just as much as you can. It will pay off in the long run.
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